
Corrington: Sign-up and Discussion, Era II

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I've been following BoBS from the sidelines for a while, but I think it's finally time to join, so:

Lawliet James Percival Lavendwood is the third son of the Earl of Wentham. After recieving a proper Corlander education he followed the traditional path of a third son and joined HM Royal Navy as a midshipman at age 12. This was not simply out of convention, for Lawliet had always lusted for adventure and glory, both of which Nova Terra offed.

37535498921_67148e74ac_n.jpgLawliet Lavendwood

Due to his enthusiasm, intelligence, and family connections, Lawliet rose quickly through the ranks in the Home Navy and at age 20 is currently serving as First Lieutenant on the HMS Redoubtable under Rear Admiral Alexander Hood. He spends most of his off-duty time with the upper crust of Belson society, attending balls, feasts, and various coffee houses, while eagerly awaiting his first command. For when that day comes, Lawliet has requested transfer to the Royal New Terran Fleet, where opportunities for fame and prestige abound (even though it will break the heart of many young ladies of Belson’s aristocracy).

37535783481_dd041c1457_z.jpgLawliet serving on the HMS Redoubtable

Lawliet naturally shares the Corlander animosity toward Oleon, but his deepest hatred is reserved for pirates, the disorderly, lawless, uncivilised scum of the Earth, and he hopes to rid the Breakseas of this scourge for good.

Lawliet is joined by his second brother Hugo who disappointed their Lord Father by not entering law school and instead founded a small business: "Lavendwood Commercial Trading Agricultural and Manufacturing Enterprise Limited". He is mostly focused on trade but will also invest in property in Corrington’s new colonies.

23683377308_2991a3a39a.jpgHugo Lavendwood handing out instructions

I'm unfortunately a poor university student so I will be mostly working with LDD and may not always have the time to participate, but I will do my best. Also, since I'm new to both Eurobricks and BoBS I might have to bother you with some questions.

Edited by Flavius Gratian

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A warm welcome young sir! You show an impressive introduction and armed forces! I'm glad you also despise those lawless scum that deal in piracy.


It seems there are a growing number of poor university students in Corrington, not to worry it will be rewarding at the end (at least that's what I tell myself).

Edited by Spud The Viking

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Now if that is not an impressive first post, I do not know what could be. :pir-grin:


Your characters backstory is interesting. It offers some strong plot points, but leaves enough freedom for development in almost any direction. I really like it. Same goes for your builds. Are those parts of something bigger, or "only" the vignetttes shown? The second shot in particular catched my eye: I imagine it being part of a much larger and very impressive ship. Does that ship exist as a whole? I would love to see it.


You also seem to have quite the minifig collection for this, I'm jealous!


As another recently joined Corlander - I'm instantly not the youngest anymore, right? - my welcome and best wishes go to you. Ask your questions, the lot down here is friendly and supportive at all times. I hope to see more from you soon!

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1 hour ago, Spud The Viking said:

A warm welcome young sir! You show an impressive introduction and armed forces! I'm glad you also despise those lawless scum that deal in piracy.


Thank you! It's good to know there are more citizens in our orderly nation who realise what a pest they are

19 minutes ago, Drunknok said:

Now if that is not an impressive first post, I do not know what could be. :pir-grin:

Your characters backstory is interesting. It offers some strong plot points, but leaves enough freedom for development in almost any direction. 

Thank you very much! Hopefully I'll be able to lead my story somewhere interesting

19 minutes ago, Drunknok said:

Does that ship exist as a whole? I would love to see it.

Sadly, I have to disappoint you! It's just a vignette, and some clever (at least I pretend they are) angles. Though I will admit it was a paint to get the lighting good enough so you could see under the deck.

Edited by Flavius Gratian

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1 hour ago, Flavius Gratian said:

 For when that day comes, Lawliet has requested transfer to the Royal New Terran Fleet, where opportunities for fame and prestige abound (even though it will break the heart of many young ladies of Belson’s aristocracy).

"Farewell and adieu to you, Belson Ladies
Farewell and adieu to you, ladies not plain;
For we've received orders for to sail for East Prio
But we hope in a short time to see you again"

Welcome aboard Lieutenant Lavendwood!

1 hour ago, Flavius Gratian said:

Lawliet naturally shares the Corlander animosity toward Oleon, but his deepest hatred is reserved for pirates, the disorderly, lawless, uncivilised scum of the Earth, and he hopes to rid the Breakseas of this scourge for good.

Wait! What?!  That is some uncalled for character assassination right there.  Us pirates are some of the most honest people on the seas.  Sea Rats freely admit that we'll swipe all your stuff if we can and we smile while doing it; those nasty, greedy, tricksy Eslandolans on the other hand hide behind rules and laws when they take your things.  You best watch out for those sniveling scoundrels.  The Corrie leadership should straighten out this young officer before he disgraces the service any more with such ignorant talk! :pir-grin:

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28 minutes ago, Kwatchi said:

"Farewell and adieu to you, Belson Ladies
Farewell and adieu to you, ladies not plain;
For we've received orders for to sail for East Prio
But we hope in a short time to see you again"

Welcome aboard Lieutenant Lavendwood!

