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  2. A purple exterior with this nougat interior would look nice Although, a new color in an existing mold doesn't neccesarily mean the introduction in Technic, sadly (see botanical sets, late Bionicle/early Hero Factory)
  3. MKJoshA

    Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces

    Is the Jules Verne GWP coming in June? I saw that on Insta so take it with a grain of salt. But that may be your best next chance.
  4. Same here. I am a long term collector and have all the original sets, so smaller sets don't interest me too much if they don't add anything new. Looking at what has happened to HP, they repeat so many small sets, even if they are not necessarily repeats. A bit of Hogwarts plus a Harry/Ron/Hermione and someone else. That works where many smaller sets are bought by/for kids. Then the more adult oriented high end sets. Without the large kid fan baselike for HP or SW, I cannot really see a similar model working for LOTR. Hence keeping the adult focused sets but not the kid ones. Yet we possibly would not have got LOTR at all if it had not been for The Hobbit.
  5. Darth Shadowthrone

    Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces

    Do we know when the next GWP is going to be? I’ve got an order I’d like to place but it’d be great if there’s double points or a free gift sometime soon
  6. Bob De Quatre

    [MOC] UCS Jedi Defender Class Light Corvette

    Thanks everyone! Both the egines and the big side thingies should be illuminated, but I couldn't find a suitable solution. I tried using EL wires but the light wasn"t bright enough. I considered using leds but I had three problems: space, cost and gaps in the model that would have let the light go through anf thud would have needed 3d printed parts (or duct tape). Anyway I decided to not illuminate those areas....
  7. Darth Shadowthrone

    Jurassic Properties 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Barad Dur is meant to be revealed this week as well so I reckon it’ll be Lord of the Rings one day and then Jurassic World the next
  8. Today
  9. Ropefish

    Unpopular Opinions about LEGO

    CMF was one of the best worst thing Lego chose to make, the idea is really simple and fun but the loot box/blind bag aspect has been nothing but a detriment now due to scalpers and resellers ( not as bad as hot wheels from what I’ve heard ) to the point that before Lego put the scanning in for the boxes folks would just open them in the stores and take all the high value ones. If they are going to put a code to scan on them now why not just sell a full set of twelve at this point for folk that don’t wanna do the blind bag stuff? It’d save a lot of headaches I think.
  10. BoneredBricks

    ‘LEGO compatible’ Raven Knight horse barding?

    Depending on budget, a purist way would be to use this barding. Horse Barding, Ruffled Edge with Silver Armor and Fleur-de-lis Pattern : Part 2490pb11 | BrickLink I think it would go well to the Raven knights. Very expensive so hard to amass in bulk. The third party option would make the knight "too yellow" in my opinion.
  11. PGBQW

    Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    SUPER villains, you say?
  12. PunchAndJewelee

    Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    The thing is your forgetting the motives that characters like Eraser have, which i don’t blame you for since eraser is insanely niche. But his whole motive is that he cleans crime scene evidence, that’s why he’s called the eraser. I’ve seen people combine the two rogues before ex: Joker x green goblin, harley x hobgoblin, and they always seem like bigger threats when combined
  13. HarryPotter

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    By the finale, Nightcrawler will have been in just as many episodes as Gambit was, maybe there's hope that he'll be the 10th minifigure
  14. HarryPotter

    DC Super Heroes Wishlists

    My highly unrealistic dream Superman wave: Kent Farm ($60) - Ma Kent, Pa Kent, Superboy (Kon-El), Lana Lang LexCorp ($100) - Superman, Lex Luthor, Mercy Graves, Parasite, Metallo, Bizarro Fortress of Sollitude ($150) - Superman, Supergirl, Krypto, Lois Lane, Jor-El (hologram), Brainiac, Doomsday, General Zod The Daily Planet ($200) - Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane, Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, Cat Grant, Ron Troupe, Steve Lombard
  15. Mandalorianknight

    LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!

