
Corrington: Sign-up and Discussion, Era II

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1 minute ago, evancelt said:

Welcome @MetallFanYT!


4 minutes ago, Brickwolf said:

Welcome to Corrington!

Thank you very much :pir-classic:

I have some more questions:

1. Is it allowed to build a House in a Town in Brethren of the Brick Seas which was not found by me and if yes is there something I have to pay attention to ?

3. Do Houses/Ships need to be licensed if i dont play with the basic economic system ?

4. How can i found a new town ?

5. Can I build Mocs about old wars Corrington fought or only new Wars ?

6. How far can a group of soldiers (for example: Regiment) move ?


Sincerely MetallFanYT :pir-blush:

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8 minutes ago, MetallFanYT said:


Thank you very much :pir-classic:

I have some more questions:

1. Is it allowed to build a House in a Town in Brethren of the Brick Seas which was not found by me and if yes is there something I have to pay attention to ?

3. Do Houses/Ships need to be licensed if i dont play with the basic economic system ?

4. How can i found a new town ?

5. Can I build Mocs about old wars Corrington fought or only new Wars ?

6. How far can a group of soldiers (for example: Regiment) move ?


Sincerely MetallFanYT :pir-blush:

1. You can build in any Corrington town and most foreign towns (check the settlement thread) you want. Some towns have distinctive building styles, it is encouraged to adhere to these styles. Make your builds licensable for the Economic game system (EGS) so they can be licensed by the settlement or Corrington.

3. No, but participating in the EGS is encouraged and it is fun.

4. After several builds, when ýou have shown faction leadership that you are serious about it, choose a place and start building. Coordinate this with @Bregir and @Ayrlego.

5. You can build Mocs about old wars, e.g. Juniper war.

6.  For roleplaying reasons, you can move your unit around as much as you want. Tactical movements happen in the MRCA after the unit was raised in the EGS.

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Brickwolf beat me to answering, here is where I got to when he replied!

22 minutes ago, MetallFanYT said:

1. Is it allowed to build a House in a Town in Brethren of the Brick Seas which was not found by me and if yes is there something I have to pay attention to ?

Yes, not only is it allowed but it is encouraged. Most Corrington players start in an established settlement and develop their characters story. Then after a little while, some will set off to found their own settlement somewhere. We have many settlements that you could choose to start in, some of which do not have active mayors. Some settlements will have distinctive styles that you are encouraged to build in - but this is not essential (Port Woodhouse is classic white stucco with red roofs, Spudkirk is bright colours, Stormhaven is on stilts above a mangrove swamp etc.) Characteristics of settlements can be found in the settlement thread or by looking at previous builds in that settlement. It can be fun to try and tie your build into another builders ideas or themes, but like I said, it is not essential.

22 minutes ago, MetallFanYT said:

3. Do Houses/Ships need to be licensed if i dont play with the basic economic system ?

No. Or if you do decide later to participate in the EGS, you can always license them later.

22 minutes ago, MetallFanYT said:

4. How can i found a new town ?

See my answer for question 1. We'd prefer you to establish yourself in an existing location first, then after several builds we can talk about establishing a new settlement. I'll invite you to our faction PM after this post.

1 minute ago, Brickwolf said:

5. Can I build Mocs about old wars Corrington fought or only new Wars ?

We are not currently in a war with any player faction, although we are still at war with the Lotus Empire in the far east (New Haven Sea). You can MOC previous wars but be sure to read up on the history first.

For question 6, Brickwolf said it perfectly!

2 minutes ago, Brickwolf said:

6.  For roleplaying reasons, you can move your unit around as much as you want. Tactical movements happen in the MRCA after the unit was raised in the EGS

So if it is just for story telling, your troops can appear anywhere. But if the a settlement is attacked in the EGS, only EGS troops can defend it.

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19 minutes ago, Ayrlego said:

Brickwolf beat me to answering, here is where I got to when he replied!

Yes, not only is it allowed but it is encouraged. Most Corrington players start in an established settlement and develop their characters story. Then after a little while, some will set off to found their own settlement somewhere. We have many settlements that you could choose to start in, some of which do not have active mayors. Some settlements will have distinctive styles that you are encouraged to build in - but this is not essential (Port Woodhouse is classic white stucco with red roofs, Spudkirk is bright colours, Stormhaven is on stilts above a mangrove swamp etc.) Characteristics of settlements can be found in the settlement thread or by looking at previous builds in that settlement. It can be fun to try and tie your build into another builders ideas or themes, but like I said, it is not essential.

