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  1. Samuel Scarver had been following Corringtons actions closely as the threat of the Lotii in New Haven grew bigger by the day... knowing that our leaders would never let them get away with it. When news of a planned invasion finally arrived, he knew he had to help. In his prime he would have taken a Letter of Marque and gone there himself, alas, his age would not allow him. However, retired from a successful trade company, Samuel owned a good handful of ships. So he had his best warship restored and ready for action. She was a Corvette he had captured on one of his trade expeditions all those years ago. The ship was fast and well armed, with a total of 18x 8-pounder guns, 4x 6-pounders : 2 bow chasers and 2 stern chasers, and to top it all off, 10 swivel guns to repel all boarders. She was the perfect escort, not a single piece of cargo was ever lost under her protection. In many ways she reminded him a lot of his mother, as she had always shielded him from danger, despite how hard he made it. So he named her, Alexandra, his mother's name, and had the figurehead represent her holding her favorite bird, the hummingbird. To tell the truth, he was sad to let her go… But he knew she would serve the Queen well, just like she had him. And to a man who bled the colors of Corrington, nothing meant more. He contacted an old friend of his from the Noble Parliament, whom he intrusted to find a suitable captain for the ship. With her Majesty's Navy having no shortage of experienced naval officers, the ship was immediatly assigned to an up-and-coming captain Foster. A mere 3 days later, Samuel Scarver stood at the docks of Belson, as he watched HMS Alexandra sail into the sunset. (There are actually 9 figures barely visible / invisible from the angle I took the image ) ----------- A new Cruiser for the Navy! She is a class 6 Corvette built for the Oaken Shield task, you are free to decide her stats, otherwise she is ready to be licenced. This ship is heavily inspired by one of "boeing_787_8_dreamliner" ships on instagram, he makes som very nice ships and was nice enough to send me the file for his ship "La Therese". I learned a lot of new technics from his ship and I borrowed 90% of his fantastic rigging as well as some other parts. (Samuel Scarver is Edward's father and was referred to in my character's introduction)
  2. Hilto's harbour, heart of every propper colony: One right corner proudly stands the tower of harbour administration. First couple floors are used for storage of more valuable goods, the top one is a nice openspace room for all accountants and harbor clerks with wiev to the whole harbour. On one end of the pier lives the fisherman/occasional warehouseman On the second one is the afforementioned warehouse for bulk goods: For some reason I totally forgot to make a topic about the build half year ago so better late than never. One question though - how to license harbor - is it commerce?
  3. Every flourishing town needs its backyard providing the food and other necessities. Couple miles upstream by the Green creek lies a the one feeding the Hilto. Small hill provides a good enough location for defence and as a bonus great view to the lake. Food itself is not a big concern for the town yet, as the island waters are rich on fish shoals and crabs but the growing industry needs some raw materials to work with. After couple mishaps with the varieties from Mokolei villagers gave up for a while and purchased the seedlings of the most popular strains in Prio sea and they finally started to spur. Fruit orchards are almost ready to ripe too. The fruit will add nice touch to available food palette and when fully grown they can be added to shisha tobacco for flavours. The future is bright on Sabre island! The town itself consist of couple cottages and sheds around small square dominated by the mosque of Eternal Flame and the home of mayor / local headquarters of the tobacco company. Couple levies and little more digging created a moat around the village to ease villagers ease with irrigation of ever hungry tobacco crops.
