
Eurobricks Vassals
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About DoomedACE

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  1. DoomedACE

    Fraud MOC sellers.

    I was considering buying your instructions and ordering from there. I really don’t like the parts hunting part when building somebody else’s moc What is your loss here? Seems I miss something. I even thought this might help you sell instructions...
  2. DoomedACE

    Review: Creator Expert 10269 Harley-Davidson

    Thank you for the review - it was a pleasure to read. Lovely set, but clunky fork. Also missing a lot of chromed pieces. Quick question: Is Milwaukee spelled correctly on your sticker? Its kind of hard to see in your picture, but I think one E is missing at the end... Edit: Did look around the internet --> Yes, it really is spelled incorrectly...
  3. DoomedACE


    Hey, after seeing this years official Modular: please hurry up with the instructions!
  4. I am quite sure that some people care, this is a discussion point that sometimes comes up in the knock-off forums. (Yes, I read those too sometimes.) As I am completely unskilled in technic Mocs - I have no experience in selling instructions, but l would be interested in how the sales are actually developing from the people who are recognized in the community...
  5. What do you guys think of the following thought? The sales of your BI actually go up, because a certain subset of the Lepin buyers recognize your work, and want to support you, although they have bought the set from china. I for myself feel tempted sometimes, because of the hassle (and shipping costs) of the necessary BrickLink orders. The convience is one factor that is not to be overlooked. Although I have not given in to the temptation, in that case I would still buy your instructions, for the reason given above...
  6. You, Sir, are officially my hero now! Many thanks!!!! Goes off to bricklink...
  7. Thanks for the reply, would an original Light&Sound Light Element work on the output of the Buwizz? Either directly, or with an adapter cable. Do you know?
  8. Can you do blinking lights with BuWizz already? My buwizz unit is sitting on the shelf waiting for the app to include customizable controls for a „Light&Sound-styled“ Fire Truck....
  9. DoomedACE

    Homemade Road Plates

    Damn these look great! You really should look into selling these!
  10. DoomedACE

    Lego ucs falcon 10179 modifications

    Besides the fake lego thing - I like it very much - how much did you invest in parts to "modernize" it?
  11. DoomedACE

    MOD: 7745 with Power Functions

    Thank you for the inspiration! I did the same, just yesterday. I used my Buwizz box, which eliminated the need for an IR receiver. But I did not swap out the lights and cabling. What I was thinking, is could you reuse the existing cabling and lights, by creating an adapter cable from power functions to 12 v, by cutting a PF extension cord, and using the 2 outer (left and right) strands. Would that work? I tried the search, but I did not find something related to pf to 12 v conversion cable....
  12. DoomedACE

    How to fix? 12 Volt remote - Button gets stuck

    Just to give an update. I did not find time for opening the remote. My little boy (3,5 years old) saw me tinkering with the remote, and one thing lead to another, and we ended up playing with the trains for the whole day. But, I'll try to find time for it this week....
  13. DoomedACE

    How to fix? 12 Volt remote - Button gets stuck

    I will take pictures - I am probably untalented enough to figure out what the problem might be by myself anyway.... ;-)
  14. DoomedACE

    How to fix? 12 Volt remote - Button gets stuck

    thanks for all the information provided. Will have a look into it the remote this weekend.