Dress my Exo Suit Mini-challenge

    Bob De Quatre
    By Bob De Quatre,

    Voting has started for the Dress my Exo Suit Mini-challenge!

    Head over for the Sci-Fi forum and vote for your favorites entries!

    Eurobricks Middle Earth Contest

    By Ecclesiastes,


    Put on your boots and coat, bringing a sword might be handy as well and join us on a journey through Middle Earth to experience lots of adventures!

    Land Rover Discovery 3

    By Jim,

    Every once in a while you stumble upon a LEGO model, which requires a second look to verify that it's actually a LEGO model.

    EB member Chapachuck has created this magnificent Land Rover Discovery 3, which definitely requires a second look.


    Matt's Masks

    By Rick,

    cimddwc has modularised his copy of the Simpsons House. However, he didn't just shrink the width to 32 studs, but gave it a real twist.


    Check out Matt's Masks in the Town forum.

    Streets of Barqa

    By ZCerberus,

    Guilds of Historica superstar Gideon displays his awesome new Kaliphlin MOC "Streets of Barqa".


    Not only is this overview spectacular, but the whole scene is laced with working lights! Click the link to view the topic.

    If you're ready to join a Guild, check out the new member guide here.

    Interview with film-maker Philip Heinrich

    By Darkdragon,


    Have you ever wondered how and why brick films come to life? Well, your chance to learn may just be on the horizon! Philip Heinrich and his team are working on producing a full-length documenary film about the culture and creation of brick films.


    Join us in the Brick Flicks & Comics forum for an interview with Philip to learn more about this project and how you can help.

    Bandit's Secret Hide-Out

    By Ecclesiastes,

    Now and then an Afol's memories drift back to childhood. And remembering those fun sets can result in a re-make. Just like Swan Dutchman did with set 6761. And he did it in a wonderful way!


    Check out more photo's in History Forum!

    REVIEW: Shell promotional sets

    By Rick,

    Licensed Regulator and Reviewers Academy Teacher Clone O'Patra reviews the latest Shell promotional sets which are currently available at petrol stations in Singapore.


    Check out the review in the Licensed Themes forum and stay tuned for the review of the other sets in this series.

    Turtle Contest Poster revealed!

    Bob De Quatre
    By Bob De Quatre,

    The LEGO Group has revealed the awaited Turtle Contest poster, that features winners of the contest, Peter's original turtle design and turtles selected by the jury.


    Citroen DS Moc!

    By CopMike,


    Picture photoshopped by CopMike

    Wow - wouldn´t you like to glide down the LEGO Modular Buildings street in this beauty :wub:?!

    Drive down to the Special LEGO Themes forum and check out this amazing beauty and all the details and get the full story!

    Great Elk Longhouse

    By CopMike,


    Picture photoshopped by CopMike

    March over to the LEGO Historic themes subforum Guilds of Historica and check out this beatiful longhouse with belltower by soccerkid6.

    Bionicle Confirmed for 2015

    By VBBN,

    Folks from BZPower have discovered the product page image on Lego.com for the next Lego Action Figure theme: The return of Bionicle.


    This gives us our first clear look at a mysterious mask, and confirms the rumors that Bionicle may be returning.

    Be sure to jump on over to the Bionicle 2015 Discussion topic to discuss this news!

    LEGO Review: 10245 Santa's Workshop

    By Jim,

    Our very own LEGO Collectable Minifigures expert WhiteFang is on a reviewing spree. After his recent outstanding review of the LEGO CMF Series 12 and

    , he has been helping Santa to build his new workshop.

    Ho-Ho-Ho! Hop on the sleigh and fly to the Eurobricks Town Forum to check it out.


    The Company of Thorin Oakenshield

    By Ecclesiastes,

    We've seen some of Pate-keetongu's dwarves on the frontpage already. But he finally completed all of them, so feast your eyes on the whole bunch!



    Check out more photo's in History Forum!

    Turtle Contest Prizewinners Announced!

    By Rufus,

    The Turtle Contest Prizewinners are announced!



    The LEGO Group's expert judging panel have determined the prize winning entries of the Turtle Competition. Click the banner to see the results in the Special Themes Forum!

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