
Settlement: Arlinsport, Tiberia, Corrington

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This thread encompasses all builds within Arlinsport and on the island of Tiberia (unless in another settlement)

Name: Arlinsport

Ownership: Crown

Location: Tiberia (Sea of Storms)

Mayor: NPC Mason Denear [income goes to the treasury]

Trade Value: see accounts spreadsheet

Who can own property in Arlinsport: Anyone.

Who can freebuild in Arlinsport: Anyone.



Corrington’s only colony in the Sea of Storms is Tiberia. Its provincial capital is Arlinsport, named after Queen Annetta’s father, King Arlin II. Arlinsport is known for its robust defenses and deep harbor, but it is the only such port on all of Tiberia. The majority of the island is still not tamed by Corlanders, but the island is already home to a makeshift rum industry, thanks to sugar smuggling from LeBellan to the south. The national drink of Corrington has become rum quite quickly. Some traces of gold have been found on Tiberia, but not enough to be a fully functional mining economy. Because it is one of the only Sea of Storms islands that lie outside of the warm temperate zone, it cannot grow cash crops. This means that Arlinsport is mostly a stopover for merchants going to the richer, foreign ports to the south. Although Arlinsport resembles a normal, orderly Corlander city, most of the settlements on the island are makeshift in their permanency, and thus come in all different shapes and sizes.

Properties: 97

Size for EGS purposes – Level 8 ‘City’

Required for Level 16 'Large City': x3 artisans, x8 factories, x1 art and culture.

Artisans: 16

Woodworker’s Shop, small artisan, Mike S (+1 Settlement Size)

Amelia Street Bakery, small artisan, Mike S (+1 Settlement Size)

The Scribe of Arlinsport, small artisan, Puvel (+1 Settlement Size)

Boat yard, small artisan, Brickwolf (+1 Settlement Size)

The Captain’s Daughter Tavern, small artisan, Ayrlego (+1 Settlement Size)

The Crossed Swords Tavern, small artisan, BrickOn (+1 Settlement Size)

Arlinsport Blacksmith Shop, small artisan, SilentWolf (+1 Settlement Size)

The Captain's Daughter (2) Tavern, small artisan, Mesabi, (+1 settlement size)

The Juniper's Inn, medium artisan, Wellesley (+2 settlement size)

Guest House, small artisan, Arlinsport (via Ayrlego) (+1 settlement size)

New Quay, medium artisan, Brickwolf (+2 settlement size)

The Drunken Fish, large artisan, Corrington (via BricksbyPidy) (+3 settlement size)

Commerce: 19

Coyle Shipping Company, small commerce, Mike S (+1 Settlement Size)

Bounty Office, small commerce, Skaforhire (+1 Settlement Size)

Bank of Arlinsport, small commerce, Scarst (+1 Settlement Size)

Counting House, small commerce, Scarst (+1 Settlement Size)

Horse Merchants Office, small commerce, SilentWolf (+1 Settlement Size)

Livery, medium commerce, Silentwolf (+2 Settlement Size)

Headquarters, medium commerce, Mesabi (+2 settlement size)

Seawolf shipping company and offices, Brickwolf (+2 settlement size)

ETTC Headquarters, medium commerce ETTC (+2 settlement size)

Bank of Corrington Office, small commerce, Arlinsport (+1 Settlement Size)

Arlinsport City Gate, medium culture, Arlinsport (+2 settlement size)

Bank of Corrington, small commerce, Bank of Corrington  (+1 settlement size) not licensed

Seawolf Sipping Company Main Office, small commerce, Brickwolf (+1 settlement size)

Fortified Factory, large commerce, Corrington (via Spud The Viking) (+3 settlement size)

Factories: 8

Miscellaneous goods factory, large factory, Ayrlego (+3 settlement size)

Small factory, small factory, Ayrlego (+1 settlement size)

Shako Shanty, medium factory, Arlinsport (+2 settlement size)

Glue factory, medium factory, Mesabi (+2 settlement size)

Residences: 28 (21 NPC)

Elizabeth’s parent’s home, Small residence, Silentwolf (+1 Settlement Size) 

The Montoya Residence, small residence, Bregir (+1 Settlement Size)

Micah’s Residence, small residence, SilentWolf (+1 Settlement Size)

Allcock Residence, small residence, Ayrlego (+1 Settlement Size)

Griffin's Residence, small residence, Silentwolf (+1 Settlement Size)

Griffin's Residence (2), medium residence, Silentwolf (+2 Settlement Size)

Art and Culture: 5

The Department of Time, small culture, Bregir (+1 Settlement Size)

The Gardens of Arlinsport, medium culture, Silentwolf (+2 Settlement Size)

