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  1. Staslegomaster

    Seaman's Story

    Hi, LEGO pirates fans This is my most favorite LEGO series. Some fans advised me to translate from Russian into English my poem dedicated to the 80th anniversary of LEGO. If I mischose the theme, a regulater will choose where to upload it better. Many thanks. The text is in Russian and in English. (Sorry I failed to translate using rhymes). And I tried to illustrate it with the best official LEGO sets pictures. (Do you know if there is a LEGO tavern? I need it, please). Please enjoy. LEGO Comics "Seaman's Story" This is the only and the earliest bluecoats ship which I know По волнам седым и хмурым вёл корабль капитан, ....................................... The captain led his ship over grey, dark waves Обогнуть стараясь бурю, не попасться злым ветрам. ................................... Trying to awoid a storm and angry winds. Всё мрачнее в небе тучи, ярче молнии зигзаг. ............................................... The clouds got darker , the lightning zigzag was brighter. В круговерти сбившись с курса, не найти пути назад. ................................... Having lost your way, you can't find a way back. Ночь стихии отступила. Трудной с ней была борьба, .................................... The stormy night ended. The struggle with it was hard. И почти иссякли силы у команды корабля. .................................................... The crew is almost exhausted Беспредельна гладь морская, предрассветной скрыта мглой. .................... The endless tranqil waters are hidden by the grey of the dawn. С чем же встреча ожидает смелых, споривших с судьбой? .......................... Whom will the brave, challenging their fate, meet? The Flying Dutchman had 10 000 supporters in LEGO ideas still wasn't issued. Such a pity. Может, это будет кракен – древний змей морских глубин?............................Maybe it'll be a kraken-ancient seamonster? Но не он и не пираты. Жребий хуже выпал им...............................................But neither he nor pirates. Their lot was worse. Из рассветного тумана, посреди седых валов................................................From the dawn mist, among grey waves Появляется нежданно бригантина мертвецов................................................There suddenly appear a brig of the undead. Экипаж играет в кости. Что сегодня на кону?.................................................Its crew is playing a chance cube game. What's the bet today? Кто удачнее их бросит, что достанется тому?...............................................What will get the one who casts a die more luckily? На число, что выпадает, можно молодость продлить..................................The dots on the cube's side can prolong your youth. Ну, а если проиграешь – столько лет иди служить........................................But if you lose, you'll insign for that number of years. The newest pirate mini figures И, стремясь тот срок уменьшить, увлекаются игрой...................................And trying to shorten that period, they go on playing. В ставках могут тратить вечность на желанный путь домой.....................They can bet eternity trying to grt back home. Годы службы на Голландце – ставка этих моряков....................................Years of service on the Flying Dutchman is the sailors bet. Превращает в новобранцев неудача игроков............................................Bad luck makes loses become recruits. Может кто-то из команды взять срок службы на себя,..............................A crew member can serve instead of his mate, Но подумать стоит дважды, ведь фортуна так слепа................................But it's better to think twice because the fortune is skittish. Отказаться невозможно, остаётся лишь играть........................................It's impossible to avoid the game, only to play Всем, кому случится в море тот корабль повстречать..............................Must those who see that ship in the endless sea. Queen Ann's Revenge Капитан его известен многим был в семи морях..........................................The captain was known for much on the seven seas. Но страшней его путь крестный как расплата за дела.................................But the worst is the way he pays for his deeds. За деяния былые, что разносятся молвой,...................................................For everything he had done, as people say, Получил он власть и силу быть вожатым в мир иной...................................He became a stalker to the hereafter. Стал Хароном для погибших, чьи тела хранит вода.....................................He is Charon for those whose bodies are under water. Но с тех пор подмоги ищет. Ведь работа тяжела..........................................But he needs more and more recruits as the job is hard. Если встретится кому-то бригантина на пути, ..............................................If sailors meet his brig on their way Предлагает то он людям, что иначе не найти...............................................He offers that which