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Found 170 results

  1. Captainsmog

    My fantasy MOCs

    Let me begin this topic with my most recent MOC: It's my first cuusoo project, so if you want to support it, here's the link And here is a small compilation of the other fantasy MOCs I did: All pics are in my flickr gallery. I hope you'll like them.
  2. -DoNe-

    Lego Bag End [MOC]

    So this my version of bag end! Now despite the "size" of it this actually have in between 2500-3500 parts! (it is veru heavy). It features full interior wich will be shown in the collages I have uploaded (note: the photos in the collages will be edited I just needed to get this up as quick as possible). Hope you like it!
  3. Now that the second LotR wave sets have been out for awhile it got me thinking, what does everyone else think is the best set of the bunch this time around? How does this wave compare to the first LotR wave and the Hobbit wave so far? Personally I am torn. I generally like the bigger sets best because I feel they offer more (and the price reflects it ), but I feel like the smaller sets actually offer a lot this time around too. I definitely liked the first LotR wave the best though, mainly because of Helm's Deep and the accompanying army/wall builder with the Uruk-hai Army. Please note Tower of Orthanc is not on this list for two reasons. First off it seemed like it would hands down be the winner. Second I don't think it is technically part of wave two since it doesn't share the same LotR logo in the top right? So, what is YOUR Favorite?
  4. This is Bilbo as seen in the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring. I based his design off of the video game version, but it didn't turn out completely accurate. I'm thinking the upcoming CMF Grandma's hair could work for him. Might be a bit too lady-ish, though? Feel free to use.
  5. This is what I have been working on for the past weeks, my version of the council of elrond. Personally I think this is my best dio (would that be a correct name for this?) so far, I just love the colors so much! Even despite the design of the rocks I where managed to make it sturdy as well, wish is something that is usually prio 1 on my models. Hope you guys like it as much as I do!
  6. I noticed a lot of people were listing their favorite dwarves in the main LotR/Hobbit thread. I figured it might be nice to have a separate thread to discuss which is your favorite, as well as have a poll to vote so we can see which is the most popular (could I a mod please add a poll with all 13 dwarves?). Thorin Balin Dwalin Fili Kili Bifur Bofur Bombur Oin Gloin Ori Nori Dori Here is deskp's banner to easily see the names of all the dwarves and their Lego minifigure counterpart: Click the picture below for a larger version!
  7. General Magma

    [MOC] Into Mordor

    Here's my newest creation, depicting the scene from ROTK where Frodo and Sam, disguised as orcs, are approached by a group of orcs and their linebreaker... "After Samwise Gamgee rescues Frodo from Cirith Ungol, they travel further into the land of Mordor, disguised as orcs. As they keep walking on and on, weary and tiresome, they find that up ahead a group of orcs is passing through, slowly moving towards them. As they keep calm and quiet, hoping not to be seen, they are approached by an orc linebreaker who sees them as little orcs and pulls them into the group to march among them..." ___________________________________________________________ You can find it on both Flickr and MOCpages, as well. C&C is welcome as always.
  8. General Magma

    [MOC] The Battle of Osgiliath

    Hello all! Just wanted to share with you a diorama I've been working on, featuring the Battle of Osgiliath from The Lord of the Rings (ROTK). "Once the pride of Gondor, a shining city near the River of Anduin, now a battlefield overrun by the evil forces of Sauron. Gondorians and Ithilien Rangers are fighting for their lives as more and more orcs keep approaching from the East, but it all seems like a never-ending wave of evil sweeping itself over the outnumbered forces of the West..." ______________________________________________________________ Click the first picture for some more shots of this MOC in my Flickr photostream! Enjoy, C&C is welcome as always.
  9. Simon_S


