David Thomsen

POTC or Classic pirates in 2011

What sort of Pirates do you want to come back?  

219 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for your favorite!

    • Classic Pirates, like in 2009
    • Pirates of the Carribbean
    • Both at the same time
    • Either, as long as we get them soon

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1216 posts

Hi, I'm not sure how to create a poll, I think a moderator has to do it for me?

Anything that can be said about what happens in 2011 is pure speculation at this point, but if the Pirates theme returns, what form would you prefer it to take?

* Classic lego pirates, like in 2009. My collection is only half finished! If they switch to POTC, I'll never get an Imperial ship, or a proper harbour. Also, licensed sets are more expensive, and I prefer generic pirates to movie characters.

* POTC pirates. With at least four movies, the range has the potential to go on for years, like Star Wars and Indiana Jones. And how awesome would a Black Pearl set be? And a Shanghai pirate ship, and they'd need a powdered wig mould...

* Both, at the same time. They have Star Wars sets on sale alongside other space sets, why can't they do that with pirates? I'd be able to pick which line to follow, and buy something from the other line if I liked it enough. Also, POTC moulds like a powdered wig could be transferred to the Classics line.

* Either. Just as long as Pirates return! I can see the potential in either line, and either excites me. I'd prefer it if they pick one or the other, though, because they shouldn't spread themselves too thin.

Edited by Erdbeereis

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790 posts

As much as I would love to see the return of classic pirates in 2011, I would love for there to be a pirates of the carribean line even more. There are so many possibilities with a POTC line. Just thinking about it makes me want them sooo badly. A Black Pearl set would be awesome, and a powdered wig would be fantastic! :pir-cry_happy:

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24 posts

Either one will be good.

But a POTC ship will be so much more costly!

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2783 posts

In some ways I want it and in others I dread it.

Even though I'm getting tired of all these licsened themes I still wouldn't mind a POTC line

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6598 posts

I've added a poll for you. :pir-classic:

In response to the question: I will NEVER favor POTC sets over Classic Pirates. If we get Pirates back again soon, I will be very angry if TLG decides to do yet another licensed theme to replace our beloved sets. True, I would prefer having POTC rather than no Pirates, but I'm always partial to the good old yellow minifigs.

Plus, if we do get POTC, we'll have a big fight with Svelty and Shadows over who gets to have the theme in their forum. :pir-tongue:

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9155 posts

I'm a minifig racist: only classic yellow in my collection. TLG is (was, at least) excellent at developing their own strong themes, so I think they should build brand loyalty for their own Pirates theme. Owning the Disney license probably makes sure that no other toy company can develop a competing PotC theme, which would 'protect' their own Pirates theme. I hope TLG will choose this path instead of the easy (and expensive!) path of bringing out a PotC line.

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22 posts

I'm a minifig racist: only classic yellow in my collection. TLG is (was, at least) excellent at developing their own strong themes, so I think they should build brand loyalty for their own Pirates theme. Owning the Disney license probably makes sure that no other toy company can develop a competing PotC theme, which would 'protect' their own Pirates theme. I hope TLG will choose this path instead of the easy (and expensive!) path of bringing out a PotC line.

Except that Mega Bloks already has a PotC licensed theme...

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9155 posts

Except that Mega Bloks already has a PotC licensed theme...

Which has ended (?, not sure), but which I certainly don't expect MB - as a direct competitor to Lego - to be allowed to make when TLG owns the Disney license.

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93 posts

Classic pirates all the way - why pay extra (50%? 100%? :pir-sick: ) more just because it has POTC branding on the box? I know you could say the same thing about star wars and classic space, but I think its different for two reasons - firstly, classic space and star wars have a very different feel to them, with ships such as the x-wing and tie-fighter having a separate iconography of their own. How exactly will a POTC ship stand out from a classic pirate ship? Secondly, star wars has a huge amount (films, TV, books, comics) of 'back story', that POTC can't hope to match. This means that unlike star wars, where we've just had the tenth anniversary, can anyone see a POTC license lasting more than 2-3 years? Think of batman - again, loads more material than POTC, cool as hell, yet discontinued?

Worst case: no more pirates of any hue

Next worst case: POTC (with fleshies NYAAAARR!) for a year or two

Bad but not terrible: no more classic pirates, but we get POTC for a long time (I'd buy at this point*)

Best: classic pirates come back and stay back YYYAAAAAARR!

just my 2p...