can't be found anywhere else. Captain's cabin looks like a tavern Так заманчиво опасны игры в кости на года,................................................The game in exchange of years is so temptative and dangerous. Только кости бросить надо, а исход решит судьба......................................Just cast a die and the fortune will decide... Эту сказку мореходов без начала и конца...................................................This sailor's story with neither a beginning nor an end Ветер часто в порт заносит, надувая паруса................................................Wind often brings to ports on sails. Но у вымысла любого, как бы странен ни был он,......................................But any fairy tale, no matter how strange it seems, Есть реальная основа, искажённая, как сон................................................Has a real base, as misty as a night dream. Словно смутные виденья вспоминая наяву,................................................As if trying to remember disappeared night apparitions Мореход, придя в таверну, всем расскажет жизнь свою.............................A sailor will tell everybody about his life. Merchant ship Про жестокий вал девятый, соль на мачте и снастях................................About the terrible tenth wave, salt on masts and tacle И, конечно, про пиратов – самый главный тайный страх.........................And of coarse about pirates - the main secret fear. Ни чудовища морские, ни шторма семи морей, -......................................Neither sea monsters nor storms of the seven seas Флибустьеры удалые бич торговых кораблей...........................................But young flibusters are damnation of merchant ships. Не тревожьте силы моря, вас не тронут и они...........................................Don't trouble sea creatures and they won't trouble you. И шторма в морском просторе часто издали видны..................................And storms on the endless seas are often seen from far away. Но порой под мирным флагом - словно новости узнать – ........................But sometimes, under a friendly flag, as if to ask for hail news, Проплывает судно рядом и врагов не распознать....................................,A vessel sails nearby and you can't guess they're enemies. Это редко Робин Гуды, чаще беглые рабы, ...............................................They're seldom Robin Hoods, more offen renegade runnners, Все, кто с жизнью спорить любит, убегая от петли....................................Those who like to argue with their fate, running away from a gibbet. Не о судьбах и причинах, приводящих под топор,.....................................The corsairs, drinking rum and wine, will argue Распивая ром и вина, заведут корсары спор..............................................Not about fate and reasons leading to a gibbet. А о том, побольше злата на каких везут судах...........................................But about which vessels are carrying more gold И удастся ли атака или вновь потерпят крах,...........................................And if their attack would be a success or they'd break back, Не поднять ли бунт на судне, не сменить ли вожака,...............................Should they begin a riot and change their leader Если вновь в добыче скудной будет доля моряка......................................If sailors' portion of treasure be too small. Ну, а если же богатой, не найти ли островок.............................................But if it were large you can find an island Да награбленное спрятать, отложив на злой денёк..................................And bury the captured treasure till a rainy day. По дороге к эшафоту не шепнуть ли палачу:............................................You can whisper to the hangman on the way to the gibbet Помоги вернуть свободу, я взамен озолочу...............................................Asking to help you escape in exchange of much gold. Показать кусочек карты в подтверждение к словам.................................You can show a part of thr treasure map to prove your words И добавить: план удастся, остальное после дам.-..................................And add that you'll give the map if the plan be a success. О таком и о подобном могут долго рассуждать.........................................Pirates can argue about such stories for hours on end. Но раздастся крик тревожный. Значит, всех наверх свистать.................Suddenly they hear a signal piping all hands on deck. Значит, пробил час опасный, настигает в море враг...................................It means some danger - an enemy is nearing. Так и есть. На судне ясно королевский виден флаг.....................................Yes, exactly! The royal flag is clearly seen on the vessel. Вновь капризница удача позвала играть с судьбой.....................................And again very changeable luck called to play with fate. Это значит…это значит, снова всё решает бой............................................It means a fighting will decide everything again. Многих ждёт пеньковый галстук и пучина многих ждёт...............................Many