
What are you listening to?

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I gotta feeling... That tonight's gonna be a good night... :grin:

I'm listening to 'Rockstar' by Nickelback.

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Parov Stelar - Booty Swing.

And takeSomeCrime's dancing skills are truly impossible insane awe-inspiring. :classic:


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Oooh yes. Thanks to Scott Pilgrim and my recent obsession with everything related to it, I got the soundtrack and have discovered some awesome new songs and bands thanks to it. Some examples:

It's Getting Boring By The Sea, by Blood Red Shoes

And of course all the songs by the bands '

' (Broken Social Scene) and '
' (Beck). Good stuff! :laugh:

Alright, I think I've got enough words and links for anyone who's interested. (Each link goes to the respective youtube video.)

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Our Lady Peace again. There is just something about their sound that sends me back to my first summer with a radio, about 12 years ago, with all the delights that BBC Radio 1 had to offer.

I have never cemented my music tastes, varying from one end of the spectrum to the other. But that 90s sound has a brief nostalgia of long summer afternoons in my room with a radio, a casette loaded in the deck and the mad dash across the bedroom to record what I enjoyed.

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:devil:AC/DC :devil:

Dude, you're my man!

And my rock 'n' roll train... ♪♫♪

AC/DC is awesome!!

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Daft Punk's Tron soundtrack. Really deep. They make me feel young and grown up at the same time. What kind of contradiction is that?

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Shinedown, anyone?

They are not that famous but the music they make is really good!

This, for example, is a cool song... just listen to it and tell me your opinions! :classic:


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Daft Punk's Tron soundtrack. Really deep. They make me feel young and grown up at the same time. What kind of contradiction is that?

After seeing the movie, I know exactly how you feel. It has a sort of retro-futuristic vibe. Actually I had no idea that Daft Punk did the soundtrack, makes sense now though as there were two characters who looked exactly like the Daft Punk robot DJ things.

Loved the music and the movie.

Shinedown, anyone?

They are not that famous but the music they make is really good!

I like some of their songs. I used to really enjoy the song Sound of Madness until it got stuck in my head constantly. I also like "Crow and the Butterfly". It's too bad that not many people like them so much.

And me? The closing credits theme of Dexter (TV show). Such a great piece. default_thumbup.gif

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Shinedown, anyone?

They are not that famous but the music they make is really good!

I like some of their songs. I used to really enjoy the song Sound of Madness until it got stuck in my head constantly. I also like "Crow and the Butterfly". It's too bad that not many people like them so much.

My sister introduced me to Shinedown about three months ago, and I'm still listening. I like "Crow and the Butterfly", "Sound of Madness" (though it got really old really quickly), "Cyanide Sweet Tooth Suicide", "Cry for Help", and "What a Shame". My favorite being "What a Shame".

Coincidentally, my iPod just shuffled to "Crow and the Butterfly"...

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And me? The closing credits theme of Dexter (TV show). Such a great piece.

:thumbup: :thumbup: I love the intro credits piece, it's just so distinctly Dexter, it's awesome. Goes with it all so well.

As for what I'm listening to, well, I'm still listening to the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack. :blush:

BUT I also went looking through my music and stumbled upon

, a nice lil' song from the 90's. Also, some Breaking Benjamin,
. And some Counting Crows. Yep, I'm sticking' to the start of the alphabet here. :laugh:

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