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  1. [HSS] The Silver Bull inn Standing proudly in front of the Palace, and overlooking Rockwail's main plaza, is The Silver Bull inn. It's neither the largest, nor the most infamous inn in town, but it does enjoy a good reputation. To the more wealthy traveler, it offers peace and quiet at the heart of the city, tidy rooms and good meals, including soups, meat and hot drinks. The inn accommodates seven guests across four rooms, and furthermore houses the city's post office. Messenger Fiona, of Avalonia, is delivering a message from Albion to the post office of The Silver Bull. At the door she's greeted by an unusual visitor who is making his depart. In a mix of thrill and unsettlement, a shiver went down Fiona's spine. She had gotten acquainted with the non-human population of Nocturnus before on a number of occasions, but never had she seen an undead skeleton before! At second glance, he seemed quite the gentleman, though. Look at that jaw line! Haha, kidding! Little did the Avalonian messenger know that she had just met the famed Resistance warlord Anfauglir! And Anfauglir wasn't the only Nocturnian lord at the inn at that moment... --- Additional pictures: I'm happy to be sharing posting another HSS build for Rockwail, at the very end of 2023. Indeed, HSS. Not sure if that was clear before, but it is now! I've worked on other buildings too, but those are for the coming year. As usual, I learned a lot while building. More than with any previous MOC, I struggled with figuring out the layout of the interior and how to break it open for access to the interior. For example, I shuffled around the beds several times to get a three-bedroom floor that made sense. It's my biggest fully enclosed MOC building to date, and yet the interior space turned out to be very tight. That was one of the reasons I choose to not have any actual doors inside the building*, only brickbuilt 3-wide, 6-high door frames. So a bit of a schematic rendition. *save for the door to the toilet, which is a detail that was lost in a section that doesn't detach for access (for structural integrity and my sanity). I hope you enjoy. C&C welcome!
  2. We go back several centuries, to a time when an alliance of dwarves, humans and orcs had successfully defended their stronghold in the Moruth Swamplands. In the wake of their victory, the King of Rockwail commissioned the sculptor's guild to make an enormous statue of Merin Uîr, a legendary warrior who was said to have defeated multiple enemy platoons in the Boulder Bogs through ambushes and trickery. The sculptor's guild was happy to take on the King's request. Sculptor vedette Yurro has taken the lead on this task. He is carving the head, torso and upper arms from a single block of stone. Meanwhile another experienced sculptor has started on the lower arms and hands, and apprentices are being instructed to carve out the rough shape of the pelvis and legs, which will later be finished up by Yurro. A statue this size is a serious undertaking, and lots of things can go wrong in the process, but so far Yurro and his crew have not had any major setbacks. A relief! --- Yes, there will be a the full statue later. I'm sitting on quite a lot of (mostly) finished Rockwail stuff, but I don't want to spill all of the beans yet. Cheers!
  3. [HSS] Master Jeweler's shop In the middle of Rockwail stands one of the very few jeweler shops that exist in Nocturnus. Jewelry is not all that popular in the Darklands, at least not the fancy kind. Decorated armour and weaponry, on the other hand, is valued a lot more by Nocty's populace. However, even in the land of monsters and barbarians there are individuals with taste — and Rockwail's Master Jeweler is there to cater to that clientele! One such individual with exquisite taste happened to be paying Rockwail a visit: Lady Sithanna of Shadowmere. Fortunately for her, it was an informal visit. It had been while since she last crossed Rockwail... 15 years, perhaps 55 years? Vampire naps can really mess with one's memory and perception of time! Obviously some things had changed in the city, but she was relieved to find 'her' jewelry shop still around. She paused in front of the shop window. It was almost exactly as she remembered it, but the window was now modernized with large glass panes. She looked at the elegant golden necklace was on display. "That glass wouldn't stop me from taking it, if I wanted to.", she thought. Perhaps the shop had a new owner, since the jeweler she knew was very protective over his wares. Or perhaps security in the city had gotten tighter? Whichever was the case, she was eager to have a look inside. Inside was Heinrigh, the Master Jeweler, tending to a customer. Heinrigh "I think this one suits you particularly well, Madam. The colour of the stone complements your dress very nicely. I also have a broche you could try on, I think that would — Hello, yes come in! Oh my... Lady Sithanna!" Lady Sithanna "Heinrigh! It brings me joy to see you! How have you been?" Yeah... that must have been at least 30 years! One more nap and she might not have spoken Heinrigh ever again... --- A little later than planned, but I enjoyed working on this build and I rather like how this turned out. I'm particulary happy with the 55-piece display cabinet, and the shop window which I've had as a tablescrap for close to two years. I tried to find out what kind of equipment a medieval jewelry maker would have on hand, but couldn't find much all that much online, so I greebled a bit. Let me know what you think, I appreciate your comments and criticism!
