
Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by MinusAndy

  1. That’s looking sweeeeeet. Maybe soft axles for the v on the front? i think the straight rear wheel cover beats the angle.
  2. Definitely, but sometimes the torque of running everything at low rpm high torque from the motor can put loads of stress on gears and cause wonky gearbox syndrome.
  3. wing and tailplane Sketched on last night.
  4. That sounds lethal! And brilliant. If you can find pics that would be sweet. The rs500 running gear is rare as hens teeth in the U.K.
  5. Big wheels might make the motors struggle way more
  6. That back view is iconic. You’ve really nailed the line over the rear wheel too.
  7. There are more deeply nerdy pics on my flickr if you’re interested.
  8. It has around 2 inches of working space and a hole for a driveshaft in the side so it will have a fan and spinner. All the internal structure is in the back half. I’m linking it up tonight so I’ll chuck some pics up. One plan is to put one of the hubs from 42099 in backwards so it will really spin. I may build this into the transfer box.
  9. Somewhat ironically, I was relying heavily on the new osprey for an array of panels in peaceful grey to enhance my death-machine so I hope they release the panels into the wild soon. Engine design is now pretty much sorted I think. I’m trying to cut down on system parts as much as I can, despite thinking originally that this would be a moc that was heavily covered in system parts, as time has gone on I much prefer technic.
  10. The build I’m working on at the moment needs two motors and a battery box in it. I have the control+ set from 42099 but the hub is very bulky and is already taking up too much real estate in the fuselage. I’m totally clueless when it comes to Lego power stuff, before 42099 all I had was those 4 stud long grey motors from the 80’s. is there a smaller battery box/controller option than control +? The motors from 42099 are a reasonable size so those are fine, I suspect I’ll need different connections though?
  11. Near Brighton. though I’m currently going through the motions with the postal service as they have delivered my hub to the wrong place and can’t work out where they left it.
  12. Worm gear is a great solution to this problem. One thing that was discussed on the other thread is the idea of having physical stops that take the stress out of the gear train and directly into the chassis
  13. I’ll pop it on Lego ideas when it’s done lolz.
  14. The whole point in us using internal combustion is the range, power and convenience of it. Petrol is just a convenient way to store the energy, why not focus your energy on using an air tank at hoggish pressure and use that as “fuel” to run an engine, you can still build all the valves etc but you take away the heat and solvent issues you will inevitably have from the off?
  15. if I can lose four studs in length here then I think it’ll work. Engine seen here in rare mcv paint job (military colour vomit)
  16. Lego and petrol are both essentially made of the same thing, The petrol will turn the bricks into a mixture a bit like napalm. Please film this!
  17. I’ve been grappling with the engine pod structure for a couple of days and finally have a system for making a reasonable cylinder.
  18. I saw the video of this bike on tlcb and it literally filled me with joy at lunchtime.
  19. In my head putting one input on a diff at 390 and the other at 220 won’t make an output of 610. Is it not total output of 305 rpm? Putting two motors into a diff as inputs won’t double their speed at the output, it will output an average of the top speeds. l could be way off the mark with this though.
  20. Thanks for that. The actuators were single acting on the set I had, I was tempted to buy the unimog from a few years back as it seems to contain everything I need but it’s eye wateringly expensive.
  21. That looks fantastic! I thought it was a rat rod when I first saw the roof line. I have followed you on Flickr to see more pics of your creations. Are those wheels from the new Ducati? What diameter are they without tyres?
  22. I figured I’d update this thread as I’m now considering pneumatics in my build as well. It seems they have come on a bit since the red excavator I had around 30 years ago. Is there a basic guide to the new system anywhere? I’m thinking of using a motorised pump to power pneumatic retracting undercarriage. Does the new system require an air tank? thanks for any help people can give me on this as I’m a bit out of touch. @HUWI I owe you a beer for saving me a pile of cash and time for the hub advice!
  23. Nice, I love the 500. Such a pretty helicopter.