will finish on the gibbet and many under deep waters. А немногих ждёт богатство, если выжить повезёт.......................................And just few will get wealth if they be lucky to remain alive. Королевских офицеров ждут карьера и покой,........................................... The royal officers will get promotion and quiet life. А отпетых флибустьеров сундучок ждёт золотой........................................And the rascals and flibusters will get a chest of gold. Оттого и бродят байки про несметный тайный клад..................................That's why you can hear muck for mugs about super treasure От Макао до Ямайки об одном на разный лад..........................................From Macao to Jamaica - with different details. Про летучего голландца и исчадия пучин...................................................About the Flying Dutchman and sea monsters. В них во всех не разобраться, но финал у всех один.................................It's difficult to catch sense but they finish alike. Смесь из правды, суеверий, болтовни и хвастовства.................................Mixture of the truth, superstition, jabber and boasting - Могут многие поведать, если публика щедра..............................................That's what the sailors say to their generous listeners. Там, конечно, лишь рассказчик только чудом уцелел,................................Only the story teller survived by chance Чтоб в таверне за стаканчик вновь поведать свой удел..............................To say all that over and over again in a tavern.
  2. Hi, LEGO samurai fans. It's my second favourite LEGO series.So I present my poem about them. It is in Russian and I tried to translate it into English and illustrated it with LEGO sets. If you like it, I'll translate some others, too (about pirates, knights etc.) Please feel free to suport my 2 LEGO ideas projects. Waiting for your C&C. Bansai! БОЛЬШАЯ РАЗНИЦА Great Difference В неприступном горном замке самурайский сёгун* жил................... A samurai shogun lived in a stronghold on a mountain. Всю округу он к порядку верной стражей приучил .......................... His guards made all his neighbors obey his orders. Много раз пытались ниндзя по заданию врагов.............................. Ninjas were sent by his enemies many times Штурмовать его твердыню, но глубок защитный ров,.................... To siege his castle, but the moat is deep, Высоки и крепки стены, словно горный монолит. ......................... The walls are high and as strong as mountain monolith. Только в схватке непременно кто-то должен победить. ............... But someone must sure win a battle. Самураи и синоби* – вот заклятые враги................................. Samirai and sinobi are great enemies. Долгу верные до гроба, не отступятся они............................... They are dutiful and never stand back. Только разница большая: есть наёмник и слуга...................... But the difference is great: a mercenary and a servant. Если верность самурая не растёт от кошелька, ................... Samurai's loyalty doesn't depend on money. То у ниндзя чем он толще, тем короче к цели путь................. As for ninja - the more he gets the more he serves. Удовольствие тем больше, чем сложней задачи ждут........... And the harder his task, the more pleased he is. Ведь успех в опасном деле учит многому всегда: ........................... Success in a dangerous mission always teaches you much: Что и где не доглядели стражи нового врага, .............................Where there are weak points of each new enemy's guards, Как возможно незаметней проникать в его чертог .............................How to get unseen into his chamber, И когда в бою полезней лук, кинжал или клинок. .............................And when a bow, a dagger or katana is more useful in a fight. Кто искусства боевые постигает с ранних лет, .............................That one who practices marshial arts from youth Овладеть способен ими. Но в мотивах весь секрет..............................Can master them. But what's the secret reason? В том, как в жизни поступаешь, часто важно – почему?.......................It's often important why you act like that. Воин или побеждает или ищет смерть в бою. ........................A warrior eithe wins or seaks death in the battle. Не прочесть мотивов сердца в выражении лица. ........................No one can guess what's deep in the heart of a ninja just looking at his face. Лишь ему они известны да, пожалуй, небесам. ........................Only he himself and the heavens may know that. Под одеждой полотняной металлический корсет .......................There is a metal corset under his robe Для защиты от ударов, пуль и стрел. И в нём секрет. .......................To protect him from strikes, bullets and arrows. There is a secret in it: Ядовитые пластины вплетены в его узор, .......................... Poisonous stripes are a part of the corset's decoration Чтобы смерть врага настигла, если с ним проигран спор...........................To kill the enemy even when he wins. Как трофей