  4. Long ago, one of the first dwarven Kings of Rockwail ordered the construction of a sacred mine entrance, right in the heart of the city. For decades, even centuries, miners receive the blessing of Mòhria (represented by the statue on the altar) before descending into the perilous deep. Rockwail has one of the most diverse populations in Nocturnus in terms of races as well as ancestry, so there are a number of religions within in the city due to the many different backgrounds. However, be it through belief or through superstition, the vast majority of miners always descend to the mine and tunnel complex of the city in the morning, via "Chapel Gate". They may take a different route to the surface, as there are multiples entrances annex exits in Rockwail, but the ritual of entering through Chapel Gate is one that persists across miners from all kinds of backgrounds and beliefs. Today again, two miners are venturing into the deep with the hope of bringing riches to the surface, but above all hoping to return safely. Perhaps empty-handed as they did yesterday, but there's always that sliver of a chance to find something truly extraordinary. Something that will have all of Rockwail looking and talking about them. And since they are 'free miners', they get to keep everything they find, unlike those employed by a mining company. It has its disadvantages, but if they find "The Big One", as they call it, they may not have to work for the rest of their lives! Fame, fortune and comfort... a miner can dream! Unfortunately, today was just another day at the mine. No fame and glory, just bits of ore and barely a grain of crystal. Tomorrow, maybe... Meanwhile, behind Chapel Gate, a blacksmith has just started working on some iron ornamentation. It is for a very important commission, which was made to the guild of smiths. It's too large of a task for a single smith's shoulders to bear, especially in the given timeframe, but his experience and craftsmanship will be invaluable to give the end result it's desired flair. --- Hi, happy to share (part of) a new build with y'all today! I felt that it was necessary to divide this build over two posts, because the writing would otherwise become a bit long and messy. And it's also more practical for the HSS. Hope you enjoy!
  5. Zilmrud

    Wyvernstone Village

    This is the Village of Wyvernstone outside the city of Zamorah. For a long long time this was the only settlement people of Avalonia knew about at this located. But after the dome of concealment was lifted the little village now is just a little part af the great shire of Zamorah. This part is the centre of the village, with the well as a natural place to meet other villagers. It´s also full of merchants, craftsmen and stores that provide services to the villagers and also to travelers from all of Historica The Wyvernstone Village The Village of Wyvernstone is located at the foot of the big mountain of Zamorah: Wyvernstone is located just outside of Zamorah Buildings in this part of the village In this part of the village there is a stable, a houses with different shops and businesses and also some households. People in Wyvernstone By the well there is a natural place for gatherings. And travelers from all around comes to tell stories and news from all of Historica. ...or to meet new acquaintances... .. .or to shop. People from all around historica comes to the village to trade, fill up their inventories. Merchants, Craftsmen and shops In this part of the village there is merchants, craftsmen and stores that provide services to the villagers and also to travelers from all of Historica. This is a few of the villages services: Stables: Farrier: Blacksmith: Bakery: Astronomer: Cooper: Cheesemaker: Armourer:
  6. The Tales of Lady Gwenllian 0. Introduction 1. The arrival of Lady Gwenllian aboard the Cedar Serpent 2. Scouting a Site 3. Early Spring in Prenmôr 4. The Fishery and Shrine at Prenmôr 5. Opening of the Prenmôr Quarry While Lady Gwenllian was helping the villagers of Flewd move to Prenmôr, the last of the winter snows had thawed, freeing the earth for work. The first order of business for construction was to open a quarry for the massive amount of stone needed. The local limestone was ideal for building, and its proximity to the castle site eliminated the need to transport stone from great distances, facilitating construction of the main fortress and necessary outbuildings. Lady Gwenllian hired a number of laborers and a few stonecutters from the areas around Prenmôr. The limestone was hewn in the traditional manner by hand with pickaxes, roughed into blocks, and then shaped by a stonecutter before being broken out with a wedge and trimmed to final shape. The finished stones were loaded onto a horse drawn cart and taken to the building site, while loose gravel was hauled out in baskets on the backs of workers.
