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About Peppermint_M

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    Likes chess.
  • Birthday 10/28/1988

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    The Planet Zi
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    LEGO (duh). Zoids and other mecha. History. Swords. Books upon books upon books. SciFi and comics. Learning. Collecting things.


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  1. Peppermint_M

    Acrylic cases damaging Lego long term fears?

    Most plastic needs other environmental factors to seriously degrade. It's best to keep it out of direct sunlight, but that's best for the Lego too. I don't think a normal space would cause issues.
  2. Peppermint_M

    Unpopular Opinions about LEGO

    It really is not a good idea to get that attitude or to suggest that you have created multiple accounts. @Aanchiris correct and seems to have done a great job de-escalating things. Cheers. Moderators are here to keep the site a pleasant place for everyone and prevent the online equivalent of a bar brawl. (At least on EB, I know some places are free for all). So I will post to remind people to cool down a little. Yeah, I draw a bit more ire for it, but I love this community and want to keep it great for everyone.
  3. Peppermint_M

    Unpopular Opinions about LEGO

    Okay, I think you both need to calm down and step away for a bit. The stepping away can be enforced if needs be.
  4. Peppermint_M

    REQUEST Name Change HERE

    All sorted. Reasonable enough requests are fine, thought I am not sure what terrible result there would be having your name attached to an AFOL site. I use my being a long term staffer on my CV! And, mistakes are easy to make. Combustible ice, is more fun than Lice, isn't it!
  5. Peppermint_M

    Have you ever found Lego pieces outdoors?

    I actually spotted one of the old ski/skid parts out on a street yesterday! It was quite roughed up, but very close to a driveway full of scooters and toys, so I left it alone as it would certainly belong to someone in the house. Am I too terminally online, to have thought about this thread as soon as I saw it?
  6. Peppermint_M

    Lego Brick Take Back Trade in Program

    If you are close to a third party place the prices could be better, but if you have to start factoring in travel time/fuel spend, it might be better to just post it in and reconcile the lower cashback against the money it would take to transport it elsewhere.
  7. Peppermint_M

    Unpopular Opinions about LEGO

    It is very funny to mention bread, as historically (in the UK at least) dough was what you purchased by weight and it was baked into bread by the baker. If a bit was left over after the standard loaves were created, an extra one had to be made (whatever the size) by law or the baker would face consequences. Hence the term "Baker's dozen" for 13 loaves/rolls. A small bonus for the shopper! (Oh, like a GWP ) Anyway, GWP is a moot point for me. They do exactly what they are meant to: Cause me to make my purchase right from Shop@Home instead of picking things up on sale as loss leaders in the Supermarket. Most of the exclusive sets do not attract me, in the LEGO bricks and mortar store, I PaB and BaM and maybe pick up something not in shops elsewhere, but the £5, £9 or even 50% (or more!) discounts the supermarkets, Smyths toys and Argos throw out makes them where I mostly purchase sets. However, if LEGO has an bonus that interests me, I will buy from the online shop. Again, sets are not my focus as a rule. I want parts to feed my MOCs, pieces that will help me improve a build or let me create something better than last time (I am somewhat overdue a new Batcave...), so whatever a set is, I focus on the parts first, what minifigure parts are there too. Heck, that is why I buy lots of accessories from different places... My brother is the opposite. He buys whole waves when they release, or at least all the large Mecha Builds and the larger scale car sets. He is impatient to get them, so while I hang on to see what discounts come from the shops, he might wait a day or two for a GWP to launch before he hits checkout, but it is not a decider for him unless it is truly special (Like Blacktron or Space Babies). In this case, it is his lack of patience that costs him the money. I can wait a few months, or until a holiday period to get discounts, he wants them right away and is willing to pay that disparity in cost. Its like in any situation: What would you pay for convenience/speed? I land at an airport and am entirely willing to pay even $20 more to get a taxi from the terminal I am in, instead of taking internal transport to a different terminal so I can use Uber or Lyft at their most competitive prices. Eh, the whole thing is whatevers in the end. I don't think it creates any price changes (the licenced character tax is the true offender for that) when a GWP is released, it as a scheme to get you to buy direct for a bonus, or buy one thing more to tip over and meet the requirements; like loyalty cards and purchase prizes (Sainsbury's has had collectable coins, trading cards etc, but you only ever got them for spending a certain amount). So yes, they are getting a bit more money from you, but if you don't participate they don't affect you. All "free" gifts are rarely free; I paid for a 12 pack of beer to get a branded glass. I could have bought it for £5, but 12 beers and the glass was a better move in my opinion; I got 12 beers to drink and the nice glass! Yeah, I paid more in the end, but I get to enjoy some cold ones. This got a bit rambly...
  8. Peppermint_M

