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Found 58 results

  1. sander1992

    Various Castle Builds

    Hi everyone, To make it easier for me, one topic for all my builds. Just a small overview of my builds of the past few years. To celebrate the anniversary of Knights Kingdom. My own version of the set Ghostly Hideout. And of course Forestmens' Hideout. A small confrontation between two wizards in the forest with the Forestmen watching from a short distance. The return of the Black Monarch to the western border of their lands. A small castle for the Black Crows. This was build to inspire people to build for a contest on the LOWLUG forum. Battle of the old ruins of Lyon's Keep. The Storage of Rayne the Red. This was also build to inspire people to build for a contest on the LOWLUG forum. On the road! The carriage of the Black Knights on the road. Be aware of the Wolfpack! My two new additions to the list. A small cart for the "Bear" Knights of the CMF series. And my own interpretation of the Dragon Wagon. For more pictures please look into my Flickr album. Feedback and questions are welcome.
  2. DISCORD: 2018 Note: Unsurprisingly, there have been a few minor changes since 2014 - RA 2014 Note: Since it has been mentioned various times that Guilds of Historica is "hard to understand as a new builder" I thought I would revamp this a little. I originally wrote it before I was one of the guild leaders, and it is still unfinished, but any comments on things to add would be appreciated. 2013 Note: Since this has been mentioned countless times in the last two weeks, I started it. It is not finished, I just wanted to get the basics up. Please feel free to comment critique, and to add to it. I will try to keep it regularly updated. Guilds of Historica New Member Guide Hello fellow adventurer, it looks like you have decided to move to the land of Historica to join us in our quest to flesh out one of the greatest Lego stories ever told. I have prepared this guide to help “ease” you into the guilds project. Perhaps the first question we should answer is “What is the Guilds of Historica?” The simple answer is that it is a building community on Eurobricks that is open to all who wish to join. We tell stories about a land called Historica which currently has five guilds. Each member joins a guild, and builds to win points (Gold Darics) for their guild and to better their building skills. At any given time of the year there may be one or more building challenges that a builder may win recognition and sometimes prizes for themselves. The current official description by ZCerberus is: “The Guilds are a Castle MOCers paradise where builders can connect with other castle fans to build in a connected world of five distinct Guilds, each with their own territory, history, and geography. The world grows as builders compete in challenges to win prizes, enhance their building skills and progress the official lore of Historica. Guilds score gold by competing in challenges and by "free building" in their own guild to grow their world.” Table of Contents 1.0 Choosing a faction 1.1 Choosing a Signature Figure 1.2 Common starting questions 2.0 General Guilds of Historica Guidelines 2.1 Where are we now? 3.0 Some links to important Guilds of Historica information. 1.0 Choosing a Faction The first thing a new builder needs to do is choose a faction. Currently four of the five guilds are open to members. Avalonia – A land of that reminds us of Arthurian legend and classic European medieval style. Kaliphlin – A land where desert culture has become king, but also one of the more diverse styled guilds ranging from Mediterranean to Middle Eastern, and from the Far East to pre-Columbian American. Mitgardia – The northern guild, which is more akin to Norse tradition along with some of the other northeastern European styles. Varlyrio - the western island guild, similar to the Mediterranean on the east, dry wasteland in the west, the Venetian capital is closer to Renaissance in feel then the rest of the Guilds. CLOSED GUILDS - While members can still build here, new members can no longer join this Guild, and it is no longer included in challenge participation. Nocturnus – A guild of pure and dark fantasy for the most part, but elements of each of the guilds in its own twisted style. As a new builder you should decide to join the guild which you feel the most akin to. Are you looking to step outside of your building comfort zone? Are you looking to stay within the bounds of your own collection? These are all questions you might want to ask yourself. For example, conventionally, you may need a lot of tan pieces to build in Kaliphlin, you may need a lot of white pieces to build in Mitgardia, or a lot foliage to build in Avalonia. (There is no rule that says you need any of this, but there is a common consensus that these elements make it easier). If you think your lack of a certain type of piece will slow you down, maybe another guild is right for you. I personally would suggest joining the guild that most interests you and to start building your collection in that direction. Others will suggest the opposite. Varlyrio is the newest Guild, first opened to members in mid-2018 1.1 Choosing a Signature Figure After choosing a guild, it is time to choose your signature figure. This figure represents you in the builds that you will be making and in the builds of others (with your permission, of course). You will need to introduce your signature figure in a post in the homepage thread of your chosen guild. Most members post a backstory to their “sig fig” in their initial post. This can really be anything, that is the beauty of the Guilds of Historica – although there is some “cannon” history, it is open enough that whatever you make can stand. IF you want to