
Eurobricks Vassals
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About Rarah

  • Birthday 07/04/1983

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    Artist, Music producer, Designer, Promoter, LEGO builder AFOL :)


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  1. Hi all I have uploaded a new castle ship submission on IDEAS with custom torso designs, shields, flags and more. Please check the link below for better pictures and let me know what you think and if you like it support me :) LEGO IDEAS SUBMISSION - THE BOWMEN GUILD SHIP and OUTPOST An adventure awaits! As the old kingdoms went into war and forced many out of their homes some have decided to form a new guild and set sail for a new adventure! Led by Sir Joe many mercenaries, merchants have joined on a long journey down the river, through the sea, down the river again and some lakes and more rivers and so on... till they have reached a new tropical paradise! Setting up a simple outpost to resupply and rest they have now started to explore a new area. With many having a somewhat bandit history they all agree to use bow and arrow as their main tools and symbol. On their journey they have met a little girl. A self proclaimed princess with a magical flying chicken. Only the girl can understand her and talks about a treasure. That treasure is a magical egg? What will hatch out of it and will they ever find it? Danger ahead! Sharks ,alligators ,venomous insects everywhere they venture. Other lost knights might pose a danger or could join and help with the mission. Includes 6 New Minifigures all with new exclusive torso prints! Bowmen: Sir Joe, Swordsman, Archer, Knight, Princess Aki Other: Lost Ben (falcon knight) & 5 Bowmen printed shields (4x oval) 1x (triangular) - mounted on the ship Set contains: The Flying Chicken (main ship) 38 x 26 x 14 cm ( L x H x W ). There are not many castle ships out there and instead of a castle I have focused on something that has nice playability, looks great, is not too big or small and can have it´s own unique story and a is a new non existing faction. The ship alone has about 540 pieces. And should also have a sail in yellow colour with black cross inside and the bird symbol in the centre but I need to figure out how to make it in designer :) I will update it when I figure it out. or if not I just post a standalone picture of the sail. The ship has a secret storage room under the back section and comes with Bowmen printed Flags. Outpost A simple building standing in the swamp or near water. Has a table, few supplies, secret storage a lookout and a balcony for fishing. Looks great requires only about 200 pieces to build and add a lot of playability to the set. The outpost comes with a plate on the bottom and is removed in some pictures but it definitely must have a plate for stability :) Raft of Lost Ben Basic raft made out of bamboo to survive till help arrives! Additional content The set also includes lots of tools like fishing poles, gold coins, bottles, bags, containers, spyglass, compass, paddles and other accessories. Cancer, rat/mouse, crab, shark/alligator, parrot, chicken, sea star, monkey The whole set is about 822 pieces and should be affordable for the majority of customers and big enough to be a complete standalone product that can expand the existing LEGO themes and connect to their existing stories. I love designing this set and as much as I would love to make it huge I had set a target that I don´t want to produce a set that will be unreachable for many castle fans. I also tried to be true to LEGO official sets and also don´t "overdo" with tiles to cover studs etc. And off-course to limit the piece count! In the end I want it to be really affordable, playable and easy to build. No weak points and illegal connections and no falling off pieces too! :) maybe just a drunken knight might fall in the water after too much ale! :) All of these designs are my original content and builds except the little falcon logo on a customized falcon knight torso. I wanted to connect to an existing castle storyline. For the sake of copyrights that can be removed if necessary and replaced with a "generic" knight. But I assume the Falcon logo is a LEGO original design =) I wish LEGO will finally revive a castle storyline or choose a castle set for Ideas and well .. may it be this one :). If you like my design please share it and support it. I am still working on the ship design (sails and the holders) so you can post your suggestions but basically I wanted to include an rolled sail but that is not really possible in studio. I will add a picture I have also built the first prototype of the boat which is a bit smaller and different from the final submission. Thank you all ♥
  2. I had to disable half of my inventory .. no custom parts and no custom printed parts or stickers either ... the rules are very specific. Bricklink the way we knew it is gone now it´s a LEGO only store I just wonder what will be the impact on Studio 2.0 or any later version ? I have setup my own store for now just shipping locally and opening to the EU soon but BL was a place with all the AFOL community on one place .. LEGO is killing that dream by limiting what contents may be sold... I guess in fighting in the market they could instead of BL focus on the immense amount of Chinese fake products copying them in their own factories ...
  3. 1) Achieving VIP through online purchase through a store delivering to a different country - quite hard if you do not live in a country where the shop@home delivers ..I got the card then by traveling around Europe and asked for it in one store personally. 2) VIP points, double VIP points - discount. Polybags. Early access. Special lego RLUG member selected weekend discounts in stores. 3) I get them cheaper. 4) I want to buy polybags and things normal people can´t :) + i want the store to ship to Slovakia finally ... It just complicates my life to travel always to Czech Republic to pick up my orders ... (the Czech republic store could offer shipping to Slovakia, all the Czech stores do it .. we are like 1 market, 1 language) 5) Please send me phone number on one of your female store workers in Vienna :P :D Manuela stole my heart ... :)))
  4. if these pictures are true lego CMF 14 .. I must say it will be the worst one so far ..
  5. Hello everyone. This is my first project/submission for the LEGO ideas site. https://ideas.lego.com/projects/92483 I am also doing the troso prints but they will be done in a week so I did not want to wait and added the prject already however I will update the pictures later. You can see the troso designs (very simple - clasic style) on one fo the pictures. Let me know your feedback.
  6. Rarah

