
Jameis Farstrider's Guide to Halos

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The purpose of this guide is to provide an overview and introduction to all non-player nations in Brethren of the Brick Seas. For the player nations please see their respective topics (Corrington, Eslandola, Oleon, Sea Rats).
The information posted mainly describes history and background of these nations. The included images of buildings, troops and flags serve as general inspiration - feel free to develop all nations in your unique way, and feel free to adapt your MOCs to your personal collections as well. BoBS is a world for the players to develop.

Please post any suggestions, feedback and questions in the Intro Thread.

Index - Click on the nation name to read more

Madrice Peninsula

Altonia At the North eastern tip of the Madrice peninsula, Altonia is dominated by high mountain ranges and harsh winters.

Carno Pragmatic and honest traders, the city states of Carno are located in the south-east of the Madrice peninsula.

Garvey Tough seafarers, the people of Garvey are very active in the new world amassing wealth as both traders and smugglers.

Mardier Former leading power of the peninsula and new world, Mardier looks to recover their past glory.

Namere Chaotic

Madrice Borderlands

Pontilla A frigid land of mountains and ice, The passes of Pontilla form a bridge between Halos and the Madrice Peninsula.

Varcoast Land of forests, bogs and swirling mists, Varcoast forms the southern buffer between Halos and the Madrice Peninsula.

Northern Halos

Great Alliance States A powerful and rapidly modernising confederation of states dominating Northern Halos.

Kingdom of the Great Raider Nomadic horse borne tribes that roam the vast north eastern steppes of Halos.

Middle Kingdoms Successor to a once great empire, the Heptarchy is still a powerful presence in Central Halos.

Mokolei Empire A huge and diverse Empire that spans the continent.

Pan Pearl of the Guelph Peninsula, dominated by the coastal stronghold of Hassana.

Salleek The rugged desert coasts of Salleek shelter vast numbers of corsairs preying on shipping in the Rogian Sea.

Tellvok Home to both nomadic desert tribes and sophisticated urban cities, trade flourishes in Tellvok.

Southern Halos

The Lotus Empire Placeholder for text

The Monomonto Shogunate placeholder for text

The New World

Prio placeholder for text

Terraversa Gateway to the New world, independence from Mardier didn't last for long before the island was partitioned into four zones.





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Primary Colour: Yellow

Secondary Colours: Orange and White

Demonym: Mardierians

Nickname: 'The Old Empire'

Primary Real World Influences: A Spanish/Portuguese sized empire with a Spanish/Italian/Portuguese like culture and Byzantine politics.

Ruler: King Alphonse XIII

Capital: Londa


The majority of Mardierians are ethnic Madrician and share a similar culture to other nations in the 'Golden Triangle' of the North Eastern Madrice Peninsular. An extensive aristocracy exists, although many of the great noble houses have been destroyed in the recent civil war and new blood is rising to fill the void. Most Mardierians still follow the Faith, although there is a large degree of separation of Church and State.


Situated to in the north of the 'Golden Triangle' of the Eastern Madrice peninsular, the 'Old Empire' was once the largest and most powerful nation of the whole peninsular. Mardier was the first nation to breakaway from the short lived Madrice Empire around the year 103AE, followed shortly after by Corrington, Oleon, Varcoast and Pontilla. After costly victory in the 'war that time forgot' in 352, high taxes caused  large scale revolts, fracturing Mardier with the creation of the nations of Namere, Carno, Garvey, Baldondia, and Eslandola.

In the period to follow, the new nation of Eslandola eclipsed Mardier as the power broker of the Great Triangle region. This was to somewhat change with the discovery of the Basker Islands and Terraversa in 511, allowing Mardier to regain some of its former glory. Terraversa was a rich island, having both moderate mineral wealth and the capability to grow both Tobacco and Sugar, but more importantly it's strategic location meant that only the Mardierians could venture to the fabled New Terra. For almost the next 80 years Mardier jealously controlled a monopoly in New Terra, establishing further colonies such as the Isla de Medio in the Prio Seas. Then in 595 the death of King Harln of Mardier resulted in a descent into a bitter civil war as rival factions fought for the throne. The Mardierian monopoly on New Terra was broken when the Viceroy of Terraversa sold berthing rights to the highest bidders, opening the way for other nations to explore the region. For over twenty years civil war continued to weaken the once great nation, however now it appears that King Alphonse has largely managed to unite many of the warring parties and subdue or subjugate the others. This came too late for the colony of the Isla de Medio (renamed the Isla de Victoria by Eslandola), though, as Mardier lost their jewel in the Prio Seas to Eslandola in the Eslandolan/Garvey war of 616-17, and the colony of Terraversa declaring independence in early 617.

Mardier, while weakened, is far from weak. Much wealth still remains from almost century of unopposed dominance of New Terra, and the army is filled with soldiers with over twenty years experience of conflict, the best of which form the elite 'Death Guard' of King Alphonse. While to outsiders it would appear King's Island and the settlement of Calisto in the Azure Sea is Mardier's only remaining colony in New Terra, it is unknown for sure as the very existence of the Isla de Medio was only revealed in late 616.

Mardierian Cities and Towns of note

  • Londa
  • Dortanis

Mardierian Settlements in New Terra

  • Calisto, King's Island, Prio Sea
  • Solaro, Nova Londa, New Haven Sea

Diplomatic Relations: 

Diplomatic relations are rated on a scale of 1-5 (1=Hostile, 2=Unfriendly, 3=Indifferent, 4=Friendly, 5=Very Friendly)

51838278114_fba546cc01_o.png Corrington: Indifferent 

51838278069_1f78e43cb4_o.pngEslandola: Hostile

51836973352_d777fa4ab0_o.pngOleon: 4 Friendly

51837921126_978e23245c_o.png Sea Rats: Unfriendly 

51838278044_ee5feddce2_o.pngGarvey: Hostile

51836973092_f3744b97db_o.pngGrand Duchy of Terraversa: Hostile

51838277624_343c442ae4_o.pngCommonwealth of Terraversa: Hostile

51879728213_556249ea4e_o.pngPrio: Hostile

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png Alliances or pacts:  

  • None known, although rumours of a secret pact with Oleon are whispered across the Brick Seas...

Defining Characteristics

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by leadership for the purposes understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.  

50844073193_914e8430d8_o.png Naval power: • • • • • • • • • •

Once the dominant naval power in the Brick Seas, decades of civil war have eroded the ships and capabilities of the Mardierian Navy. The Mardierian Navy is mainly comprised of ageing capital ships and large frigates. Their shipbuilders tend to prioritise size and gun deck capacity over speed and manoeuvrability.

50844886852_3a5f158602_o.png Military power: • • • • • • •

Despite a shortage of manpower due to years of civil war, Mardier maintains a large army utilising a mixture of equipment, technology and tactics. Most of their soldiers are veterans of numerous campaigns. Military focus for now tends to be on the consolidation of Royal power although action in New Terra should not be ruled out.

50844804541_9880a2f267_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

The civil war has all but stalled scientific advancement in Mardier across all fields except military.

50844804626_6c99a23270_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • • • • • • • •

Known colloquially as the ‘Old Empire’ Mardierian influence has always spread far and wide. Mardierian diplomacy tends to centre on the belief that Mardier is the premier nation of the Madrice Peninsular, and all other nations are inferior.  

50844886787_ed222827b8_o.png Inner stability: • • • •  • • • •

While the civil war appears to have been concluded, King Alphonse’s rule is far from stable. Opposition within the nobility could reignite with little provocation. Other Mardierian colonies and territories may be encouraged to follow the example of Prio and Terraversa in declaring independence from Londa.

50844804471_27a053cf34_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • •

Although largely exhausted by 20 years of civil war, Mardierian coffers are starting to fill up with efforts by King Alphonse to consolidate his rule. Estates of Nobles who opposed the King are being sold to the highest bidders and money hidden away during the war is starting to re-appear.

50844804586_b0780a3365_o.png Exploration: • • • • • • • • • •

Mardierian explorers discovered New Terra and charted much of the region before other nations were even present in the area. Mardierian knowledge of New Terra probably exceeds that of all other nations of the Madrice peninsular.

50844073273_1eddbe845c_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

Mardierian culture is the root culture for most of the nations of the ‘Golden Triangle’ of the North Eastern Madrice Peninsular and continues to be influential in the region.

Known Mardierian Personalities and Organisations

King Alphonse’s Death Guard, A unit of elite soldiers that are the personal guard of King Alphonse.

Bumble Tuna Trading Company, A powerful trade company that once controlled the lucrative tuna fish market in the Prio Sea.

Admiral Armentura Cadiz, A commander in the Royal Mardierian Navy, he oversaw the purge of Charlatan Bay in 617.

Examples of Mardierian builds


Londa, Capital of Mardier by @Elostirion

Courtroom in Mardier by @Kai NRG

The Riverside Palace in Londa by @Kolonialbeamter

Examples of Mardierian Troops



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Primary Colour: Dark Blue

Secondary Colours: Gold/Yellow or Dark Red

Demonym: Garvian

Nickname: ‘The Fence of Madrice’

Primary Real World Influences: Coastal trade and fishing cities in the North Sea. Larger cities tend to be more like historical examples of Flensburg, Oslo or Dunkirk while smaller ones tend to be more like Trondheim or Tórshavn. Colonial settlements have a Danish Antilles feel. Landscape is generally that of coastal Norway or the Orkney Islands.

Ruler: King Harald of clan Isengrim 


King Harald, the "Soldier King" (by @Khorne)

Capital: Kieg

People and History

The south eastern coast of the ‘Golden Triangle’ of the Madrice peninsula is known for its rugged, wind swept terrain dotted with small deep water harbours. Battered by icy winds propelled forward by the Eye of Mimir, a maelstrom and freak weather phenomenon off the Garvian coast, the rough country is plagued by cold, snowy winters and only moderate summers - unlike its neighbours, who enjoy more a more temperate climate. This terrain shaped a tough, seafaring people who have long been known as avid seafarers whose living is made on the Brick Seas. As such the culture and traditions of the region developed significantly differently from the main areas of the ‘Golden Triangle’. The children of Gar the Conqueror are capricious and stubborn individualists, proud of their culture and history.

Towns and cities developed largely around the natural harbours on the coast. These population centres, being somewhat isolated from each other, often ddeveloped quite different cultures and traditions, and fostered a large degree of independence.

Although part of Mardier, the isolation of these cities, together with the differences in traditions and culture,these differences promoted a large degree of independence and the people of these cities collectively became known as the Garvians. Just before the Mardierian war against Corrington in the ‘War that Time Forgot’, these Garvian cities  formed a trade league led by the largest of the cities, Kieg. When Mardier fractured in 363AE, The Garvian League declared their independence from Mardier and thus the nation of Garvey was born. Ever since, Garvey has a reputation for successfully standing up to her larger neighbours. Garvey has won three major wars against Mardier, including the war for their own independence, and one major war against Eslandola in 470AE.

With the Mardierian discovery of New Terra, naturally the Garvians soon became involved. Although largely locked out of the region by the Mardierian Navy, Garvian smugglers soon developed a roaring trade facilitating the distribution of goods smuggled out of Mardierian colonies. From this their nickname ‘The Fence of Madrice’ was born. Despite their reputation as being merely traders and smugglers, it has to be noted that they have already claimed and settled three islands in the new world, making Garvey one of the leading nations in lasting colonial expansion. Their settlements of Prinport, Leopaldis and Freeport have all become vivid and influential trading hubs in the eastern seas.

When in 616 AE the conflicts between the at the time two leading colonial nations, Mardier and Eslandola, started to escalate and eventually turned into open war in 617 AE, Garvey sided with the Eslandolans. In large parts due to Garvey's unrelenting navy, they won and ended Mardier's dominance in the new world.

In 621 AE King Leopaldis passed away, partly of old age and after being stricken by a severe case of influenza. Left with no heir, the throne of the popular king went to his nephew Harald - a young prince who had proven himself many times in battle. Nicknamed 'the Soldier King', Harald had fought in the Mardierian Conflict and had an avid interest in all thing military-related. As such, he set out to modernize the small Garvian Royal Army and take a more prominent position in Terran politics by strengthening the ties with Garvey's neighbours.

Garvian Cities and Towns of note:

  • Kieg

Garvian Settlements in New Terra:

  • Prinport, Holder’s Rock, Sea of Storms
  • Leopaldis, Longjaw, Sea of Thieves
  • Freeport, Rum Isles, Prio Sea

Diplomatic Relations: 

Diplomatic relations are rated on a scale of 1-5 (1=Very Friendly, 2=Friendly, 3=Indifferent, 4=Unfriendly, 5=Very Unfriendly/Hostile. A rating of 5 doesn't necessarily mean the nations are at war and conversely a rating of 1 doesn't mean the nations have an alliance.)

51838278114_fba546cc01_o.pngCorrington: Indifferent

51836973357_ce7a01bcf6_o.pngOleon: Indifferent

51838032928_087495c1a7_o.pngEslandola: Very friendly

51838659090_2cb72ab40c_o.pngSea Rats: Friendly

51837921301_9edc30f9d6_o.pngMardier: Unfriendly

51838032973_44d403ddb9_o.pngCarno: Very friendly

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png Alliances or pacts:

  • 'The Winter Alliance', or officially the Lütz - Vestergaard Pact: an act of cooperation signed between Carno and Garvey in the winter of 621AE, by their respective foreign dignitaries Nils Lütz and Olav Vestergaard.

Defining Characteristics

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by leadership for the purposes of understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.  

50844073193_914e8430d8_o.png Naval power: • • • • • • • • • •

Garvians are proud to be known as a seafaring people and their naval prowess reflects this. The Garvian navy mostly operate smaller vessels with an emphasis on speed and agility which, when combined with their superior seamanship, makes them a formidable foe.

50844886852_3a5f158602_o.png Military power: • • • • • • • • •

As their military priorities focus more on their navy, Garvey only maintains a small, yet well trained and professional army. Large citizen militias can be called upon in times of national crisis, and Garvians have a reputation as tough fighters, especially stubborn in defence.

50844804541_9880a2f267_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

Little emphasis is placed on scientific advancement. The Garvians tend to be a more practical, utilitarian people. They are, however, really good at being the first to copy and adapt scientific advancements from other nations.