be an ex-slave looking for a new life, you can. If you want to be a high lord of Avalonia, you can! If you want to be a peaceful farmer, you can! Please remember that your signature figure doesn’t have to appear in your builds, but you do need to have one for scoring purposes. (It is also good to have an “In Character” voice to speak with.) 1.2 Common starting questions: Can I have more than one character? Yes! Although one should be your sig fig, and your main character, you can have as many other characters as you wish. The world needs populated after all! Can I join Nocturnus? No, Nocturnus is no longer available to new builders. That guild is available for anyone to build in, but it does not have an open membership. This Guild is no longer included in the active Challenge and Build system of Book III. Can I be a wizard, mage, witch, omnipotent death god? Well, errr…. Yes? You have to remember since this is a community, it might be hard to get everyone on board with a superhuman being that could “consume the Avalonians with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his bum.” ~ Victor Revolword. Which guild is the best to join? They are all the best! Pick whichever you have the most interest in. What kind of challenges are there? 1) Overarching story line challenges are: civil war in all the guilds in turn which give you a couple of months to build. 2) "Mini challenges" set as a contest within your guild in between the civil war challenges, with lower stakes (?) And typically shorter deadlines, such as the Sultan's Gate community build. 3) Ongoing skills development challenges like the ages of Mitgardia or the Albion community build. These are basically open ended and which are measured by your own progress rather than in competition with other builders. Participation in any of these is entirely optional and up to you. Some people do all of them, some do one only, some do one and skip a few and then do another. I am lost, there is so much history to learn! There is already a lot of history, but the Wiki along with our very helpful membership base is willing to help you out along the way. Also, as I said before, there is so much Historica, if you just start creating, it is unlikely you will come into conflict with other storylines. Lastly, there is always some good bedtime reading buried in the many threads of the forum. Wow, I want to get into GoH, but I would like to learn more, where can I go? I am glad you asked, here are some helpful links: Some people here have a shield tag with the colors of their guild. What do you have to do to get such a tag? Those builders participated in Book I challenges. We are currently in Book II, but those who participate in these challenges should also have a chance to earn a special shield. The Historica City Guide The GoH Wiki(not a Eurobricks link) Nice Marmot's map-making guide A good post by Gabe on how to get your small collection to a more useful collection when just starting off with GOH Some fun, ongoing projects that you can join right away! The University of Petraea's Doctorate of Historica Program University Tracking Thread Age of Mitgardia List of Historican Settlements Current Gold Standings for the Guilds (As of Bk. III Ch. III FB Period 3 8-4-2019): Avalonia: 678 gold Mitgardia: 501 gold Varlyrio: 409 gold Kaliphlin: 331 gold
  3. Hi everybody, Hopefully I'm in the right section. So, I don't own an Axl from Nexo Knights and after looking at the images online, it looks like his torso is made of two parts: one minifigure torso, and the top bit that attaches to it. Could anybody take a photo of the inside of the torso for me? I am very curious, I wonder if the two parts can be separated. If so, I hope the print on the bottom part covers the full torso, I'd like to use it to make a normal-sized Axl. Thanks! EDIT: Since I posted this, I have bought an Axl myself, and I can confirm that the piece does not attach through the arm holes. I believe it is glued at this point, but I am not interested in breaking it for confirmation. I can post specific photos if requested.
  4. The Ruins of Green Mire Keep I present my MOC of the ruins of an old keep. A Knight and his guards hire a local peasant to lead them to these mysterious ruins known for strange goings on. These ruins seem to have become the home of a Necromancer. Thank you for checking out my MOC! The Ruins of Green Mire Keep by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr The Ruins of Green Mire Keep by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr The Ruins of Green Mire Keep by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr The Ruins of Green Mire Keep by Nicholas Goodman, on Flickr
  5. The Queen celebrates her birthday on the 25th of December, many guest come to celebrate with her, even the dwarven king of Tondelheim. On this bright moonlit night, many festivities are planned, however the queen isn't very impressed by the jester. Visit the Queen by moonlight by Ids, on Flickr For a better view of the King and Queen: The King of the Hill, over there, somewhere by Ids, on Flickr Some background info, the scene is lit using 6 old 12V train lights, this gives the needed warm light for the scene. For the moonlight I used an old phone as a flashlight (nice white LED light) and for the candle on the table to the right, with the King and Queen, I used an exo-force "Fiber Optics Cable Wide 20L" which runs through the candle, table, and wall behind the figs, there it is lit using another flashlight. The stained glass is build around an old Knights Kingdom panel, which was a bit difficult to incorporate because I did not want to use the piece that is normally used. I used a bunch of animals, can you spot them all. Thanks for looking and I am always happy to hear some comments.
  6. Peppermint_M

