Captain Nemo

MOC: Gingerbread Express

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The Gingerbread Express

All Aboard! 

So this year, my sister told me I was to make her a gingerbread town, ice rink, and train (among other unrelated things she wanted after browsing Lego Reddit, and all its random wonders). After negotiating, I talked her down to just the train--fortunately! :grin: While I do own two trains, this is the first time I've ever built my own. It was an experience. I don't intend to make any more anytime soon however, because I'm not about the life of spending four dollars per wheel. Nonetheless, I'm very happy with how it turned out! 


Gingerbread creations seem to be all the rage this year, but a gingerbread train was something different. I choose to forgo any real lattice work, which is common for the style, and instead utilize a couple fist fulls of tooth plates I picked up years ago from a PAB wall. The frosting technique, while rudimentary, really started to give the train a cool gooey look, so as I built the rest of the four cars I just went all in! 

Gingerbread Engine

This was both the easiest and most difficult car to build, and its still not right. Getting the wheels to work correctly was a challenge (again, having never designed my own train, all the necessary dimensions/techniques were just unknown to me), but the goop just really worked here! I particularly like the strands of frosting that pour at the back. 

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Gingerbread Hot Chocolate Car

For the coal car, I went with a big bright cup of hot chocolate. The train is built using the 9V system, so this cup was largely used to somewhat cover the motor box. I suppose it would have made more sense to incorporate the motor in to the engine (since the motor now just pushes the engine itself forward), but I chose to put it here to keep the engine aesthetically pleasing. Any who, the addition of a giant chocolate chip cookie, peppermint sticks, and a chocolate frog was just icing on the cake. Also icing, added that too. 

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Here you can also see the peppermint sticks that are used to attach the cars to one another. 

Gingerbread Cargo Car

While I wasn't necessarily setting out to make a Christmas themed train, I wanted hints of that--specially in the form of a flatbed with presents. But once I had the flatbed, I just knew I needed to add a large flat gingerbread tree cookie! The giant tree cookie is geared into one of the wheels, so it spins when the train is moving. :thumbup:

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I of course threw in a bunch of presents in there too, from boxes of LEGO to cellphones and teddy-bears. 

Gingerbread Caboose 

For the caboose, I wanted a really cute, tiny car. I used the same poor-mans lattice work from the engine here, to tie the train together, but all in all this was a rather simple end car. 

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Thanks for checking this out! 




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I love it, too. It's an interesting take on ''gingerbread''. I don't mind the train having less realistic details, and more icing. It's the icing that created the ''gingerbread'' feeling, and you did that great. My favourite is the cocoa mug with chocolate chip cookie.

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It is gorgeous!!  Love the caboose :wub: and the cargo car, especially how you did the gingerbread tree.

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Jesus god...


This not a MOC, is a piece of art


Better than all the official LEGO products released this year

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It looks good enough to eat!

My favourite carriage has the be the cookie and hot chocolate one.

Absolutely awesome!

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Great build and nice photo's. :wub:

I really like the white, tan, MDF combination and the hot chocolate car is stunning.

Thanks for sharing.

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I love it! It looks better than the actual christmas train from a couple of years back.

Would buy this in a heartbeat, and would love to buy instructions.

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