50844804626_6c99a23270_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • • • • • • • •

Garvians tend to go about their own business with little concern for the affairs of others, however are not afraid to challenge more powerful nations when they threaten Garvian commercial interests. Their strong economy and tradition of trade, further solidified by their colonial possessions, does tend to boost their standing and influence with the major nations.

50844886787_ed222827b8_o.png Inner stability: • • • • • • • •

Each region of Garvey have a Jarl, local men of stature within their society, who represents their city or province in the Parliament. The Parliament is headed by the King, however the King does not hold absolute power, and will usually defer to his parliament. The system serves Garvey well. King Leopaldis IV is a popular monarch who is supported by the parliament and has no known opposition.

50844804471_27a053cf34_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • • • •

Garvey is relatively wealthy from the volume of trade that is conducted in her territories, although low regulatory rules and no trade tariffs limit the amount of wealth collected by the central government.

50844804586_b0780a3365_o.png Exploration: • • • • • • • • • •

Avid seamen, the Garvians roam far and wide on the Brick Seas. Their understanding of New Terra is on par with the major nations and their ships are actively exploring the region. As such it does not surprise much that they have successfully claimed and colonized three islands in New Terra.

50844073273_1eddbe845c_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

As with science, Garvians tend to emphasis the practical and utilitarian. Their national culture is rather limited, as most traditions can be found within individuals and smaller organisations.

Known Garvian Personalities and Organisations


King Leopaldis IV - (deceased) born in 558 AE in Kieg, Leopaldis was crowned king at the age of 45 after his father Jardis II had died of old age in 603. While the handsome young man had always been a popular prince, his degree of esteem rose further when he finally put his father's plans into practice and started expanding Garvey's territories in New Terra.

Lord Maximilian Damaximus To honour his actions in the Eslando-Mardierian war of 616-7, this Eslandolan noble was made an honorary Prince of Garvey @Maxim I

Hendrick Janszoon (deceased) - Captain of the Garvian Privateer Black Oak – Captured by Corrington in 616 @Ayrlego

Major Jan Nieuwenaar (deceased) – Commander of a Garvian artillery battery during the siege of a Mardierian Royal Fortress on the Isle de Medio (Victoria). @Ayrlego

Examples of Garvian builds


Examples of Garvian Troops


Line infantry by @Khorne and Half Mortar Battery by @Ayrlego

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The Mokolei Empire and Allied States


MOK-350px.png   MOK-Alt-350px.png

Primary Colour: No single colour defines the Mokolei. Each satrap (administrative region) will use unique (generally bright) colours.

Secondary Colours: The Emperor generally uses green and dark red and most Mokolei armies will have green and dark red banners spread through their ranks.

Demonym: Mokolei

Nickname: ‘The Southern Empire’

Primary Real World Influences: A vast Mughal (Indo-Persian) style empire whose territories span from Arabic type culture in the north-east through to a more Persian type culture in the centre and around the capital before moving down to more Indian/Pakistani style cultures in the south.

Ruler: Emperor Jawed III


Capital: Mokolei

People and History

Very little is known among the nations of the Madrice peninsula concerning the history of the Mokolei Empire. Madrician scholars generally agree the empire was formed sometime towards the end of the Great Empire that once united most of the known lands of Halos and that the rise of the Mokolei coincided with the decline of the Great Empire. While still strong, the empire has not undergone any major expansion in the last 300 years and culturally and scientifically has begun to decline. The current Emperor, Jawed III, is in his 70’s and has pursued an inward focus for his reign. His son, Jawed IV is expected to ascend the throne on the death of his father and is rumoured to have more interest in external affairs than the last several Emperors.

The Mokolei Empire is made up of many different cultures over its vast expanse of territory that are ruled by a central dynasty. The core regions of the Empire are the lands around the capital from which the Mokolei people originate. As Mokolei power spread and new territories were absorbed, the Mokolei developed a method of minimal intervention in the local societies that they ruled. With local cultures and traditions left largely intact, the Mokolei administrated their new and diverse territories by infiltrating the local ruling class through marriage alliances or substitution while at the same time introducing a common bureaucratic method to support the local rulers and ensure taxes were paid and levies supplied to the central government. Each administrative area is known as a satrapy and is ruled by a satrap. The system has worked well for the Mokolei who have held together their vast empire for hundreds of years now.

The Empire is famous both it's trade in rare spices and the more basic commodity of salt. Salt production is centred around the large inland lakes found in the core region of the Mokolei and the salt trade was the cornerstone of which Mokolei power was originally founded.

While there are several main religions practised throughout the empire, ‘The Faith’ as practised by nations of the Madrice peninsular is not among them.

Mokolei Cities and Towns of note

  • Mokolei (Imperial Capital)
  • Tazelft
  • Morghun
  • Kahnabad
  • Malarpura

Mokolei Settlements in New Terra

None known

Diplomatic Relations: 

Diplomatic relations are rated on a scale of 1-5 (1=Very Friendly, 2=Friendly, 3=Indifferent, 4=Unfriendly, 5=Very Unfriendly/Hostile. A rating of 5 doesn't necessarily mean the nations are at war and conversely a rating of 1 doesn't mean the nations have an alliance.)

51838278114_fba546cc01_o.png Corrington: Indifferent 

51837921401_049bf92167_o.png Eslandola:  Indifferent 

51836973357_ce7a01bcf6_o.png Oleon: Indifferent 

51838277754_89e8fcd999_o.png Sea Rats: Indifferent 

51837921096_c2a86f0ab5_o.pngTellvolk: Belligerent

51838659150_ea408bb800_o.pngSelleek: Belligerent

51838032518_6e7d44a567_o.pngThe Middle Kingdoms: Belligerent

51838659335_2335d06efd_o.pngThe Great Alliance States: Belligerent

51838066898_0ed4fc776d_o.png War: 

  • No official state of war exists currently, however; constant cross border raids and skirmishes occur between the Mokolei Empire and the states of Tellvolk and Selleek. Occasional incursions and raids are also common with the The Middle Kingdoms and the Great Alliance States.

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png Alliances or pacts:

  • None known

Defining Characteristics

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by leadership for the purposes understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.  

50844073193_914e8430d8_o.png Naval power: • • • • • • • • • •

Mokolei power is largely land based and little attention is paid to the Navy. Coastal satrapies may raise small naval forces mainly for combating piracy. Galleys, xebecs and dhows are common. Larger Mokolei vessels have been seen in New Terra, but these are generally thought to be either trading vessels or pirates.

50844886852_3a5f158602_o.png Military power: • • • • • • •

The huge land armies for which the Mokolei are famous are mainly made up of levies raised and commanded by each satrap and as such equipment, uniforms and training vary greatly. The Emperor does maintain a relatively small (still bigger than most of the minor nations of Madrice) professional army that are better trained and equipped than most of the levies. Most local satraps also maintain small professional units that fight alongside the local levies. Artillery is very important to Mokolei armies and is used in most engagements. Artillery pieces range from huge siege guns that are hauled into place with elephants to smaller more mobile cannon. Cavalry also make up a large proportion of most Mokolei armies, both horse and camel mounted.

50844804541_9880a2f267_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

Mokolei scientists once led the field in advances ranging from military technology to medicine and agriculture. Indeed Madrician scholars believe gunpowder to have possibly been invented in the Empire, although rumours are that it actually originated in an unknown land to the south. Regardless Mokolei advances in science have been in decline for at least the last 200 years.

50844804626_6c99a23270_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • •  • • • • •

The sheer size of the Empire is enough to provoke either respect or fear from neighbouring nations. The Empire has however had an inward focus for the past hundred years or so. Cross border raiding and skirmishes are common in some areas, although these are almost always the result of local disputes and not Imperially instigated.

50844886787_ed222827b8_o.png Inner stability: • • • • • • • • •

The satrapy system with its large degree of local autonomy has been mostly successful in unifying the vast empire. However infighting between neighbouring satrapies is common and can consist of anything from raiding up to full scale battles that require Imperial intervention. In most cases the Emperor’s decrees are obeyed and major civil war is usually avoided although wars of succession have become more frequent in the last couple of centuries.

50844804471_27a053cf34_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • • •

The vast empire may have many poor subjects, but trade and a system of tributes from the satrapies has made both many satraps and the Emperor himself immensely rich. Bribes and corruption are also widespread, leading to further concentration of riches. The populace is rather poor, though, meaning there is a limited potential for further taxation, should a long period of war, famine, or disaster hit the empire.

50844804586_b0780a3365_o.png Exploration: • • • • • • • • •

The Mokolei are aware of the existence of New Terra and Mokolei ships have occasionally been spotted in the Brick Seas, however no Imperial effort has been made to explore or settle New Terra to date. Mokolei knowledge of the old world, especially to the south and west is however probably far superior to that of most nations of the Madrice peninsular.

50844073273_1eddbe845c_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

The Mokolei were for hundreds of years known throughout Halos for their art and culture. Of particular note are textiles, especially carpets and rugs, and poetry. Cultural advancement has slowed in the last couple of hundred years, although a strong legacy remains.  

Known Mokolei Personalities and Organisations

Emperor Jawed III Well into his 70's, Jawed III is a shrewd and cunning political operator who has successfully managed to hold together the many satrapies of the Empire throughout his long reign. This inward focus was inherited from his father, and his father before him as the dynasty struggles to hold the Empire together. His son, also Jawed, is rumoured to be just as ruthless but have a much keener interest in the world outside of the Empire.

Examples of Mokolei builds


An example of North-Eastern Mokolei architecture by @Ayrlego

Examples of Mokolei troops


Infantry: Imperial Janissary (heavy infantry), Nizami musketeers (x2) (line infantry),  Kvarnerić Pandour (light infantry), Mokolei Shamshiri (melee infantry). Cavalry: Imperial Guard Cavalry, Nizami Lancer, Camel Tribesman.

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Primary Colour: Light/Medium Blue

Secondary Colours: Dark Blue, Grey

Demonym: Varcosian

Nickname: ‘The Land of 1000 forests’

Primary Real World Influences: Climate and geography similar the western Balkans (eg. Croatia) but with more forests and significant marshes/bogs. Culture has characteristics  of Celtic/Druidic cultures of western Europe, Ireland and Brittany in particular.

Ruler: King Friedrich


Capital: Lisreagh

People and History

Varcoast was founded from break up of the short lived Madrice Empire in 106AE at the same time as Oleon, Corrington and Pontilla. Varcoast is located at the far south western end of the Madrice peninsula where the peninsula meets continental Halos. Varcoast's often rainy landscape is covered in dense forests and rocky ranges with peat bogs common in the lowlands. Agriculture and forestry dominate Varcosian industry with the majority of people living in small scattered villages working the land.

It has been a poor country for centuries, although a small nobility and mercantile class thrive in the few larger cities. When the times are tough, and times are often tough, the people do what they have to survive. Most have little interest in politics or events outside their village or district. Banditry is common in the dense forests of the interior and some piracy occurs on the coast. The inhospitable landscape has forged a stubborn and tough people who are strongly guided by tradition and the old ways. While they are welcoming and hospitable to peaceful travellers, most are happy to keep to themselves and not travel beyond the next village. Varcosians will never submit to foreign rule and their stubbornness is reflected in the way they fight, using their terrain to it's best advantage and defending their homeland fanatically, as shown in the few historic attempts by neighbouring nations to conquer them.

Varcoast's aging King Friedrich is without a direct heir and over the last several years has entrusted his court, led by his most trusted advisor, Ludwig von Altenburg, with greater responsibility in running the nation. His cousin Wilhelm will inherit the crown, although this worries most of the conservative court as it is widely believed that Wilhelm harbours very radical views on foreign policy.

Varcosian Cities and Towns of note

  • Lisreagh
  • Bellmond

Varcosian Settlements in New Terra

  • None known

Diplomatic Relations:

Diplomatic relations are rated on a scale of 1-5 (1=Very Friendly, 2=Friendly, 3=Indifferent, 4=Unfriendly, 5=Very Unfriendly/Hostile. A rating of 5 doesn't necessarily mean the nations are at war and conversely a rating of 1 doesn't mean the nations have an alliance.)

51838278114_fba546cc01_o.png Corrington: Indifferent 

51837921401_049bf92167_o.png Eslandola:  Indifferent 

51838277889_4dbaeaff95_o.pngOleon: Unfriendly

51838277754_89e8fcd999_o.png Sea Rats: Indifferent 

Pontilla: 2 Friendly

51836973467_3e592901b1_o.pngMokolei: Unfriendly

51838278019_42c00fb7cd_o.pngThe Great Alliance States: Unfriendly

51838066898_0ed4fc776d_o.png War: 

  • None currently, although occasionally they face raids on their western borders.

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png Alliances or pacts:  

  • Defensive Alliance with Pontilla

Varcosian Characteristics

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by leadership for the purposes understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.  

50844073193_914e8430d8_o.png Naval power: • • • • • • • • • •

Varcoast only has a small navy mostly consisting of older models of ships that are smaller, slower and not very manoeuvrable. Cogs are used a lot. The navy generally operates in the coastal waters and is adequate to transport men and materials up and down the coast.

50844886852_3a5f158602_o.png Military power: • • • • • • • • •

The King maintains a small professional army that has successfully integrated new innovations such as muskets and cannon into older style formations of armoured pikemen. Formations combining musketeers and pikemen have proved effective in engagements against the mainly mounted armies of their western neighbours. Despite some initial resistance to the introduction of gunpowder, Varcosians have become renown for their marksmanship.

50844804541_9880a2f267_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

Generally anything new that threatens the old ways is initially viewed with much suspicion. For example the introduction of gunpowder into the army only around 50 years ago initially met stiff resistance.

50844804626_6c99a23270_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • • • • • • • •

Varcosians mostly have little interest in expansion or even contact with other nations. In general they prefer to keep their borders as closed as possible and have minimal contact with the outside world. They have however, successfully worked together with Pontilla in the past which led to a defensive alliance that stands today.

50844886787_ed222827b8_o.png Inner stability: • • • • • • • • •

Varcoast is stable and calm and has been ruled by King Friedrich for decades. King Friedrich has the support of his court and nobles, but his power is more of the symbolic type. Rumours of a hidden plot have spread lately, causing a little uncertainty among the few that care about such things. 