  4. Taking advantage of nearby coffee plantation - [SR - FB] Coffee Plantation, Hellion - Brethren of the Brick Seas - Eurobricks Forums Omni Al-Hash started his first step for a proper multi island commercial empire. Coffee is a favorite drink in Mokolei and the local strains are completly unknown down there so he hopes for a big splash with the new brand. Wagon with fresh badge of coffee beans just arrived to the yard. Right about time for the morning brew. Top view: Large factory microprice from [OKT] Annual Oktoberfest mini-challenge - WINNERS ANNOUNCED! - Brethren of the Brick Seas - Eurobricks Forums
  5. Artisan: small Well, it’s funny, isn't it? As soon as Sanjeev and his melody boys started to work on harbor construction Uncle appeared. Nobody invited him nobody knew him he just simply appeared one day and started to barter tobacco for pickaxes and silver for lamp oil. In mere two weeks he already started to build his emporium and harbor workers tried to beat all silver from him twice. Placed on strategic corner right behind harbor warehouse and on the way to tavern Uncle was been able to exchange almost everything with booze-driven passersby. Sanjeev had to talk some sense to him and explained that for greater good of community it will be vise to leave sailors with at least enough coins to get some rum and sishkebabs for couple days. And here with surrounding builds:
  6. Overseeing transaction of goods --- As a privateer, in times of peace, Captain Scarver spends most of his time hunting sea rats. After his latest hunt around the southern coast of Celestia, Captain Scarver returned to Port Woodhouse with the captured pirate ships and their stolen goods. After most voyages Scarver donates the stolen cargo and ships to the local militias of Corrington settlements, except for certain goods that may prove useful to his endeavours. However on this voyage they fell upon a state of the art Oleon Cutter, flying the black. It is rare to see pirates sailing Royal Navy ships, so Edward and his crew were careful not to sink her. The battle was long and hard as both opponents fought like hell, but eventually Scarver and his crew managed to capture her. Upon returning to Port Woodhouse, Scarver and his crew voted to keep the ship and add her to the fleet. Thus, he handed her to his Quartermaster who is to see her be repaired and riffited with 4 additional guns. In the meanwhile, as per usual, Scarver went to oversee their donation to the garrison in Port Woodhouse. --- I made this little scene while waiting for parts to arrive for my Cutter ship. I wanted to try out @Ayrlego's architecture for Port Woodhouse, while I also thought it could be a good idea to make a little teaser for the ship. The scene is supposed to take place in the courtyard of a fortified warehouse (kind of like something you would see in the game Assassin's Creed Black Flag).
  7. Dear family! I am deeply sorry for delay in my letters but post service is quite scarce here. I hope my letter found you all in good state and shape. I have great news! We managed to acquire a small pristine island nearby. While Abdul and Yasmina are taking care of our base in Poppy Port we kept ourselves busy and sailed around the archipelago. After couple tries and small trades here and there, we finally got the tip. Grand uncle Yussuf, praise eternal Flame his name, outdrunked sailor straight to the floor. He won his dignity, two months wage and map of an old corsair hideout nearby. The treasure is all long time gone but the island itself is the price. Small in size but abundant in greenery and mineral riches. Modest tribe of fine native gentlemen lives nearby and use the island as their fishing base. We visited their settlement and talked with their chief in command - chief Kahuka. He was quite reluctant at first despite my best efforts to persuade him with finest goods and gifts. He tried to play me with the good old trick with exotic dinner. The fool wanted to scare me with a scorpion! Only scary part was the taste - even in the middle of the dunes after week without water you can do better. When I expressed my slight concern about cooker's taste half of the tribe took it as a sign of our sissyness. So I send grand uncle for fresh scorpion ti show them how it's done. They tried to argue about some poison but uncle Yussuf has his methods and since the clam accident sixteen years ago no thorn or sting is a match for his mahogany leg. After short successful hunt Yussuf started to prepare second course of our business dinner. He is keeping his waterproof spice bag by his side ever since we left Molokai. That crazy old fool even managed to get himself a proper dry camel turd, he is swearing it doesn't taste half as good on wooden fire. When chiefs wife saw Yussuf cooking proprieties she turned pale but then started to laugh and excused herself for some urgent matter for the rest of dinner. Chief and his guys tried Yussuf's scorpion and had to admit it's the best damn scorpion in their lives. Well they will not fool us, we all know the only reason for cook them is if the other option is sand and camel turd smoke is only thing able to make it taste as something different. When they found out what's our secret ingredient it looked like a massacre preparation for a moment but as I said above, chief is big gentleman and took it with smile. He said he liked our guts but next time we will try something like it he will show them to us with his battle-axe so we can admire them together. We promised no more wonky-ponkies and other funny businesses in forge-able future as the axe was quite mighty and chiefs face unreadable. At the end of the night, we struck a deal and got ourselves a right to settle a town on the island across the Hade's bay from the tribal village for mere ten sets of hookahs payable with first available delivery and two chests of gold, payable next year. Please send us the aforementioned hookahs and anybody willing to settle down here. Big opportunities awaits those who are willing to step from their shadows. Sincere goodbye till my next letter and let the Flame enlighten your paths!
