Lion King

Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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About Lion King

  • Birthday July 26

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    City / Jurassic World / Harry Potter / CMF / Modular Buildings / LEGO animal figures
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    Police Station & Boutique Hotel (Modular Buildings)

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Animal Kingdom
  • Interests
    Buidling LEGO / collecting minifigures and animal molds / axe-throwing / traveling


  • Country
    Animal Kingdom

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  1. Lion King

    Jurassic Properties 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I’mnot very sure why someo fo us keeep talking about 10th annivesary of Jurassic World (no maturer if it’s movie or Lego theme)? I just can’t eee them to happen, especially when it’s merely 10 years. I guess one set wil do fine for 10th anniesary…
  2. Lion King

    Jurassic Properties 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Sadly, there was no JPIII set for 20th anniversary three years ago! But I do agree with you on the JPIII version of Spinosaurus. However, with rumors that Spino might up in JWR movie then we might get Spino in Lego form first. I think Gina’s body is perfect for Spino.
  3. Yup a barrette har +hair would be perfect for female mimes. Even if she has dual-printed face and new facial face prints / facial expression. I jsut like @Robert8’s design of Mime Girl form his ideas for CMFs.
  4. Lion King

    [OFFICIAL] 10320 Eldorado Fortress - Available NOW

    Will it stay here around until next year? I still haven’t decided to buy it or not….
  5. Lion King

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    As I stated, we use our imgination by picking up random male charact but ers….. Howeevr, I would imagine lego designers include two rings for gay or lesbian minifigures or “kissing” faces for them. Or a rainbow flag in apartment room. I haven’t heard anything about bigots burning Lego sets? No it’s not a bad idea if Lego desginers to put LGBT characters into Lego world, there is ZERo tolerance for bigotry. “Everything is Awesome” set is still available for purchase. Lego S@H alllowed us to buy TWO Groom BrickHeadz sets or TWO Bridge Brickhedz. There are some gay characters in other themes, such as Dumbeldore. And there was a rainbow in Archiecture set some years ago. Oh yeah, and I forgot to include Queer Eye apartment set. I don’t think it’s a bad idea for Lego to do LBGT+ stuff. Lego is NOT going to do favors for bigots, such as to stop including LGBT+ charters.
  6. Lion King

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    I wonder if it’s possible for Lego to put gay or lesbian minifigures in Modular Building Collection. Sure, we can use. Two random male minifigures and use our imgination that they are gay. Don’t get me wrong but thre are two minifigures in Parisian Restaurant - a man with ring to prose to his fiancée. It’s a part of the set’s story -Offaly.
  7. Yes it does sho up in Dreamzzz too
  8. Lion King

    Unpopular Opinions about LEGO

    The printed shields from Forestmen’s Hideout only showed up in Lion Knights’ Castlee set - it’s why the shields were printed. I cold not rmemeber about printed shiled in the workshop set. But you are right about minifigures.
  9. Lion King

    Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    Oh gosh, both wreath and pointellia sets are such lovely!
  10. Lion King

    LEGO Ninjago 2025 Rumours and Discussion

    Yeah I think there were ultra combo mech sets wiht 5 ninja chargers in the past, right? Now this new one is quite curious - it’s only Zane’s combo mech instead of team’s vehicles.
  11. Lion King

    Latest news about Lego animal moulds

    Now that you mentioend camel and ostrich…. I am still waiting for Lego to make them again! There are so many animals I am making a wishlist - hippo, giraffe, giant panda, buffalo, wolf, armadillo, rhino, hyena, lemur, kimono dragon, octopus, horned frog, rattlesnake, crow/raven (not yet to be recolored as a real one), moose, fox, duck, bass, and more.
  12. Lion King

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    It’s’ veteran vs new collectors… and I’m a new collector here. I started collecting modular building last year and I only bought two retired sets off eBay (Downtown Diner and Corner Garage) and got Assembly Square for Christmas. I won’t chase after the older buildings like Cafe Corner, Fire Brigade, Town Hall, etc becuase I know the are very old and very basic. And EXPENSIVE in secondary market. I do wish that Lego would re-make versions of those older buildings. I will be happy to see them to have new architectural features I don’t know if veterans would feel that way if they realize that the remake sets are much better or rather keep the older ones. It’s up to them if they both keep the old one and buy the new one.
  13. Lion King

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    If Winter Village set turns out to be true that it’s including post office, will it mean there wont’ be another post office for Modular at the same time? Like we have Daily Bugle and modular building colelction was suppsoed to have newspapers building but it was scrapped.
  14. Lion King

    Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    Same here. My church in PA has Christmas Eve service wiht those Christmas flowers. I didn’t know the flower’s actual name - my family calls it “Christmas flower” rather than spelling out the actual name in sign language.