    Hey This is my most recently MOC about the glorious capital Edoras of Rohan. Just a small scene for now, maybe I'll extend that later I hope you like it Have a nice day Simon More pics in my photostream on Flickr
  10. Hello all! The lack of Ent moc's recently has been disturbing... so here's my part in filling the void! Meet Beatenbark, he is partially inspired by the models in the Lego LOTR game. He's fully articulated, neck, arms, elbows, hands, waist, legs and knees. Let me know what you think, and please, I would love to see more people build some Ents! Thanks much- Mr.Macgyver
  11. I've wanted Lego to make LOTR for years, soley for Helms Deep. Finally, it happened. As much as I do like the official model, it just fails to capture the epic scope of the battle as portrayed in the Two Towers. So after having the official model sit on my shelf, mocking me for days, I decided to improve it drastically. My first attempt was satisfying, however I just did not have the amount of pieces to truly do what I wanted with it. After a few (a few meaning a TON of!) Bricklink orders, I was able to begin my endeavor. It is almost complete at the moment with the exception of the mountains, the rear entrance to the caves, the causeway and some additional details i'd like to add/change. I also created an Elven army since Lego did not provide any of Haldirs' troops. I used Legolas from Escape from Mirkwood Spiders as the base for my swordsman and Haldir as the base for my archers. The elven swords and helms are from Brickforge. Check out my flickr photostream to see the evolution of this MOC thus far :)
  12. For the past few years, I've been drawing pictures of the characters we used to play in ICE's Middle-earth Role Playing system (MERP) back in the nineties. I began with my own favourites but as they were completed I turned to others, some of which had a picture drawn back then but some I had no idea how they looked. That was the exciting part - finally deciding on a look after all this time. Then, when I once again ran out of reasonably interesting characters to portray, I wanted to make physical versions of them. As I had become interested in Lego again, it was an obvious choice. Thus, here's my collection so far. Shaana Meneghan Shaana was my first character when returning to MERP in 1995 after some time with Mutant. Initially based on a character in Ultima VIII, she was later inspired by Laurana in Dragonlance. Shaana is an adventurer to the core: she's brave, strong and independent but she's also rather naïve and has difficulties fitting in a civilized society. Daughter of a southern trader and a rohirric woman, she grew up in a small town in Rohan. After the death of her father, she befriended the guard Kerryn who taught her weapon skills and gave her a strong sense of justice. She gained her armor and the mighty Dragon's Toothpick sword after defeating a wight in a tomb underneath Eriador, but was forced to relinquish this sword after a misunderstanding regarding a thief, a stolen purse and due legal process. Eventually, she replaced this with a new eastern styled sword named Dragon's Fang. Shaana would, after we stopped using her in the game, ultimately go on to defeat a drake in the Misty Mountains and live a long and prosperous life as an adventurer. I'll be posting more of my characters to my blog and here if there's interest. http://www.beardedne.../tag/lego-merp/
  13. Jacob Nion

    Boromir's Delusion

    I'm glad to present you my entry for round 2 of Middle Earth Lego Olympics on Mocpages. The category was "Breaking of the fellowship" and the first scene I thought about was Boromir trying to take the ring at Amon Hen. Thanks for looking!
  14. Hi I made two sets of council of Elrond into one.. Just to make it more like the movie and to make it big. Made more chairs, add tree's and made the hall longer. And with my extra Arwen, I remove the dress and putt on the legs from the soldiers/scouts from Lone Ranger theme. And put her next to my Attack on weathertop set to get wounded Frodo away.. what do you think... grtz raymond
  15. Hi guys, I know some of you are planning on getting two Black Gate sets to make the full gate. While I would love to do this myself, I want Orthanc much worse and wouldn't have a place to display the gate. I was hoping I might be able to work something out with one of you that would be mutually beneficial. I would be happy to buy all of the figures, just Aragorn, the Mouth and the Eagle or something in between. Due to the difference in retail prices an exchange rates as well as shipping costs, I think it would be best to trade within the US. If you are planning on getting two gates and would like to unload the extra figures all at once please send me a PM. Thanks, Str0ngbad
  16. Lynx

    LEGO Glorfindel

    Hi guys, I have been unsuccessfully browsing Bricklink for pieces to create one of my favourite characters in the Lord of the Rings. Given that many of you are experts in Historic Themes, I was hoping that somebody might be able to help me out. This is a picture of Glorfindel as he appears in the LEGO Lord of the Rings video game. I have the hair and head and surely could find a dark blue cape, but I couldn't find anything that even remotely resembles the torso and legs. I would greatly appreciate any ideas and suggestions! Cheers, Michael
  17. LukeClarenceVan

    LOTR: Paths of the Dead

    A scene I built for the Middle Earth LEGO Olympics, depicting Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli's escape from a flood of sculls in the Paths of the Dead. Which glows in the dark! Thought my glow pieces would give a nice ghostly atmosphere here. Thanks for stopping by!
  18. SSchmidt