    Have you ever found Lego pieces outdoors?

    You will find I was quoting someone, maybe take a read through and try correcting the person who made the post? It looks like you know how to quote, so maybe find who I was quoting? Also, ocean plastic is a huge issue and the fact that even all these years later people are finding substantial parts from the spill? It is evidence that the parts were nowhere near the coastline to be successfully "cleaned up" in the same manner of other spills that occur. A "bounty" system would be abused and generate a pittance for anyone handing in found parts. One container is, sorry, a drop in the ocean when compared to the plastic waste some nations dump on purpose and all the litter people just drop. Terrible terrible stuff, so we all should make our best effort to dispose of things properly. Really, all the major plastic producers and the companies that create things from plastic, could sponsor or fund efforts to collect ocean plastic and remove it from the environment. I am certain that Coke is responsible for more plastic in the ocean than a toy company. Hence, why when I do find LEGO in places it should not be, I remove it to places it should be (Aka, my collection or the plastic waste bin) and everyone who proudly declare they "chuck clones in the trash" should consider recycling instead.
  9. Peppermint_M

    Have you ever found Lego pieces outdoors?

    That was going to be my question. Ocean currents are truly fascinating. (Look up the Garfield phones too, a most weird thing!) There was recent news that a fishing crew pulled up a LEGO shark. This page will probably interest you all.
  10. Peppermint_M

    Have you ever found Lego pieces outdoors?

    I have found a lot of random bricks lying around on the ground (some worth rescuing, some that just need responsible disposal) but I live in a village that has a primary school (Grade School) and is walkable, so a lot of small children are bound to be dropping parts they smuggle out of the house. I do put minifigures somewhere they can be spotted as losing those is devastating and I want the kids to have a chance to spot them. My best find was Homemaker figure parts half buried in demolition rubble, a very old derelict building was torn down when I was a rascally child who would sneak into places like that (These days I can wear my work boots, hi-vis jacket and a tool manufacturer hat and look entirely like I should be in those sort of places ). There were also some old pre-decimal coins, so I wonder if there had been a nook or hole that it was easy for things to fall into.
  11. Peppermint_M

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    Okay, stay on topic yeah? I know waiting on news is boring and all that, but derailing is not the solution. Take it to some random Discord channel.
  12. Peppermint_M

    REQUEST Name Change HERE

    As a Knight rank, I think you should have the option to change your name. It used to be the case that Knight rank and above could do this one a year or so. I am afraid I don't know how they do that (Possibly in edit profile), as it has been a long while since it last came up!
  13. Peppermint_M

    Peeling sticker fix

    It is also non reactive to plastic, as a general rule. I have had a few old peeling stickers I glued back with PVA for a number of years without any issues (I do keep them out of direct sunlight). You only need a very small amount to make it stick, and not much more to clear- coat. It dries clear and can be peeled off if there is excess.
  14. Peppermint_M

    Peeling sticker fix

    If you want to get your original stickers to stay, a thin coat of PVA glue should do it, it is water washable and you can use it to stick the sticker from underneath, or use a small layer to clear coat the sticker in place.
  15. That airship is in beautiful condition! All my childhood LEGO is parted out into my collection, it is great to see such a nice display.