  8. The Empire of Corrington Nickname: The Scientific Kingdom Colors: Red and Black Flag: Quick Glance: Corlanders are the best navigators, tend to have smaller, faster warships, and have a small colonial presence. They hold knowledge and order important, and guide everyday rule and expansion with the principles of the scientific method. Corrington is eager to accept new members, especially traders, craftsmen, privateers, naval officers, seamen, agriculturalists, scientists, and entrepreneurs. Membership Corrington is open for members. If you are adventurous, but like to belong to a well ordered machine, join Corrington! If you like rum, but are more of the sort that likes to get paid rather than rob people at sea, join Corrington! Corlanders tend to put science before superstition, and look to further their navigational knowledge of the world. If you are a grand navigator, join Corrington! To join, just sign up in this thread with an introduction post that shows your sigfig. A little background goes a long way, we appreciate any backstory you would like to present with the fig! Index: Membership Laws of Corrington Governmental Positions Chartered Colonies of Corrington Other information of Corrington (FAQ) Faction Resources (Our escort fleet and garrisons, along with information on the nation's treasury and budget) THE DETAILED LOOK at the EMPIRE OF CORRINGTON 1. Leadership Queen Annetta (NPC) Queen Annetta -- Every Corlander would die for Queen Annette, the heart of the empire. Because she has yet to find an equal mate, the Queen is the most popular person in the realm by far – suitors come from around the world to attempt to woo her. At 25, she is rich from the taxation on trade throughout the empire, and she is loved enough to have her own personal army – The Queen’s Guard. This unit is considered to be the crack troops of the empire, and all important campaigns include at least a company of these soldiers. Admiral Woodbrose (SkaForHire, Co-Leader) As minister of the Colonies, he oversees the administrative aspects of expansion. A hard-nosed old sea buzzard who looks to please his niece (the Queen) by expanding trading policies in the New World. Although he sometimes wishes he was still a naval commander, he often turns to diplomacy to avoid major conflict. This is not to say that he doesn’t crush a rebellion or two, every once in a while. Technically, the Minister of the Colonies is the overseer of the Conquered Isles as well. Vicount Chauncey Pennington (Scasrt, vice-leader), Exchequer of the Empire. As the Minister of the Excequer, Viscount Pennington must find the money to pay for everything the Empire attempts. The Colonial Minister and the VIceroy are always asking for more armies, more fortifications, more... well, just about everything. It takes a shrewd sense of business to keep the Empire in the black, especially without a major sugar colony to pour gold into the Empire's coffers. The Parliaments: Three generations ago the monarchy instituted a new reform – representative government. Although the Queen is popular, she does not rule over the kingdom with absolute power. She shares it with a House of Representatives, Noble Parliament, and the Parliament of Scientist. The House of Representatives are elected by tax-paying citizens, the Noble Parliament is elected by their peers, and the Scientist Parliament is appointed by the House of Representatives from a limited pool of scientists chosen by the Queen. All four branches of government have an equal share in all parts of the government except for the Queen’s personal army. 2. Landscape. Corrington has two administrative sections. The Mainland / Mother Country The mainland is mostly rolling hills with a small mountain chain running down the middle of the country. It is the northernmost country in Eastern Halos, and the winters in the North are often unbearable to many outsiders. Most of the freeholders grow potatoes, wheat, or cabbage, and raise livestock. Cows and pigs are plentiful, and the countryside is dotted with many small hamlets. However, the cities are bustling places that never sleep. The cities are well planned, kept clean, and order is maintained at all times. The largest city, and capital of the empire is Bellson. Bellson is home to one of the world’s foremost universities: Archeon College, the premier navigation school of the known world. Many other science fraternities and explorers clubs call the capital home. The public buildings within Bellson are immense in size, and command respect from even the greatest architect. Careful study of city planning, public function, and defense is second nature to a Corlander bureaucrat, noble, or adventurer. The Colonies The Colonies Administrative division oversees both The Conquered Isles, Tiberia, and any future colonies. The Conquered Isles were once four different countries, three of which were island nations; Belondia, Peppin, Myrph, and the Isle of Tam. However, all of these countries sided with Oleon in a series of conflicts over the last 200 years. The final territory was gained in the 49 Years War, the last major uprising and war with Oleon. Upon defeating Oleon, the last of the isles were taken to safeguard navigation routes into the Great Northern Ocean. Although now integrated into the culture of Corriginton, the Isles were once a rebellious people, and the source of many civil wars. Still separatists attempt to raise trouble so far away from the capital. A Watch Tower guarding Arlinsport by Capt. Stabbin Corrington’s farthest and only colony in the Sea of Storms is Tiberia. Its provincial capital is Arlinsport, named after Queen Annetta’s father, King Arlin II. Arlinsport is known for its robust defenses and deep harbor, but it is the only such port on all of Tiberia. The majority of the island is still not tamed by Corlanders, but the island is already home to a makeshift rum industry, thanks to sugar smuggling from LeBellan to the south. The national drink of Corrington has become rum quite quickly. Some traces of gold have been found on Tiberia, but not enough to be a fully functional mining economy. Because it is one of the only Sea of Storms islands that lie outside of the warm temperate zone, it cannot