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About A_Eurobricks_User

  • Birthday 01/01/1870

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  1. A_Eurobricks_User

    30574 Cat review!

    Oh my goodness, this has to be one of the most disappointing sets ever. Doesn't look good. Poor accuracy. Poor value, even it is cheap. Not a good build. I rate it a 0.1 out of 5.
  2. A_Eurobricks_User

    30550 Easter Bunny review!

    This bunny is easily recognizable, with the perky ears that can be posed, to an extent. They can't be positioned so they droop - the lowest they can go is horizontal to the floor. Cheese slopes are used to good effect for the cheeks, as well as the teeth in the front. I like the 1x1 pink tile for the nose, and the eyes are quite expressive. The entire head can swivel as shown here. I find the choice of colour a little puzzling - previous incarnations of the bunny have been a more appropriate grey or brown. However I like the white accents for the bottom of the bunny's paws and the large splash of white on his chest, represented by a 2x3 flat tile w/ angle. He isn't that exciting in the back, and it's unfortunately that there are grey plates showing. They're angular plates that are necessary in order to provide decoration in the front or the back. A singular Easter egg is included to complete the build that surprisingly also uses yellow in its colouring. I would have expected to see a different colour for the egg. Compared to previous Easter bunnies (40018 and 40053), this seems like a junior version - maybe a baby bunny? That's to be expected; the piece count for this set (67 pieces) is smaller than either of the older sets. I would have liked to have seen more accessories than a single egg. It's not a really exciting set though, to be honest. And it's kind of hard to like this set. For the reasons above, this set earns a 2 out of 5.
  3. A_Eurobricks_User

    LEGO Ideas Discussion

    Unfortunately, it does. Nice LEGO Ideas projects by the way.
  4. A_Eurobricks_User

    4040 Nick review!

    The Galidor theme is by far the worst Lego theme in the history of Lego. Released in 2002, it quickly became so unpopular that it was discontinued before the end of the year. McDonald's Happy Meal Lego was always lower grade quality than actual Lego, so this set is even worse.This miniature version of Nick Bluetooth is worse than the larger version because the larger version had at least some playability what with the moving arms and legs and firing missile. However, this version is completely 100% rigid and unplayable; it is a single large piece. You can't even take the half-of-a-helmet off his head. I haven't much to say about this set other than that; the picture tells you everything.That being said, this set is useless and I am glad they don't make sets like these anymore. It really does not fit in with Lego. I rate this set a 0.1 out of 5. Would give a 0 if I could.
  5. A_Eurobricks_User

    End of an Era on LEGO CMFs reviewing for WhiteFang

    @WhiteFang Will you be reviewing other sets?
  6. A_Eurobricks_User

    The Queen’s Emissary

    Nice build!
  7. A_Eurobricks_User

    The Chapel of Lindisfarne

    Amazing build :)
  8. A_Eurobricks_User

    [MOC/WIP] EH800 JRF

    Nice work!
  9. What a shame it's been cancelled...
  10. A_Eurobricks_User

    Brick Train Awards 2020 winners

    Congrats to the winners!!!!
  11. Great review as always!