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About Angeli

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    Drow Master Builder
  • Birthday 01/19/1978

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  1. Angeli

    LEGO world records

    that is impressive :) I also never had dark age :) when you say baseplate, is it 32x32 or 48x48? My largest diorama is 12x12 (48x48) (or 18x18 32x32), but that being said, I also have, built and exhibited at the same time: another 12x12 (all my measurements ar ein 48x48) castle diorama, one 12x6, three 1x2 diorama, one 2x4, five 4x4 dioramas, and three 8x4 dioramas, all generci castle stuff - which is 550 baseplates under castle stuff, so if I was to connect them on table (and I built them so they can be connected), it is 23x24 (48x48) base plates large castle :) with at least 10 towers that are over 2m tall :) (2.4m is my standard height when I build tall) - or around 9x9 m, or 81 m2 :D It would be a lot of logistical effort to gather those dioramas from events, and pain to produce so many tables, but if that would be world record, I would make an extra effort to do it :) But I don;t know what is the largest castle diorama in the world :) Plus I am building another 8x4 diorama in this very moment (actually, it will be 2x8, but two levels:) AD&D, with all the new stuff coming from TLG, inspiaring me :) Do you have pictures of that large castle that was part of project support? (btw, second best support from TLG, right after PBB (boxes:)
  2. Angeli

    LEGO world records

    Thank you :) Brickset is good for sets, but, for example me, I have some amount of sets, not more than few hundred, and most of them are small and medium, but I have around 6000 kg of LEGO bricks, with around 40.000 minifigs, mostly in castle gear, one of my favorite LEGO themes. Now, that 6000 kg or those 40.000 I know it is a lot, but how far is it from the one that has the most? I also have around 200 dioramas built, in diferent sizes, alive in this very moment, surface of around 2500 baseplates (48x48) - how that compares with the one that has the most? I always tried to compare to get sense of how actually much that is, but when I spoke with guy in Serbia who was suposed to have next biggest amount of bricks, he didn;t had more than coupl hudred of kg - I expected at least 2 tons, by the way he was talking. who has the largest acquarium made from LEGO bricks (but everything, not real sand and animal made from LEGO here and there), who built and how big it is, the largest castle diorama, both firm and AFOL(s), largest spaceship (I've built 5,1m long Millenium Falcon, for example, I have seen some SW ships that are 7m long :D I believe in Australia - my next moc is 12m long Warhammer 40k ship - will it be the longest? I can easily make it meter two larger, if it would mean world record - and so on :)
  3. Angeli

    LEGO world records

    that is impressive. How much do you have? Irony aside, of course, only weak use irony, and AFOLs aren;t weak, they are creative :)
  4. Angeli

    LEGO world records

    which is why I asked people to tell me what they know on this subject. What they heard, and with so many AFOLs, I am sure I will get all the info in no time.
  5. Angeli

    Bás Dorcha

    very nice! :)
  6. Angeli

    LEGO world records

    of course, I did all that before asking here. I mentioned, there are some records, like person who has most unique minifigs - but who has most amount of minifigs? and so on.
  7. I've seen some records online, but I always see the same ones, who has most sets, most unique minifigs etc. but I would like to know more: who has most amount of minifigs, who has most amount of bricks (person, not firm), who has built the lartgest mosaic, largest Castle diorama, largest Steampunk diorama and so one So, who has most amount of minifigs? Who built thew largest minifig diorama of any theme?
  8. Angeli

    LArgest LEGO mosaic

    This is the largest I have found: "At the LEGO House in Billund, Denmark, a team from Fairy Bricks organised the building of the largest every LEGO mosaic. Celebrating the history of the LEGO Group, the 2,585 baseplate mosaic features significant milestones in the company’s history. Classic minfiigures, the Friends mini-dolls, the wooden duck and Star Wars all made it onto the design. It took six days of building, two for LEGO employees and four for the general public, in which individuals built as many small plates of bricks as they liked, which the Fairy Bricks team then added to the larger design. Throughout the week, employees from the LEGO Group and visitors to the attraction got involved with clipping down bricks. The finished mosaic measured 12 by 14 metres and used over 600,000 bricks." (On picture Jan and Kev:) Is there a bigger one?
  9. hi guys, what is the largest LEGO mosaic? I;ve been reasearchign online, but can;t find definitive answer. I have it in my mind that Fairy Bricks (UK) and TLG hold the record, but can;t find it online I also found 80.48 meter square is held by The Toy Museum in Ohio, USA So, what is the bigest LEGO mosaic, size (sqr meters, or baseplates, or studs)?
  10. Angeli

    Largest fantasy castle diorama?

    the Staer Wars one is done by frined from RLUG RoLug, from Romania, literary week or two ago :) Check their facebook page :) to actually make it bigger then theirs diorama only needs to be 18x18 :) which is 324 baseplates I was thinking of making 12x12 as a first thought, but second option was 40x8 (48x48) (that is more than 15 m long), for easier displey build --- Regarding LOTR one (not really LOTR but ok, "inspired by", but they put everything inside, on 0:10 you can clearly see Palace Cinema modular, with all modern stuff on it (lower right corner)) they are hugely blowing up their numbers. that surface they say they have is around 1326 baseplates. If they really used 150 million of pieces, than each baseplate would have 113.000 bricks. If the use only 1x1 plates to build everything (and they didn;t seen from video), as one baseplate has 48x48 studs = 2304 studs, it would mean the whole diorama would be lifted by 49 plates (which is little more trhan 16 cm high) I have A LOT of experience with dioramas, and I estimate 1/100 of what is mentioned was used, so around one and a half million bricks. Also, it is not all LEGO, and not all real lego, but copycat products (check on video 0:10 that statue is not LEGO) 0:41 those flags are not original LEGO, but that is ok I still find the whole build impressive and like it, and even thought it could be that not everything is LEGO, this can be my Nemesis :D 1440 baseplates would be biggest fantasy castle diorama 60x24 48x48 that means my diorama needs to be by 22.8 m x 9 m It would cost me around 140.000 eur, and I would need 12-24 months to build it
  11. Angeli

    Largest fantasy castle diorama?

    I have already did 12x12 dioramas, here is one of them: And 12x12 isn't set in stone - I can go wider and longer, but every row adds 12 more baseplates, which is a nice costs adding :) So I would like it to be the biggest one, but just barely :)
  12. Angeli

    Largest fantasy castle diorama?

    wow, tnx, it looks great :) 306 32x32 is equivalent of 136 48x48 ((306/9)x4) Anyone knows a bigger one?
  13. Angeli

    Largest fantasy castle diorama?

    the price and the exhibiting space are not the factor. What I need is the size of the largest fantasy diorama , or at least largest you or other AFOLs know But if you are interested, here is calculation: around 20.000 - 24.000 eur is what I have planed to set aside for this project. this includes almost 2m dragon in the middle, and up to 3m tall towers. Displeyd on events all around the Europe, starting from September. 12x12 with circle of 2 baseplates deep under the table, so 80 more (224 all together). when I do dioramas I count around 100 eur per baseplate to be good, 200 eur per baseplate to be amazing, this includes everything
  14. Hi, what is the largest LEGO fantasy diorama in the world? Largest by width and length, not height (so largest by the number of baseplates) What is the largest fantasy diorama that you know? I want to build one, and I need the data to know My plan was 12x12 48x48 baseplates, but I can change that
  15. Angeli

    sturdines of Eifell tower set 10307

    actually, I am building a spherical spaceship, and I wanted to mount 8 of towers in different directions But now when I;ve read your comments, I am going to scrap that idea