
Eurobricks Vassals
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About Kronos987

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  1. Thanks to Jim’s, I just picked this up at my local Costco.
  2. Ok, I’ve seen enough! I will not rest until I have built this car and have it on my shelf This is absolutely fantastic!
  3. We’ll done as always! I’ve built many of your models and plan on building this when I get through my back log
  4. This is awesome! Wheel arches for the plow edges?! Seriously good! Well done
  5. This is really impressive! I had to back up my scrolling to find where the pics of the real one stopped! Wry nice
  6. You are correct, no center diff, but I agree with you.
  7. Wow! Super cool and very ambitious! I can’t wait to see the finished product
  8. This is awesome. You can’t even tell it a PF MOC. I love how realistic it looks, the functionality of it and the cleanliness. Well done.
  9. Great looking MOC! I’ll be building the red with black top version. The mini-figure ice skates as paddle shifters is awesome. Really like the flex axles for the rear end shaping too. Another job well done ??
  10. I had the same question when I left my Dark Age...8069 is the one that REALLY pulled me in! Compact, excellent design, fun, great build experience and relatively inexpensive. Others from the same era that I bought and enjoyed were 8070, 8109, and 8110.
  11. Sounds great! I was hoping this project hadn’t died!
  12. This is really cool! Well done...unmistakable
  13. Congrats on the build! I’m looking forward to my build. All the pieces are to find the time
  14. I would like to use this time and forum to thank TLG for....saving me money on the 1st half 2020 wave I’ll patiently wait for the 2nd half release.