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  1. 40755, that goes on my wishlist!
  2. Nice train :) Regarding the length? Those work. Same if the wagons were 50% longer, with the same amount of axles.
  3. Havoc Marauder, wasn't that bad? Playscale, instead of minifig scale.
  4. 2bricksofficial made a playset size version in LEGO + interior. If LEGO would make their in the same size, that would be quite interesting.
  5. My 8888 is still in a modified B-model from, well, partly. I had the nose modified Plan is to build the A-model again in the future. 42030, only B-model built. A-model still in the box.
  6. Shiva

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Marvels set, atleast got 3 of the Marvels and the cats. Quantumania, well... Ant-Man mega and Wasp nano. The rest? nothing.
  7. Thumbs up :) Ever tested how the stability is without the plates on top? aka, the extension.
  8. @Clone OPatra Well, seems we both are right? and Unless LEGO has listed wrong.
  9. Well, that's the 10 000 Dollar question. @BitByBrick Sadly I do not have an anwer for it And I only find 2 capes for that set in Bricklink.
  10. Seems to be a cape pack from 10332 @BitByBrick.
  11. I meant, try without the extension. As in, no height limits, as on the Dömitz bridge. For the bottom, I meant plates 2 wide and whatever length needed, below the railroad ties and parallell to those.