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Everything posted by Huaojozu

  1. Huaojozu

    2018 City Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    ^Can you give us some search terms to use? I've tried for the past 2 hours and found nothing.
  2. Huaojozu

    Year-Long Project: Through the Seasons

    I would advise, if possible, setting up a tripod and taking a picture from the same angle/distance every time, so that you can create a nice video at the end.
  3. That's quite disappointing. After the new pins/axles and other small parts in 2015/2016, it feels like Technic is getting the short end of the stick when it comes to new molds.
  4. I am willing to bet pretty much anything that almost nothing will in effect change. The pictures will be lower resolution than we are used to and may come through different channels than we are used to but I have no doubt in my mind the pictures will still get leaked. There is enough people looking for their few minutes of internet glory that someone is bound to find a way to take a picture and post it somewhere. And as has been mentioned above, if this is an attempt to stop copycat brands, it will be largely ineffective as well. Even if by some miracle the big brands don't have insider info from the factories, they work fast enough that you are at couple of weeks delay at most. Besides, the biggest market for these copycat brands is in Asian countries (not Westerners shopping online) and it matters even less there. Best advice I would give in this fight is to start producing parts requiring more precise measurements - copycats famously struggle with tolerance and end up being not enough/too tight.
  5. I don't understand the debate about the distortion of the image. The pin holes in the beam right below the panels in question on the boom are distorted in exactly the same way - and taking the holes as a standard measurement, there is no way you can only fit one between the two visible pin holes on the panel. For me, it's undeniably clear that the panels are 5 wide. Now I would be hesitant on calling the dog bones, as the picture is blurred in the middle of the connections. There is simply no way to tell what is going on in the middle - whether it's all one part or an assembly like ibessonov above shows. I am inclined to say we are not getting a new part, partly also because it hasn't appeared anywhere else and Lego usually uses new molds in more sets than just one (super specialized parts like 42055 turntable notwithstanding). So put me in the 5 wide panels, no new dog bone camp.
  6. As my collection expands, I am looking to put all of the sets together in some sort of a town setup (with actual town block, forest block, water block etc.). Since I have young children visiting often, and they love to play with the sets, I want to have the blocks exposed and as ready-to-play as possible. At the same time, leaving it out in the open is just asking for it to gather dust. Has anyone found any ingenious solution to this problem? What I would find completely perfect, for example, would be a coffee table with a hollow inside where you could build the scenery, then remove the actual top of the table and have the blocks rise to the top, ready to play. When you're done with it, simply push it back down, cover with the standard table top and voila. I'm guessing I would have to make something like that myself though...
  7. So I've seen a couple of vids like this one where a scotch yoke mechanism is used to create a lift module in GBC. Unfortunately, none of the videos include a clear view of the mechanism or an explanation, apart from the brief obvious one. I am looking to understand in-depth how this works, especially what pushes the loaded ball upwards to make the entire column rise. I understand the moving part includes some blocks to prevent the column from falling again, but I'm not getting how it rises in the first place. The movement seems entirely horizontal to me which makes the vertical motion perplexing. I'm sure more experienced GBC builders will think this is obvious but if anyone is able to explain the vertical motion part or model it in LDD, that would be awesome.
  8. See. the problem with bookshelf set up is that you can't see/access the back side. That's probably fine for display purposes or light play but you can't really play out more complex stories in there. As you mentioned, a coffee table might not be big enough - how about a bed where the mattress folds up to reveal a lego city? Kind of like a Murphy bed with a standard fixed bottom.
  9. Where is the 2018 speculation & wishlist topic, then?
  10. Not sure if this topic is still the place to post this question but I am looking for advice regarding my next purchase. I want to buy one of the pull-back models for my nephew and I am wondering which one is the best in terms of playability. If you were to choose one pullback set, which one would it be? And which one, if your options were limited to 2016/2017 lineup?
  11. Thanks for the wheels pic, Jim. I am stoked to see other wheel setups. I realized a few days ago, looking at the set pics, that I like everything from the middle up. It's just the treads that are not doing it for me. With wheels it looks significantly more appealing. I am also not a fan of Purple vs Black. Not enough contrast, in my opinion. Very interested in seeing it in orange (and I hope the wheel arches come in black or white soon). I may end up buying it after all when it goes on the same 30% Amazon sale that the 2016 sets just did. I still really dislike 42070 though. I didn't like it back when we only had the design and I don't like it now that we have seen the functions. No flatbad especially kills it for me. Seeing Jim's review when he mentions how there are only a few pieces left and yet the model looks extremely unfinished is what put the nail in the coffin for me.
  12. It's just H1 if Sir's other posts are any indication. And the names for other themes are leaking as well, with SW minifigures being already posted. Catamaran sounds like 42025 B-Model which would be cool. Under Rallye car I am picturing something more like an Offroad car, i.e. 42039 B-Model. Big Licensed Truck will likely by ala Unimog or 42043. In any case, I'm getting excited already. Though as we have seen this year, execution matters.
  13. And here I was getting hyped about 2018 lineup :D
  14. What is this a C-model of? 42039 with added motors?
  15. Given the amount of parts, I find this model a bit lacking, compared to the author's other ones. The 42043 and 42054 seem much more inspired than the fairly straightforward 42055. Having said that, it's still a very nice GBC module.
  16. Huaojozu