*okay, I'd probably buy anyway, but just on deep discount - I ain't paying no premium, Mr Sparrow.

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219 posts

I don't like the idea of POTC LEGO at all.

They will probably be fleshies and really expensive.

But I chose either, because I need LEGO pirates. :pir_laugh2:

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2516 posts

I want Classic Pirates!

Why you ask? There is too many "OMGNEWLICENCEDTHEMES!"

Maybe they have awesome parts, but they are expensive like hell and have fleshies!

(ok.. I see almost anyone write the same thing :pir_laugh2: )

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633 posts

Both at the same time.

I prefer Classic pirates to POTC, but if TLC release both themes, i could use POTC theme accesories to build MOCs

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538 posts

My main interest is to see New Classic Pirate Sets. If these are released along side a POTC theme, fair enough, we get the best of both worlds. I'm sure I would buy POTC, alongside the Classic Sets (the Classic Sets would be my favourate). I have no problem with a POTC line, and can see the potential in it.

But realisticly Lego (if the speculation is correct) are not going to do this, if they have decided upon a Licensed Pirates Theme for the next few years, then we will not see our beloved yellow faces on the shelves alongside those sick looking fleshie efforts. I'm not a Space Fan, but from what I can gather Lego Space is just beginning to recover (if it has recovered at all) from the attack of Lucas Arts.

My problem with a POTC theme lies with the Flesh Tone. I can not mix Flesh and Yellow togethor, and when I buy Indy I will often make the figures Yellow if this is possible (russian soldiers, gangsters from shaghai chase), so that I can use them with my Castle/ Pirates/ City. But when I have a torso which clearly displays the Flesh tone, I can not do this.

For me the beauty of the 2009 Pirates was the MiniFigs. Yellow Faces that I can use with Castle, or as rough characters in a town MOC. Or the great Pirate Princess equally at home in the Medieval Market Village, or with her Pirate Friends.

I would even settle for a handfull of new Classic Pirate Sets alongside a shelf full of POTC Sets, but I know that for Lego it would be one or the other. I vote for Classic Pirates Only.

Edited by mikey

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18913 posts

Classic Pirates. I see no reason for a licensed pirate line. POTC just borrows from other stories anyway so there's no advantage to us if TLG goes for this angle; all we'd get would be higher prices. However licensed products do seem rather popular, so there might be an advantage for them... :pir-sceptic:

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255 posts

I don't really care as long as we get something! PotC could have some really cool sets that would feed into the pirates line quite well. My biggest concern with PotC are those hideous flesh minifigs which can't be avoided. I also would hate if the sets were really expensive. I think star wars sets are WAY over priced and if PotC sets are the same I won't buy many of them. I like the classic pirates but this wave didn't have much variety with heads and torsos.

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21 posts

I'd prefer classic pirates, but if we get POTC lego i'd get a few small sets just for the parts...i guess these movie franchises are the way lego is going now days you have indiana jones which replaced the adventures, guess they just want to make more money.

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1437 posts

Though i don't collect pirates, i would buy POTC sets. The Pirate sets we got in 09' were pathetic to say the least. So lets see what TLC can come up with someone elses ideas.

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12788 posts

It's unrealistic but I'd love both. Thena gain to think of another licensed theme that I absolutely love would probably completely break my wallet. plus a LEGO Kiera Knightly (drool)

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1505 posts

I see the more likely choice in 2011 to be "PotC or nothing". As much as I would like to see Pirates return for 2011, I don't think that such an event is very likely. At this point, the 2009 line seems like it was very much a "for the fans" product. While the minifigs were arguably some of the best we've ever seen, many of the sets were just ho-hum (at least IMO). I get the distinct feeling that with a lot of LEGO themes we AFOLs have the ol' rum goggles on and we just can't get around the fact that kids today don't share our interests. What sold like hot-cakes in 1989 may not be that popular today.

If handled properly, a PotC line could provide a range of useful bricks for Pirate fans. Even the minifigs could be useful so long as the torsos aren't contaminated by unsightly fleshie areas. I've always seen licenced sets as being glorified parts packs (since the days of Harry Potter), so this isn't anything new to me. A possible PotC line is far better than no Pirates at all.

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