50844804471_27a053cf34_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • • • •

Although they are poor, they are a proud people. The majority of the population are tied to the land they work and generate little wealth, although a significant trade in timber, especially to the Molokei to the south brings in a steady income for the crown.

50844804586_b0780a3365_o.png Exploration: • • • • • • • • •

Most Varcosians are content never to leave their village or district, let alone leave the country. This attitude does not nurture a desire for exploration and while they are aware of New Terra, there are no plans to explore or colonise at this stage. This may change if Wilhelm ever ascends the throne.

50844073273_1eddbe845c_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

The mainly agrarian culture works hard and has little time for refined things. They do however have a lively tradition of song and dance, and villages will usually hold several major festivals a year such as at Harvest time. The Truachesh religion has taken hold among many commoners, especially in remote regions, although the majority of people and almost all the nobility adhere to the 'Faith'. Some Mokolei beliefs are practised in the Southern border regions.

Known Varcosian Personalities and Organisations

King Friedrich

Wilhelm - Cousin to King Friedrich and heir to the throne

Ludwig von Altenburg - Prime Minister

Alexander Braun - Commander of Varcosian forces

Examples of Varcosian builds

Coming soon!

Examples of Varcosian troops




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or the Gateway to the New World



The original inhabitants of Terraversa are the Atwi tribe. In the more than a hundred years after Basker's discovery of Terraversa, the Atwi have mingled with the Mardierians and other Halosian inhabitants of the newly founded settlements, with some children already being in their fourth or even fifth generation of mixed races. Terraversans have grown to be a self-aware people with a strong national pride, which some may even consider arrogant. They open their doors to foreigners, yet hold their possessions dearly and don't make any donations.


In 508 AE Mardierian explorer Ardmond Basker discovered the island of Terraversa, almost a thousand miles further east than any other island that had previously been discovered in the Sea of Storms. Since then Terraversa has been the most crucial gateway to the new world and Mardier used control of Terraversa to prevent other Mardician nations from accessing the new world.

This changed with the death of King Harln of Mardier, and the ensuing civil war that began in 595AE. Eslandola approached Carlo Oldis, the Viceroy of Terraversa and paid him handsomely for permission to access King’s Port for trade and exploration. The Viscount agreed and eventually allowed all nations to pay for the privilege to visit the island. As the civil war raged on in Mardier, Terraversa; led mostly Carlo Oldis and his son Miro after him, struggled to loosen Mardierian control over the island. After more than twenty years of fighting, the civil war finally ended in early March 617 AE and as part of the resulting peace, Terraversa gained independence.

Independence was short lived. Excessive taxation of foreign shipping led to a fall in revenue and resentment from the merchant classes. Meanwhile, political rivalry between Archduke Oldis and Admiral L’Olius led many of the aristocracy to wish for a return to imperial order. The major powers in the New World competed for influence and access to Terraversa’s vital ports with Oleon backing the ‘Loyalist’ movement who wanted a return to Imperial times, Eslandola seeking favourable trading conditions from Oldis and the merchants of King’s Port and Corrington supporting L’Olius from his stronghold in Westface. The uneasy peace was shattered in August 620 when Oleon; supported by the Terraversan ‘Loyalists’ in Nola Mar,  commenced a full on invasion of the island. After heavy fighting and a long siege, King’s Port fell to Oleon in January 621 with Oldis fleeing to nearby Pamu where a strong force of Eslandolan mercenaries had recently disembarked. Meanwhile Corrington had declared war on Oleon in September 620 and sent a large expeditionary force to L’Olius in Westface. The Treaty of Pamu officially ended the Second War of Terraversan Independence as well as the independent nation of Terraversa. The island was partitioned into four zones, two independent Terraversas led by Oldis and L’Olius respectively, a central portion of Oleon controlled territory and the interior classified as Atwi tribal lands and creating a buffer between the other three zones.

Having only recently split, the two ‘independent’ Terraversan States; the Grand Duchy of Terraversa (commonly referred to West Terraversa) and the Commonwealth of Terraversa (commonly referred to as East Terraversa) share many characteristics.

Grand Duchy of Terraversa (West Terraversa)

Flag: 37749205066_db1a590e1e_n.jpg

Primary Colours: Yellow and Gold

Secondary Colours: Blue and White

Demonym: Terraversan

Nickname:  ‘West Terraversa’. The Island itself is sometimes referred to as 'The Gateway to the New World' or 'The Line',

Primary Real World Influences: Mardier, which had colonized and owned Terraversa until recently, still hast the most significant influence on the island. In the real world the Spanish Caribbean Colonies, colonial Cuba, Dominican Republic/Haiti and Puerto Rico, all fit the young nation very well. For landscape Madeira is a great inspiration.

Ruler: Miro Oldis, Archduke of Terraversa (formerly Viscount of Mardier)

38114018766_61708096f9_n.jpg 38138095782_0f8a2e79f9_n.jpg

Capital: Kings Port

West Terraversan Cities and Towns of note

  • Kings Port, on the island of Terraversa
  • Minor settlements: Pamu, Tanari,

Diplomatic Relations: 

Diplomatic relations are rated on a scale of 1-5 (1=Very Friendly, 2=Friendly, 3=Indifferent, 4=Unfriendly, 5=Very Unfriendly/Hostile. A rating of 5 doesn't necessarily mean the nations are at war and conversely a rating of 1 doesn't mean the nations have an alliance.)

51838278114_fba546cc01_o.pngCorrington: Indifferent

51838659400_6bfa474fc2_o.pngEslandola: Very Friendly

51838277904_c83731309b_o.pngOleon: Very Unfriendly/Hostile

51838277754_89e8fcd999_o.pngSea Rats: Indifferent

51837920971_a97092f5e5_o.pngCommonwealth of Terraversa: Unfriendly

51838278034_a06c1cd078_o.pngGarvey: Friendly

51837921301_9edc30f9d6_o.pngMardier: Unfriendly

51879728158_44a65a0f99_o.pngPrio: Very Friendly

51838066898_0ed4fc776d_o.png War: 

  • None, a fragile peace exists with both the East Terraversa and Oleon.

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png Alliances or pacts:  

  • Brothers in Arms with Prio, supporting them in their struggle against Mardier (link). 
  • Free trade agreement with Eslandola.

Defining Characteristics

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by leadership for the purposes understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.  

50844073193_914e8430d8_o.png Naval power: • • • • • • • • • •

With almost the entire Terraversan war fleet remaining in Westface after the second Terraversan war of independence, King’s Port does not currently field a dedicated navy. However the large trade fleet based in King’s Port is well armed and trained and are capable of defending themselves. It remains to be seen if Oldis will attempt to create a separate war fleet, perhaps with support from Eslandola or Prio.

50844886852_3a5f158602_o.png Military power: • • • • • • • •

Two lengthy wars of independence and the resulting partitioning of Terraversa have created many experienced soldiers and militias; however have left the standing army in disorganised ruin. A significant portion of the officer corps defected to Oleon during the second war and many others were lost during the battle of King’s Port. The army requires significant investment and re-building. Whether this will occur, or whether Oldis will adapt a policy of relying on mercenaries and private armies similar to his new Eslandolan allies, remains to be seen.

50844804541_9880a2f267_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • • 

Mardier has never been a nation of scientists, and it never had to. Useful new technologies have always been brought to the island, both from east and west - and the Terraversans took them, adapted and used. With their past focus on being Mardier's gateway to the New World and then switching focus to the war of independence, they still massively lack in any kind of educational system. So while their general technological standard is rather high, they are far from achieving any progress themselves.

50844804626_6c99a23270_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • • • • • • • •

The partitioning of Terraversa has cast an impression of weakness over the shrunken nation. Oldis’ defeat in the battle of King’s Port has reduced his status and many openly whisper he is a puppet of the great Eslandolan Trade Companies. King’s Port; as damaged as it is, still commands a strategic position in the New World and it’s merchants will likely rebuild swiftly.  Whether this will be enough to regain influence, or if Oldis can hold onto power, remains to be seen.

50844886787_ed222827b8_o.png Inner stability: • • • • • • • • • 

Miro Oldis, succeeding his father as Terraversan governor, has led the troops to their final victory over King Alphonse of Mardier's Death Guard, declaring independence on the battlefield himself! His legendary status as leader of the first war of independence is dampened; however, by his loss in the second. Negotiating the return of King’s Port from Oleon saved some face, but his grip on power is still somewhat precarious.

50844804471_27a053cf34_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • •

More than twenty years of constant fighting for independence emptied the governmental coffers and the nation had not fully recovered before the outbreak of the second war of independence. Now King’s Port is in ruins after a lengthy siege and requires re-building. Infrastructure is also in tatters. The location of King’s Port, however, still bears great potential and the loss of territory to Oleon and East Terraversa has the unexpected effect of reducing the area needed to expend funds on. Whether the new Government can recover will strongly depend on the adequate use of trade and tax politics. On top much of the newly gained money will have to be re-invested immediately, to setup the infrastructure Terraversa needs to prevail as a nation of its own.

50844804586_b0780a3365_o.png Exploration: • • • • • • • • • • 

The legacy of Mardier means that potentially some Terraversans may know places in the east that no other nation knows about and some merchants may be taking advantage of this knowledge. Despite this, exploration is of very little priority to the fledging nation and maritime focus remains firmly on trade.

50844073273_1eddbe845c_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

The Mardierian cultural influence in Terraversa is still strong, and the Atwi tribe has enriched traditions even further. With sailors from all nations halting on the island, Terraversa has long been a melting pot of all variations of the most different cultures. The nation will have to pick the best aspects to form a cultural identity of its own, which is currently little less than the pride of being "The Gateway" between the worlds.

Known Terraversan Personalities and Organisations

Miro Oldis, current ruler of the Grand Duchy of Terraversa, former Mardierian Viscount and hero of the first War of Terraversan Independence. Oldis now has to recover his reputation as a ruler and lay the foundations to rebuild King’s Port into the gateway to the New World.

Cristóbal Diego L'Olius, descendant of the Atwi tribe and Terraversan maritime hero. Once one of the Mardierian Royal Family's favourite captains, he sided with his homeland Terraversa in the Civil War. He fought glorious battles at Sea, raided the Eslandolan Town of Fuerte Unido and by many is said to have invoked the Eslando-Mardierian war. (For more see The L'Olius Case1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6; also see revenge on L'Olius).

Ardmond Basker (Mardierian), discovered Terraversa in 508 AE, died in 533 AE in Kings Port.

The Terraversa Rebels, a soccer team, reached the quarter finals in the Trador Soccer Cup of 617 AE (see here).

Examples of West Terraversan builds


MOCs in Terraversa: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19

Examples of West Terraversan troops

Prima Compañía, the first official Terraversan miltary unit.

Commonwealth of Terraversa (East Terraversa)

Flag: 1706730629_COTFlag.jpg.fd61a9e993475223c45a86278a4e0e42.jpg

Primary Colours: Yellow and red, most often in combination.

Secondary Colours: Brown, Gold

Demonym: Terraversan

Nickname: 'East Terraversa’,

Primary Real World Influences: Mardier, which had colonized and owned Terraversa until recently, still hast the most significant influence on the island. In the real world the Spanish Caribbean Colonies, colonial Cuba, Dominican Republic/Haiti and Puerto Rico, all fit the young nation very well. For landscape Madeira is a great inspiration.

Ruler: Cristóbal Diego L'Olius, Grand Admiral

(for more see The L'Olius Case1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6; also see revenge on L'Olius).

Capital: Westface

East Terraversan Cities and Towns of note:

  • Tarlor
  • South Sillitholina

Diplomatic Relations: 

Diplomatic relations are rated on a scale of 1-5 (1=Very Friendly, 2=Friendly, 3=Indifferent, 4=Unfriendly, 5=Very Unfriendly/Hostile. A rating of 5 doesn't necessarily mean the nations are at war and conversely a rating of 1 doesn't mean the nations have an alliance.)

51838278084_eb72d22776_o.pngCorrington: Very Friendly

51837921401_049bf92167_o.pngEslandola: Indifferent

51838277904_c83731309b_o.pngOleon: Very Unfriendly/Hostile

51838277754_89e8fcd999_o.pngSea Rats: Indifferent

51837920916_ddc2931740_o.pngGrand Duchy of Terraversa: Unfriendly

51838659375_ceac710522_o.pngGarvey: Indifferent

51837921301_9edc30f9d6_o.pngMardier: Unfriendly

51879653746_339b4e3f11_o.pngPrio: Friendly

51838066898_0ed4fc776d_o.png War: 

  • None, a fragile peace exists with both the East Terraversa and Oleon.

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png Alliances or pacts:

  • Brothers in Arms with Prio, supporting them in their struggle against Mardier (link). 
  • Free trade agreement with Corrington.

Defining Characteristics

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by leadership for the purposes understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.  

50844073193_914e8430d8_o.png Naval power: • • • • • • • • •

L'Olius is one of the most famous captains alive in the Brick Seas, and a hero of the first Terraversan war of independence. The Terraversan war fleet was loyal to him personally and remained with him in Westface on the partitioning of Terraversa after the second war of independence. The fleet is small but well trained and experienced.

50844886852_3a5f158602_o.png Military power: • • • • • • • •

Two lengthy wars of independence and the resulting partitioning of Terraversa have created many experienced soldiers and militias; however have left the standing army in disorganised ruin. A significant portion of the officer corps defected to Oleon during the second war, many others were lost during the battle of King’s Port and fewer still chose to remain in East Terraversa after the partitioning.

50844804541_9880a2f267_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • • 

Mardier has never been a nation of scientists, and it never had to. Useful new technologies have always been brought to the island, both from east and west - and the Terraversans took them, adapted and used. With their past focus on being Mardier's gateway to the New World and then switching focus to the war of independence, they still massively lack in any kind of educational system. So while their general technological standard is rather high, they are far from achieving any progress themselves. Whether Corrington will influence the young nation in this area remains to be seen.

50844804626_6c99a23270_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • • • • • • • •

The partitioning of Terraversa has cast an impression of weakness over the shrunken nation and L’Olius’ failure to support Oldis during the siege of King’s Port has reduced his status and many openly whisper he is a puppet of the Corrington. Westface; although undamaged by the war, does not command as strategic position as King’s Port and it is unclear if L’Olius will seek to improve facilities there.