grow cash crops. This means that Arlinsport is mostly a stopover for merchants going to the richer, foreign ports to the south. Although Arlinsport resembles a normal, orderly Corlander city, most of the settlements on the island are makeshift in their permanency, and thus come in all different shapes and sizes. Corlanders tend to build in British Caribbean style. Wood houses, wood forts, and plantations. They are diversified in their interests, but mostly agricultural due to lack of finding valuable materials. Their port cities have stone fortifications, but they are likely to extract from the land as much lumber or materials and move on. For this reason, there are few permanent Corrington settlements in New Terra. They are considered economic opportunists. Many of the science fraternities are interested in what the New World has to offer, so new expeditions with a scientific premise are leaving for Terraversa, and New Terra, often. Most Corlanders have little desire to deal with natives. 3. The Military Army Uniforms: Royal Army: Red Queen’s Guard: Black Militia: Tend to wear a ribbon or hat that is red or black, but may not wear colors at all. Different regiments may have different colors. A sample of the Queens Guard(Left), a field officer (Center) , and a Queen's Ranger (Right). A sample of the Royal Army and Marine Captain (Center) Navy: Smaller, but quicker battleships, accurate guns, large naval force. by Phred 4. History and Culture: Brief: Life is dominated by the concept of order. Science is valued, and has led to the best sea charts (also secret) in the world. The Queen is the most important person - she has a private army. There are four branches of government, one of which is elected. Least powerful of the colonial powers, but looking to expand trade opportunities. Detailed: The Corlanders are a people who pride themselves on civilization and class above anything else. They look to further their lot in life through trade, and believe that order is more important than might, although they are not shy about utilizing might to establish order. The Royal Army wears Red, but auxiliary units and private armies of this nation have been known to wear all sorts of different uniforms. Their building style tends to be mostly Western European, and the capital is considered one of the most orderly and planned cities in the world (in fact they tore down the original capital 300 years ago to install a new grid system that the city followed.) Colanders like to stick to a schedule, and this translates to their sea lives as well. As excellent navigators, they have charted and timed most of the sea routes, calculating averages for every point of the year. Corrigton’s merchant marine is one of the best organized in the world, and it is said that their secret charts keep them always “on time” when trading. Beyond charts, Corlanders believe that science will help them establish further order, so there are many universities and “science fraternities” throughout Corrington. Science has also helped them develop better guns, but with these guns comes some sacrifices. For this reason, their ships tend to be less armed, but faster than their main rival: Oleon. Corrington is the weakest of the colonial powers. It has one major island in the “East Seas” and no colonial possessions in the Old World beyond the small conquered isles. They will use privateers when it suits them, and their lucrative trading in the empire and in the old world lends them some business savvy. Corrington and Oleon have constantly fought wars since their founding in 106AE. Some were as long as a century, others were a few months. The constant warfare has militarized both societies. The last major war was the 49 Years War. Ending in 590AE, that war was won by Corrington. (Although it lost to Oleon in the 8 month Juniper War just seven years ago). The 49 Years War secured the Isle of Tam, the last of the rebellious Conquered Isles, but cost the kingdom much of its treasure. For this reason, the people of Corrington have been taxed heavily over the last 25 years. Finally, as a present to her people on her 25th birthday, Queen Annetta has lowered the tax rate back to the traditional level. For more on Corrington’s history, and that of its rivals, please see the History and Background thread. By Garmadon Diplomacy Corrington's relationships with other minor nations is good, but it finds itself rivals with other empires. (Note: Relationships are judged on a 1 to 5 scale; Very Friendly, Friendly, Indifferent, Unfriendly, Hostile) Corrington's relationship with... Pirates: Indifferent Eslandola: Friendly Oleon: Unfriendly Other nations relationship with Corrington... Pirates: Indifferent Eslandola: Friendly Oleon: Unfriendly 5. Trading Companies / Fraternities of Science Corrington has no nationally recognized trading companies at this time. Fraternity of Nautical Science: by Capt. Stabbin We will keep a watch out for your pledge of allegiance! corringtonbanner by skaforhire, on Flickr Index: Membership Laws of Corrington Governmental Positions Chartered Colonies of Corrington Other information of Corrington (FAQ)
  9. A surprising port extension Since the Terraversa troubles, the Shipyards in Elysabethtown had to fullfill a huge amount of commands. One of them being the confection of the Frigate The Applecid for Felipe de la Manzana in a record time ! It was necessary to extend the port but the shores are mainly unexplored and some sort of huge palm trees are growing in the area. Felipe decided to take advantage of suche trees... He ordered to convert an old smuggler cache situated in one of those trees into a thriving warehouse. A great place to protect fragile goods in the tree shanties. And a good spot to thread ropes and to prepare rigging and sails for the incoming vessels. Some artisans quickly regrouped around this surprising port extension to make it live. Now ropes and sails are ready to be sent to their ships. The development of Elysabethtown Felipe wanted is well engaged now ! Here is a fun build I have prepared for some time now. I will license it as a Large Artisan for Elysabethtown. I really enjoyed to transform the original tree into a huge palm tree full of life !
