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  1. Ahesh at the Battle of the Wither Woods As the rain poured outside, young Aarash ran to his father, Ahesh, and asked, “How did you become the Emir of our town?" Ahesh leaned back, looking into the fire for a moment and then gestured to his son and said, “Hop up here. It all started when Eastgate was under siege many years ago…" …Petera had been held up in Eastgate by his own brother, Dugal. As Eastgate was far enough away from Batuhan, this fighting rarely involved our village. We were too small to be of any importance. But we were drug into the conflict when a battle was to be fought at Trigan’s Mill, close to our farm. Dugal had command over these lands at the time and sent messengers to every village and town recruiting fighters. Your grandfather has already passed and I was in charge of our farm. The messenger made it clear that choosing not to fight was not in my best interest. I was given a week to report to camp. I found an old, but sturdy shield, what mail could be found as well as my helmet and sword, packed up, said good by to my mother and left. Ahesh I arrived at camp with several of our neighbors and found a busy sight. Many mercenaries and lords were already there. People from distant lands looking for excitement, payment or who were loyal to Dugal and his cause. That night, my neighbor, Bagher, said to me, “Given the experience and equipment of these mercenaries, I feel we shall come out as ground meat when the battle begins.” I nodded silently, feeling the same way and then said, “Stick with me, Bagher,” as I clasped his shoulder, “and we’ll watch each others’ backs.” The next morning was warm with a clear blue sky. As we lined up for battle, a gentle breeze blew across our faces. It would have been quite pleasant if it were not for the task ahead. I looked at Bagher, lined up next to me, as we mentally prepared for what was to come. Lining up for Battle Bagher, the rest of our neighbors and I were positioned as part of the left flank near the river. Our company was lead by Jakon “the Invincible” who brought experienced soldiers: veterans of the Battle of Khordeem, and mercenaries calling themselves the Black Lions. Mark - a yeti - and the Blue guard were also near by. Darrin Longshot and his archers took a position on a small rock formation near the river. Darrin Longshot and his archers above the Red River While waiting that morning for the battle to start, minutes felt like hours. No one spoke as time drug on. When it was clear the battle would begin soon, Jakon stepped out in front and spoke, “We have gathered here to fight for a Historica free from tyranny. Failure today is not an option. Keep formation and do not allow the enemy to break ranks. For Dugal and Historica!” Jakon Inspires the Troops While his speech was inspiring, I still had my doubts. I figured we were only there to absorb first onslaught in the attack. But as the battle began, Jakon and his Black Lions lead the way. They marched toward the enemy with poise and purpose. We brought up the rear and I prepared myself for my first battle. The enemy’s line melted before Jakon and his warriors aided by the archer support from above. I got in a few blows and managed to miss the few that were directed my way. Bagher and I stayed close as we fought forward. Being in the back gave me time to learn to battle on-my-feet, so to speak. Jakon continued to fight at the front and advance our position, proving his “Immortal” nickname. The Yeti, Mark, with his magic ice blade was also making headway as I continued to hold my own, defending myself and my comrades from any enemy that got through the mercenaries in front of me. Ahesh’s Introduction to Battle The fighting around us began to settle - we were winning! But just as I thought the battle was over, a great noise came from behind us. Petera had opened a magical portal and out streamed the Blackguard of Eastgate, a company of Snake Dwarves and a monstrous lizard: a luck dragon. Petera’s Materialized Reinforcements As I turned around, I learned what battle is really like. Without the experienced mercenaries between myself and the enemy, I found myself truly fighting for my life. Petera’s troops were on top of us in an instant. A snake drawf’s spear found Bagher and he collapsed at my side as I saw my other neighbors and friend cut down. I struggled to shield myself from blow after blow after blow. Ahesh Fighting for His Life I finally received some reprieve when a large explosion went off several yards in front of me killing many of the Snake Dwarves and wounding some of the Blackguard. The luck dragon reared itself and then was upon me. In the Dragon’s Sights The first swipe of its claw grazed my chainmail, slicing through it and dragging me to the ground, but leaving me unhurt. I swung my sword at its head, which recoiled and then came back to bite with is enormous mouth and daggerlike fangs. Dragon’s Bite Just as my life was to be over, the beast’s head was pulled away by the chain around its neck. Jakon had seized control of the beast and pulled it away. The dragon obeyed its new master as I saw him lead it away as the battle had finally come to an end… End of the Battle "… and that was Battle of the Wither Woods, at least for my part. After the battle, I returned home with Bagher’s body and a modest payment for my service. I was gifted the land of my fallen neighbors and tasked with taking care of their families." By this point the rain had settled down and little Aarash was anxious to play outside. “Managing a village that has suffered heavy loses in battle,” Ahesh said, “is much less exciting than fighting dragons, but much more important. I’ll tell you more of the story another day."
