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Everything posted by atlas

  1. atlas

    75155 U-Wing modifications

    Brick built cockpits are best for most ships especially the more geometric and angular rebel ships. The X-wing cockpits that Lego has made are the best example of this, both of them are nowhere near close
  2. atlas

    [MOC] Building McQuarrie's A-wing with Ahsoka and Chopper

    Really nice, super clean and very elegant, well done
  3. atlas

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    Definitely make another thread for people to discuss, criticise, et cetera and keep this one for pictures and new information only.
  4. atlas

    [MOC] The X-Wing Strikes Back

    Nice read. I enjoy hearing others talk about their methods and especially when reference material is involved as accuracy is something I also like to see achieved. There are some very well done parts to this model, the angles forward of the cockpit on the fuselage are pretty good.
  5. atlas

    Future Star Wars Sets

    Jedi party. Fresh
  6. Well done, this is an amazing achievement. Everywhere the details look spot on, right down to greebling. Just amazing.
  7. Thanks for posting these videos early. I have to say, while the figures aren't amazing and it would be better to have more generic facial designs (or maybe at least 1 woman as well - anything so that the generic heads that Lego uses for background characters don't all look like the same person. I have over a dozen of the basic brown eyebrows make head), it's great how you can mix and match all of the torsos and legs and helmets to have an army that doesn't look like a bunch of clones. I like that. And also, this set has about 90 non minifig parts included in the set, and there are lots of useful ones. More of the 2x2 wedge plates (although hopefully they start making them in LBG, which I hope is what they've done in 75175), more inverted 1x2 curved slopes, some nice dark green parts, andI think maybe an inverted 2x2 tile in LBG. Great battle pack, the imperial one looks like it will have some great grey parts also. Although i wish that there was only 1 death trooper, 2 stories and 1 other imperial (maybe the basic shore trooper) instead of two death troopers, but it isn't a big deal
  8. atlas

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    That's what I thought, the minifig is a mess. Lego want to continue jacking up prices but don't increase the quality of the product, poor form
  9. atlas

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    I just realised something. Thrawn is specifically advertised on the box as an 'Admiral', not grand admiral, so I guess the insignia makes sense. I'm not sure why they wouldn't design him as a grand admiral though - the phantom II was stolen and decorated after he was promoted so I don't understand why he's in the set then. Confusing
  10. atlas

    Updating Your Minifigs

    And his rank isn't even correct, is should be three blue, three yellow, three blue, three red. Really disappointing. Lego really need to pick up their game on the accuracy of the minifig designs
  11. atlas

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    That's intentional - the troopers in the shuttle set are 'specialists' which means they have the pauldrons, ammo pouches (?) and grenades, the ones in the battle pack are just regular troopers. This is convenient because Lego doesn't have to include the pauldrons cloths (although I would think they would be very cheap any way), and people who get multiple will have a good ratio of specialist to regular troopers
  12. atlas

    Bricklinking the Y-Wing (10134)

    Very nice. Who designed the rank plaque, did it come with instructions? Did you have to print it out yourself? How did you go about transferring onto Lego? Have you considered painting some nexo Knights shield pieces in dark red to get the angled tips of the maintenance doors? (By the way , which dark red did you use? I made an a wing also, but in minifig scale, and had to paint some parts but mine was too deep of a red)
  13. atlas

    [MOC][WIP][LDD] Minifig Scale Rebels Ghost Build

    Looking really good, the phantom especially. However I think you can do a couple of things that shouldn't be too much trouble that will greatly improve the look of your phantom: slightly bigger engines (I've seen tires used which work well ), and a brick built cockpit. Inthert on flickr has a pretty nice general look for his phantom which looks similarly good to yours
  14. atlas

    Updating Your Minifigs

    Star Wars CMF would fly off shelves like nothing before though. I would be amazed if none of those figures appeared after several hypothetical series. Or maybe I wouldn't, knowing Lego and their practice of putting sought after characters in prohibitively expensive sets
  15. atlas

