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Everything posted by pittpenguin123

  1. pittpenguin123

    LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors

    Many Brickshowthans died to bring us this information. totally agree sheds, he was a huge scalper. Did you ever see the advice rarely he gave to people in comments "Buy every set you can, buy out the local stores stock, and then resell it" I love the way that imperial tank looks.
  2. pittpenguin123

    TLG and The Princess

    your kidding only one rey?
  3. pittpenguin123

    LEGO Dimensions Discussion

    nah im good, I get enough from hatfilms and Lewis enough already
  4. pittpenguin123

    LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors

    not to mention a big scalper. I dont think lego should give sets free to resellers. Im really excited for w K-250. Some thing disappointing is that there is no regular shore-trooper because I didnt think they had a blue arm in the leaked photo of the shore trooper. My wallet is dieing
  5. pittpenguin123

    TLG and The Princess

    Not where i live only have traitors. They dont stock figures well.
  6. pittpenguin123

    [MOC] RZ-1 A-wing interceptor

    That B-Wing is awesome
  7. pittpenguin123

    Updating Your Minifigs

    Im not sure the oldman han hair is the best. Sadly only would look accurate with a new mold, but will never happen.
  8. pittpenguin123

    What's your purchase plan for next month?

    Go in debt then and then go in debt more buying the tie vs a wing, at-te, summer vacation camper set, poes old x wing (not old set, but the new set) so poes old new x wing.
  9. pittpenguin123

    fake lego sets....i bought 3 of them

    Hope you wernt around the smoke.
  10. pittpenguin123

    LEGO Dimensions Discussion

    no E3 logo any where on it strange
  11. GG guys you gotg the thread locked. (Looking at you sauron) Another reason whyfanbases suck, they are always split and always fight over what's better (looking at you starwars and sonic fanbase)

  12. pittpenguin123

    Benny's Classic Space mansion and town car - 75930 / 70906 MODs

    I picture Benny having a retro future car like in fallout. Not sure if its possible in bricks
  13. pittpenguin123

    MOCk the Police!

    Can't decide if the farm police or potty police is better
  14. pittpenguin123

    Star Wars sets anyone?

    only one man is crazy enough to buy them.
  15. pittpenguin123

    UCS R2-D2 modification to R5-D4

    Awesome! Did the guy who made chopper post instructions? because you should go for chopper too. Can never have to many droids.
  16. Also the prototype is not the same size as Vader's tie
  17. pittpenguin123

    Star Wars Constraction 2016 Discussion

    Reshotting is good. I rather wait longer and get a better movie.
  18. pittpenguin123

    DC Superheroes 2016 - Rumors and Discussion

    Why what did some one do to delta?
  19. pittpenguin123

    Disney Collectible Minifigures Series 1 Discussion

    Tune in next week on is cm4si trolling or leaking!
  20. GG guys you gotg the thread locked. (Looking at you sauron) Another reason why canvases suck, they are always split and always fight over what's better (looking at you starwars and sonic fanbase)

  21. pittpenguin123

    LEGO Dimensions Discussion

    They took off M*A*S*H* too. No way to watch it now unless i buy a 80 buck box set
  22. pittpenguin123

    LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors

    yey, Finally a cheap way to get BB-8
  23. pittpenguin123

    DC Superheroes 2016 - Rumors and Discussion

    a flame isnt the best idea. lock the chain into a drill chuck like it was a bit and turn on the drill and pull on the fig. friction will create just enough heat to get free but not damdge it.