  7. Northgrove is a small hamlet, near the north border of the region. The last destination for Conrad, to visits the hamlets storehouse. The Queen's lieutenant came to the mercenary leader, and took half of the winters stock, without permission. Altho, he left some hefty sacks of gold, as payment. "-And with what should i fed my soldiers? With coins" - Conrad's commentary still haunts his mind. The lieutenant didn't looked back with his answer: "- This is not my problem, you got plenty of storehouses across Deepgarden, solve it!" He still grumbled, while got of the cart,with the workers: - Moron, he thinks, i got time for this... Meanwhile, in the storehouse, the keeper just finished the charts. He heard a cart stoping nerby, then knocking on the window. He opened it, a man stood befor him, black hair and beard, wearing armor, with a wolf insignia. He never met with the defender of this region, but he had a guess who stands befor him. - Greetings good man, I would like to see the stocks in this storehouse. - Sure,amoment please. - answered the keeper, and picked up the keys, and went to the door. Conrad came in, signaling to the workers, to wait outside. The keeper ran back to his desk, took the charts and gave it to Conrad. - Is there a problem my Lord? - asked the keeper humbly. - Yes, there is... But a little reorganization could solve it. - and with that, he gave back the paper, and turned to the workers: - Alright boys, load the cart, with the followings...
  8. Inside the simple Temple of Mazadar a Warrior Priest addresses a group of potential converts to the cause. "Mazadar is pure goodness, the creator of all things right and true." Exclaimed the Priest of Mazadar. "Yet Mazadar is not alone in the Cosmos of Creation. At every turn Mazadar is opposed by the evil spirit of chaos and destruction. Seeking to cast down all that is good and replace it with evil, this destructive force seeks to confound Mazadar and goodness at every turn! Existing only to cause suffering and pain. Mazadar and the evil spirit have opposed each other since the dawn of creation and even now wage their battle over the souls of mortals. How can Mazadar ever hope to triumph against the equal and opposite evil spirit?" "Only by enlisting the figure upon the pedastal can Mazadar hope to win the Cosmic struggle and bring about a paradise in all realms and all lives. And that figure, is YOU. Only you can choose good over evil! Only you can make the difficult choices to do right in this life. Only you can help to build a paradise in all realms. Only you can tip the scales of good and evil. Your choices, your actions will make the difference in the Cosmic struggle. Mazadar needs you to choose good. Will you answer the call?" Meanwhile in the temple garden Muakhah fields the questions of two younger Khadirans. "When I get to paradise, will I see my grandma? ...and my cat?" Asked the short quiet girl. "Would it be paradise without them Mirah?" replied Muakhah. "So I will see them again?" The little girl persisted. "When we die Mirah, Mazadar judges our deeds, our intentions, our very soul. We either enter paradise or for want of a better word, hell. But fear not little one. Hell is temporary. There are no sins that could warrant eternal punishment! Every sinner will spend time in hell to account for their sins and recognise the consequences of their actions. It may take them a long time but eventually they will enter paradise, having atoned and understood their wrongs." "Does this mean that I might see someone evil in paradise? Like a Drow?" Asked the taller boy. "Why yes. You may even meet Revolword or Ravaage himself." "I don't want to meet Ravaage in paradise." Said the boy firmly. "Of course," said Muakhah gently. "But understand that the Ravaage you meet in paradise would not be the Ravaage who walked this earth. He would have paid the price for his crimes in hell, but not only that he would have come to understand and repent for them. The Ravaage you meet in paradise will be Ravaage as he could have been. Had he made the choice to do good and walk in the light." "Is this why we have to help the Nocturnans...even though they are evil?" The boy continued. "Look at the plant over by the gardener. See how it is not lush and green like this one to my left." The boy and girl nodded. "Is that plant evil?" "No!" laughed the children in unison. "This plant to my left is lush and green because this corner of the garden has good light, soil and warmth. The plant over there lacks these things and so its growth is more difficult. If both plants are to bloom then one of them needs help. Which one do you think?" "The one over there." said the girl. "And so it is with the Nocturnans. They are not evil. They simply come from a harsh land where it is not easy to do good. Where everything is a struggle. But with help they can walk in the light." "But some are evil?" The boy continued. "Some choose evil. But others do not. And do not forget that Kaliphlinites, Avalonians and Mitgardians may also choose evil. It is often the easier path. Doing the right thing is often the more difficult choice. Were it easy then there would be no evil." Additional Photos! I finished this build a little while ago and held off posting pictures because of the Sandstorm of freebuilds. As there seemed to be a lot of immersive shots I retweaked the posing a little to get immersive shots myself but it doesn't really work well as it wasn't designed for it. I know the story is pretty waffly but hopefully this is the beginning of an organisation that may grow to rival the knights of Aslan (fingers crossed) I feel that there is a curse going around the forum. When I set it up for photos it seemed that I had avoided light shining through cracks. But when the photos are on the comp there they are... Seems to be a common problm these days. I'm hoping that this is enough to count as a Temple for Khadira and also a freebuild for the great Guild of Kaliphlin! And yes...I'm still mixing all colors of minifigs...