Admiralty Office, small culture, Corrington (+1 Settlement Size)

Arlinsport Botanical Garden, small culture, Brickwolf (+1 Settlement Size)

Educational: 7

The cartographer, small education, Phred (+1 Settlement Size)

Cartography Academy, small education, Kai NRG (+1 Settlement Size)

Lecture Room, small education, Drunknok (+1 settlement size)

Naval Academy, small education, Arlinsport (+1 settlement size)

Lieutenant Joshua's presentation, small education, Spud the Viking (+1 settlement size)

Plantations: 5

Sugar Cane Plantation, small plantation, (Arlinsport via Simon_S) (+1 Settlement Size)

Little Spices Plantation, small plantation, Puvel (+1 Settlement Size)

Lavender Patch and Apiary, small plantation, Ayrlego (+1 Settlement Size)

Horse Ranch, small plantation, SilentWolf (+1 Settlement Size)

Potato Plantation, small plantation, Spud the Viking (+1 settlement size)

Mines: 2

Prospecting on Tiberia, prospecting build, Mike S (+1 to settlement size)

Silver Mine, mine, Mike S (+1 Settlement Size)

Forts: 9

Fort Arlin, Large Fort, Mike S (on behalf of the Crown) (+3 to settlement size)

x2 NPC Large Forts (+6 to settlement size)

Other builds: 2

A visit to Arlinsport, unlicensed, BrickOn (+1 to settlement size)

Leaving Tiberia, unlicensed, Lord Vladivus (+1 to settlement size)

ETTC hires sailors, unlicensed, SilentWolf

Reviewing the Guard, unlicensed, Ayrlego

A letter, and fish, unlicensed, Drunknok

Current Major Projects in Arlinsport:

The Royal University of Tiberia


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I think this description should be placed in the first post:

"Corrington’s farthest and only colony in the Sea of Storms is Tiberia. Its provincial capital is Arlinsport, named after Queen Annetta’s father, King Arlin II. Arlinsport is known for its robust defenses and deep harbor, but it is the only such port on all of Tiberia. The majority of the island is still not tamed by Corlanders, but the island is already home to a makeshift rum industry, thanks to sugar smuggling from LeBellan to the south. The national drink of Corrington has become rum quite quickly. Some traces of gold have been found on Tiberia, but not enough to be a fully functional mining economy. Because it is one of the only Sea of Storms islands that lie outside of the warm temperate zone, it cannot grow cash crops. This means that Arlinsport is mostly a stopover for merchants going to the richer, foreign ports to the south. Although Arlinsport resembles a normal, orderly Corlander city, most of the settlements on the island are makeshift in their permanency, and thus come in all different shapes and sizes."

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Took out the "only," but it has been added. I took out the "only" because if I am fast enough today, and get good light tomorrow, we will have established Port Raleigh on Annetta this month.

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With that fourth build, Arlinsport is finally worth as much as the lesser Eslandolan settlements in the future (although Bardo has already started growing.)

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And now Montoya has a place to live when not on various expeditions.

The Montoya Residence (Licensed)

[Licence Status: YES]

[Type: Residence, Small]

[settlement Value: 2]


Edited by Bregir

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Isn`t your Trade Value Modifier wrong Ska?

Because if you do it with 0.8 instead of 0.2, every time Arlinsport grows, your value actually diminishes

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Isn`t your Trade Value Modifier wrong Ska?

Because if you do it with 0.8 instead of 0.2, every time Arlinsport grows, your value actually diminishes

How is trade value calculated? I'd like to know for Elysabethtown

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As far as I know, 5 per MOC located there and then factoring in the trade modifier

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Isn`t your Trade Value Modifier wrong Ska?

Because if you do it with 0.8 instead of 0.2, every time Arlinsport grows, your value actually diminishes

115 x .8 = 92 (new numbers after property recount) The value should go down if you multiply it by less than a whole 1.

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Okay, just wondering as a hamlet would be modified by 0.9, but the larger ones go to 0.3 etc, severly diminishing Trade values how bigger they go

But then i know for sure to calculate my own, thnaks for the confirmation

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Yes, the idea here was that the trade value on a place that was 200 buildings (IE 1000DB) would be way too high for game purposes, but the diminished value represents more and more traders are arriving and prices being more competitive, which leads to less individual profit per building / moc.

These numbers are going to be further adjusted in MRCA V.2 -- we will probably see a tiered system (ie: Mocs: 3dbs, small properties: 5DBs medium: 8DBs Large: 10DBs)

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(thanks to Phred pirate_laugh_new.gif ). Not licensed (yet).

That's right.

I have another Cartographer. :pir-grin:

The Cartographer | Phred | Small Education | not licensed (yet)

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