Database Issue

    By Bonaparte,

    Some things didn't go as expected today...

    The popularity of a certain review was slowing EB down, and while restarting the server (to take into account a few new settings) part of the database got corrupted forcing us to restore a 10 hour old backup. Read more here.

    Do your Superhero duty: Vote!

    By CorneliusMurdock,


    Super Heroes Month may be over but you can still win some fabulous prizes in our voting raffles!

    Vote in the Comic Cover Contest and you could win one of these:


    Vote in the Moviemaker Contest and you could win one of these:


    So vote for your favorite entries today!

    AFOL Survey Quarter 4

    By Bonaparte,

    The LEGO Community Team has shared the AFOL survey Quarter 4 and kindly asked to get feedback from as many as possible (takes only a few minutes).

    Here is the link

    It's Coming...

    By Peppermint_M,

    Contest Winners Announced!

    By CorneliusMurdock,


    The votes have been tallied and the results are in!

    Click here to see and congratulate the winners of the Comic Cover Contest!

    Click here to see and congratulate the winners of the Video Contest!

    And I officially promise to cut back on my usage of exclamation marks. Starting.... Now!

    EB SW Xmas Raffle 2012 - halfway +1 done

    By CopMike,

    The raffle just keeps on giving and giving :sweet: !

    Go and check out all the great entries if you haven´t, if you have do it again!

    And hail the winners so far, and root for the upcoming winners!

    Entries thread here - calender here.

    2013 LEGO Star Wars First Reviews

    By Erdbeereis,

    We are beginning to see some reviews pop up of the new 2013 LEGO Star Wars sets. Member Moexy has reviewed set 75013 Umbarran Heavy Mobile Cannon along with a few other sets.


    Check out his reviews of 75001 Republic Troopers vs. Sith Troopers, and 75012 BARC Speeder, plus Mordatre's review of 75000 Clone Troopers vs. Droidekas in the Star Wars forum!

    Hispabrick #15 out

    By Superkalle,

    A new edition of the excellent Hispabrick Mag is out.

    Download it here

    Discuss it here


    Server Status Update

    By Bonaparte,

    A few words on what happened and the way forward:

    During the night from 17-18 the provider did maintenance on our server. Due to a server reboot part of our database got corrupted. We did not do a full restore from our (daily) backup this time, but only restored the damaged tables (the main one being the members table). So no posts have been lost!

    Of course we have to take measures to make us more safe from database corruption and that'll be the next step. This will require a number of changes on the server which will be done during a planned maintenance window. We'll inform you in advance when this will happen (as the site will be offline during this window).

    I want to say a big thank you to Ace for his time working on these issues. He was the one fixing the database (preventing loss of posts) and is in charge of the way forward for preventing this. Without Ace the future of EB would be rather uncertain. Thank you Ace!!!

    Discussion topic is here.

    Look Out! Here comes the Spider-Man.

    By CorneliusMurdock,

    Reviewers Academy teacher Clone O'Patra brings us a review of one of the new Spider-Man sets.


    Go read it here!

    EDIT: He's also just done a review of TMNT's 79101 Shredder Dragon Bike. Read it here!

    Next CUUSOO set: 21103 Back to the Future™ Time Machine

    By Bonaparte,

    The next CUUSOO set will be 21103 Back to the Future™ Time Machine.


    Unfortunately the Modular Western Town project conflicts with an ongoing project at the LEGO Group and a result, the project does not meet the business case requirements and has not passed the LEGO Review.


    Discuss here.

    Happy Fabuland Christmas to all members

    By CopMike,


    For those of you that missed it last year - here´s a really nice Fabuland Christmas for all of you :sweet: !

    Merry Christmas to all our members!

    By Rufus,


    WhiteFang, Rufus, Pandora and all the staff at Eurobricks wish you a very Merry Christmas!

    Here are some festive MOCs from our members (with apologies to anyone I've missed!)

    LEGO Family ... harton ... monsinjor

    CarsonBrick ... Hrw-Amen ... Schifo Factory

    Review: 10937 Batman: Arkham Asylum Breakout

    By Ricecracker,

    Eurobricks Fellow and Reviewers Academy Teacher Clone O'Patra has posted a review of the new 10937 Batman: Arkham Asylum Breakout.


    Go here to read the review in the LEGO Licensed Themes forum.

    Reviews: Legends of Chima

    By Rick,

    Eurobricks is proud to present reviews of four brand new Legends of Chima sets. Check out WhiteFang's reviews of 70003 Eris' Eagle Interceptor and 70100 Ring of Fire and I Scream Clone's reviews of 70004 Wakz' Pack Tracker and 70102 Speedorz Leonidas in the Action Themes forum.

    gallery_5261_195_88991.jpg gallery_5261_195_106653.jpg

    gallery_5261_195_65046.jpg gallery_5261_195_15089.jpg

    Be sure to also read Cardinal Brick's reviews of 70000 Razcal's Glider, 70001 Crawley's Claw Ripper and 70003 Eris' Eagle Interceptor.

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