возьмёт кольчугу, но, надев её, умрёт, .............................He will take the armour as a trophy but will die Если точно знать не будет, в чём для яда антидот. .............................Not knowing the antidote for the poison. Всё, что путь облегчит к цели, чем бы ни было оно, .............................Anything that can make his goal easy to reach Применять в бою умеет тот, чья жизнь и путь клинок. .............................That one can use in the fight whose life and path - katana. Ведь ниндзютсу есть искусство обладания мечом .................Ninjutsu is an art of using katana И способность даже чувства контролировать умом. ..................And also an ability to controle emotions and feelings. Не бояться даже боли, как бы ни была сильна, ...................Strength of will if it's trained allows Позволяет сила воли, если развита она. ...................Not to be afraid of any pain. Раны тела крепость духа неспособна исцелять, ....................Strength of spirit can't cure woundsof body/ Но пока к ним сердце глухо, бой возможно продолжать....................But while a ninja's heart doesn't feel them, he can fight. Кто из схватки не вернётся, но сумеет победить, ...............He , who will die but win Лучше тех, кто содрогнётся и отступит, чтобы жить. ................Is better than those who run for life. Самурай служитель долга, господину верен он. ................Samurai is a man of duty, faithful to his master. Одолеть способен многих, защищая знатный дом. ...............He can defeat many defending a noble house. А взамен не благ и славы, лишь почтения он ждёт. ................And his reward be not wealth or glory. He expects only respect. И героев чтит держава, им по чести воздаёт. ................And heroes are honoured by the country. Самураи в сёгунате* на почётнейших местах. .................Samurais have the best seats in shogunate. Сам великий император держит власть на их клинках. .................Their swards help the great Emperor keep his power. Опираясь на достойных в начинаниях благих, .................Being supported in his deeds by worthy Может быть монарх спокоен за судьбу границ своих. ................A Ruler needn't worry about his boarders. Только в мирном государстве благоденствует народ. .................The people are well off only in a pieceful country. А в годину смут и распрей и древнейший трон падёт. ..................Disturbances and faction can ruin any throne. Предводитель самураев титул сёгуна несёт, ....................The head of samurai has a tytle of shogun. Перед троном отвечает за страну и за народ. ...................He is responsible for the country and people before the throne. А у ниндзя предводитель мастер тайн и злых интриг, ...................The head of ninja is a master of misteries and evil plots. С кем угодно ради выгод может сделку заключить. ...................He can make a bargain with anybody for the sake of gain. Вечен спор щитов и копий, нежных вод и твёрдых скал, ....................The controversy of a shield and a spear, of tender waters and hard rocks, Самураев и синоби, словно инь и янь начал. .....................Of samurai and sinobi - is eternal as yin and yan of elements. *сёгун – глава самураев shogun - the head of samurai *синоби – наёмный убийца sinobi - asassin *ниндзя – тайный человек ninja - hiding man *сёгунат – высший военный совет shogunate - supreme militaru council in fudal Japan
  3. Hello fellow AFOL, I recently made another of my Brick Comics stories. This time it features Hal Jordan Minifigure. It is my tribute to Green Lantern 75th Anniversary. It is set in the same universe of my previous Jar Jar story ( I posted it here some time ago ) Anyway you can read the story here: Green versus Red I even made a cover for this story: Green vs Red (Brick Comic Cover) by BrickSev, on Flickr Here is a brief synopsis: "A mysterious phenomenon is bringing many realities from the whole Multiverse in contact. As events of epochal significance (and others of trivial importance) take place the notoriously hated Clumsy Creature ( represented by Jar Jar Binks Minifigure ) allies himself with various villains in order to have his revenge against those who despise him. One of this villains is the infamous Red Headpiece. He has grand plans of conquest but his base has been stormed and one of the Multiverse’s greatest heroes is intended to bring him to justice…" I hope you like it. It truly took a lot of efforts to make this Brick Comic, especially the Green Lantern constructs so any comment and feedback is very appreciated. Thank you very much
  4. Hey guys I would like to show you my long time delayed (and still continuing with the delaying ) intro to my future 2.5D "Vesmirny LEGOkomix", hope you like it.
  5. The Flash can never catch a break. After an encounter with Captain Cold, the Flash must deal with the villainous Reverse Flash but not everything is as it appears to be. Why does the Reverse Flash need the Flash's help? Find out and as always be sure to stay after the credits! Thanks for watching!
  6. FinalFeature

