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Found 14 results

  1. Ahoy my fellow captains, kind of a strange feeling to start this post, since I have been browsing this forum for more than a year now, admiring these countless pieces of art posted here. Actually, it's been my six-year-old son who constantly asked me to post our progress here - his father was a little shy and reluctant to do so, since he is never truly satisfied with his construction and still in awe regarding your astonishing models. But, you know, "Arrrrghh", what the heck, no need to hide anymore, I've been utterly in love with LEGO since I got my first bricks and can still vividly remember sitting on my child room's floor next to my brother, listening to "ALF" cassettes and (re-)build our barracuda for the 100th time.. The first pictures show the results of my sons' and my christmas-constructing period of 2016. Ever since, we weren't really happy with its form and as we were blown away by the exellency of ships like the "Le Fleuron" or the "Sang Royale" (and especially, of course, Cpt. Greenhair's unbelievably helpful ideas - THANK YOU, CAPTAIN!!), we wanted to do it differently this time. The pictures after the "Barracuda" show the process of our current project with the (according to my most patient, wonderful and tolerant wife...) fitting title "HMS Effortless". I think you know this feeling of always finding something to improve... lately, it's the positioning of the masts - the distance between the fore-mast and the mainmast seems to be too far. Please let us know what you think and where you see room for further improvement - my son and I are happy about every feedback! First the "old" Barracuda: And this is supposed to be legendary HMS Victory's "secret" sister ship, the HMS Effortless: (The balcony was my son's wish ) It's planned to give her full rigging, sails and of course the many missing details she deserves. it's always a question of time and money Here are more pics from her construction so far as well as more of the Barracuda.
  2. kurigan

    HMS Scorpion… again, a MOC

    UPDATE November 2nd 2019 I told myself I wouldn’t start another hull until I was done with my current queue of MOCs, but I just couldn’t resist. After all the fun I had trying to finish Nuisance, I’ve been just a bit tired of sewing and rigging. Instead as I sat there watching Scorpion (the 4th edition) continue to collect dust, with her crew stoically awaiting completion or reconstruction of their ship, I just kind of snapped. I liked the old hull, but it just needed to be redone. The style, with which it was built, was good and rather conventional but ultimately inferior to the newer one I’ve adopted and adapted. I grabbed a few shots for posterity and reference and began tearing hull. A few hours later I was ready to pass out and had little to show, I went to bed feeling defeated and a little guilty. A couple of days later I came back to the table determined to right the wrong and reduced the old hull down to individual bricks. With the components sorted and accounted for I was in a better place and much more up for the challenge. I’d like to say I did the responsible thing and quit at a reasonable hour, but honestly I became a bit obsessed and in the wee hours, finally stopped work. Rather impressed with myself, I used my cell phone camera to grab a few shots and this is what I had. She’ll be a 16 gun brig ( 2more ports were added in the bows after the images were taken), a sloop in the Royal Navy under command of my own Charles Finley. Finley is my own fictional character who briefly commanded two previous Scorpions, the original brig and the later post ship. When construction was started on the new hull, I wasn’t sure if I’d be settling for another schooner or if a brig was going to be a possibility. At this stage I’m convinced rigging a schooner on this hull is right-out and have decided she must be a brig. The old battery, made up of something like 12s, is being recycled from the 4th hull. I’m considering adding a quarter (really poop) deck and stern cabin, but I’m not sure. Some of the Cruizer Class had cabins added aft, but it wasn’t part of the original design. Then again, this isn’t an exact model any way. For the sake of my fiction it’d be nice if Finley could have a cabin, since he’s essentially taking a demotion just to have a ship to command, but not at all necessary. If it would ruin the lines of the ship I’d rather not, but I like the idea of having one otherwise. What say you all? Now just for fun The History of Scorpion: The first 12 gun brig was a rather rudimentary model. It was a first attempt to recapture my lost skill with a very limited supply of bricks. In universe she was sailed to her station but was shortly thereafter deemed unseaworthy, having been much abused and sadly, sent to the knackers’ yard. Much of her timbers were reused on later iterations. The second Scorpion was intended to be a replacement for the aged brig but never sailed under that name. She was cutter rigged and had half as many guns as her predecessor, but a slightly more refined technique was used. After being abandoned for a time, in favor of a more suitable replacement, the hull was recycled into what would become Narthex. Though slated for a re-dux, Narthex is still with in service. http://www.eurobrick...showtopic=59351 The third rendition was a grand experiment in a new technique, intended to stretch my brick supply as far as possible. The ambitious project, had it worked out, would have resulted in a 20 gun post ship, but it was far too fragile. The entire concept relied on gravity and quite a bit of SNOT to stay together. After the second time it was dashed on the floor the design was abandoned. In the grander story, she too never sailed. While fitting out for sea, she was blown up as an act of revenge by pirates. In both reality and fiction she took the cutter Hawk, which had been serving as a test bed for the same techniques, with her. http://www.eurobrick...c=66085&hl=hawk http://www.eurobrick...showtopic=59877 The fourth iteration was yet again a complete experiment in technique. Intended more to “stick it to” my detractors, the exercise served to open my eyes to significant new possibilities. As has become my wont, much of the initial concept was inspired by other works here, but to serve my needs required refinement and ingenuity. The result was intriguing and I took it rather far, but still put it aside unfinished. Even though this hull was never complete and a yet another replacement is in the works, she was written in to the tale and the role she played stands. The details will simply be adjusted to accommodate the few differences between the two vessels. The fifth, and perhaps final, version uses my latest technique and has created a rather impressive effect even at this early stage. Though I had hoped this one could have been more of a direct model of the Cruizer Class, it would require a significantly greater investment in bricks (money) and I just can’t afford that at this juncture. Instead I’ll pour my heart in to yet another historically reverent interpretation, based mostly on the Cruizer Class, of which there was a famous Scorpion in the same historic timeframe.
  3. Caspothelegobuilder

