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  • Birthday 11/21/1984

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  1. @Timorzelorzworz @Sokolov Edward We created this topic to avoid disrupting MOC threads where selling instructions is part of the presentation. I’m only asking for a civil discussion, with no personal attacks. If the two of you can’t continue without insults, take the discussion to PM and leave this space for those who want a respectful conversation. One page of insulting replies have been hidden. Do not continue arguing.
  2. A topic for discussing free versus paid instructions for our own models (MOCs) has been created in the main Technic forum:
  3. This has always been, and still is, a controversial topic. Therefore, let's keep the discussion polite, and also centralized here, rather than spreading it across multiple MOC topics. Use this topic to discuss free vs paid instructions If this discussion starts in another thread, try to divert it here, or tag me to move it No personal attacks No generalizing or insulting entire countries Keep it civil and friendly
  4. The idea is to showcase everything on the forum so that members don’t need to visit other sites to see your build. Take some time to edit your first images, write text, explain what you did, how you did it, and why, and link the video. You can check out how others have done theirs. Here’s a great recent example for reference:
  5. @CONCEPTBRICK As you’ve already been told in another topic, when posting, you should follow the EB posting rules. EB is not a promotional tool. As outlined in the site rules, we ask members to put effort into presenting their models. Simply posting one link to an external site is not a good start. Please take a moment to read the site rules again, edit your post, and create a proper presentation using images, text, and/or video.
  6. We took this into account for both this and the previous contest voting, and the order of the entries in the list was randomized for each voter in both contests.
  7. Hmm, I can't see them in your discussion topic (PC, three different browsers). If others can see it, then its fine.
  8. Thanks for pointing that out. Corrected. So, as noted on the voting website (and now here), the top position receives 19 points, the bottom position receives 1 point.
  9. TECHNIC 49.5 x 20 TIRE VEHICLE CONTEST - VOTING TOPIC VOTING We are using an external site to vote: CLICK TO VOTE Please follow these rules to vote: To vote, drag and arrange the entries. Set your top choice in the top position, followed by your next preferences in descending order. Each entry you place at the top position earns 19 points, while each entry you position at the bottom receives 1 point. You need to type in your Eurobricks USERNAME in the "name" field. You can only vote once. You are eligible to vote if you have AT LEAST 50 POSTS, unless you are a participating member, then there is no post count limit. As a participating member, if you want to vote, it is MANDATORY to allocate 1 point to your own entry/to set it at the bottom of the list. You can be banned from voting (when vote rigging is suspected). For questions or comments regarding voting, please refer to the TC27 Discussion Topic. Voting ends on Tuesday, 17th of September. CRITERIA Voting criteria are (in no particular order): Quality of the build. Functionality. Originality. Looks (shape, color scheme, etc). ENTRIES All entries can be found in the entry thread: Please visit the entry topic to see all entries.
  10. The entry topic is closed! You can vote in the voting topic! @JoKo Please edit your entry topic and reupload your pictures, as they are not visible.
  11. Sure, if there's already a dedicated topic for this specific case. If not, we can create one and continue the discussion there.
  12. I second this. @rm8 @paave I am sure many forum members think that both of you are really good LEGO builders. And it's clear you've both put in a lot of effort into your models. Instead of arguing over who did what first, it's better to focus on what makes each model unique.