    The Red Fort

    The Red Fort, or Gaer Goch in Welsh, is a small fortification built to keep the local area under the authority of the King. He has installed his Sheriff and a small garrison of men to guard the keep. Two local peasants are allowed on the grounds, for a share of their produce they can fish and graze their livestock. The keep of the fort, I have made the top floor a little fancy for the sheriff to be comfortable, and put in a few details to break up the walls. The keep has a connected tower for a watchman to look out over the land. A local rascal seems to have bagged herself some game, daringly close to the castle. The side of the gatehouse and the second tower. Guards and knights populate the fort, some knights are simply visiting as they travel from place to place. The travelling fool visits the manors and inns of the county, his little dog part of the act. He has been asked to stay a few days, the Sheriff has guests and would like to entertain them. The plan from above, you can see the well inside the castle, the angled walls I put in to place, the wall walk around the whole space. The footprint is two 32x32 baseplates, minus a quarter at the overlap. The guards and knights were chosen for their colours and the fact I used the Dragon knights for my Yellow Castle project. The Sheriff and his wife with their little dog were a final touch. I built this during lockdown in 2020, it has taken me a while to get around to photographing it. I went over to Caldicot Castle to take the photos, it makes for a good backdrop. The build process is over in my Instagram photos. I am peppermint_builds if you would like to take a look. I have been a little inactive over 2021 so most images are easy to find. If people are interested, I can post them here properly. Hope you enjoy my classic styled build
  7. the Inventor

    [MOC] Falkborg castle

    Falkborg castle is located at the edge of the Whispering Woods, a magical forest that draws all kinds of adventures for its hidden secrets. Please watch until the end, I had too much fun making it. And some photos: Falkborg castle - main by Ids, on Flickr Falkborg castle - top by Ids, on Flickr Falkborg castle - front by Ids, on Flickr Falkborg castle - right by Ids, on Flickr Falkborg castle - rear by Ids, on Flickr Falkborg castle - left by Ids, on Flickr Falkborg castle - details by Ids, on Flickr Svyatobor's attack by Ids, on Flickr Thanks for watching.
  8. Isabela Montegro had grown up in an Eslandolan castle surrounded by old suits of armor. Her family's history stretched back nearly a thousand years in that part of Eslandola. As a young girl she had loved listening to her father tell stories of chivalrous knights and proud kings. Now the proud wife of merchant Javier Montegro, Isabela lived in the Eslandolan settlement of Punto Sur. In order to bring a smile to her face, her husband had built their new home to look like a miniature castle. On gorgeous summer days they would sip brandy on the roof parapets. To celebrate Oktoberfest, the Montegros sponsored a local joust! Two stablehands volunteered to be the knights and the Montegros provided blunt wooden lances and suits of armor. The dragons were pitted against the lions, and much of the town came to cheer on the spectacle! --------------------- OOC: My submission to the Oktoberfest 621 competition. I may have mistaken 'Classic' in the competition description for Classic Castle To be licensed as a medium residence in Punto Sur
  9. PirateRoberts