  2. The Undoing of Shriza the Spider Legends tell of many monsters in the depths of the Wither Woods and it is unwise to stray off the path. But when such horrors grow bold enough, or desperate enough, to leave their shadows and venture among civilized dwellings they may not be ignored. Such events led Aarash and the Batuhanian Guard deep into the forest to kill the terror which had plagued the farmsteads to the north. It was only a matter of time when it wouldn’t be a goat or calf that was taken, but a child. Rumors described an eight-legged menace, a shadow that hunted silently in the dark hours of the night. Aarash clung to those rumors as he traversed the ever-darkening woods. Soon webs, the size of a man, could be seen amongst the trees. Torn and ragged they looked, but menacing. As the ground declined beneath their steps the forest became quiet. Only feet treading through the undergrowth made any sound. That is when snap was heard; not of twig, but of a branch up ahead. Shriza Approaches “Shriza, the Spider!” one soldier cried, pointing directly ahead. They had found themselves at the end a slight ravine, with a monster of a spider ahead. “Hold!” Aarash cried out as Shriza approached, and then “Attack!". Attack! Archers Thankfully, Aarash’s archers were flanking on the right and they had many spears at their disposal. But it would not be enough. Her hide was tough and she was nimble. Our blows were either deflected or missed entirely. Just when the situation was looking grim, A group of centaurs rode in from the west. Centaurs Their arrows shot true and pierced the vulnerable parts of the spider menace. Once on the ground, the stabbing spears finished the job. Aarash turned to thank the centaurs, but they had already fled back into the forest. Despite the darkness of the forest, the return journey was merry knowing their people could sleep soundly tonight. My entry into the Medieval Monster Menace category of the 2020 Colossal Castle Contest (CCC XVIII).
  3. jtooker

    Buğra Quarry

    Mining in Buğra Quarry has been busy since filling the collapsed tunnel. The dwarves are behind in filling quotas for the villages and settlements to the south, especially the wall at Batuhan. The pay is incomparable and has brought workers from across the continent. The Buğra Quarry is my third entry into the Summer Joust 2020 contest as well as LOLUG’s July contest. The theme for both was “tri-color”. The MOC came out a bit larger than I had anticipated. It has at between 8,000 and 10,000 pieces. It felt a bit like I was just spraying down parts at some points while trying to keep the rockwork varied and interesting. I had been planning a quarry MOC for a few months as a source for all the stone used in an ongoing MOC. You can see a preview of it here and here; I am working on expanding it and will post pictures on my website when I get it done. I’m also submitting this MOC for review in the University of Petraeas Doctorate of Historica Program under the following category: Landscape Design → Studs up rocks and cliffs Website | Flickr | YouTube
  4. It has been three days since we were run off the road into the Wither Woods. I can see why our Rego was apprehensive on getting involved on the continent. What should have been a simple trip to the Avalonian capital has turned into a slaughter in the dark inside these woods. Death lurks in these trees. My contingent of solders has all but vanished and I know it is not cowardice or desertion. I fear if I fall asleep, I may never wake, but I have not slept since we were attacked on that first night; I can fight it back no longer. We’ve situated camp on this crag over a stream; we will be safe on two sides, at least. Hirbod has the first watch. May his eyes, and ears, not fail us tonight. -Sicuro Off-Course in the Wither Woods After weeks of no word from Sicuro or the contingent of men he led to Avalonia, rumor made its way to the Rego of Varlyrio. This whisper was enough to convince his minster of War and himself that isolation from the continent was prudent. Varlyrio would not send troops to the Battle of Historica. ------------------- This is my entry into the Guilds of Historica Book III Challenge V: Category A (which takes place in Book II). This lost diary entry explains what happened to the contingent of troops sent by the Rego of Varlyrio. Their disappearance solidifies his view that Varlyrio should stay out of the distant war. A bonus image of the MOC can be seen below. It features full lighting and and an aerial view. Aerial View I’m also submitting this MOC for review in the University of Petraeas Doctorate of Historica Program under the following two categories: Landscape Design → trees #1 Geography → forests The coniferous trees follow Katie Walker’s design while the odd-angled branched ones are based on Legopard’s Design. I found both by following this Brickbuilt Tutorial. Website | Flickr | YouTube
  5. Glad to see this warzone revisited! After Arcannon Cresentthorn pledged his support to the High Council to help battle the Desert King, High Council forces set to rounding up Arcannon's brother's supporters in the Wither Woods. The first traitorous elf hit the ground hard but the second managed to hang on to the line for a few seconds. It didn't matter though as they were both restrained and marched off to Arcannon's camp for questioning. More on Flickr, C&C appreciated!