50844886787_ed222827b8_o.png Inner stability: • • • • • • • • • 

L’Olius has been building a loyal following in Westface for some years and is overwhelmingly popular among the mixed race Terraversans who make up a large portion of the community in Westface. He is; however, inexperienced in government and more suited to commanding a ship of the line. Whether he will listen to advice and mange to hold the new nation together remains to be seen.

50844804471_27a053cf34_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • • •

The new nation is effectively starting from scratch, as most of the former government coffers were located in King’s Port and Oldis certainly won’t be sharing them. The new nation does have some economic advantages; until King’s Port is rebuilt or Nola Mar developed, Westface is the largest port on Terraversa and the nation inherited the vast plantations in the ‘Great Plantation’ region that generated a significant portion of the raw materials produced in old Terraversa. These advantages must be immediately exploited for the new nation to succeed.

50844804586_b0780a3365_o.png Exploration: • • • • • • • • • • 

The legacy of Mardier means that potentially some Terraversans may know places in the east that no other nation knows about and some merchants may be taking advantage of this knowledge. Despite this, exploration is of very little priority to the fledging nation and maritime focus remains firmly on trade.

50844073273_1eddbe845c_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

The Mardierian cultural influence in Terraversa is still strong, and the Atwi tribe has enriched traditions even further. With sailors from all nations halting on the island, Terraversa has long been a melting pot of all variations of the most different cultures. The nation will have to pick the best aspects to form a cultural identity of its own, which is currently little less than the pride of being "The Gateway" between the worlds.

Examples of East Terraversan troops

East Terraversan Troops

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Jameis Farstrider's Guide to the Guelph Peninsula


The Guelph peninsula is situated in the 'midlands' of Halos and is the second largest peninsula on the west coast after the Madrice. Generally the climate is hot and dry in the interior and humid along the coast. Rugged and rocky mountain ranges span some regions while large tracks of both sand and gravel desert dominate the majority of the landscape. The region has few lakes or permanent rivers. Most areas are drained by ephemeral watercourses called wadis, which are dry except during the rainy season. These wadis are dotted by vibrant oases, fed from plentiful underground aquifers. Goats and sheep are farmed in fertile valleys that dot the mountainous regions while fish is a staple in the coastal areas. Grains are farmed in the few areas suitable for crops, mainly in terraces around the mountains. The peninsula is famous for its date production and dates are eaten with most meals. Other common crops include apricots, peaches, figs, and olives.


A great civilisation known as Pyros once flourished on the peninsula, however little is known about it except for the fact that it fell long before the time of the 'Great Empire'. All that is left are remains of great buildings, the most famous of which are the Great Pyramids of Ma'din in Tellvok, referred to locally as the 'Tombs of the Ancients'. Although officially a part of the Great Empire, Imperial presence on the peninsula was mainly concentrated in Guelph, and thus had only a minor influence on the development of the region outside the main cities.

With the fall of the Great Empire came the rise of the Mokolei to the South. As the Mokolei swept north, they managed to take some of the west-most regions, but the inhospitable terrain and fierce resistance kept them from occupying the majority of the peninsula.

By this stage four main nations had been established, Guelph, Pan, Salleek and Tellvok. In 459AE the largest and most westerly of these nations, Guelph, came under the control of Oleon. With the death of the King without a clear heir,  Oleon claimed a personal union through the son of one of his wives who was linked to the Oleon Royal House. A small civil war ensued, with some tribes supporting the union and others rejecting it. The Oleon faction was victorious and the two kingdoms merged, with Guelph becoming known as New Oleon. Thus began two centuries of the 'Oleonisation' of Guelph and today the region is a loyal part of the Empire of Oleon, although occasionally some of the more remote desert tribes revolt. 

The caravan cultures of Tellvok, Pan and Salleek continued much unchanged. As the nations of the Madrice peninsular developed and the Mokolei satrapies became more chaotic, Tellvok began to foster greater trade, focusing on connecting the goods of Southern Halos with those of the Madrice Peninsular. Meanwhile, the more rugged southern coastlines of Pan and Salleek become a safe haven for corsairs preying on the increased coastal trade, further encouraging the movement of goods across the desert by caravan.


The desolate and isolated nature of the peninsula has nurtured a tough and resilient people. Caravan routes flourish across the deserts, with goods flowing from the coastal cities into the interior. Pearls, dates, dried fish and fish paste are all valuable commodities. Societies tend to be tribal and divided between nomadic and agricultural. Coastal tribes are usually excellent seafarers who tend to confine themselves to coastal routes, although ocean-going vessels are not unknown.

With the exception of New Oleon, the majority of the people of the region are followers of the Sun God Ra. The region is an ancient one, thought to date back to the time of the pyramids. This religion spreads into the North Eastern Mokolei states and is characterised by gods that have the bodies of humans with the heads of animals (members of the Order commonly refer to them as 'beast gods'). 




Primary Colour: Black

Secondary Colours: Dark Red, Grey/Silver

Demonym: Tellvoki

Nickname: ‘Home of the Pyramids’ 'The Scorpion Sultanate' 'Gateway to the South'

Primary Real World Influences: Ottoman Egypt. Ancient remains resemble ancient Egyptian structures like the Pyramids. 

Ruler: Sultan Haran Scorpi

Capital: A'Anbaal

People and History

See Jameis Farstrider's Guide to the Guelph Peninsula for background on the Guelph States.

In contrast to other peoples of the Guelph Peninsula, Tellvoki are a more urbanised, open society and fiercely prides itself as descendants of the ancient Pyros Empire. Tellvok is ruled from A'Anbaal in the west, though most foreign trade flows through Ma'din. In the rest of the country, pastoral nomads roam, returning to the two cities to sell their livestock once a year. Border skirmishes with the Mokolei are limited to tribal warfare between clans on the border.

Trade is extremely important to the Tellvoki, and caravan routes across the harsh interior carry goods from the northern Tellvoki cities to the nations of the south.   

Tellvoki Cities and Towns of note



Tellvoki Settlements in New Terra

None known

Diplomatic Relations: 


Diplomatic relations are rated on a scale of 1-5 (1=Very Friendly, 2=Friendly, 3=Indifferent, 4=Unfriendly, 5=Very Unfriendly/Hostile. A rating of 5 doesn't necessarily mean the nations are at war and conversely a rating of 1 doesn't mean the nations have an alliance.)

51838278114_fba546cc01_o.png Corrington: Indifferent

Eslandola: 2 Friendly

51836973357_ce7a01bcf6_o.png Oleon: Indifferent

51838277754_89e8fcd999_o.png Sea Rats: Indifferent

51838032803_56172438c0_o.png Mokolei Empire: Belligerent

51838066898_0ed4fc776d_o.png  War:   While an official state of war between Tellvolk and Selleek and the Mokolei Empire does not exist, an almost constant state of cross-border raids and skirmishes is currently occurring.

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png  Alliances or pacts: A loose, informal Defensive Alliance with Salleek and Pan. Recent overtures from Eslandola have left a favourable impression on the Sultan

Tellvoki Characteristics

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by leadership for the purposes understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.  

50844073193_914e8430d8_o.png Naval power: • • • • • • • • • •

Tellvok possesses a number of merchant trading vessels, but they are often poorly armed or privately owned. Most of these ships are not designed for deep water travel, rather they are designed for the coastal trade up and down the coast of Halos. A small number of ocean-going vessels are thought to be maintained by private merchants and the Sultan.

51838693735_70cf3c65f4_o.png Military power: • • • • • • • • • •

A small Royal Guard is maintained by the sultan and is concentrated around the cities of A'Anbaal and Ma'din, both of which also have urban militias. Outside of the cities, the main tribes maintain their own forces which can be called upon by the Sultan in times of need.

51838312434_f9d9cb330f_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

Although mostly a conservative society, the amount of trade that flows through Tellvok means that they are exposed to more technological advances than some of their neighbours. Despite a traditional resistance to change, some of these new ideas are slowly being adapted.

51837955106_e69df49f75_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • • • • • • • •

While Tellvok has little influence outside of the region, it's extensive network of merchants up and down the Halosian coast are known to make lasting, informal relationships. Tellvoki merchants have a reputation for driving a hard bargain but are generally seen as reliable. 

51837007712_405ec0df0f_o.png Inner stability: • • • • • • • • • •

Although Tellvok has a largely decentralised structure of governance, the relative wealth of the small nation ensures loyalty to the Sultan, who is a popular ruler.

51837007692_d328ab9baf_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • • • •

Taxes on merchant goods generates the majority of wealth for the Sultanate. Taxes are kept at a reasonable level, and much of the revenue is reinvested into the community and cultural projects.

51838066948_4413621846_o.png Exploration: • • • • • • • • •

Tellvok is aware of the new world, and the nation's merchants are keen to exploit new markets to the east. However little-coordinated effort has been made to actually do so to date.

50844073273_1eddbe845c_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

The Tellvoki are incredibly proud of their rich heritage and culture and the Sultanate actively invests in cultural projects.

Known Tellvoki Personalities and Organisations

Sultan Haran Scorpi

Prince Soufian Scorpi, 5th Son of the Sultan

Seif Calli, a MAESTRO trader with Tellvoki origins.

Examples of Tellvoki builds

Coming soon!

Examples of Tellvoki troops

Coming Soon!


Flag: No centralised flag is recognised, although the below flag (or variations of) is common.


Primary Colour: No centralised colour is recognised, although Yellow and Red are common.

Secondary Colours: None known

Demonym: Salleeki

Nickname:  'The Corsair Coast'

Primary Real World Influences: A decentralised federation of tribes similar to the Barbary States of North-Western Africa. Terrain similar to the Horn of Africa region of Somalia - desolate coastline sprinkled with many small fishing villages and corsair settlements.

Ruler: Salaad ibn Hassan 

Capital: Gan

People and History

See Jameis Farstrider's Guide to the Guelph Peninsula for background on the Guelph States.

The most conservative and traditional people of the Guelph peninsula, the Salleeki are segmented into a number of clan or tribal groupings. The leader of the Hasan clan that controls the largest city Gan is usually recognised with the title of Sultan of all the Salleeki, although in reality this title usually wields little influence outside their own territory.

Unlike their Tellvolki and Paniote neighbours, the Salleeki remain extremely resistant to outside influence or advancements and the majority live life much as their ancestors did during previous centuries. Caravans travel the north/south routes through the desert, although in smaller numbers than neighbouring Pan, and external trade is not as prevalent. 

Corsairs are prolific along the coastline and provide a major source of income for coastal tribes.

Salleeki Cities and Towns of note


Salleeki Settlements in New Terra

None known

Diplomatic Relations: 


Diplomatic relations are rated on a scale of 1-5 (1=Very Friendly, 2=Friendly, 3=Indifferent, 4=Unfriendly, 5=Very Unfriendly/Hostile. A rating of 5 doesn't necessarily mean the nations are at war and conversely a rating of 1 doesn't mean the nations have an alliance.)

Corrington: 4 Unfriendly

Eslandola: 4 Unfriendly

Oleon: 4 Unfriendly

51837921126_978e23245c_o.png Sea Rats: Unfriendly 

51838032803_56172438c0_o.png Mokolei Empire: Belligerent 

51838066898_0ed4fc776d_o.png War:  While an official state of war between Tellvolk and Selleek and the Mokolei Empire does not exist, an almost constant state of cross border raids and skirmishes is currently occurring.

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png Alliances or pacts: A loose, informal Defensive Alliance with Tellvok and Pan.

Salleeki Characteristics

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by leadership for the purposes understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.  

51837007732_d37fefea3a_o.png Naval power: • • • • • • • • •

The coastal villages and towns of Salleek host large numbers of skilled seafarers, who are notorious corsairs and pirates. Like Pan, the Salleeki favour ocean going galleys and xebecs. Although each group are as likely to raid each other as well as outsiders, in times of great threat they have been known to come together and fight as a unified fleet.

51838693735_70cf3c65f4_o.png Military power: • • • • • • • • • •

The Salleeki field no unified army. Rather each tribal chief usually maintains a number of household warriors and can call on levies in times of need. Warriors are mostly mounted on horse or camel, firearms have become common, although are often antiquated compared with Madrician weapons.

51838312434_f9d9cb330f_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

The deeply conservative tribal culture of Salleek does not encourage scientific development. The majority of the Salleeki live much the same as their ancestors. 

51837955106_e69df49f75_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • • • • • • • •

The loosely based tribal system does not lend itself to outside political or diplomatic influence. The Sultan wields little influence outside of Gan.

51837007712_405ec0df0f_o.png Inner stability: • • • • • • • • • •

Although there is no central government, the patrilineal clan families remain relatively stable. Inter-clan skirmishes are common, although they are usually short-lived and limited in nature.

51837007692_d328ab9baf_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • • • •

No central treasury is maintained, individual chieftains retain differing amounts of wealth.

51838066948_4413621846_o.png Exploration: • • • • • • • • • •

Mostly a closed society, their conservative culture does not encourage outside exploration, foreigners are generally mistrusted, especially those from the Madrice Peninsula who are mostly equated to the Oleon 'invaders' of Guelph.

50844073273_1eddbe845c_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

The tribes of Salleek remain deeply conservative and resistant to anything that threatens the established status quo. The clans use deeply ingrained customary law to govern their communities with complete independence.

Known Saleeki Personalities and Organisations

None known

Examples of Saleeki builds

Coming soon!

Examples of Saleeki troops

Coming soon!




Primary Colour: Gold

Secondary Colours: Brown

Demonym: Paniotes

Nickname:  'Pearl of Guelphia"

Primary Real World Influences: Hassana is a large, well-protected port on a rocky coastline, not unlike Muscat, Oman. Interior of the nation is largely arid with a landscape similar to Oman or Yemen on the Southern end of the Arabian peninsula.

Ruler: Sultan Tariq III

Capital: Hassana

People and History

See Jameis Farstrider's Guide to the Guelph Peninsula for the History and Geography of the Guelph States.