    [MOC] Castles over the years

    Some Castles Ive made over the years. Its been a blast building them all. Focusing on pirates now but ill go back eventually.
  10. Hi everyone, I just finished my castle project of the castle Falkenstein in Austria. The castle consists of more than 14.000 pieces and was designed by Giuseppe Pelliccioni, so it's not my creation. What do you think about this castle? In my opinion it was worth building it :)
  11. Hi everyone, After a short period of war, the Black Knights have returned to the western border close to the forest where the forestmen live. A group continu to march to the outpost not that far ahead. For more pictures, please visit my Flickr album. Sander
  12. Hello! I am a LEGO Castle Classic fan and still I have the old sets I had as a kid. I would like to shared my Black Knight’s Fortress version.
  13. Alpine Builder

    [MOC] Secret of the Castle

    Hi all! I want to share my classic castle creation "Secret of the Castle". I was inspired by the 35th Anniversary of Black Falcons and Lion Knights / Crusaders (1984 - 2019), and I wanted to celebrate it by creating this MOC. I submitted it to "Lego Ideas" two days ago, so if you like it you can support it there: If enough Historic-themed projects get a large amount of supporters on "Lego Ideas", maybe the Lego Group will realize there is enough interest in those kind of themes and they will finaly release some new historic-themed sets. Story The prince and the princess are in love with each other. Since they come from warring factions, their love must stay secret for now. He came all the way from his castle to see her, bringing her flowers from a forest. But will castle guards notice him? And will he return safely home through the dark forest, where outlaws are preparing an ambush? Design I designed this MOC to be an interesting model as a standalone set, with excellent play value. At the same time, I made sure that it fits nicely with classic Lego Castle sets, by using styles and standards of modular castle design from the 80s. It can be connected to any Castle building from that period (by using Technic pins at the ends of the castle walls). The color palette is limited intentionally so that it reflects the style of the classic Castle sets, because my goal was to give this MOC a strong "retro feel". Minifigures The princess and the prince are new miifigures, and the other minifigures have updated torso designs based on the designs from the 80s. All minifigures have two different faces - a classic "standard grin" face, and a face with modern design. The castle guards, Princess and Prince have double-faced heads (since their hair / helmet / hood covers the back of their heads). Two heads would be provided for the Forestwoman and Forestman (since their caps do not cover the back of their heads). Parts The total number of parts is 925. All parts are current - virtually all can be found in different sets released during 2018 / 2019 (some in a different color than in this set). Therefore, molds for all those parts should be available and so Lego would not have any problems producing them. Only new prints / stickers would be needed. I integrated some of the new elements and utensils in this build (for example, new types of panels and windows, new arches, flames on the torches, sack, pot, new sword, etc), but I chose only those that hopefully don't stand out too much from the "classic style". A new variant of Black Falcon’s shield is included, with whole Falcon in black color on white background.
  14. Hi! Some time ago I start built my medieval Trebuchet MOC, based on my first design from 2010 year. The final project is ready! What's more, it will be part of my new diorama! The project "The Siege of Bricks" will be diorama in a winter world, my army will be preparing to siege the city (that will be built by my friend form Cube Brick YT channel. Going back to the Trebuchet - it's contain 300 parts, range is 6-7 meters, which I consider a huge success because the initial range was 3 meters. You can find more about this construction on my YouTube - Edge of Bricks (link below), where you can see how this machine works and more about the project The tutorial will be available soon!
  15. PirateRoberts

    (MOC) Castle on the Rock

    Made this a few months ago. Playing with open backs for interior. Simple design for a classic castle look. Enjoy!
  16. Hi, hopefully this is the right section! This Moc is a 3 vs 3 fight titled "Battle of boundary stream" that I built digitally using mecabricks, to test out the rendering capabilities. Trouble is brewing on the frontier and border clashes are growing in frequency. The northern wolfpack kingdom has taken to raiding the border towns in the black falcon kingdom, in retribution for falcon settlers poaching wild game, diverting water, and cutting down forest on the wrong side of the border. Knights of the yellow and black order have been dispatched to guard the border. On this fateful day at the stream that marks the boundary of the two kingdoms, 3 warriors from each side clash in heated combat. Who do you think would win the Wolfpack or the Black Falcons? Instagram profile @bonobobricks
  17. sander1992