    Deadpool vs Green Lantern

    The merc with the mouth gets in a fight with the law and not the normal kind either. Deadpool and Green Lantern duke it out in various combat styles from Giant Robots to 80's Arcade games to plain old pie throwing. If there's any one you don't mess with it's Wade Wilson. Starring Courtney Leacock as "Comedic" Deadpool NeonIcyWings as "Serious" Deadpool Jack Rizzo as Russian Mobster Bill Karalius as Green Lantern Cliff Thompson as Braniac and Braniac Drone 3 Thanks for watching!
  7. "Tell me... Do you bleed plastic? You will." I just finished remaking the new Batman vs Superman trailer in LEGO. Thanks for watching!
  8. Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and I'm truely a LEGO fan:) Here is one of my recent work based on Marvel Super Heroes theme, and hope you guys enjoy it! For more details, please check the link below. If you like the model, please give your support. Thanks a lot! THE STORY The project features the scene from the movie Captain America: The First Avenger. Red Skull is escaping in his flying-wing with the cosmic cube, and Captain America is chasing him, but he is losing his target. Thanks to Peggy Carter and Colonel Chester Phillips, who come with Red Skull's roadster for help! After kissing Peggy goodbye, the mighty Captain jumps onto the aircraft from the roadster and saves the day! THE FLYING-WING The flying-wing is built mainly with dark grey, light grey, black and some dark red bricks. The front cockpit can open and fit one minifig, probably Red Skull himself. The back cockpit can also open, where Red Skull place the cosmic cube. THE ROADSTER The roadster is built with black and dark red bricks, and can fit two minifigures comfortably. Peggy and Colonel Chester Phillips are driving the luxurious car, although it is Red Skull's ride. For more details of the roadster, please refer to this link (including the car model from real bricks): THE MINIFIGS This project includes four minifigs: Captain America, Red Skull, Peggy Carter and Colonel Chester Phillips. As for the accessories: Captain America is holding his shield; Red Skull has a big gun in one hand and the cosmic cube in the other; Peggy and the Colonel are both holding a pistol. All four minifigs have custom decals on their heads and torsos.
  9. somelegothings_