    This is my guess as well actually- I think it's fine- three $100+ buildable guys in one year is kind of weird, but we know it's happening, and I don't think an ewok is all that similar to C-3PO.
  16. I'm from BMF (Before Minifigures) by almost 20 years. I'm thinking of doing a recreation of what I originally made to represent people for a couple of conventions I'll be attending this summer, what I recall as being my first MOC's that I can remember from the 60's. I still have those old bricks so it should be interesting to build some stuff from before we really had any instructions. Don't think I can do any vehicles since the original gray rubber tires have mostly dried out.
  17. My guess would be an Ewok but it would be odd alongside the buildable C-3PO for a similar number of pieces.
  18. 10318 Concorde came with "toilet roll" panels in the same Medium Nougat... coincidence?!
  19. Ok, so I may have taken some creative liberties there For those who haven't seen National Treasure, Benjamin Franklin Gates is the protagonist of the movie, portrayed by Nicholas Cage. In the prologue of the first film he's on an expedition to the Arctic in search of The Charlotte, a fictional ship with many parallels to The Endurance. However, the wreck of Endurance wasn't discovered until March 2022, almost 18 years after the film was released in cinemas.
  20. JeanGreyForever

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    For Deadpool fans, this may be some revealing news. The showrunner for X-Men '97 confirmed that Deadpool was off-limits for the show. So I think this pretty much confirms what most of us already knew that he won't be showing up in the X-Mansion set.
  21. PGBQW

    Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    To be fair, it is perfectly in line with something they could've done in a lego movie
  22. ElGreco

    LEGO #21344 - Orient Express

    I would not worry! I sent them back in December request about the stickers and they sent these to me back then, while a couple weeks ago I sent request for the misprinted tiles via the webpage message form again and after a picture I sent them as proof (requested by them) they have already posted me (have not received yet) the correctly printed tiles. They may ask for a picture as evidence as well as for the factory number which is printed on the box, in my case on the duct tape that kept the box closed/sealed (difficult to see number).
  23. The duel of the fates between the heroic Jedi and villainous Sith has raged for millennia in this universe. But through the World Between Worlds, glimpses of another universe can be seen through half-destroyed portals. Come, and gaze through the Shattered Glass... Here's my first M4-24 entry, for the duel of the fates category- Shattered Glass! Here, the heroic Reborn Republic, led by Chancellor Palpatine and General Skywalker, fights the villainous Galactic Alliance agents, including Jedi Lord Kenobi and his acolyte Luke Starkiller. Their battle takes place on Angel Station, a moon-sized construct capable of shielding an entire planet from orbital bombardment. A station the Galactic Alliance seeks to destroy by exploiting a weakness in it's plans. Let's look at the figures: (Clockwise from bottom right): Chancellor Palpatine: The benevolent leader of the Republic, Senator Palpatine hid his Sith identity for years to avoid being murdered by the tyrannical Jedi Order that held the galaxy in it's grip. Saved from Lord Windu by sympathetic Jedi Anakin Skywalker, Chancellor Palpatine revived the republic from the grip of the Jedi and later had the Chancellorship bestowed upon him since, as a Sith, he was immune to jedi mind-altering tricks. Palpatine is so powerful in the force that he doesn't require a lightsaber, calling upon the elements themselves to defend his people. Sith Knight Anakin Skywalker: Anakin Skywalker's childhood as a slave on Tatooine helped him resist the Jedi's indoctrination, and in a critical moment, saved Senator Palpatine from jedi assassins. Following a subsequent battle with Lord Kenobi, Anakin was horribly burned and left for dead. Saved by Palpatine and armored in a suit built by the Kaminoans, Knight Skywalker protects the reborn Republic from the threat of the Galactic Alliance and Jedi Remnants. Admiral Tarkin: A veteran of the Mando'a War, Wilhuff Tarkin has served the republic ever since. Possessing the heart of a warrior, Tarkin often wishes he could fight the Alliance directly rather than send men into battle, but his tactical prowess makes him a necessary fixture of projects such as Angel Station. Suntrooper: During the Mando'a wars, heroic Mandalorian Troopers fought to take down the Jedi Order in a three-way war with them and forces of separatist War Droids. Tragically, the majority of Mandalorian Troopers died in the conflict, but the survivors went on to train citizens of the republic as Suntroopers, a force dedicated to preserving the republic and preventing the Alliance from taking over the galaxy. (Clockwise from bottom right): Jedi Acolyte Luke Starkiller: Taken from his family in secret by way of a mind-tricked doctor, Luke Skywalker, or Starkiller as he was rechristened, was trained in secret by Lord Kenobi, a remnant of the tyrannical Jedi Order. Shown above in his Galactic Alliance flight suit, Starkiller has been trained in emotionless combat by Lord Kenobi, but has a bad habit of letting emotions slip through while fighting- primarily rage of such intensity that his eyes glow with the power inherited from his father. Jedi Lord Kenobi: A survivor of the Jedi Order, Lord Kenobi helped to form the Galactic Alliance so that once more the Jedi may rule the galaxy. While too few in number to take back the galaxy themselves, the jedi guide the alliance in guerilla warfare, where Lord Kenobi trains acolytes to enhance the Jedi ranks. Countess Leia Organa: Kept apart from her brother and denied Jedi indoctrination and training so that Chancellor Palpatine wouldn't sense the concentration of force power, Countess Leia nonetheless became a malevolent force in the Galactic Alliance. Hailing from the corrupt nest of political intrigue known as Alderaan, Leia quickly rose through the Alliance ranks. Leia currently holds the plans to the Angel Station construct, and hopes to exploit a weakness in the plans to destroy the shield-generating creation. Han Solo: Having been booted from the Suntrooper Corps due to corruption, Han Solo drifted from planet to planet, gaining a reputation as a gambler and gunslinger. Han accepted a transport and espionage job from Lord Kenobi and joined in on the attempt to destroy Angel Station, hoping to profit from the destruction that would follow and patronage of a Jedi Lord. I was having trouble figuring out ways to make custom figures of characters we know, and thought it'd be fun to do a mirror universe type of thing. The first figure I designed for this was a temple guard grand inquisitor, who ended up being totally scrapped by the end!
  24. hikouki