    Fright Knights

    Hi everyone, I have build a landscape of 1 by 1 meter based on the Fright Knights. The landscape will be shown at Lego World in the Netherlands in October. In the landscape is a ruin on the right back corner, which is based on set 6087. The Castle is based on set 6097 (of course) and I wanted the rocks be similar to those in the catalogs from 1997. In the left part of the rocks is a dragon head that can move forward and back. If it moves forward the mouth will open. It is powered by PF. On the top are a few small houses, which are based on the houses in the Lego Game: Lego Racers. In the front is a forest which is the territory of the Dark Forest. The Royal Knights are attacking the Fright Knights. For more pictures, go to my Flickr album. Feedback and questions are welcome. Sander
  18. Thought i'd share my latest project, i would love to hear some feedback and thoughts before i upload this to lego ideas on monday
  19. Hello, Some of you might have already seen this thanks to @leafan's thread on Historical/Castle projects currently posted on LEGO Ideas (thanks again for sharing!). My latest entry - The Modular Knight's Castle is my humble attempt to bring back the good old Castle back on the shop shelves. It consists of six basic types of modules that allow you to rearrange your castle fairly quickly and easily. Some of the modules like the walls and the main gate consist of hinged segments to provide good flexibility in terms of shaping the castle as well. I have tried to make it as playable as I could by including features such as a working portcullis and a drawbridge operated with a windlass. There is also a lot of space to place your knights on top of the walls and battlements and inside the towers. A siege tower with a folded bridge is also included in the set to add even more playability . The entire build (as well as each and every one of the modules of course) is very sturdy - the castle is actually used by a six years old for almost a year now, and still remains intact (can't say the same about some of the knights unfortunately ). If you want to read more about the project and maybe fancy supporting me on my quest, you can find it in here: The Modular Knight's Castle Thanks! The Modular Knight's Castle by Michał Piotrewicz, on Flickr The Modular Knight's Castle by Michał Piotrewicz, on Flickr The Modular Knight's Castle by Michał Piotrewicz, on Flickr The Modular Knight's Castle by Michał Piotrewicz, on Flickr The Modular Knight's Castle by Michał Piotrewicz, on Flickr The Modular Knight's Castle by Michał Piotrewicz, on Flickr The Modular Knight's Castle by Michał Piotrewicz, on Flickr
  20. Sirius91

    Royal Joust is coming!

    Royal Knights are preparing to rivalry. As hosts, they have to bring the glory to thier King and Kingdom! My first entry to Royal Joust Zbudujmy to! (Let's build it!) Lug Collaboration. Another one will be presented soon. Also stay tuned for my friends entries!
  21. Hi all - When my sons got into Duplos in 2016, Lego had recently released the Lion Knight and Eagle Knight lines, which are kid-friendlier sets than the more historically accurate Castle sets from the early 2000s. The more recent Lion Knight and Eagle Knight sets didn’t come with shields, so we recently used stickers to customize Duplo knight shields from earlier knight sets to have the lion and eagle knight logos/colors. Has anyone else made this sort of custom shield decal for Duplo? I saw some internet results for little legos, but not Duplos, so I ended up creating design files from measurements. You can see a full write-up here, along with vector design files to make your own shield decals:
  22. Hi all - I've been getting into Duplo castle/knight sets with my 4yo and 2yo sons over the last year. This past summer I made a blog post about reconfiguring Duplo figures to make custom ones, and thought it might be of interest here! You can see the post here: Has anyone else made custom Duplo figures?
  23. Sirius91

    [MOC]Royal Joust

    Royal Joust begins! Knights of all factions came to capital to take part in Royal Joust and rival for chivalrous fame. In a moment we will see a clash of young daredevil who will stand against terrifying warrior. My second entry for Royal Joust Zbudujmy to! (Let's build it!) Lug Collaboration. Stay tuned for another competitions in my friends MOCs!
  24. PaddyBricksplitter

    [MOC] Dark Lord

    Hi all. I usually build sci-fi but there is always a good time to try something different. Here is an moc I built that was inspired by D&D and some pieces from the Knights Kingdom figures. Hope ya like it :)
  25. I decided The Nexo Knights Volcano Lair playset needed a little something extra... I added a Skull tower with a throne and a platform for adding ingredients into a cauldron for mixing up magical mischief... Work in progress image... Best picture I could get of the throne