No. Or if you do decide later to participate in the EGS, you can always license them later.

See my answer for question 1. We'd prefer you to establish yourself in an existing location first, then after several builds we can talk about establishing a new settlement. I'll invite you to our faction PM after this post.

We are not currently in a war with any player faction, although we are still at war with the Lotus Empire in the far east (New Haven Sea). You can MOC previous wars but be sure to read up on the history first.

For question 6, Brickwolf said it perfectly!

So if it is just for story telling, your troops can appear anywhere. But if the a settlement is attacked in the EGS, only EGS troops can defend it.


23 minutes ago, Brickwolf said:

1. You can build in any Corrington town and most foreign towns (check the settlement thread) you want. Some towns have distinctive building styles, it is encouraged to adhere to these styles. Make your builds licensable for the Economic game system (EGS) so they can be licensed by the settlement or Corrington.

3. No, but participating in the EGS is encouraged and it is fun.

4. After several builds, when ýou have shown faction leadership that you are serious about it, choose a place and start building. Coordinate this with @Bregir and @Ayrlego.

5. You can build Mocs about old wars, e.g. Juniper war.

6.  For roleplaying reasons, you can move your unit around as much as you want. Tactical movements happen in the MRCA after the unit was raised in the EGS.

Thank you a lot ;) 

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To the Esteemed Sir Allcock,

Yes, the recent unpleasntries have been quite difficult. As we are now in more peaceful terms, I've been instructed by my liege to find more harmonious dealings with your people, something I hope we can achieve. War has torn apart families and friends. Your citizens who made friends with ours were forced to take sides, and vice versa. May we never have such a conflict again. Yes, we have collaborated before, but our forefathers have been mortal enemies. I do not wish for us to become that. Let us bring peace and prosperity to our lands.

His Majesty has often expressed the threat Lotus presents to his loyal subjects and to the Faith. Our settlements in New Haven are constantly on guard despite the Loti claim of peace. Mutual action between the forces of Oleon and Corrington may be enough to truly bring peace to the region. To this end, I have been empowered to meet and discuss coordinated efforts and granted authority to represent the Crown in these matters.

I will be glad to meet with you and discuss terms in Silithonia to talk about how a possible endeavor will occur. Perhaps our respective soldiers, sailors, and marines will find common ground and realize we are not so different after all, if a conflict is to break out.

Yes, I agree a neutral location would be best, at least in these early meetings. I concur that Silithona would be good for us to meet. Perhaps we can start wth a meetiing on the north side and then go to the south side, or vice-versa, to show everyone we are willing to work together and overcome our differences. I will be in attendance, as will the advisor to my religion, Bishop François and my aide de camp Beachamp.

Sincerely yours,

Robert Perrault, II, Duke of Vitoria

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To Isaac Montoya, RSNP, Corrington

I, Doctor Oliver Thaum, hereby apologize for the loss of the Tartan Hydra, probably due to a collision with my training ship the Jolly Rogers in rough seas.

The Cutter HMS Otter damaged for the same reason too, was towed to a safe place. The ship will be repaired and taken with the whole safe crew to a safe place from where he would be free to sail again.

Best regards


Dr Thaum


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270 soldiers preparing to explore the unknown? If you Corringtoneers don't see the opportunities to provide supplies, set up factories, ... , no one probably will.

Interested in building a factory or local shop selling your goods in Damaborg, feel free to send a pm to me :pir-sweet:

Buildingstyle: "frontier" => wood/Timberwork with colourfull support beams.

Disclaimer: Just as in Trador, properties are safe and will not be seized in case of future events.

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Hello, what are some "famous" / good shipyards owned by Corrington (or any ally for that matter) ? I need the info for a post I'm working on.

Thank you in advance

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3 hours ago, Justsomebrix said:

Hello, what are some "famous" / good shipyards owned by Corrington (or any ally for that matter) ? I need the info for a post I'm working on.


30 minutes ago, Professor Thaum said:

 and those ones

We'd love to have you at the Wullham drydock / shipyards :pir-grin:

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8 hours ago, Justsomebrix said:

Hello, what are some "famous" / good shipyards owned by Corrington (or any ally for that matter) ? I need the info for a post I'm working on.

Thank you in advance

Quinnsville has a few shipyards as well.

This and this

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Unlike other colonial powers in the New World, Corlander colonial authorities have always perused a policy of free trade and no taxes. While this policy has proven successful to date, the ongoing expansion of the Empire has correspondingly raised the costs of upkeep for the naval and military forces required to administer it. To ensure Corrington remains a bastion of free trade, colonial authorities are calling on civic minded Corlander citizens to assist in making the colonies self sufficient.