Pan is the smallest nation of the Guelph Peninsula and is based around the heavily fortified coastal city of Hassana. Hassana's excellent natural harbour is encompassed by a series of rugged rocky peaks. A series of strong fortresses take advantage of this terrain to make Hassana virtually impregnable. There are few other substantial settlements, although none come close to Hassana in size and population. Small settlements can be found along the coast and around oases or other permanent water sources inland. The coast around Hassana is famous for the pearl industry, giving the nation its nickname 'the Pearl of the Guelphia'. As with much of the Guelph peninsula, dates are the primary crop grown in areas around permanent water, with only enough grain production to just sustain the population. Fishing is the main source of protein for most Paniotes and goat is the most common livestock. Corsairs are present along the coastline of Pan, although not in the large numbers experienced in Salleek to the west and not so overt. The Sultan's fleet is known to periodically crack down on corsairs, although it is common knowledge that the Sutlan's officials can usually be paid off. Fleet captains themselves are not unknown to engage in piracy occasionally. 

During the short civil war that preceded the Oleon union with Guelph, Pan sided with Guelphi nationalists and this has produced a historic enmity with Oleon, who even after 150 years most Paniotes consider foreign occupiers of their northern neighbour.

Paniote Cities and Towns of note


Paniote Settlements in New Terra

None known

Diplomatic Relations: 


Diplomatic relations are rated on a scale of 1-5 (1=Very Friendly, 2=Friendly, 3=Indifferent, 4=Unfriendly, 5=Very Unfriendly/Hostile. A rating of 5 doesn't necessarily mean the nations are at war and conversely a rating of 1 doesn't mean the nations have an alliance.)

51838278114_fba546cc01_o.png Corrington: Indifferent 

51837921401_049bf92167_o.png Eslandola:  Indifferent

Oleon: 4 Unfriendly

51838277754_89e8fcd999_o.png Sea Rats: Indifferent 

Mokolei: 4 Unfriendly

51838066898_0ed4fc776d_o.png War:  None known

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png Alliances or pacts: A loose, informal Defensive Alliance with Salleek and Tellvok.

Paniote Characteristics

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by leadership for the purposes understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.  

50844073193_914e8430d8_o.png Naval power: • • •  • • • • •

Natural seafarers, Pan boasts a relatively large fleet of galleys and xebecs which are mostly under control of the Sultan. Larger trade ships are also common, with some occasionally being sighted in the waters of New Terra.

50844886852_3a5f158602_o.png Military power: • • • • • • • • •

The Sultan maintains a small elite Royal Guard based in Hassana. The guard is well trained and motivated and is tasked with protecting the Sultan, keeping order in Hassana and manning the fortresses protecting the harbour. These forts are well designed, made of stone and contain large numbers of cannon.

50844804541_9880a2f267_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

Mostly a conservative society, Pan is slow to adopt technology, mostly viewing it as foreign corruption, especially anything originating from the Madrice Peninsula who they generally equate with Oleon. They have however embraced some technology, especially when it aids the defence of the nation. A notable example is the adaptation of (mostly Mokolei) artillery in both fortifications and ships.

50844804626_6c99a23270_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • • • • • • • •

This small but relatively rich nation wields little influence outside its immediate neighbours, although it's relativity powerful fleet commands regional respect.

50844886787_ed222827b8_o.png Inner stability: • • • • • • • •

The Sultan's dynasty has ruled Pan for a long time and Tariq III is a widely popular ruler in his prime. Some more progressive elements are rumoured to oppose his rule, although there is no serious opposition at this time.

50844804471_27a053cf34_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • • • •

Considering its small size and limited population, Pan is relatively wealthy. Much of this wealth is derived from the pearl industry and some silver mines in the interior. The ruling family is rich and a significant merchant class exist who are currently actively expanding trade.

50844804586_b0780a3365_o.png Exploration: • • • • • • • • • •

Their conservative culture does not generally encourage exploration, although the developing merchant class are rumoured to look eastward for new opportunities.

50844073273_1eddbe845c_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

A deeply conservative culture where old religious ideals and moralities hold great influence although these are starting to struggle with new ideas being introduced by trade. Public gardens are a sign of the Sultan's wealth and are spread through Hassana and common arts include jewellery and pottery.

Known Paniote Personalities and Organisations

Sultan Tariq III

Examples of Paniote builds

Coming soon!

Examples of Paniote troops



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Primary Colour: Green/Bright Green

Secondary Colours: White

Demonym: Altonian

Nickname: "The land of the Windmills"

Primary Real World Influences: A mixture of Dutch in the coastal lowland areas and Swiss in the highland regions and political system.

Ruler: Queen Briggette III

Capital: Ulric

People and History

The Kingdom of Altonia occupies an isolated area at the North eastern tip of the Madrice peninsula that is dominated by high mountain ranges and harsh winters.

The mountainous landscape makes arable land for large scale agriculture scarce. Farming is centred in the lowlands around the north-western coast where all the Kingdom’s large cities can be found. To extend the amount of arable land, large scale land reclamation is practiced in this area with a large system of polders and levies present. The nickname 'Kingdom of Windmills' comes from the large amount of windmills used for pumping the reclaimed land in these areas. Outside of the north-western lowlands, the majority of the population are rural. They dwell in permanent towns and villages nestled in deep valleys; however, every spring large portions of the population will migrate with their livestock to summer pastures and temporary stone summer houses higher in the mountains. This bi-annual migration, known as transhumance, allows the communities to sustain much larger herds than the lowland areas could sustain alone.  

Rural or urban, the people of Altonia are famed for their friendly hospitality, honesty and openness to accept others.

Altonian Cities and Towns of note


Altonian Settlements in New Terra

Altonia have claimed "New Altonia" (Island 4 - Isle of Bats) in the Prio Sea region, although large scale colonisation efforts are not yet believed to have commenced.

Diplomatic Relations: 


Diplomatic relations are rated on a scale of 1-5 (1=Hostile, 2=Unfriendly, 3=Indifferent, 4=Friendly, 5=Very Friendly)

Corrington: 4 Friendly

Eslandola: 4 Friendly

Oleon: 4 Friendly

Sea Rats: 4 Friendly

Namere: 3 Indifferent

Diplomatic alliances and pacts: None known

Altonian Characteristics

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by leadership for the purposes understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.

51837007732_d37fefea3a_o.png Naval power: • • • • • • • • • •

Altonia maintains a small, mainly coastal, fleet whose main purpose is the defence of Altonian ports and coastal shipping.

51838693735_70cf3c65f4_o.png Military power: • • • • • • • • • •

A small, well-armed and professional army is maintained mostly in the main cities; however, a large well trained citizen militia can be raised to defend the realm if necessary. In all her history Altonia has never fought an offensive war and her armies train to fight purely in defence of their hearths and homes. Despite this; for centuries young Altonians looking for adventure have fought as mercenaries in foreign conflicts; especially in neighbouring Namere, where they have gained a fearsome reputation and are highly sought after.

51838312434_f9d9cb330f_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

The open nature of the Altonian people means they are quick to welcome new ideas and customs which in turn promotes scientific research and advancement. Basic education is common even in rural areas with one of the highest rates of literacy on the Madrice peninsula.

51837955106_e69df49f75_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • • • • • • • •

The Altonians are known and respected for their long tradition of peaceful neutrality and are often called on to help arbitrate disputes and conflicts amongst other Madrican nations. Their fierce neutrality and steadfast refusal to become involved in foreign conflicts has; however, limited their influence somewhat.

51837007712_405ec0df0f_o.png Inner stability: • • • • • • • • • •

Altonia has one of the oldest constitutional monarchies on the Madrice Peninsula. The royal family, while very popular, has little influence in government. Rather, a large parliament made up of members from the lesser nobility from the many regions (or cantons) of Altonia determines state policy. Most cantons have a large degree of autonomy although maintain a very strong unified Altonian identity. Altonia is considered one of the most stable nations of Halos.

51837007692_d328ab9baf_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • • • •

Peace and stability combined with their habitual honesty have brought modest wealth from trade, although this is becoming more limited by the lack of overseas colonies.

51838066948_4413621846_o.png Exploration: • • • • • • • • •

Altonia is aware of the new lands to the east; however, despite extensive debate in parliament has yet to attempt any voyages of discovery or colonisation. An influential league of merchants continues to push for a colony, mainly to open new markets from tropical cash crops such as sugar and spices.  

50844073273_1eddbe845c_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

Strong traditions prevail in Altonia, although the bi-annual migration in rural areas generally prevents the large scale building of monuments or cultural buildings outside the major cities.  

Known Altonian Personalities and Organisations

None yet

Examples of Altonian builds


Ice Harvesting in Altonia by @Ross Fisher


A Game of Fetch, Altonia by @evancelt



Examples of Altonian Troops by @Ayrlego From Left to Right: Hussar (Light Cavalry), Linieninfanterie (Line Infantry), Alpiner Jäger, Frei Jägerkorps (Mercenary), Landswehr (militia) and @evancelt Left to Right: x2 Altonian Grenadiere (grenadiers) and Dragoner (dragoons)

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or the Merchant Republic



Primary colour: Dark red

Secondary colour: Red, white

Demonym: Carnite/Carnonian

Nickname: "The Merchant Republic"

Primary real world influences: A large nation of firmly unified city-states with strong mercantile traditions akin to Venice or the Hanseatic League.

Ruler: King Ludwig I (ruler in name only - The Grand Mercantile Council controls state finances and thus determines all state policy)


Ludwig, King of Carno (by @Garmadon)

Capital: Aden

People and history: 

Settling the Madrice peninsula during pre-history; Carnites are closely related to Altonians and Garvians with who they share cultural and linguistic ties and have more in common with than their Eslandolan, Mardiarian and Namerian neighbours. While the descendants of Gar the Conqueror settled along the rough southern shores of the peninsula and founded what would be know as Garvey, some of their people made the trek over the arid northern Dragonspine Mountains and settled the fertile lands surrounding the mighty river Karn. One such city was Essen, founded by Hraban the Founder. Aden, the capital, was another city founded during this era. Originally culturally and linguistically one with the people of Gar's Way, the hard to travel distance eventually severed most links and the people of the river came to be known as Carnites - 'those living by the river Karn: the churning river'. 

Ruled by Mardier after the fall of the Madrice Empire, ethnic Carnite city states revolted in the aftermath of the War that Time Forgot (or Mardierian Intervention) and in 355AE banded together to form the nation of Carno.

Situated in a strategic location astride trade routes from Garvey, Eslandola, Mardier and Balondia, trade and commerce became the focus of the new nation. Although Carno never came close to amassing the wealth of neighbouring Eslandola, her citizens lived comfortably and Carnite markets gained a reputation for the quality of goods and fairness of their traders. Powerful trade and craftsmen guilds came to dominate most cities, appointing officials and even raising militias. After some time, these guilds eventually outstripped the monarchy in influence and today the King retains power in name only; which is probably a good thing as King Ludwig has been known for his impetuous and sometimes erratic behaviour. Some centuries ago, several city states amassed such wealth and power, they defied the King himself in a bid for power. The von Helborg dukes of Essen rose up in rebellion, intent on taking the crown for themselves. In a bitter civil war, now referred to as 'the Dance of Dukes', filled with treachery and blood-spilling, they were eventually beaten back into submission by the King - ruling from the city state of Aden, and his allies. Since then, Carno has been mostly at peace, even though the occasional powerplay between guilds, cities and politicians still takes places behind the scenes.

Carnites are a practical and pragmatic people. They tend to be conservative, hierarchical and organised in culture.


Carnite Cities and Towns of note: 

  • 51865735565_2d0919ed0b_o.png - Aden, the capital
    Chief city of the city state of Aden and surrounding territories. Seat of the King and the Grand Merchant Council.
  • 51865088476_da95ffe83c_o.pngThe Free City of Essen (click for more info in dedicated topic)
    The Free City of EssenThe Raven City, the Black City and home of the Ever-Oak - is nested in the upper bend of the mighty river Karn, at the foot of the Iron Hills. Once a powerful and high-standing duchy, it lost most of its might and territory during the Dance of Dukes: a dynastic dispute with its rival Aden that saw the death of all of Essen's von Helborg rulers and thus their claim to the Carnite throne. 

    Despite its historical misfortunes, Essen still remains one of the strongest city-states of Carno, backed by a powerful economy that thrives on metalworking, forging and arms manufacturing, which have earned the city the title of Carno's Armory.
  • 51865735555_cb918e1825_o.pngThe Grand Principality of Wisimar
    Nestled in the mountains beyond the flatlands and hills of Essen, Wisimar guards the passes and southern borders of Carno. The 'Last Hearth' of Carno, its optimal location on the Carno - Kieg - Terelli overland trade route has made the ruling princes filthy rich and allows their excessive lifestyle.

Carnite settlements in New Terra: 

  • Poorvintia, Poorvintia, West Prio Sea
  • Waypoint, Gernia, East Prio Sea
  • Neustadt, East New Haven Sea
  • Treesborg (Fort Arltrees, a shared settlement with Oleon), East New Haven Sea


Diplomatic relations:

51836973712_b798ed9df0_o.pngCorrington: Friendly

51836973352_d777fa4ab0_o.pngOleon: Friendly

51838659400_6bfa474fc2_o.pngEslandola: Friendly

51838277754_89e8fcd999_o.pngSea Rats: Indifferent

51836973652_ca70758582_o.pngGarvey: Very friendly

51836973422_fa09167704_o.pngNamere: Unfriendly

51863891183_3b10870e5e_o.png Kingdom of the Lotus: Hostile

51838066898_0ed4fc776d_o.png War: 

  • A state of war exists between Carno and the Kingdom of the Lotus over colonial possessions in the New Haven Sea.

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png Alliances or pacts:

  • 'The Winter Alliance', or officially the Lütz - Vestergaard Pact: an act of cooperation signed between Carno and Garvey in the winter of 621AE, by their respective foreign dignitaries Nils Lütz and Olav Vestergaard.

Defining characteristics:

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by the leadership for the purposes of understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.

50844073193_914e8430d8_o.png Naval power: • • • • •  • • • •

Carno is undergoing a rapid transition from a small but powerful coastal fleet to a moderately sized ocean going navy to support their colonial ambitions. Large ship yards are still in their infancy and some vessels are purchased from Garvey and Eslandola. 

