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Everything posted by hrontos

  1. I think 5 resets the view. Since these files contain 2 shock absorbers with one half put 5000 units above base plane, reset of view will try to take it into account and it looks like everything disappeared. These hidden halves have 0 as material ID and so rendering of a LDD model containing these modified parts with LDD2POVray will fail. It would be better to change it to some real material ID before rendering.
  2. These artifacts may be caused also by LDD2POVray. LDD2POVray uses LDD connectivity data for stud replacements. When there is a slight offset between stud position in geometry data and connectivity data, stud is not properly replaced.
  3. @rm8: Thank you for a great review and detailed pictures. Looking forward to build the model with my kids. Love the rims and all the dark blue parts.
  4. Focused part is the part you select in LDD as the camera reference part (by right clicking). In the LDD, camera "looks" at that part and in POV-Ray that part will be focused.
  5. ´To add that gradient you may use following code: plane { y, min_extent(ldd_model).y texture { pigment { gradient x // x represents direction of gradient - along X axis - use any vector color_map { // map 0 on x axis to white, 1 on x axis to blue [0 rgb 1] [1 rgb <0,0,1>] } scale 30*x // make gradient stripes larger so that each stripe is 30 units wide // so 0 maps to white 30 maps to blue // adjust as necessary, so that you will get one large stripe translate -10*x // shift whole gradient stripes by 10 // so that -10 on x is white, 20 is blue // adjust as necessary, so that you will get one large stripe } } } LDRAW rendering is much faster mainly thanks to LGEO library parts. They offer good geometry and level of details well prepared manually. LDD2POVRay tries to improve geometry automatically for any part, but the price is the rendering speed (CSG difference renders slowly in POV-Ray). Custom parts could help also with rendering times. Or better algorithm for geometry improvements. It looks like POV-Ray tries to access include files directly and not through virtual file system. Is it possible that you store your include files in the same folder as your model? The folder for includes should be different and should not be in the POV-Ray's include path.
  6. Use task manager. Find POV-Ray's process, decrease priority by right clicking the process. Or set the process afinity (you can select as many cores as you want to assign to the process). This work any time, so you can adjust it during render depending on what you need to do with the computer. These duty cycles do not work for me.
  7. Basically you have two options: First is to use transparent background and to add gradient background in some picture editor. This is easy way. Second is to make base plane gradient filled, but this way color of base plane will have an influence on colors of the model itself.
  8. This thing on a real Tatra (and many others) allows you to control air presure in tires. Driver can decrease and increase the pressure as needed. It should even capable to keep even deffective tire inflated so that vehicle can move on.
  9. According to LEGOShop page on Facebook: $199.99 US - $249.99 CA - £139.99 UK – €179.99 DE – 1499 DKK
  10. In POV-Ray, color RGB values are not in range 0-255 but they are in range 0-1. Since most of the people are used to 0-255, to make it easier to work with that, I use standard RGB values from range 0-255 and divide it by 255 to get decimal value in range 0-1. For example in POV-Ray, pure red has RGB values 1, 0, 0. For many people, using other software, pure red is 255, 0, 0 and to get it into POV-Ray, every component has to be divided by 255. So you get RGB 255/255, 0/255, 0/255 as RGB values for pure red in POV-Ray.
  11. To make it some other color, modify this line: pigment { ldd_colors[1] } Change it to something like: pigment { color rgb <255/255, 0/255, 0/255> } that will make pure red. pigment { color rgb <0/255, 0/255, 255/255> } pure blue. pigment { color rgb <0/255, 255/255, 0/255> } pure green. Or try any RGB value. Or change it to some of LDD colors based on material ID from LDD. Just change the material ID 1 to any other LDD material ID from LDD color palette.
  12. @chorlton: metallic colors are tricky to render since they reflect the surrounding environment. Simple difference in background color used by your and C3POwen's might be the reason why your is dark (if you have black as bg color) and C3POwen's is brighter (when bg color is white). Default bg color differs between POV-Ray 3.6 and 3.7 and depend on scene version mark.
  13. Did you give some credit to Lamborghini?
  14. Wow, really amazing. Very realistic look and great functions.
  15. I think, you just have to create it yourself once again. What happens if you create it once again? Will the OS let you create it again? In Windows some folders are merged from public and user folders. Is it possible that you have it also as a public folder somewhere?
  16. I would say such render would be quite "time" expensive. I have seen algorithms that generate trees with leaves or lawn with randomly shaped grass leaves, so generating of dust particles should be possible. But it would take less time to use some post processing and add dust and fingerprints by photo processing software. Good lighting is probably much more important for realistic look than the dust and fingerprints, since many people before taking model pictures for some competition clean prefectly whole model so on pictures it is as clear as rendered, but material and lighting realism is what makes it realistic.
  17. For that you need two receivers and two remotes. In case of M motors, you can attach two of them to each output of a receiver. In that case, you will need only one receiver, and steering will be similar to the steering of a bulldozer or a tank.
  18. This is definitely true. I can imagine using a spring from a shock absorber pushing the against gears to generate some friction. But as a serious solution it still somehow not durable enough.
  19. May be even earlier, I suppose they may ask prize winners to comment the building instructions or whatever. Just to have at least some "user" test to make sure TLG did not overllooked something in such hurry. So receiving in July would be quite late for bug-fixing.
  20. I have no idea what technical possibilities they have (it would make packaging a bit more complicated) and if they even want to show you on the box what is in the box.
  21. According to Lego blog plate should be printed and individually numbered. So it will be something like EK-00001 to EK-20000.
  22. It looks like a lot of fun to drive it. Very nice 4speed design. Good job.
  23. It looks like the receiver overload protection activates in case of the old receivers. And battery box overload protection activates in case of the new receivers. I would try two battery boxes.
  24. I used groups and subgroups as a way to enter "steps" into LXF file. After that I converted the "groups" into BI steps. But working with groups is quite annoying because it is not possible to insert group between existing groups so good planning is required.