  9. When the wave of Nocturnan refugees crossed the border during the war against Ravaage, they brought with them new styles of clothing, food and entertainment. They also had an influence on the new buildings of Khadira. This business has a repaired stone lower story with a wooden and lacquer upper storey. The Red and Black are typical Nocturnan colors for this kind of construction. This building has become a massage parlor, or so the owners claim. With so many refugees in the city some turn to desperate sources of income. The authorities have turned a blind eye during the wars but now that there is a High Queen upon the throne they may seek to investigate the premises. Masseuses try to attract potential customers from the balcony. A potential customer? Or merely a curious onlooker? This being Kaliphlin, any patch of shade quickly gets snatched up by traders and market stalls. It remains to be seen whether businesses like this will be allowed to function, suffer regulations and inspections or simply be closed down as order reasserts itself across the land. OOC: So you can see why I will never criticise other's photography eh? In a different country with a different half of my collection. Had a look at what could be pulled off and thought that a Nocturnan inspired business would fit in. Thought about the general situation, My pieces and what could be represented with them and thought of this "Scarlet House". I may try photoshop in the future but I mainly want tot build and share. I will look into getting a better background than a dog diaper though... I hope to build a few small pieces and slowly work on Khadira. I guess for HSS this would count as Hospitality - Entertainers?
  10. Although the streets of Kashgar are poorly accessible for carriages and horsemen, at the far end of Kashgar near the docks is a small stable. The Avalonian owner, Quill, of the Flying Pony rents out and sells horses and other ridable animals for short journeys and light packings. Quill owns a small breeding range just outside the borders of Kashgar, where he get his constant supply of mini horses. HSS: REQ Agriculture, Lifestock Ranch
  11. Drunken Imp Inn When the streets and canals of Kashgar were flooding with merchants from all directions, the urge to keep them in the town began to grow. They needed a place to negotiate along with the pleasure to grab a drink as well as a place to crash after a long journey. On different locations in town taverns and inns popped up. The one that stood out, was the Drunken Imp Inn. A little shady and the sleeping lodges were not the most comfortable, but the money flowed. As it is told. Black market trading, agreements were signed and some say even kill contracts are a common goods that cross the tables. HSS: REQ Hospitality, Inn
  12. Golden Wing Leather Workshop When Joseph Khaor first set foot on Varlyrio he arrived in a small hamlet in the eastern bay, which he called Kashgar. Hamlet was still too much to call the collective of small houses. Joseph thought it would be a great spot to settle and he started to build his home and workshop. At first it functioned as a tailorshop until the majority of the product shifted from cloth to leather, armors in particular. Generations later the building was still standing, although the residential purpose was moved to a larger location. On the bottom floor a shop allows the customers to do business and pick up their order. The second floor holds the workshop of the craftsmen making the armors and other leatherwork specialty orders. The top floor is the drying area for the stock of furs and leather that they acquired from their tannery further up the canal. HSS: Craftsmen Armorer
  13. Farm’s Market The downside to these large settlements along the coast of Varlyrio, is that all the food, except fish, has to be bought. Kashgar is no different. Farmland is far beyond the gate. This does not mean it is hard to get by food. The Farm’s market offer a continues flow of goods like livestock, fruit and other exotic products. No men should live unfed. As a side note: It’s a small build, but it had to fit my view of the city. HSS: REQ Agriculture, Farm’s Market (because Kashgar has no direct farms along its borders
  14. Khaor guard tower Briefly after the successes of the Khaor family in Kashgar, the usual suspects came lurking around the corner. Thieves, smugglers and even murderers. The Khaor hired a group of soldiers to insure their personal safety. In the midst of town a high tower oversees the traffic and guards the business and the family of Khaor. The personal guard of the Khaor distinguish themselves by the high quality dragon scale armor and their versatile range of weaponry they carry. Led by commander and chief Yorth, these guards are top of the bill. HSS: REQ Military, Guard Tower
