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Ragnarök Now Redux - Sign-ups

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It happened again!

Players who participated in Ragnarök Now have been privately invited to reprise their roles, but there are 8-11 slots still available for those who didn't.

To sign up, please answer these simple questions:

1) What is your previous mafia experience?

2) Are you able to engage in the game for the next six weeks or so? (the game may be briefly put on pause over Christmas)

3) As a mafia player, which Norse god/goddess do you identify with most?

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1) About half a dozen games now, as per the list in my signature

2) Yes

3) Apparently Xena, Warrior Princess, is not a Norse goddess, so I'll go with Hlin instead.

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1.) Quite a few games. And I've hosted one as well as somewhat cohosted another.

2.) I've got a lot more free time, so yes.

3.) I'm still fairly new to mafia, and although I've been playing for a year, I still don't feel like I really have a true playing style due to being a "noob" still. For those reasons I'd pick Iounn, the Goddess of Youth.

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1. Several; most recently minimalist mafia, CMF mafia and Silver city

2. There is always time for mafia!!

3. I'm really not familiar with norse mythology but from what I gather, Hood (Hod or Höõd) is a blind god. given that I still have a hard time reading (seeing through) more experienced players, it defines me well.

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1.) Quite a few games. And I've hosted one as well as somewhat cohosted another.

Your support in Minimal Mafia was greatly appreciated! Don't sell yourself short. You have no idea how non-endearing of a trait that ends up when over-used. :tongue:

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Oh man. I've been invited to reprise my role. As spotty as my EB appearances have been over this past year, I will graciously accept. I'm excited to get back into it!

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Oh, I so wish I could return as uninspired as I can as Sveinn! Alas.

Anyway, have fun to all those who play though :classic: !!

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Your support in Minimal Mafia was greatly appreciated! Don't sell yourself short. You have no idea how non-endearing of a trait that ends up when over-used. :tongue:

I just wish I had helped out more. :tongue: Bakinf was great, though, even if I couldn't figure out how to bake a Loaf O' Banana Bread, :grin:

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Knowst thou, friends, that though the great Carl Poem-Piece cannot join you at Odin's side, he is with you in spirit. Fare thee well, and good luck to all!

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Ah will would like to participate, More EB mafia games for me, please :blush:

1) What is your previous mafia experience?

Some, a few games so far (can be seen in my signature) but keen on participating in more

2) Are you able to engage in the game for the next six weeks or so? (the game may be briefly put on pause over Christmas)

Yea, Mafia here I come (this is what internet on work computers is for, right :laugh: )

3) As a mafia player, which Norse god/goddess do you identify with most?

Norse gods, didn´t know they did Mafia :tongue: But I have to say then Hœnir - The silent god. (never actually heard of him but I am pretty silent)

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I'd love to play and fill in an available spot! Tis my dream to host a game at some point, and so the more experience the better (And Poseidon knows I could use more experience!).

1) Aperture Academy, Silver City Mafia, CMF Mafia, Mafia After Dark, Minimal Mafia

2) Yes I have the time, with more time available closer to December.

3) I would have to say Heimdallr. I seem to often get the watcher ability, and that seems to fit well with the watcher of the norse gods. Granted I however am generally not as successful as Heimdallr would be in seeing danger.

Edited by Captain Nemo

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As exciting as this sounds, I don't think I can cope with being eaten alive by the veterans again.

But to those who do play: may the eternal glory of Toehster be with you! :grin:

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It's time for me to return from my mafia exodus. As I said in the PM, I graciously accept the offer. It's time for Gerrid to prove her worth!

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Why not?

1) Aperture, Mafia Mafia, Silver City, CMF, Mafia After Dark

2) Yes (thank goodness)

3) Baldr, because as time goes on, I get killed earlier and earlier by scummy scummos.

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As exciting as this sounds, I don't think I can cope with being eaten alive by the veterans again.

Sorry. Canute and his mighty gray bush can be quite intimidating. :sadnew:

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1) What is your previous mafia experience? I have been in 4 games, as Scum, Town, and 3rd party. Have taken a bit of a sabbatical, but I'd like to play again as more time is allowed this time of year.

2) Are you able to engage in the game for the next six weeks or so? (the game may be briefly put on pause over Christmas) Yes, good time of year for me to be active.

3) As a mafia player, which Norse god/goddess do you identify with most? Ullr(Ull). God of the Hunt and Archery(depending on the source). Love hunting me down some scummos.

To sum up, I would love to join if accepted.

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Ah... Um.. Yes, cranebienn here.

Is my dad around? He blew me up last time. And I wasn't even evil.

That's what you get for trying to be a nice son and give your dad presents.

We're all about being fierce not about being nice.

Being a nice guy gets you killed where I'm from.

Thought I'd teach you a little lesson.

I'm so much more manly than Dragmall right now. :hmpf_bad:

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That's what you get for trying to be a nice son and give your dad presents.

We're all about being fierce not about being nice.

Being a nice guy gets you killed where I'm from.

Thought I'd teach you a little lesson.

I'm so much more manly than Dragmall right now. :hmpf_bad:

Ah the old blaggard who stabbed me in the back has returned, I see. No matter, ready to do it all again? :grin:

I'm assuming we just need to post in here to signify we're still willing.

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I thought replying to the PM was enough. :look:

Ah the old blaggard who stabbed me in the back has returned, I see. No matter, ready to do it all again? :grin:

Ah, Wary, you're back again. Just a favour for a favour. You know you deserve it.

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Yes, invited players only need to respond via PM, but feel free to drop by anyway.

There are still three spots remaining.

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Yes, invited players only need to respond via PM, but feel free to drop by anyway.

There are still three spots remaining.

I'll come and post anyway, just to extra-confirm.

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I'll leave the sign-ups open for a little longer, but it looks like I'll be reducing the game to 22 players.

Here's the player list:

- Cornelius Murdock (as Chief Mursi)

- Chromeknight (as Cranebeinn)

- WhiteFang (as Wilhalm Bloodaxe)

- Fugazi (as Gofraid the Foog)

- fhomess (as Finn the Squinter)

- Waterbrick Down (as Wary the Black)

- Scubacarrot (as Snotra Carrotface)

- CallMePie (as Canute Grey-Bush)

- Palathadric (as Patrekr the Red)

- Rick (as Rurik the Bastard)

- Hinckley

- Bob

- Captain Genaro

- Sisco

- Darkdragon

- Piratedave

- Kristel

- Trumpetking

- Mencot

- Captain Nemo

- jamesn

- LegoDad

Anyone who wishes to be a reserve is most welcome too.

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