
Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. chofus

    Useful Pirate Pieces from other Themes?

    This string is awesome part. Will use it on my ship for rigging.
  2. chofus

    Classic treasure map - vector image

    If you have access to a scanner, try to scan desired tile with highest DPI on scanner. I did same and print on 20x20 canvas for test and i get quite good result.
  3. chofus

    Small builds to spice up your Pirate life

    Awesome and very detailed canon, please share tutorial or part list :)
  4. chofus

    Useful Pirate Pieces from other Themes?

    In what set does this white horse come?
  5. chofus

    [POLL] Favorite Lego Pirates Faction

    I would like to suggest one more (sub)faction - Revolutionary soldiers
  6. chofus

    Useful Pirate Pieces from other Themes?

    Those orange epaulettes are awful. Is there any chance we could see red ones from Eldorado on PaB? I once asked Lego about dark red ones (from advent calendar) and they said they will stop producing them after some time and they didnt show up on PaB.
  7. chofus

    New Rumored Pirate Set in July 2023

    I waited dark red epaulletes for my bluecoat army on Pick a brick online, and contacted Lego and they said the mentioned epaulettes are no more in production. This was 40-50 days ago.
  8. Yea that kind of connection would be nice. I hope we will see some kind of drum in the future.
  9. It's not totaly connected to pirates, but for blue/red coats (which are part of pirates:) ). I would like to see drum piece for army marching band. I would also like bayonets (the one from brickforge are perfect) for flintlocks.
  10. chofus

    [MOC] Great Redoubt

    Awesome, i hope we seen whole diorama soon.
  11. chofus

    Useful Pirate Pieces from other Themes?

    Did anyone bought new city advent calendar? I want to see dark red epaulettes on bluecoat soldier, so if someone can PM or post a picture of that (new/old bluecoat or some blue torso with epaulletes). Im waiting till they show up on PaB online and buy 150 for my army. Thanks.
  12. chofus

    [MOC] Lagoon Lockup Revisited (once more)

    Awesome creation. A lot of details. I especially liked the brick built canon and crown amblem above the gate.
  13. chofus

    [MOC] HMS Victory main top 1:45

    Awesome level of detail. I can image rest of ship :) Where do you buy that string, it looks very good for lego models.
  14. chofus

    Useful Pirate Pieces from other Themes?

    Is this new backpack on minifigs in 2022 polybag.
  15. chofus

    Neighbourhood Watch and a New Idea

    Nice creation. If it's not secret, from what set comes black torso from 1st picture? It's really great and i didnt see it until now. Thanks.