50844886852_3a5f158602_o.png Military power: • • • • • • • • • •

Due to their position wedged between constantly warring Namere and the large empires of Eslandola, Mardier and Corlander Balondia, the guilds have long recognised the need for a moderately sized standing army. Carnite conservatism has prevented the adaptation of tactics and lessons learnt in the Corrington/Oleon Juniper war and the older system of pikeman and musketeers supported by armed cavalry and artillery is still in widespread use.

50844804541_9880a2f267_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

Generally Carnites are slow to adapt to scientific advancement, although they have proven an openness to accept advances once they are tried and tested by others. 

50844804626_6c99a23270_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • • • • • • • •

Carno is generally well regarded by her neighbours; with the exception of Namere. Carno has enacted military intervention numerous times during neighbouring Namere's almost constant civil strife when Carnite interests have been threatened. Intervention is usually of a limited nature and duration.

50844886787_ed222827b8_o.png Inner stability: • • • • • • • •

Most Carnites live by the philosophy that trade and commerce are more important than political intrigue and stability is good for business. The guilds rule with a light hand and are generally very sensitive to any issues that may disturb the status quo.

50844804471_27a053cf34_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • • • •

Trade has made Carno wealthy, although the old Eslandolan joke is that a Carnite merchant is too honest to be fabulously rich.

50844804586_b0780a3365_o.png Exploration: • • • • • •• • •

Having missed the first wave of exploration and colonisation of the new world and upon seeing the great wealth obtained from the colonial possessions of her neighbours, Carno swiftly implemented a program of ship building and expeditions. Feeling that the best lands in the Sea of Thieves and Prio Sea had already been claimed by other nations, exploration was focused in the New Haven Sea with logistic settlements established in the Prio Sea to support the exploration of this area.

50844073273_1eddbe845c_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

Carnites share a strong cultural identity with a focus on pragmatic areas such as architecture. Carnites are also well known for their love of the theatre.


Known Carnite personalities and organizations:



Examples of Carnite builds:

Examples of Carnite troops:


Carnite state troops by @merc


Die Essener Totenköpfe, Essian city troops by @Khorne


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Great Alliance States

or the Ghaskin Confederation 



Primary Colour: Dark Green

Secondary Colours: Red, Sand Blue

Demonym: No real demonym for the alliance, individual groups within the Confederation have their own demonyms. eg. Coscovars, Donovites, Kalkreinians.

Nickname:  Kolya's Folk

Primary Real World Influences: Early Imperial Russia, Slavic cultures

Ruler: Bogdan IV, "The Unstoppable"


Czar Bogdan IV "The Unstoppable" and Crown Prince Bogdan Bogdanovitch by @Ross Fisher

Capital: Nygrad


The Great Alliance States is also known as the Ghaskin Confederation, or Kolya's Folk, after its legendary founder, Nikolai Ghaskin "The Bear-Hearted". It is comprised of a number of different tribes. Chief among these are the Coscovars, Donovites, and Kalkreinians. 
Minor tribes of note include the nomadic Brakhask Cossacks and Oruman Gypsies, and the Zhevrenai Delta People.

The current Tzar is the elderly Bogdan IV, "The Unstoppable", who has survived three attempts on his life and who, despite living into his 80s, does not appear to be slowing down. His son, Bogdan Bogdanovitch, is an unruly man, whose wild behaviour and love of battle have threatened the stability of the nation on more than one occasion.

The armies of the Ghaskin Confederation are largely made up of tribal levies. This usually comprises of large detachments of powerful cavalry units. However, in recent decades, Tsar Bogdan has slowly been growing the Imperial Guard. This previously-ceremonial bodyguard regiment has proved their worth in more than one siege defence, when tribal cavalry were unable - and unwilling - to risk themselves without an open field to play on.

The religion of the Faith has recently been making great inroads among Kolya's Folk. For the longest time, the tribes had maintained their own traditional beliefs (including ancestor worship). However, a missionary from the Temple of Zeus called Dmitri has managed to convert a number of tribes by blending traditional stories with the tales of the Aplynacian brothers.

Additional Information on the Peoples of the Ghaskin Confederation:

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Nygrad is the capital of the State. The Alliance was formed out of five major tribes so they would stand stronger against the Great Raider. Over time the territories of the tribes split into smaller duchies, baronies and lands. The main icon for the Alliance is the Bear, sigil of Nikolai Ghaskin and the Coscovar tribe. Other animal sigils represent the other tribes: Brakhask Cossacks = horse, Donovites = wolf, Kalkreinians = eagle and the Zhevrenai Delta people = bull.

This is how the territories are connected to the Founding Tribes:

  • Coscovy people, descendants and cadet branches/affiliates/minor tribes live in:
    • Crown Kingdom of Coscovia; their heartland
    • County of Turiupol
    • County of Stroganov
  • Donovite people, descendants and cadet branches/affiliates/minor tribes live in the Donova River Lands:
    • Duchy of Donova-Arkhanelesk
    • Duchy of Donovaskoye
  • Zhevrenai Delta, home of the Zhevrenai Delta People, occupies the triangle between major rivers:
    • Duchy of Meschov
    • Duchy of Branascu
    • Principality of Zapodenesk
  • The Kalkreinian people, descendants and cadet branches/affiliates/minor tribes:
    • Grand Duchy of Kalkrein, the heartland of the geographical region
    • County of Samara
    • County of Brascov
    • County of Kalmeskaya
  • The Brakhask Cossacks are spread over many of the southern regions and can also be found in some parts of Coscovia and the Kalkrein, where steppe can also be found
    • Brakhaskian Host
    • Tamarkhan Tribal Land
    • Gorasnayan Host
    • Margraviate of Varna
    • A small break-away related to the Brakhask can be found near the Donova River Lands: Kashkuri Host.

The Oruman Gypsies can be found wandering all over the Confederation.


C2 AE With climate changes, the Western Steppes begin to expand.
392 AE The Kingdoms of the Great Raider expand eastwards, pushing numerous smaller tribes before them.
424 AE Nikolai Ghaskin, boyar of the Coscovite tribe, summons four of the great boyars to Nygrad. There they seal an alliance to form a single state for as long as the Great Raider remains a threat. Ghaskin assumes the role of Czar.
435 AE The Ghaskin Confederation meets the Great Raider at the battle of Ljukvin, and is able to turn them back. There is a heavy death toll on both sides, including Czar Ghaskin, who earns the title "Bear-Hearted" for his heroics in battle. He dies without an heir, and is succeeded by Bogdan I.
442 AE The Brakhask Cossacks attempt to drive the Great Raider out of their lands, and are sorely beaten. Kolya's folk only hold on to the key port city of Khariupol because of the arrival of winter. 
453 AE The Order of the Faith Missionary, Brother Dimitri travels in Alliance State lands and begins to covert Kolya's Folk. Some now speculate that he was under orders from the heads of the Order to provide a buffer against the Great Raider.
C5-6 AE Kolya's Folk fight four more wars with the Kingdoms of the Great Raider, two with itself, two with the Middle Kingdoms, one with Mokolei, three with Pontillia, one with Varcoast and, confusingly, one with Pan. 
577 AE Bogdan IV becomes Czar. He immediately begins restructuring the nobility and military in order to turn it into a more effective force.

Great Alliance States Cities and Towns of note

  • Nygrad
  • Khariupol


Great Alliance States settlements in New Terra

  • None known

Diplomatic Relations: 
Diplomatic relations are rated on a scale of 1-5 (1=Hostile, 2=Unfriendly, 3=Indifferent, 4=Friendly, 5=Very Friendly)

51838278114_fba546cc01_o.png Corrington: Indifferent 

51837921401_049bf92167_o.png Eslandola: Indifferent 

51836973352_d777fa4ab0_o.pngOleon: 4 Friendly

51838277754_89e8fcd999_o.png Sea Rats: Indifferent 

Kingdom of the Great Raider: 1

51838032803_56172438c0_o.png Mokolei Empire: Belligerent

The Middle Kingdoms: 2

Pontilla: 2

Varcoast: 2

51838066898_0ed4fc776d_o.png  War:  

  • A constant state of war exists between the GAS and the Kingdom of the Great Raider.
  • Skirmishes with the northern Mokolei satrapies are common.

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png  Alliances or pacts:  None known

Defining Characteristics

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by leadership for the purposes understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas. 

50844073193_914e8430d8_o.png Naval power: • • • • • • • • • •

Kolya's Folk are generally not seafarers. The Zhevrenai Delta People have some experience with small craft however, this is about the extent of the Confederations seagoing experience.

Military Power: 8

The component states of the Alliance all maintain vast armies using a mixture of both professionals and levies used to repel incursions from the Kingdom of the Great Raider. Equipment and tactics vary greatly and only during the reign of Tsar Bogdan IV have attempts been made to standardise and unify these armies.

Scientific Advancement: 3

Despite the modernising influence of Bogdan IV, Kolya's Folk generally rely on folklore and tradition.

Political/Diplomatic Influence: 4

Although widely regarded as the bulwark holding the armies of the Kingdom of the Great Raider out of Eastern Halos; The Alliance States hold little influence outside their own borders.

Inner Stability: 3

This is an alliance of states mainly for the purpose of mutual protection. There is not much cohesion beyond this and should the constant threat from the west dissipate, the alliance would have little holding it together.

Treasury/Coffers: 5

The alliance has just started collecting taxes, but this is a disjointed process. They do have income from a number of wars. At the same time, they have little in the way of expenditure.

Exploration: 2

While the tribes that make up the Alliance originated from futher west, they haven't explored much beyond their current borders. They are probably aware of the discoveries in the New World, but have shown little interest so far.

Cultural Advancement: 9

Each of the ethnic groups that makes up the Alliance holds different traditions making for a rich and diverse culture. Kolya's folk are famous for ballet, circus and literature.

Examples of Great Alliance States Builds



Great Alliance States Troops by @Khorne


Ghaskiniye Streltsy by @Khorne

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or the Pyrite Heptarchy



Primary color: Various shades of blue are used throughout the army's uniforms, with medium blue being the most common.

Secondary color: Gold and bronze accents are relics and callbacks to the Empire's rich past, red is used for plumes or other decorations.

Demonym: Pyrite

Nickname: the Pyrite Heptarchy, the Twilight Empire, the Middle Kingdoms

Primary real world influences:  A diminishing empire struggling for its survival, an heir to a once mighty realm such as the real-world Byzantine Empire. Varying influences of Greek culture and history, with small doses of the broader Balkan and Diadochi empires.

Ruler: Empress Zenobia

Capital: Pyr

People and history: The Empire of Pyros, also known as the Heptarchy of Pyros, is the political entity nested in between the major southern powers of the Great Alliance State and the Mokolei Empire. While it styles itself officially as an empire and is nominally still ruled by an emperor, the true power in this dying state is actually in the hands of the heptarchons: the rulers of the seven military provinces of Pyros. These two factors have led to the nation being known as the “Middle Kingdoms” among the people of the north.

Once a major political and cultural entity encompassing much of what are now the southern provinces of the Great Alliance State and swathes of land in northern Mokolei, Pyros is now an empire on the decline, way past its zenith. Every day is a new fight for survival and trying not to be eaten up by its neighbors piece by piece. Aiding in their struggle is their efficient army and streamlined provincial rule.

Pyros carries its rich past proudly with it, which is both a blessing and a curse. Strict adherence to the old traditions stands in the way of modernization and its famous bureaucracy - once a key factor in running a centralized empire - has now become a bloated and slow bastion of virulent nepotism.

The level of decay and decadence in Pyros proper runs parallel to the decline of its military strength. While still fielding a generally well-trained and centralized fighting force - especially when compared to its immediate neighbors -, the Pyrite army is nowhere near the exceptional fighting machine of old. The professional standing army got increasingly smaller and made way for more mobile lighter units drawn from local regions to more easily counter enemy incursions, called the akritoi. These units float somewhere between professional soldiers and militia and are equipped by the provincial governments, but trained along the lines set out by the imperial bureaucracy.

The Pyrites tend to approach things rationally and methodically and war is no different. Their generals are famous for the manuals they have written on war and how to deal with certain types of enemies. Their tendency to collect knowledge and pass it on along generations in a structured way is one of the reasons the empire has managed to stay alive for such a long time and helps to gain a marginal advantage over the less learned and younger empires such as the Great Alliance State.

Even though the empire might've been on the decline for ages, that is does not the Pyrites themselves no longer know how to fight. On the contrary, the fight for survival has molded the Pyrites into stubborn and efficient fighters. Even though many “native” Pyrites are now mostly farmers and enjoy the simple life, in wartimes they form elite units of mountaineers and irregular infantry infamous for their capricious and volatile nature on the battlefield.

Perhaps one day a strong enough Emperor will be able to rally all behind his banner once more and return Pyros to its former glory.


Geography: While only a mere shadow of what it once was, the empire's territory is still vast compared to many other nations and as such it is home to a diverse climate and geography. Overall, the geography is mountainous and the climate is warm, ranging from pleasantly mediterranean in the west to increasingly hotter and more arid to the east. Vegetation follows the climate with the west being generally greener and a well-known home of olive trees and vineyards to drier shrubbery and grasses in the east.

First devised as a means to optimize rule to more easily counter threats, the heptarchy (or 'rule of seven') has over time led to a breakdown of imperial Pyrite territory into seven distinct heptarchates which high degrees of autonomy. These heptarchates are the following:

  • Pyros: the craddle of the empire, located in the western coastal region of the empire. It is also the location of the capital city of Pyr -from which its and the empire's name are derived-, a rich trading hub famous for its huge bronze colossus which guards the entrance of the harbor.
  • Ellyria: the neighbouring lands of Pyr, Ellyria shares most of its culture with that of Pyros, although it has a less maritime tradition.
  • Arvanion: the wilder, rougher and even more mountainous cousin of Pyros and Ellyria. While Pyrite culture is still dominant, Arvanion is the heartland region where the empire's diversity is mostly showing, with many local customs and dialects still in place.
  • Myra: of all the heptarchates, Myra is probably the least mountainous and is known for its gentle rolling hills and green plains. Being the most flat land of the empire, it is also the most arable and thus serves as the breadbasket of Pyros. 
  • Karinthion
  • Peleanos
  • Bakharos: the easternmost heptarchate, guarding the border with the Mokolei Empire. Despite centuries of Pyrite rule, it is still considered a frontier region. Arid, dusty and mountainous - Pyrite culture never took strong root here and many Mokolei dialects are also spoken here. The people living here, however, are a distinct from the Mokolei and take great pride in their independence and the fact that they have always repelled all invaders of their realm. While thinly populated, there are several rich cities located in Bakharos, owing their wealth to their location along profitable trade routes. 