    PAB Cups: What Did You Get?

    this is one of the things I like to do in a lego store .. it takes around one hour but .. it´s worth it.. I managed to get in around 800 small pieces with some plates, plants, mostly tiles and some jewels etc. The parts that could be clipped together were clipped. And also in the cover I managed to fit like 12 or more 1x2 brcks and some tiles :) It was so tight I had problems to close it but once I closed it non of the bricks moved even when shaking it was hard as a stone .. :D I would say a nice buy! ;)
  7. Rarah


    I would appreciate if they reconsidered the lot count to be a thing for each LUG to decide. I find that the available lots are too few for like 50 and more people to agree on .. ;)
  8. Rarah

    Middle Earth Contest Voting Topic

    Category A: #3 Category B: #2 #4 Category C: #1 #6
  9. 64. by Bob De Quatre (1 point) 68. by Evilemur (1 point) 74. by Spacy Smoke (1 point) 128. by Leopold (1 point) 155. by Joseidon (1 point) 158. by Galaktek (1 point) 175. by Galaktek (1 point) 176. by Viracocha (1 point) 236. by Kritch (1 point)
  10. Subby the submrine turtle :)
  11. 1st entry. Tronoid turtle :) a small scouting turtle drone manufactured by the allmighty M:tron corporation.
  12. Rarah

    Review: 70404 King's Castle

    I was actually disapointed by this set and the whole theme. Tke kingdoms were great and I thought wow finally castle is becoming excellent again. The medieval village, kings joust all brilliant, blacksmiths house etc ..but when I saw the new series I thought it must be aimed on even younger target than before. It simply looks too childish for me too simple and the sets have nothing special. I recently went to a local LEGO shop owner and we share the same vierw this set is ismply below average and it even does not sell good as I was told. I don´t really understand why LEGO when it comes to some high standard can drop down to a very low standard. The only good thing I found on this theme in general are minifigures which look good at least the good guys. Also the set has very few minifigs which I guess is the major problem. At least 2-3 horses for a castle would be appreciated and a count of 9 minifigs. The older set were uch more creative and playable. The review is actually good but it looks to me a bit too soft / neutral. However the pictures provided are brilliant ;) love them all.
  13. Rarah

    LUG statistics in the world

    the other thing is how well are LUGs known among AFOLs .. I know few adults who have tons of LEGO but never heard anything about any LUG, any website like this or nothing .. they are very passive just buy and have fun alone. There are a lot of such people all over the world and I would suggest the number of AFOLs all over the world is at least 10times higher than the number of LUG members .. And to be honest there isminimum effort from LEGO to promote LUGs or anything related to LEGO + adults ..I just posted the ghostbuster set on my FB page and almost instantly 4 people asked me where can they buy it which I never noticed they enjoy LEGO ;) this statistic can probably only be used to represent number of Active LUGs and it´s members.. nothing more. I am a part of a small Slovak LUG - TatraLUG but i have doubts that it was counted in .. we already had 4 exhibitions and 2 more comming this year. Number of members is around 100 .. a small LUG but very active and everyone lives close to each other. I guess we share some members with the Czech LUG - kostky but each LUG operates alone. We are probably the youngest and smallest LUG around ;)
  14. Rarah

    How many bricks do you have?

    I would just make a stupid guess around 200000 .. but i never counted it´s way too many
  15. I hope that LEGO will never folow such weak study .. I find that the yellow minifig is RACE FREE - I mean it is yellow it is unique it has it´s own race .. no black , no white, no asian .. it is simply neutral and it should stay so .. please just NO MULTI CULTI it does nto work in real life and it will not work in LEGO :D the only thing I noticed on kids playing with LEGO is - too few minifigs in BIG sets .. and not as many minifig accessories in sets (except friends) .. and offcourse what I perosnally find the only problem is the quality of lego minifigs went down a lot (legs from china ..) and the price went up .. and I don´t really think 1 USD is 1 EUR .. :/ so what costs 199 USD should not cost 199 EUR