  15. Temple of Daïnna After the first settlers of Kashgar built the first homes through the maze of canals of Kashgar the community requested a temple to pray to their deity of choice. The Temple keeper Perrish assists his flock of Kashgar residents and outsiders, preaching to numerous deities needed to favor the hunt, production or trade important to the Varlyrians. The Temple was named after Daïnna, an Avalonian Half-God Huntress who was praised for her skills in tracking and archery and the deity the Khaor family draws much energy from. Daïnna’s arrows are blessed with flight and accuracy. Her followers are believed to be given a sharp vision and strong sense to aid in the hunt. A secret lore even suggest that she hunted more than just animals and mythical creatures and that she shed royal blood. HSS: Religious
  16. ...about 5 years ago, when things started to getting worse for the citizens of Euosmos and strange things where happening all over Mitgardia because of the rising hordes of Algus, a boat with a handful of brave men from Euosmos, sailed across Winter Lakes to the open sea towards East, far away from the known lands of Historica... They were looking for a safe place away from any Algus threats, to make a new start for their civilization and keep the soul of Euosmos alive. It took them about a month sailing before they finally saw land! The region was ideal to build a fortified city, so they immediately started working on it.... the city of "Salonica" Soon they had their first houses ready and about three year after, the fortified walls were ready too. The named "Kastra of Thessaloniki" were one of the toughest walls all over Historica and the citizens were finally safe, for once and for all. Hey there guys :) thanks a lot for hosting this great contest, it was the big period we had available to build, that made me think to finally expand the Kastra Gatehouse I had built and also build the interior village I wanted. (you can exclude the main gatehouse from judging) The project consists of 3x3 48baseplates for now and I aim to further expand it when I find time. The windmill at the hill is rotating with power functions, and there are also several lights at the tavern below it and around rockwork. I was also thinking to make more threads and link them here with the main buildings/baseplates better photographed (detached) but for the time being I will leave it as it is, all together. I am working on this project since the announcement of the contest, with a few months off and on, and the final moc consists of MANY parts as you can see xD I hope you like it Giorgos Solomonidis Gunman Kastra of Thessaloniki Military Parade Every year since the beginning of the new era for the citizens of Euosmos, they organize a military parade to celebrate their new hometown. Sir Gunman has left a clone of himself next to the King, because he has information that upcoming danger in incoming to the city of Salonica, and he has to prepare himself. Every citizen has a chance to see from close-up their brave military The coming of the citizens of Euosmos to this land, wasn't so peaceful... in fact, strange fleshy looking people were living here. All of them were captured and since then are kept on a small island on a lake near Salonica called Skyraloga to avoid any transfer of their illness to the healthy citizens. Every year, during the parade period, a few of them are taken from the small island and are forced to join the parade inside a wagon. Dragonslayer's Inn One of the top Inns in the City of Salonica, famous for its view from the balcony Dimo's Stable The stable, owned by Sir Gunman and his family, named after his grandfather. Some of the finest horses of Salonica and held there. Sir Gunman it getting ready to leave his house and go see if the rumors for incoming danger are true, Market Every Sunday, one of the finest markets of the city is getting place near the Monument of the Fallen Angel You can find from small fishes till one of the finest armors in the lands of Historica The Statue of the Fallen Angel dedicated to all the fallen Mitgardians, during the long journey from Euosmos to Salonica Dragonslayer Windmill This windmill is used by citizens and military people too. Normal citizens use it to produce their flour while military people are on duty and use it as observatory for incoming danger around the city. Next to the windmill, there is also a big Cross made out of stone, to threaten incoming enemies. Many citizens find this place very romantic, and choose it to get married. Lights ON Last but not least I would like to claim the following: Inn phase 3,Stable phase 3,Walls phase 3,Store phase 1 HSS entertainers.HSS Scholars,HSS Religious
  17. The new trend in Mitgardian travelling agencies is Sandboarding trips to Kaliphlin lands. Here we can see Gunman testing the Queenscross ride while on vacations before "Book III" adventures start. I would like to claim the HSS Services and AoM Gatehouse 2nd phase. Book your tickets now!
