
Eurobricks Knights
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About Ellisss_2

  • Birthday March 28

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Lego Star Wars
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    UCS Venator

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    United Kingdom
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  1. Ellisss_2

    UCS Rancor

    Fantastic build, great alternative to the now very expensive mould.
  2. Ellisss_2

    Kom'rk Mandalorian Gauntlet

    Nice build, I like the use of the masonry bricks.
  3. Ellisss_2

    [MOC] UCS Jedi Defender Class Light Corvette

    Fantastic build, I particularly like how you’ve achieved the downwards slope it blends excellently!
  4. Malak looks great, will definitely Bricklink him separately. Pleased to see no anniversary prints on the minifigures too.
  5. Looking great, any plans to build this one?
  6. The Venator is amazing I would have preferred a Revenge of the Sith version, however it is nice to see this variation as most MOCs are based on episode 3.
  7. Ellisss_2

    [MOC] Custom Republic Gunship

    Amazing build, nice to see a unique variation.
  8. Ellisss_2

    [MOC] UCS Harrower-Class Dreadnought

    Thank you all for your comments, sorry for the long reply I've been on holiday @Guyinaplaguemask I'm possibly going to make a second version with the round engines as this is what I originally designed it with anyway. @Anio Thanks, I went for the "classic" style big scale star destroyer frame in the end I've attached a render of the internal structure: @Mandalorianknight It has been a very long ongoing project, thank you very much! @Mordt Thank you!
  9. Here is my "UCS" rendition of the Harrower-Class Dreadnought from the Old-Republic game. The final model contains 6408 bricks and measures: 95cm x 68cm x 30cm. 1311 Page HD Professional instruction booklet available for £20 by emailing me: eclayforth@outlook.com The WIP thread can be found here: Inspiration for the top and bottom superstructures was taken from SwanDutchman's model: https://www.flickr.com/people/swandutchman/
  10. Ellisss_2

    [MOC] UCS Harrower-Class Dreadnought (WIP)

    The model is now finished, with a completed PDF instruction manual releasing soon. Here is the last page from the instructions showing the completed model, I will post some physical photos soon.
  11. Ellisss_2

    [MOC] Battle of Umbara

    Great build I like the technique using the tyres.
  12. Ellisss_2

    [MOC] SWTOR speeder bikes

    Beautiful designs, nice to see some SWTOR builds.
  13. Ellisss_2

    [MOC] UCS Harrower-Class Dreadnought (WIP)

    Thank you! I’ll be designing it with the round engines for now, but I might make both versions.
  14. Ellisss_2

    [MOC] UCS Harrower-Class Dreadnought (WIP)

    Updated thread with most recent images, please let me know what you all think.