
Eurobricks Archdukes
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About Robert8

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    <p> Collecible Minifigures</p>
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    Regular CMF series :)


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  1. The CMF were supposed to "have something for everyone". That's the premise they were born from The D&D series is the most severe derailment from that original premise thus far. But a Formula 1 CMF might be even worse I fear
  2. That has to be a 4th special series as @Pop Star c osays. There is just no way that thing is taking a main slot
  3. There was the Harpy in Series 25
  4. This D&D series is doing nothing for me. Im ready for whatever comes in January 1st
  5. Robert8

    LEGO Videogame Tie-Ins - Rumors & Discussion

    Why do the minifigures look so knock-offy?
  6. It's way more iconic and relevant than Krusty Burger
  7. I'd say the Springfield Elementary School is more likely than Krusty Burger or Krustyland
  8. Could it be Toy Story? Because of the clouds... Also, in case this is indeed Simpsons S3 the whole family is a given. I'd say their Sunday Best outfits is the way to go
  9. We all know any celebration CMF will be a costume party series..........
  10. Licensed series are unpredictable at this point, because who even expected a D&D CMF series It's impossible to guess what they'll release in 2025
  11. I do feel another Marvel series is unlikely for 2025 given all the push backs and cancellations that have been happening over there recently Unless, its like Marvel comics and not MCU
  12. Im so ready for the Jan 25 series info The D&D one is doing nothing for me :/