    Lurtz's 30th birthday

    Lurtz is an Uruk-Hai from "The Lord of the Rings." Lurtz did not actually appear in the books, but he did appear in the movie and had his 10 minutes of fame. Anyways, it's Lurtz's 30th birthday. I'm sure you didn't know that, so I have gone to the trouble to detail his elaborate, humorously sad, villifyingly long, 30th birthday.*** Some days are bad and some days are real bad. Saying Lurtz's birthday is anything but the latter, would be an absolute travesty to the abysmal experience of his 30th birthday. Enjoy. "Lurtz celebrated his 30th birthday. It was not an easy one. Lurtz seemed to think 30 was a harder birthday than any other one he had before. Some Uruks came by to cheer up their sorrowful leader. They all chipped in every coin they had to afford a nice bucket of honey. Honey was sweet. Honey could cheer anyone up, even Lurtz. Happy Birthday Lurtz." Lurtz's 30th birthday by SSchmidt--, on Flickr "Poor Uruks. Lurtz is allergic to honey. Happy Birthday Lurtz." Lurtz's 30th Birthday by SSchmidt--, on Flickr *** Detailing Lurtz's elaborate, humorously sad, villifyingly long, 30th birthday in two photos, is impossible. Feel free to follow the story at the aforementioned links.
  19. Deathleech

    Customized Rohirrim Army

    After getting several Uruk-hai Army sets I have started to notice my Rohan soldiers really starting to look way to similar and redundant. I tried using Eomer without his cape as a basic grunt and switching his helm/head/torso/legs with the Rohan archer, but this only allows for so many combinations and still they all have either the orange or light brown facial hair. Unlike with the Uruk-hai there just aren't that many possible combinations for Rohan soldiers atm unless you look outside the LotR line. Luckily they are a somewhat rag tag band so you can easily switch some pieces out and get a really distinct looking army that still feels very Rohan-esque. With that said, I am now turning to Bricklink to further customize my Rohan army. My question is what helms/heads/torsos/legs have people found to work really well as basic Rohan grunts? I would obviously prefer flesh color heads as those are what the rest of the LotR line is done in. I would also prefer the newer, really highly detailed pieces to better mesh with my exisiting LotR minifigures (no Harry Potter heads from 8 years ago please!). So, what can you guys come up with? I would prefer not to have to do any modding such as painting or cutting/modling. Even so, here are some great custom figures from General Magma to give you a general idea of what I am going for!
  20. Hello there ! I'm a french AFOL since december 2012, living in Belgium. I'm 29 and never played LEGO before because my parents never wanted to buy me sets so I have to make up for lost time. At the beginning I was only interested in the licenced themes like LOTR, The Hobbit, Marvel/DC, Star Wars (only the movies), Sponge Bob, TMNT... but I've been quickly attracted by other themes like Monster Fighter or Modular. I'm my personnal life I'm an IT. I like football (soccer), computing, vidéo games, photography (even if I sucks at it for 4 years) and travels. See ya !
  21. Gobernador

    LEGOzeland of the Rings

    Time has passed since the Single Ring was destroyed. Mount Doom is a peaceful place today, and Frodo has come to see if everything is correct But that Sauron is gone, does not mean it is not free from dangers A couple of orcs wandering around, and you better hide until they disappear into the arid territory in search of something to plunder You better go home, the hobbit think... Gandalf has been to see how things go for Isengard, after the demolition of Saruman´s tower It seems that the forest is recovering, that's good. Gandalf decides to go to The Shire, to see his old friend Frodo. Hobbiton, still as beautiful as ever! Both friends find themselves at Bag End, these stairs where so many adventures began! down the hill to "The Green Dragon" cross the bridge over the lagoon, is a sunny and beautiful day for walking .... and drink a good beer remembering all the adventures! These photographs correspond to the following locations: Hobbiton, near Matamata in a private farm Mount Doom is in the Tongariro National Park, and is a trekking I recommend to everyone, it's like walk on another planet. Isengard is located near the town of Glenorchy, and other locations, which have no proper figures, I could not include in this cartoon. And I'd recommend New Zealand to everybody, is an amazing and very beautiful country.
  22. Had a spare Haldir that I wanted to use as an Elven archer. Helmet was made by cutting the horns of a Loki helmet and re-attaching the tip of one horn to the front of the helmet. I think it looks pretty good. Need to tidy it up a bit though. Ideally the hair should hang out the back but there is no way i'm chopping up an elven hairpiece. image by Eurolock, on Flickr image by Eurolock, on Flickr
  23. LukeClarenceVan

    Nazgul Fell Beast

    For a competition on MOCpages I created this Fell Beast from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It was fun tackling a dragon, and I wanted to try a more dynamic pose than is usually seen. Thanks for dropping by!
  24. Hi everyone! I will be posting some purist Tolkien characters here! I'll begin with Radagast the Brown! Radagast the Brown LEGO by SandMirror38, on Flickr More will be coming soon! Any ideas you have post down below in the comments! C and C welcome Have a nice day SandMirror38