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    I think Lego should make a third large D2C featuring the a scene/ location from ROTK. Then they can take a 'break' and perhaps offer small insignificant sets like Brickheadz. I wouldn't mind playsets though, or any smaller set for that matter. Wasn't the Frodo Brickheadz set the GWP with Rivendell? What if this Fellbeast set will eventually be for sale later on?
  25. Black Monarch 88

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    I’ll take whatever I can get but would prefer smaller sets as they are more accessible for average consumers so I can find them in bulk lots in 3-5 years. It’s also much easier to army build with $30 sets. I do feel like the design quality of the hobbit sets was a bit of a let down although I am glad we got An unexpected gathering.
  26. calebcold3

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I feel like next year they will do another Spider Man mech (since we haven't gotten one in a while) and Groot. For the third one next year, I feel like it would be Superman for DC
  27. Lordhelmet

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    Plus CMFs add extra details that a playset minifigure may not have (side leg printing, arm prints, custom molds, etc.) this would allow for more detailed characters in addition to the dozens of orc options. i do think the hobbit line hurt LOTR at the time. I was buying them and made some decisions to hold off on buying certain sets (multiple copies) because there were a bunch of hobbit sets competing with LOTR. Later in the theme I chose not to buy some of the hobbit sets holding out for Gondor sets which never happened (was saving to buy as many as I could - Lego didn’t make them so I stopped collecting for a long time). I’m one example but I am sure there are others who would have bought more copies of LOTR sets if the hobbit line wasn’t out (and honestly wasn’t as good - bag end was great and the minifigs were but the sets overall were not).
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