
[OL FB] Foreign Legion Outpost, New Oleon

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Deep in the deserts of New Oleon, a detachment of the Oleonese Légion Etrangère can be found manning a small outpost in a village. The detachment keeps an eye on the important trading route running through the village and the presence of these tough soldiers discourages bandits from making trouble.


Troops based of the La Légion Etrangère entry in the The Gran Military Encyclopedia of Oleon. I've wanted to build a scene with these guys for a while now, but until recently I only had one of the revolutionary soldier torsos. The tower started as the first test build when I started my recent Mexican themed western build - I was debating whether it should be in white or tan - so I made a small upper section of tower in both colours. I decided I liked the white better - so the tan sat around on the desk for the last few weeks until I modified it, then turned it into this! As I mentioned in the faction thread, Oleon is free to license as an EGS property if they wish.

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2863 posts

Excellent build as always and the heavy use of earth tones is really good. The soldiers look great and that ladder is really smooth for such a simple design.

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I really like the alternating slopes and plates you used for the crenellations!

The ground really looks well worn with tiles on top of plates, where most of the studs are below grade... nice and smooth!

Also like the small details like using two 1x tiles on the square container rather than a single 2x.

Nice work!

Fun idea to build for OL

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Yum! Yes please! So many pieces and it isn't too busy either. The base really brings it home. A fine piece, we'd be fools not to accept it.

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Very nice outpost. The floor beams that stick out and the awning are interesting details.

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3922 posts

Another excellent build! I love the rough and weathered style you made this MOC in. It suits the harsh desert climate perfectly and I can imagine the building being battered by coarse winds and sandstorms. It's neat to recognize some general elements I used way back in my New Oleon build, but now with more detail and in a larger, bigger build. There's plenty of neat details to look at. Plus, the addition of chicken always helps to bring a certain mood or some life to a scene, I feel :grin:.

The ladder looks great. So simple, yet very effective. I'll have to remember that. I'm also glad you went with the classic yellow heads, although flesh toned heads would've worked as well.

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I really like how you're visiting this desert style which so far has been really underdeveloped in BoBS!  This looks quite cool, the camel is a great touch and I like the way the blue Oleon flag pops.

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Perfect build as always and thanks for donating it to OL. Yellow trample Fleshies any time of the day so yay for using them!!! Also the building contrasts nicely with the base (tan vs dark tan) although I am not totally convinced all those years about sand/desert soil color being dark tan (unless wet) despite real life variation of ground colors. And ofc...Camel!!! (I will always have that exclamation of joy when seeing them and goats).

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That fellow up in the tower doesn't seem too pleased to see the camel!


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I really like the stylistic attributes that you put into the build. I really enjoy the way that the sense of balance isn't lacking. Fantastic job. 

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2 hours ago, Roadmonkeytj said:

@Ayrlego do you have a link to the other build your white tower became a part of?


The Mexican themed build is here:

and I also turned it into a BoBS build here:

The original white 'test' tower is still sitting on my desk waiting to be turned into a separate build:


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