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    My ideal 4-7 battlepacks: Imperial navy battle pack 1x navy trooper 1x imperial officer (new style tunic print and dbg cap - I would be delighted with either a generic relatively low ranking plaque/cylinder combo or one of the unique ones from ANH of one of the big shots, like Bast) 1x srormtrooper officer (like from the Death Star, but perhaps a different rank plaque) 1x stormtrooper (wouldn't really go with the Rogue one BP, so perhaps a black jumpsuited crewman instead) And of either of these from the rebels: Rebel pilots battle pack 4x rebel pilot with same design as that from 75032. Ideally, there would be detail and the arms, leg sides and black boots but that's a pipe dream. I would also like unique prints of fairly generic looking faces under each visor that could resemble some of the named pilots from the films. It would be amazing if there were helmet prints for red leader, red 4, gold5 and perhaps a generic blue or red rebel pheonix one as well, so there would be finally a possibility to make figures for those pilots. Now because the idea with the battle packs is to buy multiple, I think it would good for lego to just name these pilots as "rebel pilot", so that folks who aren't obsessed with them won't know that they're meant to be individual characters. or an updated version of 7668, maybe with a more accurate helmet piece (a,though I think the current one is a good impression) with 4 alderaan troopers (again maybe with different faces with chin straps that are firstly generic looking abut still unique so it doesn't look like a clone army) and maybe a different vehicle
  16. atlas

    Updating Your Minifigs

    Nice. I think that looks really good like that, it drapes well. I did a similar thing with the judges robe thingy a few months ago but I will have to try that, I think it works better.
  17. atlas

    Battle of Hoth

    Well done. That at-st face is superb.
  18. atlas

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    I don't agree with others that the fig is ugly. The facial details are really well done especially the eyes and are better than any previous, and the robes are very well done for just printing and no fabric. The only real problem is the expression on the mouth, which draws your attention away from everything else. It would be perfect if he was just scowling as he rarely ever has his mouth open in the movie.
  19. atlas

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    I looked at the image for the new phantom again and kanan's silhouette suggests to me that it's a new part for his blindfold mask. I think we will see pretty soon either way though. I just hope that they give his new face the wrecked eyes look that they have in the show when the mask is off
  20. atlas

    [WIP][MOC] T-70 X-wing starfighter

    Thanks again!! I'll keep showing progress as I continue with the build in this thread and on Flickr if people like to see that.
  21. atlas

    [MOC] RZ-1 A-wing interceptor (updated)

    Thank you very much. I agree, my painting is a bit lousy in places but that's what happens when you rush a job . I'm ok with it though, it's not horrendous. About the boat studs, I chose trans to give the partial impression that each wing is only 1 plate thick, and also to have the colour of the 3x2 wedge plate show through on both sides. If some of them were transparent and some solid white I think that would bug me, so it's just s matter of my preference I guess.
  22. Hi. Here's some photos of my work in progress at the moment, the RZ-1 A-wing. This is drawing deeply from the models of Jerac and others. I'll add more to this post shortly. flickr album link: First stage Optimised stabiliser design, completed greebles on the rear, cannon added, experimenting with solutions for the front taper, other minor changes Let me know what you think below or on the flickr comments ! (:
  23. atlas

    [WIP][MOC] T-70 X-wing starfighter

    The back is slowly coming together ... So I recently sat down and made some more progress. A lot of the exterior looks pretty similar but a lot of the guts have been rearranged to achieve a better hexagon shape that will accommodate the angles of parts further down the fuselage better. It should really be a heptagon but I quickly found that was unattainable for me. Like I said it looks really similar but due to the steeper angle of the 4 angled panels, but the total height has been increased a few plates on the top and bottom to allow for that. This is a better result because the fuselage actually should rise above the tops of the engines a bit and now I have that. However this comes at a cost, I have a habit of focusing on exterior details at the expense of interior stability, so it's quite fragile at the moment but hopefully I'll be able to strengthen the inside because there's a bit of space to do that now. .