
Eurobricks Citizen
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About AkiyamaWataru

  • Birthday 05/18/1987

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  1. Might not be... afaik Mazda worked on a similar super car concept
  2. I used KSP to Check my ssto idea for buildworthiness... Result meeeh Scrap the ssto try to build something more "grounded"
  3. So your looking for Devices with pronounced lift surfaces. Either fixed wing or rotating wing (helicopters)? I deduced that fancy high scifi stuff like antigravity generators where forbidden by the rules. How Do you think about liftbody concepts?
  4. Maybe we could include a rule that states: To qualify as an aircraft, the crafts main movement through air has to be in a horizontal fashion (eg. Angle. Of attack below 60 degrees)
  5. Hey Jim and Milan, SSTOs fit the rules? SSTOs are Single Stage To Orbit-Spacecrafts or something in the likes of the Spaceshuttle Orbiter/Buran? Greetings Wataru
  6. Seams like a dumb reason, but if it's necessary from the system we'll have to go with it. I'll be testing it soon with a Moto Z² Play and the appropriate GamePad-Moto-Mod
  7. While installing the BC2 it asked for permission to use the Location Information. I just asked to understand, why you should need these information. Or else I will remove the permission for BC2.
  8. @imurvai I installed your BrickController and it's not clear for me which of the features use the position information?
  9. Looks nice. But I have a serious issue with the base structure bending quite heavily under its own load. This indicates lots of stress on the beams attaching the chaindrives.....
  10. It's not a working place.... but my wife ordered a new cupboard from Ikea... After the 'build' we had a brick invasion studless style. Left Side is mostly mine! Right side is all my wifes lego :)
  11. oracid: 1.) activate Installation of Apps from unknown Sources (done on your android phone) 2.) put the *.apk-file on your fone (done with your computer or directly downloaded with your phone) 3.) access it with a filemanager and execute/open the *.apk file (done on your phone)
  12. Made a bargain for me: used 8386 for 30€. Set is complete with Instructions, no box, stickers are applied
  13. You forgot the Speed Champions R8 LMS that uses the spoiler to mimik a diffuser.
  14. AkiyamaWataru

    Grum's Shed

    Not kind just unpolitly honest. A few pages ago you had the plan to alternate between studded and studdless set. I just want to help you fight your nemesis ;) I wonder how this plan comes along?
  15. AkiyamaWataru

    Grum's Shed

    @grum64 very nice you finished, your bwe. As the topic of your ramblings.... This is one of the things, that keep me bound to this forum. I'm always in anticipation what you build next or how far you came this time.