
Eurobricks Counts
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Everything posted by rodiziorobs

  1. rodiziorobs

    PAB Cups: What Did You Get?

    Stopped my mine (Murray, UT, USA) on Thurs specifically to get some of the tri-leaf piece I've seen posted here, but sadly they were all out; the manager said they hadn't had them in weeks and didn't know when they would get more. I did manage to snag some of the newer 1x1 round flowers in pale blue and 1x1 pink flowers with stem, along with a bunch of other useful but non-specific parts. Not the haul I was hoping for, but worth the trip nonetheless.
  2. rodiziorobs

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Found myself watching John Carter (of Mars) the other night, and realized I was watching another Mark Strong gig. Also began watching I am Legend before it gets pulled from Netflix next month. Never seen it, not too far into it, but its pretty good so far.
  3. rodiziorobs

    What sort of light is best for building?

    I would suspect not; most of that damage comes from UV light, which daylight bulbs do not produce. The LEDs merely simulate the brightness and luminescence of sunlight.
  4. rodiziorobs

    What sort of light is best for building?

    Daylight LED bulbs are the way to go, IMO, for light quality. Incandescent can be good, but there is a lot of variation from type to type. They might be easier on your eyes if you're working for a long time--I notice sometimes the brightness of the daylights can cause a bit of eye strain if I spend hours poring over a project. I would avoid fluorescents competely.
  5. rodiziorobs

    MOC: The Walrus explorer....

    The walrus looks like a Fabuland bigfig. I'm not sure that was intentional, but it is perfect. The penguins are great too.
  6. rodiziorobs

    [Moc] Serpensortia

    I'm not usually a huge HP fan, but this is a really well done scene, the details are fantastic but don't overshadow the overall effect. ...But what manner of sorcery did you use to direct Harry's arm?
  7. rodiziorobs

    [MOC] Medieval Trade Cog

    The build seems simple enough when you show the "how it's built" shot, but the shape of the hull flows so well it seems like it should be more complicated. The sail is very well executed, and it has a definite charm that fits right in with our collective AFOL nostalgia.
  8. rodiziorobs

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Since I last posted I've managed to sneak out to the theaters three times: twice for Endgame, and once for Shazam! and enjoyed both very much. I've also managed to see at home both of the RDJ Sherlock Holmeses, and some Benedict Cumbermahoozit Sherlock as well. I realize that means I've doubled down on a few key actors/characters (those mentioned plus Mark Strong) but that was unintentional.
  9. rodiziorobs

    [PROLOGUE] Fire Safety

    This is one of the things I miss the most not having an active AG campaign going on: those laugh-out-loud, embarrass-myself-at-work moments while reading your weekly adventures. I love your brilliant building and delightfully absurd stories.
  10. rodiziorobs

    Latest impact of other themes on historic themes

    I just saw the Beauxbatons carriage on The Brick Fan, and it has a bunch of good stuff, including the pegasuseses, a bunch of gold bits including lanterns, etc, all in a nice package that isn't a bad deal MSRP. I'm not really a HP guy, but I know a good parts pack when I see it.
  11. rodiziorobs

    [MOC] Haunted House Ride - April 26th Update

    Already this feels comfortably nestled in with my memories of real-world theme park haunted houses (Disneyland, etc) and digital ones like RollerCoaster Tycoon. Love it! Looking forward to how this develops...
  12. rodiziorobs

    [MOC] Iron

    You definitely nailed the retro-astro-mechanical look here (not exactly steampunk, but there's some overlap) and I love it. The piping along the bottom edge, the iron-clad warship look to it--so many wonderful details, while keeping a unique and almost whimsical overall shape.
  13. rodiziorobs

    [MOC] SPACEship

    Not at all what I expected to see when I came reminds me of the Alphabet Fighters! contests FBTB has held in years previous...but on a much larger scale of building than was usually seen there. Very whimsical and creative, and very well done
  14. rodiziorobs

    [MOC] Cheese Shop

    Now you've gone and made me hungry! (Luckily I have some gouda in the fridge...) The colors everywhere are really well balanced, and the cheese shop is very charming. My biggest complaint would be that the counters are too tall, so other details such as the balance seem out of place because they are so high. And thanks to everyone in this thread for the Python and Asterix jokes..
  15. rodiziorobs

    [BSBA] Cat A - Benny's Space Groomer

    The Bennification is quite complete! And I love that you took time to include homage to the classic set. GL in the contest!
  16. rodiziorobs

    Temple Of Poseidon

    The details on the temple ruins are really well done and cohesive--the damaged sediment, and the color variance especially. The characters are all well placed, and the addition of the diving bell is nice.
  17. rodiziorobs

    [MOC] Humans of Layers City

    I liked the interior--the restaurant in particular is top-notch stuff--but the exterior is soooo full of detail everywhere. The abundance of stickers and decals and they way the all mash noisily together really contrasts with the streamlined glamour of the upper tier and the bleakness of the underground. Fantastic work here from top to bottom!
  18. rodiziorobs

    [MOC]Atlan's Throne

    The studs-out look on the base tentacles works really well with the shapes you have created. The columns and ornamentation behind the throne are also perfect--grandiose enough to fit in, but not overwhelm.
  19. rodiziorobs

    Proper Layering of Baseplates

    I have had some success compartmentalizing large builds using smaller baseplates (16x16, or 32x16) and lining the edges with Technic bricks to connect them with friction pins. Usually the bowing effect on the smaller plates is negligible, and you can connect on top of the seams with regular bricks/plates/tiles okay. (probably not long bricks like 16x1 though--they tend to cause all kind of tolerance issues). You end up with, in effect, a thick baseplate, but you can put SNOT bricks around the outer edge to add decoration later.
  20. rodiziorobs

    What was the last movie you watched?

    I just finished moving, and am not even close to unpacked yet, but managed to get a temporary movie setup put together to watch some things that have been on my list. Aquaman, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Haven't seen much of Jason Momoa before, and while I am not convinced he is a great actor, he has undeniable screen presence and charisma. The rest of the cast and the effects and the occasionally bonkers nature of the film was great, and it absolutely stuck the landing. At times it felt like a 90's action movie, and I mean that in a loving way. I might even choose to own this one. Wreck it Ralph 2, which was overall good. A few laugh-out-loud gags here and there, and more than a few jokes that didn't quite land. I feel that in even a short time it will all feel pretty dated, but it was a fairly solid watch. Edit: I also rewatched Hail, Caesar! this week, and I love that movie more with each watch. It's still far from a perfect movie, but there are so many nuanced bits I could watch it almost any time.
  21. rodiziorobs

    [MOC] Cozy Cottage

    I love the natural color variation in the brick, and the shaping of the brown 'wood' framing around it, but those bluebells are a solid win and I've never seen anything like them. Fantastic build!
  22. rodiziorobs

    [MOC] Dark Lord

    Ha, ha, I love it! I don't know what I was expecting when I followed the link, but it is so cool, absolutely dripping with style. The small details (I also get a Fright Knights vibe from it) fill it out nicely, and the lighting effect really finishes the whole look.
  23. rodiziorobs

    [MOC] Medieval Tower by the Sea

    Nicely done, my favorite part is how the stone steps have been worked into the rocky base, and where they join the dock.
  24. rodiziorobs

    Techniques for receded guns?

    Do you have any pictures you could link to or embed? I think a lot of people around here would be willing to help flesh out a design if we knew specifically what look you were going for.