    HMS Poseidon MOC

    i also made a youtube video about it, but that was a long time ago, when it still looked ugly, really smart of me ofc
  4. Hi Eurobricks and swashbucklers. I haven't posted much of my own making in recent years, simply because well.. let's just say I'm a bit lazy. Sorry! Back in 2015-2016 when I was 15 -16 years old (I know, easy to remember) I started messing around a bit with a custom built ship and No. 6721 "Imperial Flagship" (which was one of the last second hand set I bought). It was also at that time I discovered the Aubrey-Maturin novels, and began devouring them in a way you don't expect from someone my age. I also found out a movie adaption was made, containing various elements from the novels. I watched it, and again, and again, and I became a bit obsessed with the story and historical accuracy. And I was (and still am) a lego fan. So 1+1 is 2, ey? I grabbed a green robe and tried recreating a scene! Thanks to a friend who helped me with final cut pro and my mother for sewing the sails, I am very glad I can present to you a movie I should've released three years ago! Here's something I had much fun working on, with vague images, laughable special effects and the occasional video thrown in. Please enjoy. I hope I inspire someone to make a perfect version of this. Kind regards, Captain Edward, or on youtube: Jiskpirate P.S. Be sure to check out my older animations on my channel, with some being reasonably successful, although not too good. For me, my channel is one big plaza of nostalgia.
  5. Wellesley

