
Eurobricks Citizen
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About dignow

  • Birthday May 17

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    B-Wing MOC

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    I’m from the States but living in Dubai...


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  1. Hello, we are selling our entire collection. You can view many of the completed MOCs here: Godwins Hollow of Outer Godwinia or just poke around some of my posts. This will give you a rough idea of the scope of the collection. There are hundreds of thousands of sorted (by color and type) bricks, containers of sorted minifigs, every Collectible Minifig set to date, fig parts, base plates, train tracks, many completed sets (mostly Star Wars), MOCs, and MOCs, and MOCs, and an entire room of storage containers. The whole collection has been shipped back to Columbus, GA, and is in storage taking up a good chunk (60-70%) of a 20x20 storage unit. I'm hoping to sell the entire collection as a lot as I would have to rely on my aging mother to separate, show, and ship individual pieces. I had hoped to be able to move the collection back to Dubai, but between shipping costs and the cost of a dedicated display/work area, it's no longer feasible. I'm open to individuals, groups, LUGs, resellers, retailers - whoever, and all reasonable offers will be discussed. If you have any interest or questions feel free to reach out by email to lego@stewartgodwin.com or if you use WhatsApp you can add me at +971585363060.
  2. dignow

    [MOC] [MOD] HUMMER H1 - 10265 b-model

    Great H1! Would love to try to get that down to minifig scale for my Agents!
  3. dignow

    [MOC] BTL Y-Wing

    Amazing Y-Wing! Thanks for sharing.
  4. dignow

    Cessna 172P

    That little guy would be a great addition to any city airport!
  5. WoW! Just, wow! Some amazing work and so many impressive details!
  6. dignow

    [MOC] Castle on a hill

    Very impressive landscaping and the brick/wood details are amazing. Thanks!
  7. dignow

    [MOC] The Sacred Bridge

    Beautiful winter landscape around a terrific bridge - amazing MOC!
  8. dignow

    [MOC] Lost on the bazaar at sunset (updated)

    So many creative details - stunning MOC - thanks!
  9. dignow

    [MOC] - HP Battle of Seven Potters

    Amazing MOC - love the cutaway of the earth above the tunnel...
  10. dignow

    [MOC] Everhold Castle

    Amazing castle - would definitely use this as inspiration for my Bad Guy Base Castle!
  11. I really need to check in here more often - off to check out the instructions! Thanks!
  12. dignow

    Lego City 2022 Rumours, Leaks, Information And Discussion

    There's always a few interesting ideas in each wave - even the standard police/fire waves. Always open to see what they're putting out there.