
Eurobricks Dukes
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  1. danth

    [Poll] What is Your Favorite Space Faction (1978-1999)

    Funny how the two most popular themes besides Classic Space can't be done right anymore because of the neon colors going away. I'd almost say that's a major part of the reason they went away.
  2. danth

    [Poll] What is Your Favorite Space Faction (1978-1999)

    I'm somehow comforted that these results are almost exactly what I would have expected. Especially if you consider that the Blacktron vote is effectively split in half. Glad to see Ice Planet getting the votes it deserves.
  3. danth

    [MOC] Lancia Stratos HF from éX-Driver

    Lancia Stratos! Freaking awesome!
  4. danth

    LEGO Store "Build a Minifigure"

    I know this location used to let you build your own. Now they have all the pre-builts (I want to say about 20 figures) numbered and behind glass. You tell the cashier which 3 you want and they get them from a drawer.
  5. danth

    LEGO Store "Build a Minifigure"

    I finally made it to a Lego store and they were only doing "pre-built" build-a-minifigs. Which seems weird. Or is that just how they do it now? But I got 3 of the dark blue Classic Space torsos (on the old guy from Dreamzzz).
  6. danth

    2024 Space sets

    I don't get the point of using Classic Space torsos without the air tanks and without the proper helmets. Not many people want that.
  7. Lego would absolutely get rid of paper instructions the instant they thought they could without hurting sales, but that probably won't happen for a long time. They'll still release trial sets without instructions, like some Mario sets and the "Mission" City sets, to keep testing the waters, and will probably never stop trying. But I think we're safe for now. How did you even see it? It was taken down super fast. I don't see how that would work. Wouldn't that require two different releases of each kind of set, one with and one without instructions? Logistical and cost nightmare. That leads me to believe the questions were meant to gauge how willing people were to give up paper instructions, and not seriously exploring the option as a real thing. You can't deny there is waste that can be trimmed without making anything harder. For instance, there are plenty of steps that have 3 pieces, thus proving 3-piece steps aren't too difficult, or Lego wouldn't include those steps. So we know we can combine steps with only one piece or two pieces. There might be exceptions for tricky steps but the vast majority of single-piece steps can be combined. We also know that you can have two steps on a single page. So why do so many pages have only a single step? It's just a waste of paper. If you combine single-piece steps and single-step pages, that cuts many instruction book page counts by half. Cynics or realists? 🙂 "Just kidding...unless?" Corporations literally do this all the time, it's standard procedure. Send up a trial balloon, then when you get the immediate backlash, pretend you never meant it. If it was anything less, they wouldn't have removed the survey so quickly.
  8. The jetpack racer helmet looks awesome. Strong Space Police 1 vibes. I'd love to see that helmet in more colors. The Wolfpack guy is going to be hoarded. I don't think he looks nearly as cool as the original CMF Rogue. This new one is less than the sum of his parts. But people will want that shield and wolf. I like the harbormaster but I can't explain why.
  9. danth

    Twin Starfire 2

    Nice! Man, for some reason I thought the pods did detach from the original. Which doesn't say much for my memory because I have this set built. This is a major improvement and skyrockets its coolness factor.
  10. https://www.brickfanatics.com/lego-may-abandon-physical-instructions/ Supposedly there is an official Lego survey on this but I can't find it. https://brickset.com/article/113691/lego-may-be-considering-phasing-out-paper-instructions
  11. danth

    M-95 Particle Incinerator

    Wow that thing looks mean! I liked that double rotor design. Reminds me of the Cobra Mamba.
  12. I would think it'd be relatively easy to know which figs will be more sought after -- the AFOL community always know as soon as pics come out -- and then just make more of those than the others. And make half as many of the less desirable figures to make them "rare" and essentially inflate their value. But, that might not feed the sort of emotional, irrational buying that the business types want. True, but as other people hoard them, they do get more scarce, which feeds the desire to own something that's hard to get. I know this feeling all too well...
  13. I think I found the same pics. I see visored helmets but no air tanks. Weird.
  14. The lightsaber set reminds me of a hilariously mean joke someone made years ago on another forum: "I see you've constructed a new lightsaber. Your training as a loser is complete." As someone who has constructed my fair shared of SW Lego sets, I have no right to repeat that joke, but I still find it funny. Anyway, that on/off switch looks massive.
  15. So I'm hearing it's more the armor, shield, and printed torso/legs than the Dragon head. That makes sense. Also, I didn't even realize the one with the axe is a dwarf! Never noticed the shorter legs until now.