
Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by marathon_productions

  1. marathon_productions

    [MOC] The Evacuation of Raada An Ahsoka Novel

    Hello all, hope you've had a good summer and September. After a two month hiatus I'm back with a new moc based off the Ahsoka novel form 2016
  2. marathon_productions

    Delta Squad's Mission to Devaron

    Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday, I finally managed to upload a new video depicting Delta Squads Mission to Devaron to retrieve the dead bodies of two jedi who were slaughtered by Savage Opress at the Temple of Eden Hope everyone enjoys watching as much as I enjoyed building this.
  3. marathon_productions

    [MOC] Toola The Frozen Tundra

    Hi everyone, today we have a MOC on a rarely seen planet when it comes to both Star Wars Lore and Lego. This MOC takes place during the final hours of the clone wars and was more of a MOC where I could test some building techniques. Any constructive criticism and a rating would be appreciated. Thanks
  4. marathon_productions

    [MOC] Toola The Frozen Tundra

    Huge Apology for such a late reply. The Helmets and backpacks were purchased from Clonearmycustoms.
  5. marathon_productions

    [MOC] The Battle of Umbara

    Please leave a rating and any constructive criticism in the comments. thanks.
  6. marathon_productions

    [MOC] Battle On Scarif

    please leave any feedback in the comments and leave a rating, it would really help me out
  7. marathon_productions

    [MOC] Battle of Concordia

    feedback would be nice
  8. marathon_productions

    [MOC] Assault on Jedha: A Rogue One MOC

    Happy New Year everyone. Here is something I built following the release of Rogue one. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed building it.
  9. marathon_productions

    [MOC] Planetary Battle on Eriadu

    Happy New Year everyone. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed building it.
  10. marathon_productions

    [MOC] The Battle Of Concordia

    Hey there everyone. This is a short video of A MOC depicting the days of the battle for Mandalore. Today we have the first part of a short 3 part series loosely based of the Ahsoka Novel. Hope you enjoy. Dont forget to like, comment and subscribe for more.
  11. marathon_productions

    [MOC] The Complete Jabiim Collaboration

    The Jabiim Collaboration Hello everyone hope you've all been having a good weekend. For the last 5 weeks 5 builders have been collaborating to try and recreate areas and scenarios depicting the Star Wars Republic comic book series (the Jabiim story arc) here is a list of each episode Episode I: The Battle For Jabiim (by Marathon Productions) Episode II: Cobalt Station (by Innovative Brix) Episode III: The Battle Of Razor Coast (by Packer221) Episode IV: The Battle Of High Rock Canyon (by Alcloneproductions) Episode V: The Battle For Jabiim (Prison Break) (by Krisproductions) Here is a link to the playlist with each MOC: I hope you enjoyed the MOC series. please feel free to leave any criticism and any tips or creations you want to see in the future.
  12. marathon_productions

    [MOC] Planetary Battle On Eriadu

    hey everyone hope you enjoy this small MOC I threw together (based on empire at war) to break some of the thin ice between the season finale of Jabiim season I and the start of Jabiim season II.
  13. marathon_productions

    [MOC] The Complete Jabiim Collaboration

    Jabiim was one of the first battles that AT-AT's ever appeared in during the clone wars.
  14. marathon_productions

    [MOC] The Battle of Razor Coast

    The Battle of Razor Coast, the 3rd installment of the Jabiim Collab series ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. Ep2 of the collaboration series based off of the Star Wars:Republic Dark Horse comics! Other builders in the collab (Ep1) Marathon Productions (Ep2)Innovative Brix (Ep3)Packer221 (Ep4)Alcloneproductions (Ep5)Krisproductions
  16. marathon_productions

    The Battle Of Jabiim Collab

    Hey there everyone, i hope you enjoy the start of this collaboration series based on the Star Wars: Republic Dark Horse comics. This first season will feature Episodes from Innovative Brix, Packer221, Alcloneproductions and Krisproductions.
  17. marathon_productions

    Assassination on Clak'Dor VII

    Hope you enjoy
  18. marathon_productions

    The Battle Of Jabiim MOC Collaboration Trailer

    Hey all, this is a collaboration that several of us Tfol youtubers have been working on and are about to release in the near future. Hope you enjoy.
  19. marathon_productions

    Felucia: The Heart Of Darkness MOC

    Hey there everyone, hope you're having a nice summer. Hope you enjoy this new MOC. based on the Star Wars Battlefront II story mode.
  20. marathon_productions

    [MOC] Bounty Hunting On Tatooine

    A little showcase video I made to try and show off some of the features of my new MOC Constructive criticism would be appreciated. Thanks
  21. marathon_productions

    [MOC] Bounty Hunting On Tatooine

    It's fixed now, not sure what happened
  22. marathon_productions

    [MOC] Sacking of the Jedi Temple

    Hello everyone The following is a little creation i threw together from some tan parts I had lying around. I hope you like it and i would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for the MOC. Thanks Link to showcase video:
  23. marathon_productions


    It's a pretty cool MOC. I'm personally getting tired of seeing all these resistance ship reskins and redesign MOC's.
  24. marathon_productions


    They did, but it was the Clone Wars variant back in 2007 oor 2008
  25. marathon_productions

    Landing on Myrkr. Lego Star Wars MOC

    Hello everyone. Welcome to the first part of a new MOC series on my channel. This series will be adapted from the Star Wars Expanded Universe Thrawn Trilogy ( This MOC being adapted from Star Wars Heir to the Empire, the first book in the series) . Despite these books no longer being canon i really enjoyed them and the more vast the books made the Star Wars Universe. Today's Episode: Lando and Han's arrival on Myrkr. Following attacks on Han, Luke and Leia from Imperial hired Nohgri and the destruction of lando's new mining colony. Han and Lando travel to Myrkr to try and create an alliance with the smuggler Talon Karrde in an attempt to save the New Republic from the rising Imperial threat. http://