  6. My entry for warzone 11 - In the event of me winning, I pick D3 as the next warzone. Having always lived secluded deep in the Wither Woods the Cresentthorn Elves have kept to their own ways, and their own gods, worshipping spirits of nature and the forces of old. According to the myths, these forces rest in the oldest of trees. As these trees grow old, they are said to take on the appearance of the Old Gods themselves, watching over the forest, its surroundings, and everything going on there. The elves simply call them the "Old Gods"... Watched by Beorthan, on Flickr In a clearing in front of one of the "Old Gods", one of the honour duels for Cresentthorn's favour is being held between a Leander representing the High Council and an Orc representing the Desert King. Gods of Old by Beorthan, on Flickr The Leander, Babar Sher, native to the Trifork, has just bested an orc berserker bearing the name of Xolag. The elven official, Beldroth, has just called off the duel, proclaiming Babar Sher, and thus the High Council the winner of this Duel. Victory by Beorthan, on Flickr C&C more than welcome. For once, I am quite happy with the photos (a slight issue with focus in one of them apart) and I quite like how my tree turned out. As may be obvious, the tree is inspired by the weirwoods of Game of Thrones.
  7. The Old Oak The Battle for Cresentthorn's Favor (WZ11:C4) For the Desert King! Deep in the Wither Woods there is an ancient oak, so thick and gnarled that the elves have named it the Father of the Trees, believing it to have witnessed the dawn of the forest. The warrior Kauket had lived her entire life in the hot, sandy, desert lands – she had never seen any trees such as what was now before her. A voice called down from the ancient limbs, “The duel may now commence.” There would be time later to admire the forest, Kauket had a High Councilman to defeat. At the base of the ancient tree, Kauket swung her khopesh at the enemy and let the thrill of the fight carry her to victory. Thanks for having a look :)
  8. Gregory Tumaldris was a simple man, he made his living in the the Wither Woods repairing carts that inevitably broke down around his home. He'd almost had it to a science the travelers would always overestimate the durability of their wagon and the reliability of the Oil road. He could have tried to fix the road but no one would pay him for that and besides that was Eastgates problem, when repair jobs were sparse he took to trapping, it wasn't glamorous but it fed his wife and kids. That was until the war came... Gregory could barely find a rabbit within three kilometers the Desert King had rose and with him so had Gregory's misfortune, he and many other folk of the Wither Woods started suffering under the armies of the Desert King occupying their land, eating their food, scaring away any business that might happen down the road. They'd had enough, Gregory and other folks like him decided to strike back! DSC_2027 by scarst21, on Flickr This was the third one this week for Gregory, He'd take any good he thought were valuable and pool them with a stash that a few able bodied men would take to Eastgate to sell to merchants for a bit of coin. Gregory wouldn't pretend what he was doing was right but it was just.
  9. For the story, see the first thread about the War of the Brothers The call for arms and the challenge are open to ALL guilds. PART ONE: A CALL TO ARMS – The Battle of the Wither Woods The battle of the Wither woods is coming. Dugal and Petera both need help to defeat the other. Which side will you choose? These battles will be fought in the same manner as the Battle of Queens Cross and the Battle of Khordeem. Meaning, you sign up your hero or squad, and I try to replicate them and get them into the battle. This Call to Arms is only for the first battle, the Battle of the Wither Woods. When you sign up, state the men you are sending and which brother they are supporting. Remember, Dugal fights for the Historica of present, while Petera fights for the Valkarian Order’s desire for a new stronger Historica. How this works: Basically, the battle will be fought out as a wargame, using rules that my brother and I have been working on for a LONG time. (This is also a playtest for us.) It will take a few days to get all the way through, but should prove to be epic. The plan is simple. The call has gone out by raven , magic and other means to the far ends of Historica. Help is needed at the upcoming battle in the Wither Woods. If you wish to join the battle, send your small troop by mage, boat, or land to either North Avalonia (Petera) or Eastgate (Dugal). Some may make it for the start of the battle, and others might join in the thick of it as reinforcements. Anyone that signs up while the battle is still going, we will try to get into the battle. All we need is a pledge of men (1-10, although 10 may be hard to represent on the battlefield; the ideal number is squads of 5). I will try to represent your figures as closely as possible, but it might be hard to accurately represent some heroes or your actual men’s uniforms. (we can always chalk it up to artist’s interpretation) We will then give your men (or women!) stats and bring them into battle. They will then fight in the battle to see if they can help win it for their side. If your hero or your men are known for a certain weapon style or ability, include it in your pledge. We will try to accommodate this in your character’s stats. You may want to also show us a picture of who you are sending, if you want us to try and replicate them. WARNING: The soldiers you send may die – if you send a hero, you might want to tell us you would prefer they fell wounded or are likely to retreat. It is all luck of the dice (much like the tournaments that have been held) The battle won’t start until Later in May, but I will keep checking the forums for new recruits and can add people all the way until the battle is done. So if you don’t make it before the battle, sign up at any point during the battle. Anyway, I hope some of you will heed one of the brothers calls, and join them to defeat the other. Post below your men and who you are pledging to help. