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Everything posted by Henjin_Quilones

  1. Henjin_Quilones

    Fungal Road - The Lion's Eye Chapter 6 - Freebuild

    I like the mushrooms here, especially the big pink ones. The sentient fungus is also cleverly done. The base itself is a bit rough, but it conveys what it needs to convey and tells the story. I look forward to reading more of it soon!
  2. Henjin_Quilones

    Flockwood's forgery

    Nice forge! I particularly like the floor of the forge itself. Good job putting a bellows, a quenching bucket, and other small details in the limited space. I look forward to seeing more of the village around the spring!
  3. Henjin_Quilones

    Apple Picking

    Lovely orchard scene, SK! I feel like the trees are a bit too square in the trunk, but beyond that they look nice. The squirrels are a good try, but as someone else said they come up a bit short, mostly because there's only so much you can do at this scale! They get the idea across very clearly but seem too pixelated next to a minifig.
  4. Henjin_Quilones

    On Shifting Sands

    Awesome tower/spire! The smooth construction is excellent, needing no embellishments. It contrasts nicely with the rough-textured terrain. Also, good job filling in the saddle of the horse to avoid the hole-in-the-horse syndrome. I do feel like the transition from studs-up to SNOT on the edges of the base could be done more smoothly, but I am not sure how. Maybe if it were another stud deeper, it would allow for more subtle shaping.
  5. Henjin_Quilones

    Walls of Crasonne

    Just lovely, SK! The different angles are exceptional here, and the organic way the walls and arches and towers seem to flow together is top-notch. This seems like how a city's defenses would grow and develop over the years; less a result of careful planning and more spontaneous. The narrow streets are a great detail, too. I only wish that we could see more pictures of the back or down below (I did check out Brickbuilt) to further appreciate it. The contrast between the smooth walls and the studded terrain is nice, though the walls almost seem too smooth for me. But the arrow slits are superb! A great section of castle; now go build the rest of it!
  6. Henjin_Quilones

    Challenge II: Category A - Relief

    The sledge is nice, and the snow looks great, but I must echo what others have said about too much base. The tree in the back is nice, too.
  7. Henjin_Quilones

    Challenge II: Category A: Grain for Arkbri Orcs

    I like the herd of goats, but those trees are my favorite part for sure. Nice use of the prefab piece in making the trunk. The Star Wars helmet works well here, too!
  8. Henjin_Quilones

    Challenge II - Category C - Campfire Conversation

    Nicely lit campfire, and the tree is very nice for this setting, too. The lighting is of course the main detail here.
  9. Henjin_Quilones

    Challenge II: Category C: Plotting in Barqa

    Lovely build, Gideon! The colors are nice and muted, as one might expect in the desert, and the use of the lighting is excellent. I'm considering getting me some 3rd party lighting systems so that I can light up chandeliers and other hanging lights. The arch between the two main buildings is my favorite part, followed closely by the very nice balcony with the spy. The printed arch over the shrine seems a bit out of place here, though, and I think it would look better without it.
  10. Henjin_Quilones

    Calcio in Illyrian [Challenge 2B]

    The crowd is nice, and the game looks fun. A few things that could use some work, I think, are the lack of windows already noted, as well as the way the lines on the field are raised above the surface by a stud. I think it would have looked better to have them on a level with the rest of the field. The fact that one goal is smaller than the other looks like a classic Varlyrian ploy to skew the betting, though, and is great even if accidental. As a minor note, N'ri is not from Mwamba, but an island just a bit to the north of Mwamba; his politics should not be seen as any commentary on the people of Mwamba, who have remained out of Historican politics altogether (aside from helping Henjin and Galaria build a new home, but that's not really political).
  11. I'm glad I don't work with any gnomes of this sort! The story is perfectly written, and the contraption is delightfully designed. The chains and gears are all nice touches, as are the various wheels to open up pipes and steam valves. Good work!
  12. Henjin_Quilones

    Don't Cry

    The leaning and uneven structures around the edges create a very unique room. The figs and the colors are all nicely done, but the whole thing seems just a bit too ramshackle for my tastes - I'd constantly be worrying about it falling down!
  13. Henjin_Quilones

    The Road West

    I love that hay cart. The angled sides and the pile of droid arms look just perfect. I'm not a big fan of the bright green and olive green together, but it's not the worst. The bright green seems to stand out awkwardly from the otherwise muted color scheme. I like the posing and the structure of the figs and building.
  14. Henjin_Quilones

    CHALLENGE II: Category B: Samhradh in Benoic

    Lovely Avalonian countryside scene! I like all the details of the celebrations, especially all of the food on the tables and the Maypole. The pastoral nature of the scene is quite peaceful. Nicely done!
  15. Henjin_Quilones