    HMS Argonaut, 38 gun frigate, WIP

    Hello dear ship-builders, I wasn't active for a long time now. Some of you might remember me from building the "HMS Bulwark", a 74 gun third rate ship of the line. It was in March, when she got a new bow. I never really liked the old one, way too angular. Then I came across the quarter saucer base (30201) of the 1998 Stingray Stormer (6198-1). It perfectly fitted the desired shape. But now for my frigate, probably being named "HMS Argonaut". She will become a 38 gun fifth rate frigate. More pictures can be seen, following one of the flickr links. Supposed to be a sister ship to the Bulwark, I think about changing the white stripe back to yellow. What do you think? Also for similarity I will probably keep the windows on her stern. They may look to big, but I already tried smaller ones and have to say, I like the current ones better. I hope to progress faster than last time. It mostly depends on me willing to buy the needed bricks. As for the rig and last details, I already have the ideas. So far so good. I hope you all continue to have great joy reassembling bricks into sightworthy constructions! Wellesley.
  6. Hi everybody, when I started to build a lego ship in summer 2012 the plan actually was to come up with a fourth rate ship of the line around 50 or 64 guns. But it became bigger and I added four guns per gun deck (two each side). So now I have a broadside with 28 guns on the gun decks and 9 guns on the main deck. That makes a 74 gun ship of the line. Not counted were two guns astern and 6 carronades (thanks to Admiral Bejaune for the design) on the poop deck. When it comes to the rigging I first wanted to use the classic Lego prefab ship masts from the old pirate sets. But the ship is too big to use them. I will use brick built masts, but it will last a bit I can show you pictures because I first have to buy round bricks. I hope Dread Pirate Wesley and Imperial Shipyards have nothing against me inspecting the riggings they used on their ships. Sometimes Its better to use wonderful details which allready were built than have to come up with new ones. Now I reached the point of not having any bricks I could use for my project so finally I have to buy some. Do you guys know a good online brick source where i can buy masses of similar bricks? If you are interested in the earlier progress here you go with the link of the old thread: http://www.eurobrick...showtopic=71980 Also my brickshelf folder, which doesn't contain all pictures because its new and I still have problems with uploading .zip folders and I'm just bored of doing it one by one: http://www.brickshel...ry.cgi?f=527858 Wellesley! Just a copy of the last post of the old progress thread: Here the latest pictures:
  7. kurigan

    HMS Reckless (WIP)

    Presenting my latest “master work” His Majesty’s Sloop Reckless. She has been built and commissioned to replace the aging Ramcat. The new design takes inspiration for HMS Alert and other such cutters. She remains a 10 gun sloop but is now in a more appropriate fashion for a commissioned man-of-war shedding her stern gallery and overly large bowsprit. Her scale has also increased to something much more like Mini-fig scale. This renewed effort was brought on when an opportunity to participate in an exhibit of “Toys as Art” at the Morris County Museum, NJ came along. Before committing, I made a thorough inspection of my fleet to determine readiness and completion. After careful consideration I simply found Ramcat wanting. She was a prototype that just kept going and was never intended to be finished. What started as an attempt to correct a few issues, quickly turned in to a complete tear down and rebuild. The second version was about as hapless as the original though and that too wound up scrapped. For this latest iteration I went back to concept and found new inspiration. Models of Alert captured my interest and I found a lot of useful and free information to help me make a most accurate interpretation. Alas, limitations of the scale and medium have caused me to deviate from an exact replica, as is quite typical. The wealth of information on Alert and sloops of her type though made finding reasonable alternatives simple and easy. At the time of this posting, we are about two weeks from our deadline and thus two weeks from completion. She is as brick built as all considerations can make her until her rig is in place and any subsequent needs become apparent. Because she is a replacement for Old Ramcat, Nick and crew will be shifting into Reckless to resume their normal duties. Her construction technique is the same I’ve been touting for some time. This time around, however, I was able to further refine my method and take into account needs and limitations previous versions did not. Though I did try to keep the “illegal” stuff to a minimum there are still a few element which may make purists cringe. Sometimes that’s just what it takes when you’re trying to force the system to do things it was never intended to do. Thanks for taking an interest. Do check back as updates with greater detail, better images, and perhaps a bit of story worked in, are forthcoming. Go ahead and talk her up, share her around and ask me anything. If it’s not obvious I’ll tell you, I love to talk about this stuff. For more images check out Reckless here. To take a look back at her predecessor, Ramcat, click here.
  8. I found this most Flickr MOC searching for data on HMS Speedy of Lord Thomas Cochran, who famously took the far superior 32 gun Xebec frigate El Gamo with this tiny 14 gun brig. For those inclined to nautical fiction, Speedy and Cochran were Patrick O'Brien's primary inspiration for Jack Aubry and his HMS Sophie. HMS Speedy_Fighting Tops by TLPershing, on Flickr What we see here is TLPershing's LDD model of that famous ship, and a particularly fine one at that. HMS Speedy_Aft Quarter by TLPershing, on Flickr if you scroll through TLPershing's album there are several more views available as well as some interesting gun designs. as usual i will reach out to the creator and invite then to come and comment, so leave your comments and show your support.
  9. Anders T