  10. MAESTRO - MAjor ESlandolan TRade Organisation Or the (Mpya) Stedor All-Encompassing Science, Trade & Resources Organisation - For the Sistercompany MAESTRO COR, view here For the military overview + fleet overview, click here - Quick Summary Eslandolan Members: Maxim I + TitusV + Faladrin + Captain Green Hair + Legostone + Neighborhood Merchant Sister Company: MAESTRO COR Number of New World Settlements: 3 ESL Status as Eslandolan TC: Licenced (Charter) Status regarding new members: open for everyone! Also members of other faction are welcome for foreign branches - - Flag - - Old World Headquarter The city of Stedor in Eslandola, also known as Mpya Stedor - - Sea of Storms Headquarter The settlement of Elysabethtown (Berelli) - - Prio Seas Headquarter The city of Trador (La Sombra) - - New Haven Seas Headquarter The settlement of Damaborg (The Lowers) - - Colonies/settlements Elysabethtown (ESL - MAESTRO) - Sea of Thieves : Mayor Matteus Tomvaximus (Maxim I) & Elysabeth Drondil (TitusV) Quinnsville (COR - Tomsche) - Sea of Thieves : Mayor Thomas Smaugton Trador (ESL - MAESTRO) - Prio Seas : Mayor Yohannes Ethiximus (Maxim I) Lakor (ESL - Natives) - Prio Seas Damaborg (MAESTRO) - The lowers - - Services Ship Broker - - Monopolies Apples & Apple Cider - - Warehouses (=> trade) Old World Stedor Terelli Madin (Tellvok) Sea of Storms Breshaun (OL) Elysabethtown Nova Terelli Quinsville (COR) Prio Seas Fuerto Unido Jameston (COR) Lakor Puerto Desafio Trador New Haven Seas Punto Sur Damaborg Drolitic Oceon Drolic (Tendorn) Forbidden Kingdoms Fuji (Kingdom of the Lotus) - - (Licenced) Resources WIP Quicksilver Mine around Damaborg by Maxim I Licenced Apple Orchard around Elysabethtown by Faladrin Apple Orchard around Trador by Maxim I Banana Plantation around Port Raleigh by Faladrin Swords in Elysabethtown by Maxim I Swords & Rifles in Quinnsville by Tomsche Vineyard in Trador by Maxim I Shepherd in Damaborg by Maxim I Sawmill in Damaborg by Maxim I Silver Mine around Port Wilkins by Maxim I - - Important Characters Leader: Lord Maximilian Damaximus (Maxim I), duke of Stedor, Governor of La Sombra, Prince of Garvey - CEO High Council Member: Lady Elysabeth Drondil (TitusV), mayor of Elysabethtown High Council Member: Sir Filipe De La Manzana (Faladrin), Head of production & Native Relations High Council Member Captain Green Hair (CGH), Head of Research High Council Member: Sir Jerome Monezterell (Legostone), Head of Navy - COO High Council Member, Sir Arthur Williams (The Neighboorhood Merchant) - Well respected merchant - - Secondary Characters Nobility Princess Margot of Eslandola, married to Maximilian Damaximus Sir Yohannes Ethiximus, mayor of Trador Sir Mattheus Tomvaximus, husband of Elysabeth of Dondril Military General Reinaert Whisximus, general of the Sea of Thieves troops General Samu Whitedragon, general of the Prio Seas troops Captains Admiral Adrian Bostoximus, captain of the Margot Commodore Matt Lenoir, captain of the Purple Reign Merchants Seif Calli, Madin Trade Post in Tellvok Dieter Timmers, Drolic Trade Post in Tendorn Thomas Defauw, Fuji Trade Post in the Lotus Empire Explorers Jan Zwartbaard: Isla De Victoria, Southern Halos (currently in Dranomonto) Emanuel Alejandro Izquierdo (currently somewhere south of the Prio Seas)
  11. Ever since Cascadia was first settled by Corrington, the ETTC have had plans to exploit the vanilla that grows with such abundance on the island dubbed by some 'The Vanilla Isle'. Until now, the company has collected wild vanilla beans, however after months of careful research, the first vanilla plantation is beginning to produce the valuable crop. Located in the hinterland of the settlement of Jameston, a tract of land has been carefully cleared for the project. With the assistance of botanists from the Royal Society, it was found that the vanilla plant, an epiphyte that normally grows in the branches of trees in the Cascadian rainforest, can be carefully transplanted onto stakes for commercial production. Detail of the vanilla plant grafted onto a stake.