    CHALLENGE II: Category A: High Ridge Gates

    The contrast between the smooth gate area and the unhewn rough rockwork is fitting, even if the latter is a bit too rough for my tastes. The gate looks good, though, and I particularly like the jumper plates in the top corners for detail. It is fittingly dwarven in appearance.
  16. Henjin_Quilones

    Challenge II: Category A: A new hops

    Nice looking brewery action here. I like the sacks of ingredients as well as all of the barrels around, making it look like they are actually doing something, rather than just standing around. It also looks suitably dwarven and subterranean - it was a good thought to leave the ceiling irregular for that reason.
  17. Henjin_Quilones

    A mercenary's story: Part VI

    Good job getting the story told! The build itself is simple, but gets the job done. If I were to critique it, I would suggest that the ground would look better with smaller chunks of dark tan and brown to make it more uniform, rather than the large wedges of each.
  18. Henjin_Quilones

    A mercenary's story: Part V

    Great job showing Conrad growing up. The golem is well integrated into the cliff, and the attack scene is well posed.
  19. Henjin_Quilones

    Wolfpack Keep

    The set on which I presume you loosely based this build was my absolute favorite childhood castle set. The Wolfpack was always my faction of choice, by far my favorite crew. They typically joined with the foresters against the Black Knights and Black Falcons that I had... The features are pretty cool, but I have to say the black is just a little too black for me; that is, it is too overpowering. It might just be me, though, since I generally don't favor black as a castle-building color. Your pictures look great, though, considering that it is a black structure and those are always a beast to capture on camera.
  20. Henjin_Quilones

    Bath-house in Barqa [Ch II Cat C]

    The atmosphere is certainly exotic, and that is nice, and the fig posing is top-notch. It looks like a great venue for scheming and spying, too. As others have said, using regular blue for both the water and floor tiles is a visually confusing choice, though the patterns in the floor are nice. Changing one of the blues would be the best solution, I think.
  21. Henjin_Quilones

    Avalonia Book III task II and Task III part 1

    A lovely little cottage, and the farm around looks good, too! The roof looks surprisingly good, even if it is a bit ambiguous whether it is shingles or thatch. Perhaps it is more like turf or something like that. Nice job with foliage clumping, keeping similar things together to aid the visual processing.
  22. Henjin_Quilones

    Opening of the PrenmĂ´r Quarry

    I like the humble beginnings of your quarry, and it is much easier to build it at this stage than when it is huge... fewer pieces are needed to show the whole thing. The workers look good, and I like the exposed studs on the blocks indicating that they are ready to be used to build something! Have you created an HSS entry yet? If not, you should.
  23. Henjin_Quilones

    Taming the Wild One

    The indoor scene is nice, and the outdoor is not bad. I think what the others suggest is good, though. It is not necessarily a problem to have lots of hues of green in a build (I count at least four or five in yours), but if you are going to do so, it is important to arrange them so you don't end up with a visually disorganized and chaotic result. I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again, but lots of colors on a small footprint ends up looking messy, because there is too much going on. Subtracting a few makes everything else look a bit sharper and clearer. In this build, I would cut out the small amount of olive and sand green, keeping only the dark green and the regular green. You already have the dark grey for rocks and light grey for the bridge (with only a bit of dark in a few spots) so that is good. If you could use dark brown for the dirt and only use reddish brown for the trees trunks, that would also help. That said, I love the action shots. You are getting very good at posing figs to show the action ongoing, especially the one where the Wild One is falling off of the bridge, and you show him in mid-air before hitting the water. Few builders illustrate their stories with pictures as effectively as you do, so keep it up! I love your stories, even with their hyper-abundance of commas, so keep them coming, too.
  24. Don't pollute the rivers of Avalonia with that kind of swill! If you are going to dump it, dump it in Nocturnus. They would not even notice the difference in their swamps. Or else dump it in the deserts of Kaliphlin; nothing lives there anyway to be harmed. And the locals there would love to have something, anything, to drink!
  25. Henjin_Quilones

    CHALLENGE II: Category B: Mophet ostrich racing

    The idea is great, and the execution of the race scene itself is excellently composed. However, I think it struggles visually from too many colors and overall flatness. Of course, a racetrack would be flat, but I think there could be more built up around the track, especially in the back. And the greys and tans and dark orange mixed in everywhere jumbles everything together a bit and makes it look too busy. Trying to keep them separated more distinctly could help sharpen the presentation. My favorite detail is the tree in the back right corner with the whip-vines.