
Corrington: Sign-up and Discussion, Era II

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For Era II, I present a reworked version of my sigfig, Sir Dee:


(That's a cannon mold and newly cast cannon.)

Edited by Captain Dee

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Huzzah, revamped Sir Dee has entered the stage - with a shiny new cannon and a shiny new moustache! :laugh:

Is that cannon mold - and that rather devious grin - a hint at you becoming a weapon producing business tycoon? 

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Sir Dee har returned with a new business opportunity! Guns, guns for all! :pir-grin:

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To all citizens of Corrington and affiliated territories,

The East Terran Trading Company (Henceforth the ETTC) has per October 9th 617 AE been granted Royal Charter as a trade company, with all the privileges this entails.


George Robertson

Undersecretary of Trade


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Congratulations to the ETTC and its members.


Who does not become "royal" sooner or later though? :tongue:

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Just now, Drunknok said:

Who does not become "royal" sooner or later though? :tongue:

I do not understand the question.

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4 minutes ago, Bregir said:

I do not understand the question.


Sorry, it was just a bad joke anyway, but I'll explain. Coming into this game as a newb I see "Royal Society" left, right and center - of course without seeing them develop to their current status. Now there is another one, and silly-joke me had to make a comment. That's all. :classic:

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Just now, Drunknok said:


Sorry, it was just a bad joke anyway, but I'll explain. Coming into this game as a newb I see "Royal Society" left, right and center - of course without seeing them develop to their current status. Now there is another one, and silly-joke me had to make a comment. That's all. :classic:

Not at all - the ETTC is not a Royal Society or even a Royal company. It has simply recieved a charter from the crown to conduct business. You wont see us changing name to "RETTC" anytime soon.


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Frederick Spud, leader of Clan Spud and loyal soldier of Her Majesty, I beseech ye fellow countrymen to formally welcome myself into your ranks. I seek not riches or power but I work diligently to honour Corrington, Her Military and my Clan.

I was born in the North of the old world where my family have held estates for many years and spread abroad our name to distant lands. Mostly comprised of farming, my home estates are insufficient contributions to this oncoming war. Thus, I boldly go forth into the new worlds to establish trade, production and residences in the name of Her Majesty.

Until next time,


Chieftain Frederick Spud


[My sigfig]


[Clan Spud Emblem]

Edited by Spud The Viking

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On 10/12/2017 at 5:21 PM, Captain Dee said:

(That's a cannon mold and newly cast cannon.)

Welcome back!!!

The success of a moc is guaranteed, when people instantly recognize what it really depicts and I instantly recognized that this cylinder was a cannon mold, way before I read the description :wink:

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I am thinking about joining BoBS for about a year now, and now is a good time i reckon- with the new era starting and stuff.

Don't know exactly why, but i was sympathetic towards Corrington from the beginning. Maybe because when i was a kid and actively played with Lego, the Redcoats were the "good guys" in the Pirate theme. Still one of my all time favourite set is the 6277 Imperial Trading Post. :classic:

I have a few questions about lore after reading the Intro Thread. Because i love lore, and would like to create some background info for my sigfig!

You are talking about these small nations Corrington conquered: Belondia, Peppin, Myrph, and the Isle of Tam.

1. Is it Belondia or Balondia? I guess it is supposed to be the same country we are talking about, but i've seen written both versions, so i am a bit confused. Or is it two different places?

2. I can see Balondia on the map, but where are the other three? Those little red islands around the Madrice Peninsula?


3. Is it possible for my sigfig to be from one of those conquered nations?

4.  Why is there a 1st Battalion, Queen's Mardierian Legion (Ayrlego)? I am a little bit confused, because i read it is another country. I mean Mardier.

Thanks, and have a nice weekend!

Edited by Lazer

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Firstly welcome to BOBS, I will try to answer your questions as best I can. It is my understanding that Balondia can be spelt either way, it's just a matter of preference/language differences. 

Yes your sigfig can indeed be from o e of the conquered nations, I in fact would love it if they were, I would love to see those territories fleshed out even more.

I believe @Ayrlego created the QML to be a play on the real life Kings German Legion.


