
Eurobricks Dukes
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About Johnny1360

  • Birthday 02/14/1962

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  1. Johnny1360

    Unpopular Opinions about LEGO

    Indeed, I myself was really looking forward to buying this set, unfortunately when I looked at the price, I was sure Target had mispriced the set as they do on occasion. After realizing that was the RRP I right then and there vowed never again buy LEGO Marvel sets and so far I have stuck to my guns. May be unpopular but I have reached the limit of what I am willing to pay for Marvel. It wouldn't bother me a lick, if Marvel went down the tubes, those greedy bastards will never get a dime from me again.
  2. Cool concept, really like the possibilities, although I think I would shy away from chain drive. Although you may have better luck, I find that chain works best, only when minimal torque is required.
  3. A deceptively simple build but I can see a huge amount of thought and planning, really paid off. Excellent job, very inspiring for me, thanks.
  4. Fabulous, a new contest. One thing I am unclear on though, does the model need to be powered or will a static build be allowed?
  5. Pure speculation on my part but a hovercraft type boat would be my bet.
  6. Johnny1360

    Infill for Headlight Brick

    That is a great solution, I would probably have just cut a piece of colored paper, or cardboard of some sort but I think your method is more elegant.
  7. Johnny1360

    HA Bricks in Legal Troubles

    I know nothing is really this easy but could they not include the part in question, then sell a custom made yet fully compatible part, separately?
  8. Explains why I have never seen it before, I have no sets that old. It may be less useful and weaker than it's counter part, still I would like to get a few. Thanks.
  9. Very cool crane but what caught my attention was that white gear on the right side of the gear box. I have not seen this part before and I can see the usefulness of such a gear. Is this a new element or is it some rare or uncommon part?
  10. What are your limitations, size wise. Are we talking tiny or bigger than life?
  11. I have modified elements, to replicate elements I don't have but do exist as real parts in the extensive catalog of parts. That's about as far as I'll go, I like having limitations, that is one of the main attractions of the LEGO system, for me anyway.
  12. Johnny1360

    LEGO Speed Champions 2024 rumors/speculation

    After finishing all of this years SC cars, I have to say as usual the builds were all pretty enjoyable and I always appreciate new elements and interesting techniques. It is getting tough for me justify the expense anymore, since every new wave is significantly more expensive than the last. That's on me though and just a personal thing. However the stickers on the BMW canopy are a complete joke and is by far the worst experience I have ever had with stickers, coming from one who has never complained of stickers before. I truly hope this doesn't become the norm, as Speed Champions is like a rare gem in a sea of sand to me, really enjoy them and I think the designers did a great job this year. Thanks
  13. Johnny1360

    Confusing kit layout

    Yes, that isn't a bad idea, I do it even with numbered bags, as most bags were not numbered, so long ago. Plus numbered bags only work the first time, sadly.
  14. Johnny1360

    Lego gear keeps coming out of place

    It seems to me the OP is just starting their LEGO Technic building career. Not so long ago I also just started and I often asked questions that were common knowledge to most others. My advice is to spend more time actually building sets, no substitute for experience. Often times while building sets, I will experiment with alternative ways of assembly, while simultaneously generating many great ideas and several not so great ideas. Remember failure can be a learning experience. As others have said, start with something very simple and go from there. It is my experience that if I spend all my time designing and building the biggest, baddest most elaborate design, I inevitably never actually finish or get to enjoy the model, as I become quickly overwhelmed. So try to keep your designs simple at first, with experience your models will greatly improve and you will be much less frustrated.
  15. Yeah but the thing is most of them aren't on display more than a few weeks, then they move on to the next great set. Here at my local store, they don't seem to mind at all if I mess around with the display sets while they are building them in store. I would love to get the cast off set, just for whatever pieces do make through being displayed.