Corlander colonial citizens of good standing are called upon to support civic projects across all Corlander settlements in the New world. Increasing the administrations income through centralised property ownership will significantly increase colonial revenues without the need for taxes.

As an incentive, Citizens who build properties and license them on behalf of the Crown (or a settlement that pays it's own fort upkeep) before 31 December 622 will be eligible for the following honours:

Level 1 - For the donation of properties totalling 100-199DBs in property income: Knighthood in the Order of the Compass Rose (or advancement to the next level if already knighted)

Level 2 - For the donation of properties totalling 200-299DBs in property income: Baronetcy including an title and membership of the Noble Parliament.

Level 3 - For the donation of properties totalling greater than 300DBs in property income: Earldom including an title and membership of the Noble Parliament.

Simply post a build that meets the requirements for licensing in the EGS. Donate the build to the faction by tagging Ayrlego who will then license and adjust your total score in this Post.

- Income from any Royal collabs will be divided among the collaborators as determined by the collaborators.

- Normal quality rules apply. Builds not deemed to meet the minimum levels of effort required for licensing in the EGS will not apply.

- Builds in this incentive may count towards the GoC if they meet GoC requirements.



Total: 96DB (Clay Pit, Mayor's Office, Grenadier Barracks, Pioneer Outpost, Elizabethville ObservatoryCorner Townhouse, Grenadier's Forge, Chinampa, )


Total: 100DB (Town Hall,Intelligence Office, Supply Dock, Blueberry Manor, Goat Farm, Armoury, Dairy Farm)

@Spud The Viking

Total: 33DB (Library, Primary School, Fortified Factory, )


Total: 70DB (Salt Mine, Copper Mine, )

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On 5/17/2022 at 1:30 PM, Ayrlego said:

Unlike other colonial powers in the New World, Corlander colonial authorities have always perused a policy of free trade and no taxes. While this policy has proven successful to date, the ongoing expansion of the Empire has correspondingly raised the costs of upkeep for the naval and military forces required to administer it. To ensure Corrington remains a bastion of free trade, colonial authorities are calling on civic minded Corlander citizens to assist in making the colonies self sufficient.

Corlander colonial citizens of good standing are called upon to support civic projects across all Corlander settlements in the New world. Increasing the administrations income through centralised property ownership will significantly increase colonial revenues without the need for taxes.

Thanks @Ayrlego! Do normal monthly build licensing limits apply to this initiative?

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4 hours ago, evancelt said:

Thanks @Ayrlego! Do normal monthly build licensing limits apply to this initiative?

Yes, although these builds count as a collaborative build between two or more players, so your total licensable builds per month will be four. Also if you build over your limit, you can still present the builds and they can be licensed in future months.

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One question regarding the license costs for the prospecting builds and the mine itself: I assume the Crown will pay for the latter, and also be happy if I handle the former on my own?

I would like to do the prospecting builds as part of a story of the WTC getting more involved in mining - while some of the mines itself will be sold (in story terms!) for profit to the Crown. Meaning I do the initial prospects and their licenses on my own, and once a mine build meant "for the Crown" is posted I will let @Ayrlego or @Bregir know so they can handle it from there - alright?

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Commander Julius Palmer II

A product of extensive connections, mediocre service secured Palmer's promotion to commander.

Currently serving as captain of HM Sloop of War, Atropos (16 guns), Palmer impatiently waits for a more substantial command and rank. 

[Future command, HM Frigate Harpy (36 guns)]


LEGO HMS Harpy 5th-rate frigate Phto.png

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8 hours ago, Professor Thaum said:

Welcome aboard comrade, I will wait for a true presentation in a dedicated topic. But the start is promising.

I am new to this but what is a dedicated topic? Also, how does the economic system work? Thanks for the welcome.

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If you join Corrington, some Factions Leader will take care of you and explain the basics.

A dedicated topic  is a topic of your own with your first MOC which could be anything you want introducing your sigfig to the world of BoBS.

The economic system is not very hard to understand, to make it simple : you build something we call a "property" ( house, factory, plantation, tavern, warehouse, etc ) or a ship, you pay a fee to add it to the economic system and each month this property awards you some money back.

The first small property and the first class 2 ship are free of fees.

Properties are of 4 sizes possible :

Small, medium, large, royal ( from the shack to the palace for a house )

Ships have 11 classes available from the rowboat (class 0) to the HMS Victory ( class 10 ).

I let you to the good care of @AyrlegoOne of the Corrish leader

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