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We would love to have you! :pir-blush:

  1. It is Balondia as on the map. I blame local dialects for the mix up with "Belondia" :pir-wink:
  2. It has never really been defined, so I am going to do so now, based on what little information we have.
    1. Myrph is a duchy on the border between Oleon and Corrington. Probably on the east coast. We have some plans for Myrph going forward, but that shouldn't stop your sig fig being from there. (Hint: Just don't play the duke... :pir-wink:)
    2. Peppin, to the north-east north of Mardier
    3. Isle of Tam, to the north west, north of the Corrington mainland
  3. Sure. Would love to see them developed a bit in the lore.
  4. After challenge 5, I believe it was, Ayrlego won a Battalion of foreign troops. That is why. See it as a force of volunteers, something like the foreign legion.

Let us know if there are any other questions. :pir-blush:


Hang on a moment. The above may be redacted for locations of the different names shortly.  The above is hereby deemed official lore!

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At the age of 36 admiral brickfeild has the senses of a bloodhound and has in the navy for 20 of those years. He has quickly moved up those ranks and now has his own ship called H.M.S ASSYRIAN a 136 guned 1st rate he also has 2 other ships called H.M.S MALBROUGH and H.M.S NIBLE.  He has sailed the 7 seas and has defeated 26 sea rats also noun as pirates. He has also has been given the medal of honour and the medle of duty to the red coats navy. Although he has been a admiral he is  also the most succesful merchint. he wisheshes  the corringtons to alow him and his fleet to join them and get rid of the sea rats for good he also wishes to show his ship but his camera will not allow him.

Edited by commodore bricksfeild

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3 hours ago, commodore bricksfeild said:

Although he also wishes to show his ship but his camera will not allow him.

Well welcome to Corrington! The only thing I would say is you don't want to have a "Mary sue" protagonist. Your guy seems to be quite the ace!  As for the camera issue, I'd use a smartphone and upload to flicker, it's very easy and there are tons of tutorials.

3 hours ago, commodore bricksfeild said:

How do you become a admiral?

Basically, you call yourself one. But if it's the respect o one, you're going to need some ships!

Edited by Mesabi

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On 7/6/2017 at 3:49 PM, Bregir said:

The Admiralty Board consists of all admirals (down to rear-admiral) and commands all assets of the Royal Navy. It is led by the Admiral of the Fleet, who, considering the importance of the Royal Navy to Corrington, mans one of the most prestigious positions in Corrington. Ranks up to and including Commander are locally appointed, while any position from Post-Captain and upwards warrants Royal Decree. (OOC: You can play your advancement up to Commander, but from there, you will have to earn you promotion.)

Current ranks (From Post-Captain upwards)

bricksfeild said:

How do you become a admiral?

You can claim any rank up to Captain on your own but being an admiral will require loyalty and service to the crown over a period of time. If you are wanting to maintain the admiral rank you have claimed, I would recommend having your character retire to pursue his merchant endeavors or in receipt of land in the new colonies or some similar story hook. The alternate would be to start with a lower rank and hope to receive the promotion. 

Welcome to Corrington, Bricksfeild. I look forward to seeing your character. 

Edited by SilentWolf

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13 hours ago, commodore bricksfeild said:

How do you become a admiral?

Welcome, Bricksfeild! :pir-blush:

Silentwolf more or less addressed your question. Ranks in Corrington are generally earned, and include actual in-game responsibility and tasks.

I have an alternative suggestion for a solution, though. How about making your sig fig the son of the Admiral you have described? It would open up for some interesting motivation to live up to the achievements of his father, both in terms of rank and honours. That way, you can still include the admiral (his father) in your builds and stories, but center it around his son (your sig fig), a young sea officer in the early beginning of his career? It will probably make the game both more fun and more manageable to you, and it avoids the Mary Sue complex that Mesabi mentioned, which can be somewhat of a hindrance for roleplaying.

Let us know what you think and how you plan on proceeding. We are a really helpful bunch and will all help you to get at good start here! :pir-blush:

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Sir Micah of Wolfhaven and Sir Dirk Allcock,

Please find enclosed the medal finalising your knighthood within the Order of the Compass Rose.

May your services to the Crown never be forgotten,

Rear-admiral Fletcher

Commander of the Terra Novan Fleet


(Now free to use, and there are also versions in other sizes on Flickr - you have been tagged) @Ayrlego and @SilentWolf

On 23/8/2017 at 9:41 PM, Bregir said:

On behalf of her Royal Majesty, Queen Annetta, Sovereign of Corrington, Balondia, and Her Majesty's Colonies,

To reward loyal citizens of Corrington for extraordinary services rendered in service of the Crown in Terra Nova, Her Royal Majesty hereby institutes the Order of the Compass Rose. Corlander cititzens of all ranks and professions can, by Royal decree, be elevated to nobility as Knight, Commander, or ultimately Grand Commander of the Order, and thus be entered into Corlander nobility and the Noble Parliament. With the establishment of this order, two prominent citizens are to be knighted.