    How do you display your modular building collection?

    I recently got an interesting idea. Many are probably familiar with pull down lights - a standard light hanging a few inches from the ceiling, that can also be grabbed and pulled down to provide more light on a table, let's say for reading. Why not expand this idea into a pull-down shelf? I am envisioning a piece of wood (or any other material), suspended in its 4 corners from the ceiling. Pulling on the middle from the bottom would bring it down to allow for build/play. When finished, return it to the initial position for display.
  17. Huaojozu

    [MOC] Country Life

    I love the text that accompanies your pictures. " On the roof sits a raven, which can not be solved on the fly." I fell from my chair laughing!!! I know English is probably not your first language but in this case it works out perfectly! Lovely build and lovely photos. I adore little sets like this that are packed with features.
  18. Oh man, don't do this to me. I was already through the 5 stages of grief and accepted 2017 for what it is... This, coupled with the 067 on the truck could mean that Lego will pull a switcheroo of sorts and release the truck as 42067 with 42070 being whatever the undisclosed set is.
  19. ^I don't really have much in terms of speculation to offer on the B models, just that I really hope they are significantly different from the A models and use most of their parts. I think I would really consider buying 42069 if the B-model was something like a 42042-ish crane (either A or B). Judging from the 1H, I'm assuming it will be quite a while before we get to see what the B models are, right?
  20. Would it, though? Look at BWE; as per Brickset it has a ppp around 6 cents. Most of the parts that add compexity tend to be small (not panels or large beams, mostly gears, pins, small beams) so I think that ppp is fair. So If I have a choice between a 1800pcs RC flagship at 220$ or a 2400pcs RC flagship at 260$, I would gladly pay the latter. People interested in the original model will be in the vast majority AFOLs. The same AFOLs who prefer complexity and in general larger sets to the smaller sets which are aimed more at children. So making an homage set that uses half the parts of three smaller sets feels as though it is done so that AFOLs have another reason to purchase a product they otherwise might not buy. If they wanted to pay proper tribute to the original model, they could just release it separately.
  21. 42030 is sold by them as well. Especially in Technic though, I don't think Lego has much to worry about. I seriously doubt the tolerances are anywhere near Lego's QC, so good luck getting something like the BWE actually working, when even the Lego version struggles. Though I suppose this isn't really the place to discuss that. I just wanted to say that I don't believe the "we don't show info because of clone brands" excuse at all.
  22. Nanananana, I'm loving it! Great idea! Definitely looking forward to more progress. You mention keeping in budget and then add 2 large LAs and PF, which would surely push you over the top. Never mind that though, I'd suggest you try and reuse as much of the original set to keep it as close to a C-Model with added PF as possible.
  23. That just feels like an excuse. As far as I know, Lepin has never produced a set faster than Lego. All sets they do, they make 99.9% same building steps - they can't do that until after the instructions are available. Showing sets on a toy fair can do only one thiing for Lepin - tell them which moulds in which colors they will need so they can start design/production on them.
  24. Can anyone guess (or read) the length of the three models based on the wheels? I have absolutely no eye for proportions and my foolish attempts to use paint have not produced anything meaningful :D