  12. The Ténotlaxcan hat maker It is well known the Ténotlaxcans are fans of bright tribal headdress. This is making some of their Artisans the best hat makers of the Colonial territory of Eslandola. Strong of this, Felipe de la Manzana invested in a Ténotlaxcan Hat Maker in Elysabethtown and formed him to the modern Eslandolan Millinery industry techniques. Thanks to that formation, now our Ténotlaxcan friend is also serving classic Eslandolan customers in addition to his native usual ones. Here is a little build I wanted to do a long time ago but didn't have the opportunity to do. Will be licensed as a small artisan for Elysabethtown.
  13. Eddies and currents around Hellion's coast bring crabs to a small beach on the island. The locals have capitalized on this and they often use rowboats to force the crabs on shore and grab them with nets. A building has been built for the equipment and trades often occur near the premises. The boats force the crabs on shore.
  14. The 22 guns Frigate : The Applecid Felipe de la Manzana commands were top priority for the Elysabethtown shipyards. They achive in a time record a heavy Frigate for the Apple lord and baptised it the Applecid (an easy pun ) as it is a war ship made to kill (Cid...) and it's belonging to the Apple trade empire of Felipe... This ship will be licensed as a Class 6 Frigate. It is the fastest ship I ever made. That's why it's mainly built upon the new BSB style and plan just in order to spare me some headache in development and win me some time in building... And it's the best way to show my new green sails taken from the BSB red ones !
  15. In Hellion, a new church had been built by the Quay so sailors arriving at Hellion can pray to Poseidon for there safety on their next voyage and thank him for protecting them on the voyage just passed.
  16. Hellion Greybeard was a clever man. He knew that Hellion couldn't import forever. And so he invested some Doubloons in a small Pig Farm. The farmers here knew how to take good care of the pigs, and with luck, they might just be delicious. Free small Artisan to be licenced in Hellion.
  17. The first big ship built by Greybeard, a Ketch, was given a strong name, Treasure of Poseidon, to help her on her voyages. A swift, strong raider-and-trader, the Treasure of Poseidon was built wide and sturdy to allow her to stand her own against ships much bigger than herself. She is armed with 12 12-pounders, viz, 10 on the gundeck, and 2 as stern chasers. Her sails were large to provide manoeuvrability and speed. The crew works unceasingly to make this ship as efficient as possible. The blunt, cat built bow is designed to provide minimal drag and has a small figurehead.
  18. Black Rock "Black Rock, the Black Flag capitol, a den of debauchery, violence and sin, away from all, reachless, was established by some scurvy outcast, about a year ago... but before them... He came, and made his den up on the hill. His true name was unknown, although he had many names, the most famous was L' Alchimiste, although what he actually got up to was unknown. What science he studied, alchemy or what else, was meaningless - what truly mattered were his plans. When he found the island he thought he that this was the perfect remote place for his plans. Plans that his former country rejected with him. L' Alchimiste dreamed of revenge.