For extraordinary efforts in building up the Terra Novan Navy, Sir Micah of Wolfhaven is hereby dubbed "Knight of the Order of the Compass Rose", and henceforth commands the honours thereto connected. Her Royal Majesty particularly noticed industrious and tireless efforts as shipwright in the early days of colonial expansion, which proved invaluable in establishing naval superiority in Terra Nova.

Her Majesty presents her personal congratulations to Sir Micah, and trusts that his services to the Crown will continue to bring glory to the Empire.


For tireless efforts in expanding Corlander influence in Terra Nova, and for the addition of several islands to the Crown, Sir Dirk Allcock, Major in the Royal Army, is hereby dubbed "Knight of the Order of the Compass Rose", and henceforth commands the honours thereto connected. Her Royal Majesty emphasizes the addition of large landmasses in the Paradise Isles, and the efforts made to establish and expand settlements allover Terra Nova. The Crown owes much of its territorial expansion to Sir Allcock, and appreciates the peaceful way in which it was achieved.

Her Majesty offers her personal regards to Sir Allcock, and hopes that he may continue to successfully serve the interest of Corrington.

The Admiralty too wishes to express its gratitude to Sir Micah and Sir Allcock, and is honoured to have been allowed to bring these happy news.


Rear-admiral S. Fletcher

Terra Novan Fleet



On 24/10/2017 at 5:08 AM, commodore bricksfeild said:

Thank you Bregir for your helful response. making the admiral the farther does sound alot better than my sig fig being the admiral

You are welcome - will be looking forward to seeing your sig fig and hearing more of his story!

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Thank you for the help @Lord Buckethead, and @Bregir!

I present you my sigfig! :classic:

38229466686_0a3ae30a1d_z.jpgIMG_0075 by Erhard Maas, on Flickr

His name is Odysstudus, and he is a botanist from a little village named Athena in Balondia. He is not a big fan of Corrington. Sees corlanders as invaders of his beloved country, what they are. But, he must put aside his dislike and the nasty politics, because he is more interested in SCIENCE- the possibly countless new undiscovered species of plants what can very likely to be found on the colonies! He has been all over the Madrice Peninsula, used every opportunity he could get, but that is nothing compare to unknown lands! And guess what?! One of the best way to get there is on a corish ship! If you cannot beat them, join them- and oh, they have everything Odysstudus will need! Forty- nine years of war was enough! He thinks battle is not the only way to achieve glory! For Balondia of course!

24413302208_f9f48ced9e_z.jpgIMG_0084 by Erhard Maas, on Flickr

Corrington has the ships, the knowledge, the colonies, the manpower, and the money to finance an expedition like this! Just have to convince the right people on The Parlaiment of Science or something. Odysstudus didn't know much about those bureaucracy things. He let the Balondian Gerousia of Physis take care of the formalities. They knew him, knew what he is capable of, knew that Corrington cannot pass on an opportunity like this.

By the way, his favourite fields of botany are herbalism, mycology, and pomology! He also picked up viticulture! Who won't love a good wine, right?!

Those are the things he is after! Possibility of new medicine, food, and drink. Corlanders need that too, so they granted the transport to one of their colonies, and if Odysstudus can come up with some promising results, they will be willing to extend the "partnership". Means he can keep the job.

The colonies are not without danger, so the Balondian Gerousia of Physis- to protect one of their best scientist- reached out to the friendly, and distant relative nation of Peppin to make this a joint mission with their brothers and sisters, and asked for an escort- promised to share any discoveries in return. This step strengthened the bond between these small nations- who were under the occupation by the same power.

38284064351_85cf9fb2fe_z.jpgIMG_0079 by Erhard Maas, on Flickr

Odysstudos, and Nausikaa from the town of Minos, Peppin- met for the first time on the island of Tiberia, in Arlinsport. Well, Nausikaa was in a bar fight with some drunk corish sailors. After she beat them unconscious and finished her drink, she commented to the somewhat shocked Odysstudos: "Who did you expect? Legonidas? Never keep these reds close to your drink, OR your heart!" Ody replied "We do not have to, but they can come in handy".

38284073291_18d570b330_z.jpgIMG_0083 by Erhard Maas, on Flickr

Please, let me know if there is something i have to change in my story. I've tried to use proper grammar, but english is not my native tongue, so tell me those errors too. Thank you!

Edited by MaasEffekt

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