    [MOC] Green Arrow vs Sports-Master Redux

    Today, I bring you what is probably my favorite build of mine so far. Awhile ago I shared with the community a MOC of a museum and it was Green Arrow vs Sports-Master. I wasn't too fond of it but it wasn't bad. Anyways, let's talk about the build... I had this as an idea to add into my Daredevil series on Flickr but I decided since Green Arrow is my favorite DC Hero I decided that this was more of a Star City/Seattle Skyline. I'm very happy with the result. Disappointed with how long it took but I learned a lot about building with all that time. And I'm very happy that I took all this time to make this. Green Arrow is the basic GA fig with green arms and dark green vambraces from brickforge along with dark green hands. I really love their vambraces so I gave Sports-Master some too! My original idea was to raise up GA's building a bit more and then have the building Sports-Master is on be an apartment with Clark Kent looking out the window from his kitchen. I have a pic or two of it but it looked pretty awful. So I decided to not try to go full blown try hard on my first time building something like this. Sports-Master is also a combo of Space Police and Robot Cop legs with an Extremis Soldier's torso, a clone pauldron, Hawkman's face, the CMF Hockey Player helmet and the Hoth Trooper's goggles. Anyways, here's the build! (The old build is right here: ) Full Size along with a story! Can be seen here: C&C More than Welcome! Thanks for stopping by to look at this!
  10. It is well known Ninjas and Pirates hate each others. It does not matter they didn’t even have the chance to meet in real life. In fiction the rule of cool stated they must hate each others despite historical consistency. But perhaps in one of the infinite universes there is a ninja-like warrior wielding his sword against the evil bandits who pillage the coasts. When I saw a Ninjago Minifigure next to a very old Pirate set of mine I decided to turn the concept into a “Lego story” This short Brick Comic tells this story... "Bricks of Justice" Feedback and opinions are highly appreciated. This is just a short Brick Comic I made with no script but it takes time to edit, add dialogues etc so your opinions are truly appreciated May the Brick be with You
  11. "Why So Serious? This Baby Works Just Fine!” "Let's put a smile on that face!" - The Joker by Adeel Zubair, on Flickr First Impression 2014 was a very impressive year for LEGO fans; a huge number superb sets that were released including this impressive and outstanding recreation of the Tumbler from The Dark Knight Trilogy. It was first mentioned by Jason from The Brick Show on Youtube that we have a UCS Tumbler on the way. Since then many have speculated the set would be released because last year was the 75th anniversary of the Caped Crusader and we would see a Batman vehicle based off the classic Batman comics or movies such as Jerry Robinson’s, Batman 66’s, Batman Animated Series or even a redesign of the Batman & Robin Batmobile. In fact I would love for LEGO to release those but the popularity of The Dark Knight movie made this model happen. After many fans have trying to replicate this iconic vehicle and many LEGO Ideas submissions we have finally got a UCS Batman Tumbler from LEGO themselves! I was super pumped for this set: one hand it's a large scale car model (which I enjoy) and it's based on a very much loved film franchise and character that I and others enjoy; the price just put me off until now! Was it worth it though? Unique Parts Besides the obvious exclusive minifigure parts there are two exclusive pieces those being the Tyre Wide Ø81,6X44 (front wheels) and the Pearl Gold Wheel Bearing Back. Surprisingly the Batman head is exclusive. Minifigures This set includes Batman and the Joker minifigures, I guess they are only included to boost sales for rather large set; even though they are not in scale with the model as the box states. Those minifigures will drive collectors and people to purchase the set who are not even interested in the model (who wouldn't be?) which is pretty sad if you ask me. I got it purely for the model; the minifigures and stand are bonuses! They both can be displayed on a sleek and simple display stand with the information plaque in the centre which has many different stats and information about the vehicle. I like that The Dark Knight logo isn't placed at the top of the plaque, were it could have been cheesy. The plaque is instead titled 'Wayne Industries - Applied Science Division' which makes more sense as the Tumbler was known for all its cool facts and makes the model feel authentic. This is my first set with a display stand and plaque so I can say it took about 15-20 minutes to get the sticker right but it did catch some dust after multiple times so I have very few bumps on the stand but it's very minor. I like that it's not that sticky as other stickers which made it much easier to apply. The Christian Bale Batman is based on the Batman Begins suit since we have already got The Dark Knight Rises one in 2013. I'm really digging the level of details on the front and back of the torso; it's very movie accurate and doesn't look cartoony which 2013 one did. The most disappointing part about this minifigure is the lack of leg and arm printing, if this was based off a comic version of Batman it wouldn't be a problem but the fact it's not as detailed as the Marvel movie variants it's really disappointing for such a large set. Batman comes with a Batarang but it's the one that we have always had, I would have liked an exclusive Dark Knight Batarang instead. The main highlight for this set is the first ever Heath Ledger Joker who has been a fan requested minifigure for a very long time. He is pretty much perfect unlike Batman; he has a detailed torso and legs. I really like that just front of the head has white faded printing to give it the face paint effect, whereas normally he has a white head instead. His smirk is so sinister. I'm not sure if the Earth Blue hands are accurate. Like the Batman minifigure he also doesn't come with an exclusive accessory but at least Batman came with one but the Joker doesn't have anything; maybe an exclusive knife or Joker card would have been cool. I have put the pair of very precious minifigures free from dust so they are not on the display stand but it still does look good without them. Playability Besides rolling it backwards and forwards, several adjustable flaps, some movable interior details and the two sections of the removable roof it doesn't have anything else. It's hasn't got is primary features from the movie; those being an ejectable Bat-Pod, opening doors and steering. I understand and can see that the main goal was to get all those angles and shapes that we see on the actual Tumbler which the designer at LEGO has achieved. It's such a shame as it would have completed the model but I guess LEGO have given the fans an opportunity to modify the model and do it ourselves. I must say that getting its wheels to turn and motorize it must be really difficult. Not to mention ejecting a Bat-Pot from the model. Maybe there is a person out there who could figure it all out and make it work successfully