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contest thread has been moved to here. The text is the same as below though. PART TWO: Bringing the pain We are going to try something new this time around; we are going to have other people “build” weapons of war that will be used in both battles. The builders will build LDD models that we can use the show construction mode on. (Alternatively, a builder could photograph “instructions” to participate in this battle). Then, we will build some of these models for the battles. This is what you have to do: Create a separate thread for your weapon of war, then link it in a post on the registry thread. The title tag for the LDD contest is {WotB} In your thread you should have a completed picture of the siege weapon. You should have the capability to email us the design or “print” it. (Links to this material in your thread are highly appreciated!) You can add story to your weapon (maybe what company / person built it, etc…) You can also tell us what side you hope will use your weapon (Petera or Dugal’s). Is it a one of a kind weapon that has special properties? Or could there be multiple on the battle field? There are two categories, and each builder can enter both up to three times. The first category is Field Pieces. These will be used at the Battle of the Wither Woods. This battle will most likely take place in a lightly wooded area, but overall very few fortifications will be present on the field. The weapons can range from catapult to ballista, from twirling death machine to cow crusher… the limits are endless, other than it really should not be a siege engine. The second category is Siege Engines. These should be the heavy duty battle machines that are designed to take down walls, assault fortresses, and get men in close to fight the enemy. The siege engines will be used later on in the year at the Battle for Eastgate. One caveat -- the portion of the battle portrayed at the end of summer will be an invasion from the sea... So, any siege weapons that fold up nicely, may have the upper hand in the judging. (MAY HAVE) Specifications: Since we are going to try and build these, we are going to set a 400 piece limit. You don’t have to use 400 pieces, you can use fewer. We just won’t be able to build anything larger than 400 pieces. The one thing I do not have in my collection is a lot of technic gears and pieces, staying away from these would increase the chances of seeing your weapon in built form during the battle. However, containing many technic pieces won’t hurt your chance of winning. Just like the call to arms, anybody in the Guilds of Historica can participate. Deadline: Field Pieces: May 15th Siege Engines: September 30th The winner of each category will be forever known as Artillery Captain of Eastgate or Siege Commander of Eastgate
  10. SkaForHire

    Defending the Oil Road.

    Well, we were throwing around the "show me your army" posts, so in response to this new threat, I posted an army - not the army, but an army. Stay out of my woods! ---------------- DSC_1929 by skaforhire, on Flickr When our scouts reported that there was an allied army moving into Kaliphlin, one attempting to sever Eastgate and its protectorates from the rest of Kaliphlin, we had to act quickly. Second Lord of Eastgate Petera MacLean dispatched a raven to Barqa where he had Deregar the Bull gathering supplies and recruiting to join Dugal's army protecting Queenscross. Deregar was ordered with his personal guard, Abu'dun (Just returned from a meeting of the Great Generals) and a squad of Kaliphlin Guardsmen to meet the incoming threat. Most were given fresh mounts from the famed horse breeder of Barqa - Ime'r Koln, his precious white steeds are coveted by any lancer. DSC_1925 by skaforhire, on Flickr We find it odd that in a time when Revolword's troops ravage the countryside and prepare for assaults on various guild capitals, a force from Avalonia would march into Kaliphlin and attempt to stop our commerce and troop movements. Still, Abu'dun, the great diplomat, has come with a message of peace. His message to the leader of Zakon Goldblade's eternal warriors: From the hand of Petera Maclean, Second Lord of Eastgate: "We have heard of your unit's presence on Kaliphlin soil, and that you have begun to turn back merchants. We disagree with your actions, but we wish no bloodshed today. Our armies would be better served attacking together at the armies that threaten Queenscross and Albion, then attacking one another. I ask you to cancel your decree and to let commerce in this stressed time commence as in the previous few years. Please send your eternal guards where they are needed, the war against the elemental threat. My men under my cousin, Deregar, will escort you to the border of Kaliphlin, shall you wish. However, your army will pass no further than the point you meet this vanguard. The Wither Woods have long been under the protection of Eastgate, and GEAR Company's vested interests in the economic industries of the region is paramount to the economies of Eastgate, Kaliphlin, and parts of Avalonia. Further commerce should commence immediately, and the region should be spared warfare if at all possible in these troubled times. I hope that we can see peace today, but know that the sword of Kaliphlin is strong, and we as a people will resist foreign invasion if necessary. -Peace, and good day. Petera MacLean." DSC_1919 by skaforhire, on Flickr Deregar the Bull in the middle of his troops. DSC_1921 by skaforhire, on Flickr A unit of Kaliphlin Guardsmen DSC_1915 by skaforhire, on Flickr A scout watches their flank. DSC_1914 by skaforhire, on Flickr The whole MOC. more here