    HMS Victory

    I have wanted to build this behemoth since I was a child. HMS Victory port by Anders Thuesen, on Flickr HMS Victory stern by Anders Thuesen, on Flickr HMS Victory både by Anders Thuesen, on Flickr HMS Victory bow by Anders Thuesen, on Flickr HMS Victory aft by Anders Thuesen, on Flickr HMS Victory starboard by Anders Thuesen, on Flickr Fully Rigged Ship, Three Masts 11D I hope to find a way to make this a real build.
  10. Spud The Viking

    HMS Protector WIP

    166B Hello! This is my first time sharing a creation on Eurobricks so be nice. I have wanted to build a ship for a while but never had the time, in fact, I really couldn't be bothered, but when by prefab hull came in the post, I knew this was something I really wanted to pursue. So here she be: My_First_Ship1 by spud_the_viking, on Flickr Not much just now but a start. The bow needs some work and the back is a bit too shabby to show Comments and Criticisms very welcome and I need some help/ideas to help me out! Hope you like it, Spud PS. Could a mod/admin please move this to MOCs please - sorry please forgive me!
  11. Dread Pirate Wesley

    The 64-gun Ship of the Line Persephone

    [pid][/pid] 154D After more than two and a half years of research, design, and construction I am proud to present you with His Majesties Ship of the line Persephone. Many of you have been following her construction in the work in progress thread from conception and I thank you for your support and advice. This thread is intended to be a running series of projects related to this ship. Persephone was built as a means of presenting what life was like on a ship of the line in the 18th and 19th centuries. Now that she is finished, there are many stories that I would like to tell. For now though, I would simply like to present the ship: About the build, it is hard to say at this point but an estimated 4000 bricks went in to this project. Over 1000 of them are in the 64 brick-built cannons alone. From bowsprit to spanker boom she measures 162 studs, reaching a height of three feet. Under sail, she flies 14 custom sails. Many yards of 7 different kinds of string and yarn keep her masts and spars in place with no glue required. Other details about her construction can be found in the WIP thread, but please feel free to ask any questions you may have here. Since she now sits an empty oak, in order to properly tell her tale we must get the crew aboard. They are a lively bunch, and more than willing to answer any questions you might have about life at sea in a man-o-war. There will be plenty more to follow, and as always your comments and criticisms are most welcome! Dread Pirate Wesley New update post #29 on 9/18: Welcome aboard! New update post #33 on 9/22: Below decks
  12. LordBrickleton

    HMS Whisper

    [pid][/pid] 158D This being my first post, coming out of a Dark Age, I present His Majesty's Warship, The Whisper. She is a 16 gun, 2 mast, fast frigate. Her crew totals 15 sailors, 5 marines, and 2 officers. She is a 3 deck ship, with fully accessible Gun deck, Gallery, Captain's Cabin, and working capstan. more photos here: Thanks very much everyone, criticism is most definitely welcome! Regards, LordBrickleton
  13. Commodore Ariel Brickson

    HMS Defiant, 12 guns-brig

    Well, even if isn't 100% complete; I decided to present my flagship today and now. My stock limitation was a permanent problem, but I think that I solved it with my humble methods... First of all, a few pics without crew, to see the details... The bow, notice the owl as figurehead and the bell: Now onboard, the capstan; functional but really fragile... The gun deck, clear and ready for action, with it's 8 guns: The quarterdeck, with the helm, 4 carronades and a small place for the commander to examine maps etc... The masts, the weakness of all my ships, not so pretty as the rest of the ship (probably when I put the sails will be better): Returning to the bow, the anchor, one of my favourite parts, because it's totally improvised: And now, the ship with the crew: The Commodore (myself), examining the map... At the stern, the row boat: "DING-DING, DING-DING, DING!!" _Sail ho! _Full broadside...! _...FIRE! For finish; the HMS Defiant sailing with my other ship (builded just yesterday and finished today), a bombardment ketch provisionally named as HMS Thunderer: That it's all, I hope you liked it. (The HMS Thunderer will be presented soon, but I will wait some days because I usually moddify my ships a bit every day a few days after it's construction (or a few weeks, in the case of the HMS Defiant...). Comments and critics are welcome. Greetings from Spain, Commodore Ariel Brickson.
  14. Captain Edward

    [PIRATE MOC] HMS Revenant, my first MOC.

    Hello Eurobricks! I'm Captain Edward. My first MOC I'm going to show you is the HMS Revenant. A nice view of the bow. Portside. Stern More pictures coming soon.