  19. Captain Genaro

    [OL FB] Wine Press

    No one knows the exact origins of the winepress. Many say it was Dionysus who, upon seeing how much of glorious juice was wasted by the traditional trampling of grapes, has Hephaestus create the first wine press, a machine which early Oleanders quickly reverse engineered and spread throughout the Empire. Others (heretics obviously) claim it was the inevitable result of scientific progress in a wine-obsessed nation. Regardless of how, the important thing is the winepress is here. To the untrained observer it seems simple enough. A basket is filled with grapes from nearby barrels. Once the basket is filled, a capstan is turned to lower a plate, slowly crushing the grapes. Juice flows out a hole in the bottom of the basket into a cask. until the cask is full and ready to be stored for fermentation. The cake, the remaining seeds, skin, and stems are then put aside and usually end up as food for swine. Despite being a very manual task, the work requires significant skill. The grapes must be properly harvested, for unripened or overripe fruit could contaminate an entire batch of wine. Lowering the capstan is no small task either. Too much pressure and the artisan risks crushing the seeds, a terrible disaster, while failing to press hard enough would result in juice stuck in the cake. But for the man who can master this craft, the rewards are rich. P1130821 by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr
  20. Régiment des 5e Vele by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Dearest Madeline, Oh, what joy it is to finally be able to write from dry land. Weeks of sea, those damp, cramped quarters (I word I use most loosely, my dear, as the canvas walls offer no more privacy than a thin veil might) have taken a toll on me. To finally be able to walk without the ground rolling with my every step, and to finally sleep on a solid surface without having to be lashed into my cot. Not that our new lodging is much of an improvement, for you see the local garrison simply doesn't have enough room for the influx of troops flooding Breshaun as of late. The wealthier officers have rented rooms in the hotels or private residences, but myself and the other junior officers (or at least those too poor to afford better) have resigned ourselves to a crumbling warehouse previously occupied by one of the Guelph regiments. Still, I suppose it is better than the tents and hard earth the men must endure, but Captain Dupleix assures us we shall not endure it for long as our orders are to proceed to Terraversa as soon as the rest of the reinforcements arrive. Fear not, my love, for my safety. Daily it seems there is news of yet another victory from the island. Already we have secured most of the smaller settlements with thousands, maybe tens of thousands of the wicked foe dead or captured. We have nearly captured all of Kings Port, and have driven the coward Oldis to hide behind the skirts of women and children. I assure you it is true, every word of it. Apparently our fleet quickly destroyed the fortifications, and as our soldiers landed Oldis ordered his men to hide with the civilians. Instead of facing us on an honorable field of battle he ordered his forces to cower behind those poor people he has spent his lifetime exploiting. A true, blackguard, as any honorable man would attest. I fear this must be the end of this letter for now. Perhaps I will have a moment to pick up the quill again before we depart, but if not know that I think of you with my every waking moment. With all my love, Henri Debussy Lieutenant, Régiment des 5e Vele 2e Batallion Ire Compagnie Régiment des 5e Vele by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Régiment des 5e Vele by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr I decided to go with an epistolary method to tell the story behind this build. I am still on the fence if it worked out, but it was fun for a challenge. As always comments and criticism are welcome.
  21. I've received several complaints about my use of realistic skin tone figures, is this a rule I've missed or just an opinion? What are your thoughts?
  22. There are many who would come to Raider's Haven, but only the greatest will pass the rigorous tests. The crew of Sea Wench has been preparing, and a recruitment drive is also taking place for several much larger ships being constructed while Sean explores Raider's Haven. The few who passed the test are preparing for the voyage. A motley crew if ever there was one. There is much to be decided. Cannon is to be supplied, and drinks, and food. Here the doctor has provided a large amount of carrots and bananas as he is a pioneer of a new theory that eating fruit will stop the development of scurvy. Sean, however believes a healthy crew needs a lot of rum. First of course, a catalogue of the crew is needed: Sean Greybeard, Captain Jon Davis, Cook Thomas Palin, Marine Henry Holmes, Captain's Accountant John Friedrich, Pilot (Sets the Course) Madame Loue, Clairvoyant Alexandro de Serifio, Doctor Oliver Parsons, Marine 'Red' Ronnie, Bosun ' Creed', First Lieutenant Abu Ca'pri, Rating Jim Caspers, Marine And thus the crew was catalogued. It is this crew that will embark on a voyage of discovery, both for its Captain and in the name of the Sea Rats.
