
Eurobricks Knights
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About BrickMatit

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    Harry Potter, Castle, Adventure, Pirates
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    Hogsmeade Village Visit


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  1. BrickMatit

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    As @Accio Lego said, simply comparing the two sets the new Burrow is by far better than the old one. It's bigger, it has more rooms, it has a lot of references - stickers, but that's simply LEGO strategy - and details, it has all the Weasley family in an interesting variant - and Molly is an truly update version of her past minifigures - and from a collectors' point of view and it's also good to expose. If you're into Weasleys, this is probably a must have. Of course, any LEGO buyers can have its own reasons to not buy it - I won't, for example: it could be too big to expose - depending on how much free space you have or how you want your Harry Potter LEGO collection to appear; it could be too expensive; it could be not interesting, if you're not so much into the location or the Weasley family; it could be useless, if you already have the previous Burrow and most of the Weasley, you're not so interested in having new variants and you're good with what you have; and so on (in my case it's a mix of this reasons). It has some minor issues, like the nearly absent living room compared to the old Burrow and the ghoul in the attic and gnomes in the garden tragically absent considering it's a collectors' and definitive edition (but those aren't also in the old Burrow, this is just a personal complaining). There some interesting characters in the old Burrow - Greyback and Tonks, but nothing you couldn't easily find on second hand market. In the end, considering what you say in your question, I would suggest you to bought the new Burrow.
  2. This is surely a well done set, very well done... but it's difficult for me to find interesting - in general - in this type of sets. Somehow too detailed, too moc-ish style, too perfect. And in this case too big for my home An appreciation for the designer and good luck with this set, but sincerelly not my cup of tea. Just out of curiosity, why it's not right for you?
  3. BrickMatit

    [OFFICIAL] 10320 Eldorado Fortress - Available NOW

    I've seen it now, I'll probably leave a message in the other thread.
  4. BrickMatit

    [OFFICIAL] 10320 Eldorado Fortress - Available NOW

    Just finished some days ago to build Eldorado Fortress... this is, simply, amazing I've never had a lot of Imperials & Pirates sets, only two little ones from 2009 (Kraken attackin' and Cannon Battle) -so I've nothing to compare Eldorado to - but this theme always enchanted me. Now this set... I built it with my brother and we had a lot of fun! Probably there is something minor fixes to do and in the future I could decided to modify the set, but for me it's already perfect as it is. Now it's almost time, near my birthday, to open and build my present: Pirate Ship 3 in 1. In the future I wouldn't mind some new sets with Imperials & Pirates: another ship or a pirate cove or a treasure island.
  5. BrickMatit

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    In general I tend to avoid buying LEGO set on day one unless there's an interesting GWP. And in any case I prefer looking for better prices than LEGO ones - even considering double insider point. This year I delayed on purpose the purchase of Durmstrang Ship and Aragog sets waiting for the 1st of September. So Durmstrang Ship will be my choice. I'm not sure I will, in the end, buy this collector Burrow, but in any case I'll wait untill the next year, considering I'm not interested in the Weasley Clock gift.
  6. BrickMatit

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Yes, as you can see on the Back to Hogwarts LEGO page. LEGO® Back to Hogwarts™ | Official LEGO® Shop US
  7. BrickMatit

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    And for Borgin & Burkes: Floo Network - as stated on Stone Wars and on LEGO shop page - the threshold is 130€ of Harry Potter products, while for Draco in the Forbidden Forest is 40€.
  8. BrickMatit

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    The same image, I suppose, is on StoneWars. Revealing is near.
  9. BrickMatit

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    According to exabrickslegogo_ on IG The Burrow will be officially revealed in the first half of next week.
  10. BrickMatit

    Have you ever found Lego pieces outdoors?

    Once I found a skull on the banks of a lake, between some rocks, near the water. I was a kid - probably it was in the end of the Nineties - and it was my first skull. At that time I had only a few small sets: 3 or 4 from town and 3 or 4 from fright knights.
  11. BrickMatit

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I wouldn't count too much on this LEGO statement to imagine what will or won't be in the new Hogwarts, first of all cause it's, well, marketing and secondly cause, in my opinion, "most detailed" refers more to the general appearance of the castle than to what there's inside. So said, I wouldn't rule out PS challenges from the future sets, even if I see more likely having a small switchable set with the final challenge with Voldemort or a new chamber of secrets in 2026.
  12. BrickMatit

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    In my opinion, we won't see a Borgin and Burkes set to be paired with Diagon Alley and Gringotts simply because we have this GWP that covers half of the things that should be in the shop. Anyway, it wouldn't be impossible for LEGO to produce Borgin and Burkes and paired it with an important missing location: Leaky Cauldron. Put in a transition zone in the middle and a London street on one side, call the set Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley and you'll probably have a nice set.
  13. BrickMatit

    [MOC] Ravenclaw common room

    Well... just for the music in the video you deserve my enthusiastic appreciation But the building is lovely too. Elegant and graceful, with enough people, furniture and objects to make it alive. Interesting the use of the window lattice in the lower part of the library.
  14. BrickMatit

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    The Burrow is a promising set. Not sure if I'll buy it, in the end, unfortunately space is something to keep in consideration (also money, but I can save enough to buy the set, not to enlarge my home ). Surely I hope the GWP, if it will a good one, being avaible not only by purchasing The Burrow. For this reason I've not buy Durmstrang Ship, Aragog and Ford Anglia yet.