  18. Kai NRG


    Decided to build another opening building like my inn. But I also wanted to get some bright colors in there. Well, it sure has been a while. This was a lot of fun to build - C&C welcome as always!
  19. Jacob Nion

    The Streets Of Skavenport

    The City of Skavenport was one of the strangest cities in Nocturnus, where indeed many a strange town existed. Maybe it was even one of the most peculiar cities in all of Historica. But at the first glance a visitor could find no difference to any other bustling town. There were half timbered houses, large and small, built without any sign of logic; older houses with crooked roofs and sagged walls, newer houses attached to the others whereever a free corner could be found. Houses lined to long winding alleys. Some of the larger streets were paved, or once had been at least, but most were muddy and rough. Everywhere the reisdents were busy, hushing through the streets, children were playing, and barkers could be heared. All in all it was a loud place full of life and hustle. But this most special town was inhabited by rats. Not only rats, but rats and men together, side by side. Because this was the city of Osric Isentooth, the Rat Lord. Long ago, when the rats, were driven out of their realm far in the northern Rakath Mountains, Osric led them all through Nocturnus to the eastern shore. But the rats had been weakened and were disheartened. So Osric called for people all over Historica to follow him and join his cause. So the men of Skavenport had come. They were neither lords nor noble knights, not even brave farmers or diligent craftsmen. These men had been thieves and robbers, smugglers and all sort of sinister fellows. That kind of people decent citizen would call rats. And said:"You may live like vermin under your kind, or you live free and proud under us rats." So vagabonds turned into most respectable citizens. They became farmers and craftsmen and merchants. Thieves, who had never known other than loneliness, became the fathers of families. And the rats on the other hand adapted much of the manners of their new neighbours. Where they once had lived in caverns and dug tunnels they now inhabited tall houses and walked other broad streets. They learned to esteem precious fabric and to trade with all kinds of goods (a new and very strong domain of the rat people). They learned how to grow crops and even how to tame the sea. Some travelled far away aboard black sailed ships and returned with spices from isles as far in the south as any mariner ever dared to sail. And the rats and the men lived henceforth in union, and nothing ever would divide them. So, finally I can present you the first build of my city! Enjoy Skavenport!
  20. Jacob Nion

    Skavenport Furriers

    The Streets Of Skavenport With endless forests surrounding the city, Skavenport has immense access to huntable wildlife. The skin sold by the huntsmen is processed into fine fur by Skavenports many furriers and one of the most desired exports. Foxes, sables and wolves are popular furs, but you will never find a coat of squirrel skin, or a beaver hat in Skavenport, since Lord Osric had forbidden the sale and production of rodents, in the city. On the furrier's bench last rags of flesh are severed from the skin. Tanning makes the skin smooth and durable. So, a little bit more Skavenport. Enjoy!
  21. The Trifork has not been unaffected by the recent conflicts. Civil war in Nocturnus has brought strange fugitives to its borders; Drow incursions and rumours of plague in Avalonia has led to local unrest; Troubles in Mitgardia has disturbed trade and mythical incursions from the far north has brought fear to those lands; Lastly, the bloody struggle for control over Kaliphlin has demanded lives of sons, fathers and brothers, and disturbed basicly all daily tasks and routines of the border town. During these times, everyone must take their part in feeding their families and keeping the economy going. One such person is young Peter, who has taken up tending to his family's sheep with his trusty dalmatian, while his father serves with the Trifork city guard. In the highlands north of the Trifork, the lands are perfect for grazing. However, as the highlands are a good two days out, the shepherds maintain a number of small huts for all of the community to use. Here they rest for the night, and store supplies to make their lives more comfortable. It is customary for shepherds to leave something for the next inhabitant, be it cheese, wine, bread, or similar. Sheep is a popular livestock, as it can produce both meats, dairy products and wool, ensuring a steady income for the shepherds, regardless of price developments in any single commodity. Therefore, Peter's work is enough to keep his family well fed and to supply them with surplus products to take to the market. Thanks for looking - my second build for the husbandry minichallenge. The shepherd is from my minifig-series and I had the sheep lying around since forever. (They are not my own design, but I can't remember where I saw it.) C&C welcome - again thanks for a nice minichallenge!