Haha! Thats very good! :grin: Thank you!


28 minutes ago, Kwatchi said:

Sea Rats freely admit that we'll swipe all your stuff if we can and we smile while doing it

I rest my case! To be clear I didn't accuse all Sea Rats as I understand there is some distiction between free traders and actual pirates (though Lawliet may consider it to be minimal). I can promise I won't persecute Sea Rat ships indiscriminately, as some factions are apparently want to do, although the Dark Bishop of Charlatan Bay should perhaps fear being put on trial for even more heinous crimes :wink:

Edited by Flavius Gratian

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Welcome @Flavius Gratian! Glad to get some more Corries. Great intro build too, can't wait to see what you come up with.

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Would the young lieutenant care to listen to Dearji the Windsong sing of the Triuri?
"Tlachd nas beatha bainne a' toirt nis Daoingeir,
Triuri an fhirinn torrach na h-ùrach tachair. . . ."

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49 minutes ago, Kwatchi said:

"Farewell and adieu to you, Belson Ladies
Farewell and adieu to you, ladies not plain;
For we've received orders for to sail for East Prio
But we hope in a short time to see you again"

Instant classic! Well done, Kwatchi! :thumbup:


And welcome to BoBS Flavius Gratian / Lt. Lavendwood. Your shipboard vig is fantastic, and the young lieutenant's story sets the stage well for adventures to come!

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Welcome Flavius/Lavenwood to the great country of Corrington. I look forward to your future adventures in the Eastern Seas!

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To Lieutenant Lavendwood, First of HMS Redoubtable

Your request for transfer to the Terra Novan Fleet has been approved and you shall soon receive orders to join the next vessel going east. The Terra Novan Fleet has need of young enterprising officers, and you will certainly find opportunity to distinguish yourself and bring glory to her majesty and the Royal Navy.

Rear-admiral Fletcher

Commander-in-chief, Royal Terra Novan Fleet

 OOC : Welcome aboard, sir! We will be looking forward to following your adventures - you are of course always welcome to ask any questions you may have - I am certain you will find BoBs a friendly community!

Also nice builds and great backstory. I particularly like the one on the deck of the ship!

A little heads up: The first round of the new MRCA (ship game) starts on the 10th, so if you get a vessel ready by then, you can join in that. Your first class 1 or 2 vessel is free.


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Just now, Bregir said:

To Lieutenant Lavendwood, First of HMS Redoubtable

Your request for transfer to the Terra Novan Fleet has been approved and you shall soon receive orders to join the next vessel going east. The Terra Novan Fleet has need of young enterprising officers, and you will certainly find opportunity to distinguish yourself and bring glory to her majesty and the Royal Navy.

Rear-admiral Fletcher

Commander-in-chief, Royal Terra Novan Fleet

Lawliet finished reading the letter with a smile, finally the day was on the horizon! Though he felt a sliver of sadness leaving all his friends and shipmates behind, the calling of the New World filled him with exitement!

Thank you all for your warm welcome! I certainly feel happy to join the community!

6 minutes ago, Bregir said:

A little heads up: The first round of the new MRCA (ship game) starts on the 10th, so if you get a vessel ready by then, you can join in that. Your first class 1 or 2 vessel is free.

I actually have a ship prepared that will be posted soon, I'm looking forward to participate and earn some doubloons!

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Welcome Lieutenant Landwood to this wonderfull new world!

If MAESTRO can help you in your endeavours, we would be more than happy to do so!

Kind regards,

Lord Maximilian Damaximus, CEO of MAESTRO, Duke of Stedor, Governor of La Sombra & Prince of Garvey

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@Flavius Gratian A warm welcome (although obviously on the wrong side)! We are happy to grab your money serve you again in Belson where the drinks are cool and the ladies hot!

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Corrington is appointing new officers for the growing Royal Terra Novan Navy!


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On 10/6/2017 at 1:42 PM, Flavius Gratian said:

Lawliet naturally shares the Corlander animosity toward Oleon,

Welcome aboard, even if you are a Corry. :pir-tongue:
Your name has been added to the  Account Summary.

On 10/6/2017 at 1:42 PM, Flavius Gratian said:

Also, since I'm new to both Eurobricks and BoBS I might have to bother you with some questions.

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions. :thumbup:

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7 hours ago, Phred said:

Your name has been added to the  Account Summary.


I guess it is just an oversight soon to be corrected: I can not find myself in the account summary. See this post for my characters introduction.

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1 hour ago, Drunknok said:


I guess it is just an oversight soon to be corrected: I can not find myself in the account summary. See this post for my characters introduction.

My apologies.  You're added now.  Everything will be good to go once the sheets have been refreshed. :thumbup:

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No worries, I just wanted to set things right. Thank you for the quick response!

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