
Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Darbyohara

    18th century star fort

    I am planning to use vegetation to conceal the gap.
  2. Darbyohara

    18th century French solider minifig

    Yes I've got decals for 30 minifigs. I just need to order the minfigs from bricklink.
  3. Darbyohara

    18th century star fort

    Update to the fort: I have made some changes to the layout and structure of the fort (actually rebuilt it). I've increased the size of one bastion, added a gate, and lowered the plateau on which the fort sits to allow for a moat. There will be a ravelin just beyond the bridge but I've run out of bricks. I also plan to finish the plateau for the ravelin and have it slope down to a field. This fort isn't based in any actual colonial era star fort, just a MOC to test building techniques. I may redesign and rebuild the fort to mimic the Fort of Niagara or the Fortress of Louisbourg, then use that to create a historian diorama of the siege. I will need substantially more bricks tho. I have accumulated some 70 redcoats and some 50 bluecoats as well as some 20 Indians and a 3 warships. Feedback is appreciated. Thanks,
  4. I am attempting to create a 18th century French soldiers (i.e. From French and Indian war or American Revolution) and this is what I was able to come up with. I was hoping to find a template for light gray coat but was unable to. From most images I've seen the French wore gray in the French and Indian war and white after. But based on military records the coat of the period was generally a white or off white. The decals were printed by http://www.saber-scorpion.com/shop Feel free to provide some feedback. Thanks.
  5. Darbyohara

    18th century star fort

    I like the sentry box and I will probably incorporate one in a bastion that faced the sea side of the fort (1 or 2 sides of the fort will be on the water) Where did you get the cannon balls? I've never seen parts like that before.
  6. Darbyohara

    18th century star fort

    I'd be interested to see your progress on your version of this type of fort.
  7. Darbyohara

    18th century star fort

    I toiled with trying come up with a way to make the point of the bastions less than 90 degrees as a true Vauban design would have been. I was unable to come up with anything. I am open to suggestions. Thanks
  8. Darbyohara

    18th century star fort

    Greetings all, I am currently constructing my first MOC, an 18th century fort constructed in the Vauban star fort style. I will upload the work I have thus far. I have about 40% of the fort competed, just taking my time accumulating parts needed to finish it. I'm curious to hear any feedback or constructive criticism. I'm trying to make the fort as realistic as I can and any techniques or ideas on the bastions or merlons would be helpful. I've mostly been going off of pictures of forts from that era. Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks, https://www.flickr.com/photos/131835395@N05/? Images of progress.
  9. Darbyohara

    Lego store review - Troy, MI

    Citizen - how is this not a review? Yes, I reviewed it based on my specific criteria and what I was looking for, and yes, I had some complaints, but overall I shared my experience at this store to inform others who might also be planning to visit. That being said, I will likely return. I just hope the minifig kiosk contains more variety.
  10. Darbyohara

    Lego store review - Troy, MI

    Keep in mind I am only rating the stores I visit on the 3 categories that are variable. I assume all stores carry the same sets including exclusives from lego. Also, I can order any set I want from lego.com or another website so I personally don't go to the store (and drive 2 hours) for something I can probably find cheaper online. The staff, pick a brick, and mini fig bin are specifically unique to each store. The reason I rated the minifig kiosk so low is because they literally had no weapons, armor, helmets, and the torsos and minifigs available we're so limited. Nearly all city comprised mostly of orange construction workers and women. I am comparing this to the other store I visited where I was very impressed with then minifig kiosk. So it's all about how it measures up to other store and the particular themes and bricks you seek. I prefer castle and pirate and landscape type colored bricks so that's what I look for and why I posted this in the historic section. Thanks for the feedback though, I hope it's helpful. I don't know how many I'll be able to visit as only a few are near me but i think this info might be helpful to others seeking to expand their collection thru lego store purchases and the unique offerings they have. I know I would have loved to have the option to build my own minifigs as a child and amass a large army that way.
  11. I've recently come out of my dark ages and back into collecting my favorite childhood toy, Legos. My favorites as a child were always castle, pirate, and city. Now as I get older I find my interest is primarily in castle and pirate and creating large scenes and landscapes related to those. Anyway that's my short into, now to the good stuff in this post, my review of the lego store in Troy, MI (I live in Grand Rapids, MI so Troy is the closest one). Went today (9/6). I will rate the store 1-10 on 3 categories: staff, pick a brick wall, build a mini fig kiosk. Staff: 9 - pleasant, helpful, one even went in back to see if they had any mini fig weapons as the kiosk was out. Patient and nice despite being busy on a Saturday. Pick a brick wall: 7.5 - nice selection of bricks if you are interested in building landscapes or a fort or castle, light blue grey, dark blue grey, light tan, red brown, green bricks and plates. I bought up all the 1x1x4 light blue grey bricks (wish they had more). Would have liked to see more tiles selections. Mini fig kiosk: 2 - terrible selection, almost all figs were construction workers or women, I bought all the pirate soldier torsos I could which was 5. No muskets, bought 1 cutlas, no additional hats, epaulettes, backpacks, or medieval weapons or armor or helmets. A few kingdoms lion knights torsos but no matching legs. In comparison to the mini fig kiosk in northbrook mall (n chicago) this paled in comparison. I will post a review of northbrook soon. Overall I give the Troy location a 6.33. This could be improved however if they improve the mini fig kiosk. I will email lego my to make them aware of this.
  12. I'm new. Why can't I find a listing of forum topics?