  22. All men must eat - especially during times of crisis, where large parts of the workforce is diverted to war time production or the military forces. And while bread, potatoes and dairy form the basis of nutrition, a happy and healthy populace (and army) requires more diversified diets. Located in the far south of Avalonia, with hot winds blowing in from the Kaliphlinite plains, the Trifork has perfect conditions for growing many different types of produce. These crafty farmers have abondoned the hard labour of growing grains and turned to the more delicate business of oranges and other lemonfruits. While adult trees adapt well to the climate, saplings have to be groomed and require additional incubation. This is done in greenhouses, simulating the climate of more tropical regions, to allow the young trees to establish roots and resilience for the slightly harsher local weather conditions. With a high yield production the orchards of the Trifork normally delivers more than enough lemonfruits for the local populace. Recently, however, prices have been driven up and the produce reserved to a more elitist market. Hopefully the markets will normalise, so all again can enjoy the sweet and sour sensation of the fruits. For now, the farmers enjoy a premium on their prices... __________________________________ An entry for the Husbandry challenge - C&C welcome. I know this isn't anything special, but I wanted to try out my new fences (PAB) and try building a greenhouse. In fact, that part was more complex than I had anticipated. Thanks for a nice minichallenge!
  23. After receiving orders from the High Council to stand down and adhere to the truce, Beorthan has lead his troop of veterans home to the Trifork. There, the citizens are welcoming them with a heroes' parade throughout the city. Below, we see the parade marching past the Avalonian College of Commerce, Economics, and Social Studies, a small subunit of the Avalonian University near Albion. Not all made it back safely, but none were left behind. Here, the veterans are carrying their fallen brother at the place of honour on the parade, for all to honour him and remember his sacrifice. Fittingly, the parade also passes before a temple to an old God of War. HSS Religious: Temple for a God of War Barring homecoming parades to local heroes, the Academy is a busy place. In its great halls, scholars roam the bookshelves for new perspectives on contemporary issues. In the courtyard behind the main building, scholars go to discuss important issues, contemplate in deep thought, study, or to meet with their fellows. In the side wing, there are rooms for visiting scholars. The resident scholars typically have lodgings in the city, but may use the rooms for a peaceful place of study. Overview shots: HSS Scholars: The Avalonian Academy of Commerce, Economics, & Social Studies. C&C is welcome. This was intended to be a wing of the Petrayan University for Warzone 10, but I didn't manage to get it ready. And thus, the Trifork got itself an academy!
  24. Hereby a freebuild I've got sitting on a shelf for a looong time. In the Northwest of the Trifork, the Twins command the only river running from the Lake of the Trifork. All the other rivers are upstream from the Lake, supplying it with melting water from the cold north, rainwater from the central plains surrounding Cedrica and muddy waters from the forests of north west Kaliphlin. Via the water locks, the water level of the lake can be managed, including raising it to flood the lowlands south of the Trifork in case of attack or siege, limiting access to one metalled road, easing defenses. The water lock at the Twins is one of two, allowing traffic to pass through with minimal decrease in the water levels of the lake. The second one is upstream in the middle of the city. Apart from the towers themselves, the defenses also include a chain mechanism to block of the river (and to protect the waterlocks in times of peace). This is a build for the HSS challenge. Thanks for looking - C&C welcome
  25. In the middle of New Town, on the north bank of the river, the mill of the Trifork is located. Here grains from a wide area surrounding the Trifork is ground to flour before being shipped off by ship or caravan, sent to the bakeries, sold in the market, or stored in warehouses for times of need. (Or more favourable market conditions...) With a mill inside the walls, the Trifork is well-positioned to build up large stocks of grains and flour, meaning the Trifork rarely suffers in times of war and famine. Further, the traffic of grains going in and flour and bread going out, has established the Trifork as an important market for grains and related products. Avalonian wheat for north west Kaliphlin alone represent an immense volume of trade. Here the miller is loading a wagon with the last few hours of production, which will be going to the bakeries of Old Town south of the river. ====================================================================== This is a build for the HSS challenge. The mill rotates 360o degrees, so it can be turned into the wind. Further, there is a working grindstone inside, turning with the wind. Quite happy with the outcome of this, and looking forward for some feedback.