Maaboo the Witch

Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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About Maaboo the Witch

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Technic, Animal Crossing
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    42114 Volvo 6x6 Articulated Hauler

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  • Location
    Northampton, UK
  • Interests
    LEGO Technic


  • Country
    Great Britain
  • Special Tags 1

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  1. Seriously? Surely you've been here long enough to know not to necro ancient threads.
  2. Careful, don't give TLG ideas...
  3. Yep, I have that set as well! Like I said, Creator and Animal Crossing are much better choices this year.
  4. 42175 is the only good set this year if you ask me. The bulldozer is tiny and dull, and 42163 is a contender for worst Technic set ever. Meanwhile, the space sets are pretty but ultimately boring, and the sheer amount of cars has diluted the definition of Technic to critical levels. Add to all that the elimination of B-models, and this theme is in serious danger of losing my interest. Creator and Animal Crossing are looking like much better prospects. EDIT: On the bright side, it's great to see more women on the Technic design team.
  5. I stand corrected. I've just tried it again and it worked; I guess I wasn't pumping hard enough before.
  6. Because the boom can't support the weight of the unit. It's not strong enough to lift it either. I tried lifting the boom to the position shown and then hooking up the unit, and the boom couldn't hold it up.
  7. This image is a lie. The excavator cannot lift the power unit. So, the chains, and the hooks on the boom, are pretty much useless.
  8. Maaboo the Witch

    Animal Crossing 2025 - Rumors & Discussion

    There needs to be a CMF series. The amount of squirrels alone that I want to see in minifig form is insane. I mean, who wouldn't want Blaire?
  9. Well, at least the excavator can interact with it. So, there's that.
  10. Maaboo the Witch

    Animal Crossing 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Aside from the Able Sisters shop (where's Sable, though?!), these sets are severely disappointing. Minifigs are indeed amazing, however - Poppy is my standout fave!
  11. Who wants a Sariel review? I do, I do!
  12. Maaboo the Witch

    Azkaban collection

    If you're missing parts, Bricklink is the way to go.
  13. Maaboo the Witch


    It should be "http", rather than "https".
  14. Maaboo the Witch

    Animal Crossing 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I can definitely see one of the upcoming sets being a fishing tourney hosted by C.J.
  15. Just checked the brochure, and you're right. The set version is accurate on that front, so I'm satisfied. Logo still bothers me a bit, though.