  23. With recent events transpiring on the brick seas, paranoia and hostile thoughts continue to plague many minds. One under the influence of this paranoia, an unnamed governor (NPC) under the command of Corrington, has ordered a personal heavy frigate to be built to patrol surrounding waters of any and all possible "hostilities". After the ship's completion, it set course for the governor, but oddly on its arrival, the governor has disappeared. The island was charted and the governor was heavily sought after, but with no luck. Perhaps his paranoia got the better of him? Or was it those pesky tribals? The facts of his disappearance may never be unraveled but one fact does remain: the Legion remains docked, waiting... (Apologies for the ship exceeding the background, I was not prepared for the sheer size of this behemoth. ) C7 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr IMG_6873 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr IMG_6871 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr Oddly, the ship was never officially certified to the fleet of Corrington. In fact, the ship's manufacturer has remained anonymous. With these peculiar facts, the crew to the Legion find themselves wondering just who their allegiance is pledged to now? IMG_6867 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr Now with the governor's disappearance, the unnamed island is bursting with new life. Pirates, scoundrels, Oleanders, Corries, Eslandolians, and merchants alike all want one thing, to take on the seas with the Legion. Captain William Marcus of the Legion and his crew have now turned to the pleasure of coin. What is to become of the crew of the Legion? Will their colors remain true and their loyalty to Corrington come back, or will they burn their colors and turn to the rebellious side of the Sea Rats? Perhaps even an Eslandolian or Oleander will purchase and reconfigure the ship to serve their empire. IMG_6796 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr Thanks for reading my story! I built this ship a while back before I got fully into Eslandola. Since I'm part of Eslandola, I have no use for this Corrington heavy frigate so I'm not licensing it as my own. If you're interested in licensing the ship to your fleet, feel free to DM me! Here are some more pictures of the ship and its fun features: IMG_6863 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr IMG_6865 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr IMG_6810 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr The flooring to the upper and lower deck can easily be removed to get access to all sections of the ship! IMG_6815 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr IMG_6784 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr IMG_6828 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr IMG_6835 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr IMG_6830 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr night by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr IMG_6878 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr The base for the ship has multiple features and enjoyable displays, here's a small underwater view from the swivel corner. Play Feature by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr One of the swivel corners had a turnable gear that opens up a minifigure display underneath the "HMS Legion" pattern. IMG_6860 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr Full crew for the Legion. IMG_6879 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr The front can easily be opened for a quick display of a hat/hair rack to quickly exchange the headgear for the minifigures! Goodbye! by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr Another small ship I made alongside it, Rose Mary. The base is all on hinges so it can be folded and stored inside the stand for the legion. Thanks for viewing! I hope you enjoyed. As always, may your journeys on the brick seas be filled with wealth! Cheers. bam 2 by The Neighborhood Merchant, on Flickr More play-features/misc. pictures:
  24. Previously: Part 1 Part 2 This morning Master told me to loosen the knots. I met many and different sea rats here, and to each and every one of them I blackened Greybeard's name. They will tell their friends and theirs too, and soon Greybeard will be lonely. To each he told a different story. Yes, Master would be pleased. With no allies to come to his aid, it would be easy to remove Greybeard. OOC Just part addition, more of the background will be revealed at the end of challenge three.
  25. Note: this part is based before part 1, bit must be read after part three. Part 1: Part 2 Part 3 In Times Past I - The City Of Gold. Early 620, El Oleanda. Father's Trading company was doing well but he was getting old. As he aged, the old stories he believed in came back to haunt him as his ancient brain became senile. One such story was the City of Gold. Hidden on the island of El Oleanda, it was a golden city paved with gold. The most wonderful place in the world. I knew it didn't exist. But father tells us it does and I do as he says. I knew something was wrong when father sent Sean with me. Sean is my half-brother, begot from some drunken women that drunken Father found in the street. Sean and his mother are worthless to me, and father knows I loath them, so he is going off if he thinks it's a good thing to send us away together. Anyway, it was getting dark when we reached the shore. We went further up river in a rowboat. To prevent attack from the lotii, father had provided us with some Guards, from his military escort company. Father has friends in high places. When the depth of the river was too shallow to continue upwards, we disembarked and walked further on into the jungle. As it got darker, we saw more animals, and some kind of a monkey stole Sean's hat. We moved closer to the spot were father claimed the city should be, but when we got there, there was nothing. But I would not show that I had little faith in father. Sean had no qualms in showing his distaste for fathers senile sense of direction. 'There's nothing here!' He yelled. Suddenly, one of the Soldiers tripped. As I began to scold him, I noticed he had tripped over something, in the center of the clearing. 'Dig!' I yelled. As they dug, they found a panel which they removed quickly. Inside it was dark, but one of the soldiers had a torch and we looked inside. GOLD! I dropped down and I turned to Sean. 'I guess Father was right'. Suddenly, I heard a clammer of loud noises and gunshots from above and we heard the clank of the panel being slid back into place. To be continued..... @Ayrlego I hope this OK, as its based in El Oleanda and the challenge is over. @Mesabi @Darnok I was suggesting to remove the references, and I have.