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About therealjustin

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  1. therealjustin

    42172 - McLaren P1

    I agree. The front is the weakest area in terms of looks and it does feel like it was rushed at the end just to get this set out. Everything rearward of the front wheels is excellent, so with a few modifications I think this could be a fantastic release. Hopefully someone in the community can work their magic and fix it!
  2. therealjustin

    42172 - McLaren P1

    It has some issues as all official sets do, but overall I'm thoroughly impressed especially considering the design of the real car and the endless curves. The P1 seems like the most complete 1:8 supercar yet in terms of design and functions and the color choice is fantastic.
  3. This is definitely real, and I'm beyond excited for a P1 I don't see McLaren reusing a name for their next hypercar. The P1 was a monumental leap forward for the company and still influences their design language to this day. It's iconic.
  4. If it's electric yellow I'm buying it day one! It definitely needs some type of portal axles and hopefully a new five-spoke rim design.
  5. I just discovered this incredible set while watching RacingBrick's recent video and my goodness @brunojj1 , you've captured the AMG ONE so beautifully!
  6. Will these tires fit on the Ford Raptor?
  7. Massive improvement. Nice job!
  8. Looks much better lowered. Now, something needs to be done about those flying butresses.
  9. Yeah it looks nothing like the Ford GT. Still a nice looking set and model on the shelf, but not a GT. They should have done the classic GT40 as I feel the shape could have more easily been replicated. That, or make it a proper 1:10 scale car.
  10. This would have been so much cooler in 1:10 scale. It looks nice, but it doesn't look like a Ford GT.
  11. Wow, speechless! Nice work! It looks like a die-cast model!
  12. That looks great! For such an expensive and adult-focused set, this is how it should look. The color vomit is atrocious.
  13. I would gladly buy a masterpiece like this over anything LEGO releases, and I prefer 1:10 scale as well. The shaping is spot on, and it really does come across as a scale model. As someone with many spare red parts, if you ever did release instructions it would be an instant purchase from me. This is just superb!
  14. Yes! Looks pretty good, I think. I know Sao Paolo Yellow is more yellowish, but Lime is the best we can do with the available parts. I don't even mind the all white livery either, but some color is always nice.