
Eurobricks Vassals
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About PlopiNinetySix

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  1. Just realized it, the space sets. :o The color seemed different to me here. Thank you, please forgive my ignorance.
  2. Looks nice! I've never seen this shade of orange in Lego before... It's such an appealing color tho.
  3. I think real, but this looks a lot like Bruno Jenson's Hypercar MOC to me (on second glance maybe just some of the vehicle, I'm definitely tripping). Maybe just a coincidence, although this still looks pretty good. 17/7/24: Just realized it obviously looks the same since it's the same car
  4. Love the turquoise but it seems the stickers restrict its actual quantity :/ (but I mean the the stickers are to make it as accurate as possible to the real thing so uh...) Cool vehicle by the way.
  5. That's actually the very first time I hear of an Israeli at Lego and this guy's AWESOME! I hereby appoint him the rank of national pride. Found an article about him and his career at Lego, tho it's in Hebrew :|
  6. Wait, what WATER VEHICLE? <:O
  7. This is such a colorful picture that it melts my eyes. I actually love this (overly specific) interior.
  8. RB's videos, always spot-on :D
  9. For 42175 I was expecting something bigger tbh, but I really, really like how the whole thing looks. Lego really captured Volvo's style for the truck. :)
  10. @Milan Thanks for the heads up, I'll make sure next time^ [Although making sure isn't enough, I think I do need to go over the rules regarding quoting posts] (Btw, I think it was @Jim that edited my post? Though I first saw your name in the edited section on it, I might've confused myself :p. Either way I apologize for the hassle)
  11. Gotta love trucks (and construction equipment, too)! I'm eagerly excited for this, I just hope they won't take a lot of cues from 42043 and really design a new beast here.
  12. Coming from someone whose language is guttural too, I love this
  13. This is officially my favorite Dutch word, it rolls off the tongue so nicely^