Diplomatic relations:

51838278114_fba546cc01_o.png Corrington: Indifferent

51836973357_ce7a01bcf6_o.png Oleon: Indifferent

51837921401_049bf92167_o.png Eslandola:  Indifferent

51837921126_978e23245c_o.png Sea Rats: Unfriendly

51838659335_2335d06efd_o.png Great Alliance State: Belligerent

51838032803_56172438c0_o.png Mokolei Empire: Belligerent

51838066898_0ed4fc776d_o.png War: 

  • A constant state of belligerence and faux war exists between the Heptarchy and the Great Alliance States.
  • A constant state of belligerence and faux war exists between the Heptarchy and the Mokolei Empire.

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png Alliances or pacts:

  • None known


Defining characteristics:

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by the leadership for the purposes of understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.

51837007732_d37fefea3a_o.png Naval power: • • • • • • • • • •

The Pyrite Empire only upholds a small and outdated fleet in the western sea to protect its harbours there. Being a mostly landlocked nation, it has little use for a large fleet. Also, there is no money to build and maintain a larger fleet.

51838693735_70cf3c65f4_o.png Military power: • • • • • • • • • •

While the professional army might be small, it is well-equipped, highly trained and extremely motivated. When the local akritoi are not able to hold back enemy incursions, the main army is sent to deal with the intruders. Line infantry bludgeons the attackers with perfectly executed volleys, while the infamous heavy kataphraktoi cavalry crash into enemy lines and decimate most of the opposition.

The army is built around the dictates of the Strategikon, a manual building upon centuries of expertise in warfare. (Open spoiler to read excerpts.)



"The akritoi guard the borders of the Pyrite Empire and are drawn from the local populace. These units are intended to occupy the enemy long enough until the main army arrives for a counterattack. Lightly armored, they are fleet of foot and with their intricate knowledge of the country side they spring deadly traps and ambushes upon intruders. Their high morale, stubborn attitude and tenacity defending their homes makes these though opponents to deal with. Their role on the battlefield are the typical roles of light infantry: screening and harassing the enemy."

The Strategikon states: "The akritoi should be lightly armed, so that they can be nimble and harass the enemy. Surprise and mobility are their strengths, combined with knowledge of the land. Uniforms can be based on local dress, but should above all be useful. Long-range weapons are mandatory equipment and melee weapons are strongly advised."


"The stratiatoi are the heavy hitters of the Pyrite army. A small number of professional soldiers that are the inheritors of Pyros' mighty military traditions of old, which are reflected in the unit's battle dress with numerous callbacks to the uniforms and armor worn by their forebears, such as the pteruges (leather straps on hips and shoulder) and mighty broad-brimmed helmet, topped with iconic red horsemane. Whereas some of the other Pyrite unites are armed with a mixture of gunpowder weapons and bows, the stratiatoi are all armed with muskets and xiphon, a double-edged hacking sword. On the battlefield these men form the main lines and could thus be categorized as line infantry."


"The phoideratoi or allies are descendants of foreign peoples that were allowed to settle the empire in exchange for military service. They swore an oath of allegiance to the Emperor and had to forsake all ties to their countries of origin in return to live in the safety of the Pyrite Empire. Over time these men grew into a separate warrior caste within society, even overshadowing the native-born stratiatoi in terms of number. Not being citizens upon their enlistment, they can receive full citizenship through deeds of valor on the battlefield or by fulfilling their service to Pyros. Trained from a young age, the phoideratoi are proficient with numerous weapons, but are most commonly armed with muskets and scimitars."


"The stradiotoi were originally brigands hailing from the mountainous and wild exarchate of Arvanion. They were known for harassing the Ghaskin border and stealing cattle. At first they were hired as mercenaries by the Pyrites during wartime and were later organized into an official unit of the army. While not quite on par with the equine skills of Ghaskin cossacks, they are nevertheless great and versatile horsemen. Mostly armed with bows, they unleash a deadly volley faster than many can fire a gun. Some carry a shield and flail which makes them a threat to lightly armed skirmishing infantry too. The stradiotoi from Arvanion are easily distinguished by their wide brimmed felt hats, which shields their eyes from the sun. Nowadays all light cavalry is designated as stradiotoi and just like the akritoi, the uniforms can vary locally yet the armament should always remain the same as stated in the Strategikon."

The Strategikon states: "Arm the stradiotoi with bows and quiver, which enables them to easily rain a deadly hail of iron upon their foes. They should fight in a similar fashion such as the dreaded horsemen of the steppes and use deceit and cunning to their advantage. They should also be prepared for close encounters and optionally can carry a shield. They ride unarmored."


"The elite of the army! The shining heavy hitting arm that has saved the day on more than one occasion. The Pyrite Kataphraktoi are heavily armed cavalry somewhat akin to the cuirassiers of the north, but combined with the heavy lance of Mokolei shock cavalry. Their charge is line shattering and awe-inspiring, a feeling that is further emphasized by their flowing capes and shiny gold armor. As archaic is they look, they are rather well protected, wearing their cuirass over a heavy leather buff coat and using the signature wide-brimmed Pyrite helmet. While these horsemen would be regarded as obsolete in the north, they still hold their value in the south, where armies are sometimes just mere rabble ordered into battle by a greedy satrap or ambitious Ghaskinite duke."

 The Strategikon states: "These men are the embodiment of Pyros: proud, strong and pious! They crush the opponents' dreams of victory under the mighty hooves of their forces and should be armed to maximize their threat on the battlefield. A long spear is used on the charge, wherafter a brace of pistols can be fired to wreak further havoc. All men are armed with a slashing sword for when things turn into a melee. The elite status of the kataphraktoi should be emphasized with impressive capes and headgear."

51838312434_f9d9cb330f_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

Scientific advancement as such has largely ground to a hold, yet the field of sciences in general is still held in very high esteem. Huge libraries of knowledge are open to peruse by scholars and even war itself is practically viewed as a scientific conundrum with mathematical solutions. Some advancements are made every now and then, such as the introduction of Pyrite fire: a fire-born chemical mixture that sows death and destruction upon all those in its path.

51837955106_e69df49f75_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • • • • • • • •

Officially, the empire stands isolated in its death-struggle and is tied off from most other political entities outside its borders. However, due to the unique position of the Holy Emperor of the Faith and being the descendant of Zeus himself, many pious foreigners flock to the banner of the empire to pledge their services. As such, the Emperor can rely on large numbers of foreign faithful followers for personal protection.

51837007712_405ec0df0f_o.png Inner stability: • • • • • • • • • •

Even though the empire might no longer be the political monolith of ages past, it is nevertheless more stable and smoothly functioning than its immediate neighbours. It might be a politically decentralized state, yet it can rely on procedures that have been streamlined and made uniform across the empire in the past. Despite rampant nepotism, the bureaucracy and administration is still well-trained and highly performant in general.

51837007692_d328ab9baf_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • • • •

Continuous loss of territory and able-bodied men has sent the empire's coffers in a negative downward spiral. Every fallen subject means one less laborer to man the workshops or work the fields and thus generate income. Its strenuous relation with belligerent neighboring empires means there is little external trade and revenue which in turn makes there is little to invest in a better economy.

51838066948_4413621846_o.png Exploration: • • • • • • • • • •

Largely landlocked and having to struggle for its own survival, there is no money, time or opportunity for much exploration. Pyrite knowledge of the Old World is quite extended and while they are aware of a New World, no Pyrite has ever been able to visit it, let alone start a colony.

51838066948_4413621846_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

The Pyrite realm is tied together by a strong sense of Pyrite identity, culture, heritage and identity. Even though the Pyrite culture stands most strongly in the west, overall there is a strong 'us versus them' sentiment that unifies all Pyrite subjects in their fight. Pyrite cultural has slowed down, but there is still a large appreciation for the arts such as architecture, sculptures, theatre, music and famous mosaics.


Known Pyrite personalities and organizations:


Examples of Pyrite builds:

None yet.


Examples of Pyrite troops:

51143784460_11558a3537_n.jpg Akritoi from various regions

51111285427_a9990a919e_n.jpg Phoideratoi, foreign auxiliaries

51111852321_66faf2ce38_n.jpg Hoplitoi line infantry

51143455879_d3b7392067_n.jpg Stradiotoi, light ranged cavalry

51142893658_ee1ff30571_n.jpg Kataphraktoiheavy shock cavalry

51205887810_3755ff184a_n.jpg Brides of Aresallied religious order (usually fights as light cavalry)

Edited by Khorne
Cleaned up the spill code

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or the Great Harmonious State of the Unconquered Lotus



Primary color: the war banner of the Lotus Empire is red, as is the color of the Imperial family. However, as armies are divided amongst military provinces, there is little uniformity in color on the battlefield.

Secondary color:  the Imperial family uses gold as secondary color

Demonym: Lotii

Nickname: "The Great Harmonious State"

Primary real world influences: Late Ming and early Qing China, with various other east Asian nations.

Religion: Wu-Cru, 'the Way'

Ruler: the Lotus Emperor Chang, Supreme Lord of Dragons


The Lotus Emperor, ruler of all Lotii (placeholder by The Brothers Brick)

Capital: Liang Hui

People and history: 

Little is known about the Lotus Empire and its people, culture or history. The handful of facts that have reached the northern nations are a mixture of gossip, hearsay and legends which have not always been corroborated. What is known, is that they are a highly ambitious and industrious people. While not necessarily the most technologically advanced in the world, they are not afraid to take up the gauntlet with the Madrician Great Powers and are undoubtedly the number one nation in southern Halos. The claim of being the Unconquered Lotus is one they are more than willing to prove.

The Lotii are believed to be staunch adherents of the ancient teachings of the great philosopher Wu, who taught his followers to seek Harmony and Balance in all things and who philosophically divided the world into Five Elements. This school of thought permeates Lotii society and its citizens seek to achieve harmony in all they undertake, with each of them working together in the name of this Greater Good, believing they all have their set role to fulfill. This philosophy is apparently referred to as Wu-Cru and sets out a basic set of guidelines and principles to live a good life. The Lotus Emperor is seen as the pinnacle of harmony, having purportedly found balance between the Five Elements and having tamed the mythological Elemental Dragons. As such, the Emperor's rule is divine and his wishes and whims direct the course of the Empire and its citizens.

Lotii tend to be rather arrogant and see their domination of the south as proof of their superior ways. They believe it is their purpose to bring the world into their fold under Lotii leadership and guidance bringing peace and balance to all, united in the name of the Greater Good.

While Wu-Cru stipulates meritocracy and equality, these virtues are mostly reserved for the middle and upper classes who can move up in society through virtuous or valiant actions or by partaking in official examinations, organized by the Lotus Court, granting those who succeed access to the most prestigious branches of the government.

Despite looming war, perhaps somewhere in the future peace will give way to more cultural exchange and information?


Geography: The Empire is home to a great variety of biomes and diverse geography, ranging from tropical lush jungles and bamboo forests to nigh-impassable mountain ranges and arid deserts. While all territory and subjects fall under the dominion of the Lotus Emperor and all of the Empire is seen as his personal domain, the Empire is nevertheless divided into several domains for easier governance and to provide more defensive flexibility in war. These military provinces are each headed by a Dragon and have the authority to raise army units when required by the Great Lotus. Each is named after one of the Five Elements, which work together to keep the world in balance.

51866058100_60ab4cf375_o.png   Red, the Fire Dragon Banner - The Red Fire Banner army hails from the rich heartland of the Lotus Empire and is seen as the personal army of the Emperor. The Fire Dragon leading this military province is usually the oldest son of the Emperor and next in line for the throne.

51866058110_dcc8ba43eb_o.png   Green, the Earth Dragon Banner - The Green Earth Banner's homeland are the western reaches of the Lotii dominion, where the grassy flatlands of the center slowly start to give way to the unforgiving desert.

51864437372_93e7a17f43_o.png   White, the Wind Dragon Banner - When called upon, the White Wind Banner levies its troops from the Empire easternmost province, straddling the border with the Bouton and Peri protectorates. As such, it is not uncommon to find mercenaries from those nations amongst its ranks.

51865726119_c48c7bab09_o.png   Blue, the Water Dragon Banner - The Blue Water Banner army recruits from the damp southern province of the Empire.

51864437402_4048e83f74_o.png   Yellow, the Lightning Dragon Banner - In times of war, the Yellow Lightning Banner is assembled in the north. It has a small core of professionals which guard the border with the barbarians of the Gerlo Empire.


Lotii Cities and Towns of note: 

  • Liang Hui, the capital
  • Byron To
  • Keyto
  • Fuji

Lotii settlements in New Terra: 

  • Oryant, East New Haven Sea
  • Luyang, East New Haven Sea


Diplomatic relations:

51838278124_2879be922c_o.png Corrington: Hostile

51838277904_c83731309b_o.png Oleon: Hostile

51836973687_25f6a31264_o.png Eslandola: Unfriendly

51838277754_89e8fcd999_o.png Sea Rats: Indifferent

51837921461_a9966155b0_o.png Carno: Hostile

51862850332_3724d68257_o.png Monomonto: Indifferent - despite a military pact and a close history, relations with the Monomonto Shogunate are tepid at best

51838066898_0ed4fc776d_o.png War: 

  • A state of war exists between the Lotus Empire and Corrington over shipping and raiding disputes.
  • A state of war exists between the Lotus Empire and Oleon over colonial possessions in the New Haven Sea.
  • A state of war exists between the Lotus Empire and Carno over colonial possessions in the New Haven Sea.

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png Alliances or pacts:

  • 'The Hojo Concordat', the peace treaty and political arrangement signed between the Lotus Empire and Monomonto Shogunate, stipulating military aid sent by Monomonto when the Lotus Emperor demands.