and keep all the great angles and shapes Adam has put into the model. I had problems with adding the sub-assemblies during the end since they can be fragile which means it's not recommend for play. Build Experience This set contains 18 numbered bags (1-11.) This set contains five instruction booklets and two sticker sheets which come in a cardboard sleeve to keep them straight. To note, I got an extra sheet of the smaller stickers for some odd reason? Really, for a set this size they could have made it into a thick square bound book like they have done with a few sets already and included some facts about the movie vehicle and the LEGO design process. Boy was very challenging, I really enjoyed the build, it took me around 8 hours to build which was very surprising since most people took about 4-5 hours; it's very different to the models I normally build which are rather simple like the Modular Buildings. It takes a while to build the main frame of the model but after that it quickly comes together with many sub-assemblies. I understand that most of the time man made things are symmetrical so this had a mirrored build and it does get slightly repetitive but at least I didn't see more than 'x2' in the instructions. I had a hard time attaching the front wheel assembly that attaches to the Technic panel; it took some time to actually make it stay on since it's held on with many studs. I also found out that the design could have easily made that area stronger with a few of Connector Peg W. Knob; we get loads of extras of those so it's not really a problem. I also thought a few more of Slide Shoe Round 2X2 could have been used to make some of the assemblies much stronger like the chairs. The stickers where the only down side to the build which slightly stressed me out but I found out that sticking a corner of the sticker on the back of the actual sticker sheet makes it much easier and fingerprint proof. The main frame is very study when complete but like I said the sub-assemblies are the weak areas in terms of stability but I don't know how else it would have been possible. -What makes this model different from many other LEGO models is that you cannot easily tell how it's built; due to all the non-linear shapes and angles achieved throughout the model. I can say we do have two elements in the front wheels which are visible, that’s not intentionally part of the design but that fact that only the black is visible throughout the whole with a few hints of grey and gold details; normally we would have exposed blue or red LEGO Technic pins which normally takes away from most LEGO models but in this case it's only very minor which is great for a model at this scale. Value for Money This retails for £159.99 in the UK and contains 1869 pieces. The price shocked me; then I saw the designer video and was impressed with the size; now that I own it I can say it’s damn huge. It's beauty is the size and details; just speechless. The Dark Knight and Batman fans will really appreciate this model, it delivers a different and educational build experience, compared to your average set as it’s aimed towards adults and collectors. The other day I checked the price for the Tyre Wide Ø81,6X44 and I discovered that they are on the LEGO Bricks and Pieces feature and they go for about £8 each! Now I can understand why the set costs so much, the large tires must be very hard to make and manufacture so therefore the price reflects that. I added all the tires and rims and it came out close to £40. What this means is it would have cost £120 without the tires and rims. You have to understand that's the main reason why the set costs so much. Just like real cars. I plan to buy two more for a Bat-Pod MOC in scale with this Tumbler. Theme Popularity LEGO Batman sets always to well and this will make a great collector’s item. Exclusivity This set is available at LEGO Stores and and other selected retailers. Surprisingly it’s still listed 1 per customer online which means resellers will be upset and tells us that there is limited availability. Packaging I like the fact they changed the colour of the banner for this set and made is a mix of grey and black. The way they presented the model is just like it's jumped off the screen. On the back of the box we see a main image of the model in the basement, and just below it we have several technical views of the Tumbler. The back also gives us a good look at the interior which is pretty much impossible to see once built. Growth Potential This will do very well as an investment just because LEGO Batman has always done well in the secondary market plus the popularity of The Dark Knight will make it stand out. I can see its price tripled when it's discontinued since LEGO has limited one per customer on Display Attributes Yes, this is a great collector’s item and display piece with minor flaws like: It's hasn't got is primary features from the movie; those being an ejectable Bat-Pod, opening doors and steering. I understand and can see that the main goal was to get all those angles and shapes that we see on the actual Tumbler which the designer at LEGO has achieved. The model looks how you would expect it to look, it’s definitely looks like a Tumbler and is instantly recognisable; it's not a very pretty model as it's a military tank therefore it's won't be target to some individuals who like models from LEGO Creator Expert but it's a great and cool vehicle and a great addition to any LEGO Batman collection. It would be a nightmare dusting this model as it has many different angles whilst using elements with visible studs. Whist having all those studs showing takes away from the Tumbler look and looks like random selections of elements put together; one way they should have avoid this if they tiled the entire model, but it would have greatly affected the RRP making it harder for us and costs to make new molds and colours would have been as issue for LEGO. So in a nutshell it had to be done like this. The back view is its most comfortable and standout area in the entire model. The tires are another standout in the set they are so sleek; I wouldn't want those catching any dust! I can see people modifying this in ‘5 - Brick Yellow’ and ‘138 - Sand Yellow’ for the Tumblers used in The Dark Knight Rises, it would take quite a bit of planning to accomplish. Final Analysis/ Conclusion Overall this set it is a must have set for every Batman or The Dark Knight fan. If you’re a LEGO collector of cars this will also be a unique model and it will stand out from other LEGO cars since it's probably one of the biggest car or vehicle of this scale. This set has two unique and exclusive minifigures so if you’re a Batman fan it’s defiantly worth. It also leaves you hanging to try and modify it because it wasn't realistic enough for the designers to get all its primary features into a model of this size but purely as a display pieces it defiantly triumphs as a model and stands out to the other exclusives that are currently available. This set is a best seller so get your hands on it while you can! Hopefully with the success of this set we get a UCS Batmobile from Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice next year! Adeel
  12. FinalFeature

