
Eurobricks Fellows
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About Athos

  • Rank
    Sloppiness Seeker
  • Birthday 03/02/1979

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    Castle or Adventurers

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    Folding-Table Province
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    Lego... of course...


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  1. 20 years and counting. I can hardly believe I've been doing this for two decades. You can check out the previous 19 cards here. Steve
  2. You can check out the previous 18 cards here. Steve
  3. You can check out the previous 17 cards here. Steve
  4. I seem to remember one that used a piston mechanism and a slope brick, but I can't remember where I saw it or how it worked. Steve
  5. I'm wanting to build a single GBC loop and am looking for a ball pump mechanism that isn't too tall. That is, I want something where the balls can be fed in as low as possible. Anyone got instructions? Steve
  6. You can check out the previous 16 cards here. Steve
  7. I prefer Monster Fighters figures better. The ghosts of Hidden Side just don't do it for me. Can't really explain why, except they are not ghost-y enough. But apart from the execution of ghosts, I really like the Lovecraftian vibe I get from the HS stuff. And the sets have been decent. Steve
  8. Athos

    Feudal Japan

    As promised here are some more detail pictures: Steve
  9. You can view the previous 15 cards here. Steve
  10. Athos

    Feudal Japan

    Yes, That bothers me too. I'd like to assume they sea is out to the front, which is why the dock is there, and there is no reason to take the large ships further up the inlet. The real reason is making the bridge high enough for the ships to sail under would make a mess of the scale. Steve
  11. Here is my latest MOC. It made its debut at BrickSlopes in May and is expected to go to BricksLA next month. Its been a long time since I posted a MOC here, but I've been building bigger, which means it takes longer to build and is much harder to photograph. But I thought I'd share my feudal Japanese layout. Its 192 studs long by 192 studs wide by not-sure how tall. I may try to take some more detail photos in January. Steve
  12. Athos

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    I think the announcement said December 7. Steve
  13. It's super neat. Steve
  14. I like it. I really like the mane and tail. Though, you need to push the bricks together on the horse more. There are some unsightly gaps between the bricks; the ones I particularly noticed were in the legs. Steve
  15. You can check out the other 14 cards here. Steve