51838312399_319663a585_o.png Vassals:

  • Bouton
  • Peri
  • Banersbi


Defining characteristics:

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by the leadership for the purposes of understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.

50844073193_914e8430d8_o.png Naval power: • • • • • • • • •

The Lotus Empire upholds a considerable flotilla of war junks and plies the Brick Seas to protect its own shipping lanes or looking for plunder. Despite its numbers, the navy is rather outdated compared to most of the Madrician nations. It will hold its ground against the navies of its neighbors in southern Halos, though. 

50844886852_3a5f158602_o.png Military power: • • • • • • • • •

Having a vast population at its disposal, the Lotus Empire is able to wield an army of considerable size if need be. Like most other nations of the South, the Lotus Empire only maintains a small standing army of professionals in times of peace, preferring to conscript or levy the peasantry to bolster its ranks for war. Despite its centralized government, the army of the Lotus Empire is very diverse in terms of equipment, uniforms and tactics. This is due to the fact that the Empire is split into several military provinces that each provide the numbers to supply one Banner Army. All of these provinces are also subdivided into smaller fiefs that work as a feudal system, where a lord grants a tithe of men to his overlord, all the way up to the Dragon - the military governor, ruling over a province in the Lotus Court's name. In total there are Five Banners and their respective Dragons, corresponding with the Five Elemental Powers that are supposed to keep the Empire in balance: Fire, Earth, Wind, Water and Lightning. 

50844804541_9880a2f267_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

In the past the Lotii were pioneers in the scientific fields, but over time progress has ground down to a near halt. Despite being rather conservative and believing in their own superiority, Lotii are not above using modern insights gained from the Madrician nations. If these insights are proven correct and reliable, of course.

50844804626_6c99a23270_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • • • • • • • •

While the Lotus Empire exerts considerable power in southern Halos, it holds little diplomatic sway outside its own sphere of influence. Its only presence outside the southern islands are its colonies in the New Haven Sea, which are heavily contested by the Madrician Great Powers.

50844886787_ed222827b8_o.png Inner stability: • • • • • • • •

Despite its enormous size, the Lotus Empire runs like a well-oiled machine and can count on a sizable centralized administration to govern its territories and dependencies. The relation with the far flung colonies in the New Haven Sea is somewhat strenuous at times, due to the long distance away from the Lotus Court. As with most highly politicized societies, there is always petty court intrigue and internal power struggles, but a strong Lotus Emperor has always been able to rein in his subjects and put the Empire's goals above their own agendas.

50844804471_27a053cf34_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • • • •

As a result of its great inner stability and its functional bureaucracy, the Lotus Empire can depend upon a solid tax system that brings in a stable flow of income. In recent years, the Lotus Court has started to address its gold reserves however, in order to sponsor colonization and expand its borders.

50844804586_b0780a3365_o.png Exploration: • • • • • • • • • •

Lotii have significant knowledge of the known world, but have done little with it. Their primary focus has always been its own territory first, with exploration coming second. Now that colonies have been established, this strategy is started to shift and the Lotus Empire is keen to become a world power next to - or surpassing - the Madrician nations.

50844073273_1eddbe845c_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

Despite being a heterogenous people, a shared culture has brought the Lotii together. Even though there are slight regional differences in dress, speech or way of life, nearly all Lotii greatly appreciate culture in the broad sense of the word, ranging from caligraphy, poetry, theatre, architecture and more. They pride themselves in their cultural prowess and tend to look down upon others.


Known Lotii personalities and organizations:

51865244736_da53594037_o.png     The Lotus Emperor

51865900750_059ff12c9c_o.png      Wu, legendary philosopher and spiritualist; founder of Wu-Cru - deceased

51864271747_8a497d4580_o.png     Serpentine Guard, An honor guard founded centuries ago by one of the Dragons and originally drawn from members of one of the infamous Candarti Snake Witch Lodges, proficient in the use of toxins and poisoned weaponry.


Examples of Lotii builds:


Examples of Lotii troops:

51857290610_7005525130_w.jpg Green Banner Army by @Khorne (and one Blue Banner soldier)

Edited by Khorne

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or the Yamanokuni Domain



Primary color: while the war banner of the Shogunate is black, there is no primary color in terms of uniform as all clans retain their own household troops

Secondary color: the mon of the Monomonto clan is gold and thus gold is used sparingly as an accent color in some cases

Demonym: Monomontachi

Nickname: the Yamanokuni Domain, or in brief: Yamanokuni. An archaic name for the country dating from the pre-shogunate era, referring to its mountainous terrain. While coined by the original inhabitants, its usage became widespread under Lotii rule.

Primary real world influences: (Late) Feudal Japan

Religion: followers of the Nirvan Emmet, syncretized with animist naturalistic traditions

Ruler: Shogun Monomonto Otomaru


Monomonto Otomaru, head of the Monomonto Shogunate (by @Khorne)

Capital: Hojo

People and history: 

Living largely secluded from most of the known world, Monomonto is shrouded in mystery - even more so than its Lotii neighbor. The few contacts the Madrician nations have experienced with Monomonto were largely encounters with Monomonto mercenaries on El Oleonda, fighting in service of the Lotus Empire. As such, many Madricians mistakenly assumed the Monomontachi were in fact Lotii people, which was not the case. While there may be superficial similarities and Monomonto culture has been influenced in the past by the huge dominion the Lotus Empire has in southern Halos, they are a very distinct nation and people with its own customs and traditions.

The history of the Shogunate is heavily tied with that of its ruling clan, the Monomonto. In fact, both are interlinked so vastly that the name of the clan has over time become equated with the country. Having spent decades as a subjugated vassal under the yoke of the Lotus Empire, the Shogunate finally broke free of its rein after a bloody civil war between those vying for independence and the imperialist Lotus faction. The independents won, but knew they would never be able to ward off a vengeful Lotus Empire forever. So, the most powerful clan of the faction - the Monomonto - decided to figuratively bow the head to the Emperor and acknowledge his supremacy in south Halos, promising never to claim the imperial title and would in exchange rule as shogun - military leader - instead. In theory, Monomonto was thus subservient to the Lotus Court, but in reality it was now free to follow its own course. While militarily still somewhat tied to the Lotus Empire, politically Monomonto had finally gained independence. Free from its overlords, the Shogunate enjoyed a cultural and economical boom that propelled the country forwards with enhanced prestige which enabled them to lay claim to, and take control of, both the culturally similar states of Dranomoto and Tendari.

Monomonto society is highly stratified and feudal, with all members belonging to a certain caste with little social mobility. They rigidly adhere to their ancient traditions and customs and are extremely sceptical of outsiders, preferring a secluded life. The main reason the Monomontachi venture outside their own country is mostly due to their peculiar relation with the Lotus Empire, who tend to demand Monomonto mercenaries and warriors to aid them in their conflicts, invoking the oath the first Shogun made centuries ago.


Geography: The geography of Monomonto is marked by mountainous terrain, rivers and deep forests that can make travel hard. Its unique nature has led to many splintered clans ruling their own eponymous domains in the name of the Shogun, but who are mostly left to their own devices in reality. While there are a lot of different clans, most of the lineages can be traced back to one of the three major clans one way or the other. A fourth, non-traditional power is also throwing its weight in the balance, backed by some smaller clans and families, challenging the other major players.

51865432131_a3a611a47f_o.png   Clan Monomonto - The ruling clan of the Shogunate. They have been the undisputed leaders of the country for centuries and are firmly in power. As a sign of their supposed vassalage to the Lotus Emperor, the mon of clan Monomonto is also a stylized flower.

51865507628_2e5a110a40_o.png   Clan Tori - While not nearly powerful enough to directly challenge the rule of clan Monomonto and the Shogun, clan Tori is the second most powerful and influential clan in the country. They were known to be members of the Imperialist faction during the civil war and are still regarded with suspicion.

51865432111_7e414cf223_o.png   Clan Uchiwara - Ruling over a coastal domain, trade has made the Uchiwara clan rich in more ways than merely monetary. With trade has come knowledge of the outside world and exposure to new ideas and technologies. Perhaps the ways of the Shogunate should make room for something new and the Lotus Empire be renounced?

51865507673_d826cae6ff_o.png   Ikko-Brikki - A semi-religious organization consisting of (warrior) monks, ronin, laymen and commoners united in their belief in and devotion to the Nirvan Emmet. While at first a small sect, this grouping of people from all walks of life has gained considerable power and influence. They seek to rid the Monomonto Shogunate of its rigid class system and bring equality and balance for all, like the Enlightened One had always intended. Such thoughts are deemed highly rebellious by the Shogun and his court and thus the Ikko-Brikki and their allies are considered outlaws.


Monomonto Cities and Towns of note: 

  • Hojo, the capital

Monomonto settlements in New Terra: 

  • None


Diplomatic relations:

51838278124_2879be922c_o.png Corrington: Hostile

51838277904_c83731309b_o.png Oleon: Hostile

51837921401_049bf92167_o.png Eslandola: Indifferent

51838277754_89e8fcd999_o.png Sea Rats: Indifferent

51837921461_a9966155b0_o.png Carno: Hostile

51864137904_aec095ebf7_o.png Lotus Empire: Indifferent - while a military pact exists between both nations, the relations are hardly amicable

51838066898_0ed4fc776d_o.png War: 

  • A state of war exists between the Lotus Empire and Carno over colonial possessions in the New Haven Sea. Due to the pact between the Empire and the Shogunate, this means the Shogunate's relations are also affected.
    • The Monomonto Shogunate is at war with Carno.
    • The Monomonto Shogunate is at war with Corrington.
    • The Monomonto Shogunate is at war with Oleon.

51838693815_30ff78c1e3_o.png Alliances or pacts:

  • 'The Hojo Concordat', the peace treaty and political arrangement signed between the Lotus Empire and Monomonto Shogunate, stipulating military aid sent by Monomonto when the Lotus Emperor demands.

51838312399_319663a585_o.png Vassals:

  • Dranomoto
  • Tendari


Defining characteristics:

Each NPC nation has values for eight primary characteristics set by the leadership for the purposes of understanding the powers of NPC nations. These values are dynamic and may change periodically in response to events in the Brick Seas.

50844073193_914e8430d8_o.png Naval power: • • • • • • • • • •

The navy of the Shogunate is basically non-existent, safe for a very small flotilla used to guard its own waters and keep pirates at bay. It is not nearly the size of the Lotus fleet, nor is it capable of challenging any of the Madrician nations. 

50844886852_3a5f158602_o.png Military power: • • • • • • • • •

While the warrior class of the Shogunate upholds martial traditions and many of its daimyo are military-minded rulers, the Shogunate holds no real international military power or influence. Its samurai rarely venture outside the borders of the Shogunate unless in service to the Lotii Empire. Most of the sporadic fighting happening within the borders of the realm is fought between the personal levee armies of its military leaders. The Shogunate only upholds a very small standing army. During times of war, a larger force is called upon dependent on a feudal system of oaths and tithes. As such, there is little uniformity in dress, equipment or tactics. The military capabilities are powerful enough though to stop neighboring nations from invading and even allow Monomonto itself to exert its will on lesser countries if need be.

50844804541_9880a2f267_o.png Scientific advancement: • • • • • • • • • •

The Monomontachi try to live a spiritual life, in tune with nature. While they are not wholly unschooled in the arts of the science, they undertake little themselves to further their knowledge and depend mostly on information brought in by outsiders or trade contacts.

50844804626_6c99a23270_o.png Political/diplomatic influence: • • • • • • • • • •

Monomonto political influence on global matters is limited at best. Many nations in the north are hardly aware of Monomonto's existence and vice versa. In the south, however, they are one of the major political players and exert a decent amount of influence in Dranomoto and Tendari which are its vassals.

50844886787_ed222827b8_o.png Inner stability: • • • • • • • • •

The Shogunate has been ruled by the same clan for ages and things are unlikely to change for the time being. While not all inhabitants may be satisfied with the way things are in the feudal state, they readily accept their fate and move on with life. Sometimes an ambitious daimyo steps out of line, but is then quickly reprimanded by the Shogun or one of his allied clans, who are keen to expand their own influence and clout at the court. Despite the mountainous terrain having divided the country into many different domains, there is little chaos in the country and people prefer order over instability and uncertainty. While discontent and grudges have slowly been growing amongst several major clans, they haven't gotten serious enough to denounce or challenge the rule of the Monomonto clan.

50844804471_27a053cf34_o.png Treasury/coffers: • • • • • • • • • •

The Shogun maintains a well-run bureaucracy and can count on a steady flow of income to upkeep a small standing army and keep the country running. There is a wealthy middle class of tradesmen, but due to the caste system they do not share the same landowning rights the noble samurai class enjoys.

50844804586_b0780a3365_o.png Exploration: • • • • • • • • •

Monomonto cares little for the world outside the southern peninsula and invest little time or money in exploration. They are vaguely aware of a "New World" and know a bit of the world in the north, but are largely uninterested.

50844073273_1eddbe845c_o.png Cultural advancement: • • • • • • • • •

The people of the Shogunate take great pride in their culture and many traditions and try to elevate all things they do to a perfect art. They are sceptical of outside influences and strive for perfection in everything they do, believing their own traditions superior to all others. They are keen adepts of poetry and theatre, but are also firm lover of architecture - which they try to make as aesthetically pleasing as possible, creating harmony with nature and the world around them.


Known Monomonto personalities and organizations:

51865515723_108ce9f430_o.png Monomonto Otomaru, shogun


Examples of Monomonto builds:

None yet.

Examples of Monomonto troops:

49400845633_8b3e4d4f98_w.jpg Assorted Monomonto mercenaries by @Ayrlego (on the far left; Lotii commander)

49952119208_d03ecfb2a0_w.jpg Various armed Monomontachi by @Khorne

51864374917_825274afe6_w.jpg Ikko-Brikki rabble (peasant rebels and Emmetist warrior-monks) by @Khorne

51865822938_afc2791019_w.jpg Samurai and retinue (ashigaru infantry and Emmetist beggar monk) by @Khorne

51866392990_06ee53f192_w.jpg Clan Uchiwara infantry and samurai noble (wearing shaguma bear wig) by @Khorne



! ALL: Please do not post in this thread. We will continue to make additions. Please post any comments/questions in the Intro Thread here

Edited by Khorne

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