    Ant Man

    The brilliant inventor Hank Pym aka Ant-Man is tasked with developing a cure to save Iron Man. Little does he know that by messing with a substance known as Anti-Matter, he will draw unwanted attention to himself from the feared god of Apokolips, Darkseid. Directed, Animated, Written, and Music composed by Tristan Kilmer Starring Cliff Thompson as Ant Man Coulter Rail as Darkseid SuperKaiokenX as Captain Amercia Josh Lambright as Desaad Sean Polite as Kalibak How did the Blackbird get damaged? Find out in the Avengers and X-Men team up here: How did Darkseid find himself in the Marvel Universe? See the beginning here: Like and Follow the Facebook page for the latest updates! https://www.facebook...lFeature?ref=hl Subscribe for new videos and watch the DC/Marvel crossover series unfold!
  13. Microdragons

    Bionicle Comics

    Does anyone miss the old Bionicle comics? If so, do you think it would break copyright laws to make an archive of them? Also if the new ones are any good we could include them. (@VBBN: Could you make a poll with three options? Yes, no, and "I could live without them.")
  14. FinalFeature

    Jurrasic world

    After an encounter with the lord of time, Epoch, Batman finds himself in a post apocalyptic future. In this world of savagery, the last boy on Earth, Kamandi and his loyal friend Dr. Canus must help Batman get back to his own time by any means possible. Dinosaurs, Gorillas, and Eagles are rampant. Directed, Written, Animated, and Music composed by Tristan Kilmer Starring Joshua Sims as Batman Bret Newton as Kamandi Sean Polite as Dr Canus Drake Winberg as Gorilla Grodd CoulterRail as Alfred Joey Xero as Superman Thanks for looking!
  15. FinalFeature

    Teen Titans Tower (Microscale)

    My latest film called for a Lego model of the Titans Tower so I made a microscale version of the tower. You can check out the Teen Titans film .The towers simple but so is the one from the comic, when I was trying to figure out the positioning of the shot I went with the iconic scene from the show with the Seagull in close perspective. Thanks for looking!
  16. Hello fellow AFOL. I finally completed my first Lego comic short story and I'd really like to read your opinion It is just a little test, a sort of introduction (or "pilot episode", if you prefer ) to a story series I'm currently writing, named " A Bountiful Galaxy" Even though you will see a couple of Minifigures from the Star Wars theme this is not a Star Wars story. It' set in another fictional universe I created for this story series. So I posted here for all the Lego Sci-Fi fans. Anyway here the story. Part 1 (Pages one and two) Part 2 (Pages there, four and five) This is truly my first ever comic story and I'm back to the Lego universe after an absence nearly 10 years old long , so any comment, feedback, suggestion etc will be very appreciated. Even "negative" ones. It will motivate me in going ahead with these projects. Thank you very much for your time. I hope you'll like this little story. I made sure the pics are in very high resolution so you should be able to appreciate the Minifigures' and sets' details EDIT: I do realize the title is, well, a very "unsuccessful" one. It was intended to be a wordplay on the expression "getting on my nerves" and a line said by the comic's main character. However I realize out of context has little meaning Anyway on the technical aspect: I'm still experimenting with the software (it's Comic Life 3 for the records) and while certain effects can be easily added to the photos others, like good quality energy weapons effects for example, are still difficult to add for me. I'm working on them though. Thank you for reading
  17. Hello everybody, here is my new little comic. It is a pirate and a classic space comic at the same time. Special thanks to Grimmbeard again for correction of the english grammar!!!!!!
  18. Hello there This is a one panel comic I just made. It's a little parody about the Bounty Hunter Bossk from Star Wars (I don't like trandoshans and I played Republic Commando so many times ) I realized the image is so large and rescaling it affected the quality of text fonts, so I'll simply post the link Allow me to introduce the "Mono-Neuron Lizard" I'm still experimenting with the software. If all goes as planned and I find the spare time, I'll start to make entire Lego comics series. I hope you'll like this little comic. Feel free to post your opinions. May the Brick be with you. EDIT: I forgot to post a little "introduction" The bounty hunter is trying to "interrogate" the space pirate but his "rude methods" don't work this time... well he is called "Mono-Neuron" for a reason
  19. Hi there! my little MOC about the batman universe The den of Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot aka the penguin who develop a machiavelic plan! if you have any comment, Thanks The Penguin by blacksad sad Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, dit Le Pingouin by blacksad sad DSCN4282 by blacksad sad
  20. A very short one panel comic inspired by the famous Han/Greedo scene with a little ironic approach to the "who shot first" quarrel that followed Sorry if the image is too large. I'm currently having problems with image re-sizing.
  21. Hello there, I was comparing one of my custom Clone Troopers with an ARF Trooper from 9488 set when I thought about this scene. It's very short scene, just one panel comic, but I wanted to share with you.
  22. FinalFeature

    Batman's Bat-Mech

    A frame from some test footage of the LEGO DC/Marvel Crossover that I've been developing for almost a year. And yes, it does transform into a Batmobile. A small sample of it in action can be viewed during the credits . I'll have new photos/videos up later this year on the facebook page.Thanks for looking!
  23. Hi there, this is my first post in this sub forum, I wanna show you my newest vignette, hope you enjoy! Obelix and the Romans by LF_kofi, on Flickr